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The Greatest Salesman in the World

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Greatest Salesman in the World , please sign up. I can't find it. Syed Zaheer Download link.

The Greatest Salesman in the World

See all 5 questions about The Greatest Salesman in the World…. Lists with This Book. Jan 02, John added it. At first, I turned away from this book because of the title. I assumed it was a guide to exploitation and hoarding. Actually, it's a spiritual book. There's even a whole chapter on love. But throughout it is also about sales. A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk. A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle. A cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine. A cut of sheep's hair touched with At first, I turned away from this book because of the title.

A cut of sheep's hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment for a king. If it is possible for leaves and clay and wood and hair to have their value multiplied a hundred, yea a thousandfold by man, cannot I do the same with the clay which bears my name? Here's one about limiting factors: Mar 15, Pete Grondin rated it it was amazing.

Greatest Salesman In The World : Og Mandino :

I listened to the audio book and was surprised. I was expecting a high intensity instruction book on selling and closing the sale. As you all know, or should learn, is that The Greatest Salesman in the World is miles away from that perception. I am reading the first scroll now, and am on day If you've read the book, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, you should.

Bestselling Series

It's an easy read. It has the potential to change your life. View all 6 comments. Jun 01, Marty Ritz rated it it was amazing. I've been reading this book for the last 2. What I thought was good about this book was scroll 1. Scroll 1 gave the secret to changing everything in your life, so I read it over and over and over again.

I then read scrolls 2- 10 as a result of reading scroll 1. I read each of them over and over and over again, as a result of reading scroll 1. I've been repeating this process over and over again and what I've come to the conclusion of is this; there is much val I've been reading this book for the last 2. I've been repeating this process over and over again and what I've come to the conclusion of is this; there is much value in the Habit you create when you read this book in the prescribed way the book says to read it.

I now have 3 blocks of time set aside during the day, everyday, which I did not have before I started reading this book. Now that's of value! View all 8 comments. To be fair, Christian books live in a weird universe when it comes to criticism. Late in the read, the Apostle Paul—yeah, Paul from the New Testament—shows up and gets these 10 secrets of success scrolls from Hafid.

Not because God worked through him, but because Paul learned these 10 fancypants scrolls. But this is what irks me: Sure, God cares about your desires and dreams and who He made you to be. Hebrews 11 lists a bunch of faithful people in the Bible. It says a peculiar thing about them listing verse 13 here, but verses also cover it: They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.

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Again, God likes hard work, a successful business can be a blessing, and yeah, The Greatest Salesman in the World advocates giving to the poor, but all of this is rather short sighted. One star and boot across the room. View all 12 comments. Jul 15, Richard rated it it was amazing. Probably the most inspiring book i've ever read. This is written by a guy who had the most difficult life, as a travelling salesman, he experienced some serious difficulties and became an alcoholic, lost his wife and became homeless.

He picked himself up, became a writer and achieved huge success. I was reading it at a very challenging time, when I was selling books door-to-door over a summer at University and I absorbed the principles of the book. It gave me motivation when I was struggling to co Probably the most inspiring book i've ever read. It gave me motivation when I was struggling to continue knocking on doors.

It helps one to develop all the character traits needed to be a success in any market. It, together with the experience at the time, has changed my life Apr 01, Jean Marie Angelo rated it it was amazing Shelves: I read this book 25 years ago on a business trip to Chicago. Not beverage service, turbulence, nor a thunderstorm could get me to look up from it. I think I read it in a day. The flight attendant asked about it at the end of the flight. Mandino gets pigeon-holed for being an "inspirational" writer, which takes in down a notch in some literary circles.

It is a shame. He writes very gripping stories about the spritual truths that we all confront. Apr 09, Andrew rated it it was amazing. WOW, only pages but not one word was wasted. There is something about these older books that just blow my mind. It was in the 60's and written about B. If you vision it, if you are positive, if you act, if you keep trying, if you give back, Find your goal and never give up.

Dec 28, Joy rated it liked it. This book had lots of great information, but it was told in a story setting that annoyed me. I'd prefer just a list. When the book was written in , Og Mandino was the most widely read inspirational ansd self-help author in the world. He believed that "failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeeed is strong enough. Today I begin a new life. I will greet the day with love in my heart. I will persist until I succ This book had lots of great information, but it was told in a story setting that annoyed me.

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I will persist until I succeed. I am nature's greatest miracle. I will live this day as if is my last. Today I will be master of my emotions. I will laugh at the world. Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. I will act now. I will pray for guidance. Self-help books remind me of New Year's resolutions. It's good to have goals but the test comes in the follow-through. I found this book brilliant, profound in its message and yet simple in its delivery. It is one of those life-changing books that one can take as much or as little from, but cannot claim to be untouched by its message in some way.

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Although a short read in page numbers, this is not a quick read. It needs time, patience, a clear mind and a highlighter! This book was recommended to me by a dear friend and I am immensely grateful. I must add that I do not work in sales so the title puzzled me at firs I found this book brilliant, profound in its message and yet simple in its delivery. I must add that I do not work in sales so the title puzzled me at first.

Rest assured, this book is the story about a salesman, but is certainly not confined to sales or any one group of people for that matter.

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It is almost a manual to living a superb life, explained through a series of scrolls. I highly recommend this read to all my friends. View all 3 comments. Apr 18, Eric rated it it was amazing Shelves: There are three books that I read on a yearly basis: As a profession, I am not a salesman. I have never really been a salesman. That's not the reason to read this book Dec 28, Justin rated it really liked it. Thankfully, Mandino saved it for the last chapter, allowing the reader to get through the great messages and mantras without depending on one's religious lean feeling betrayed.

Except for the Gospel lesson, this was a great and well-written story that will be like a reference book anytime I catch myself lacking courage, motivation, or laughter. Jul 30, Sonja Arlow rated it liked it Shelves: A friend gave me this book and I finished it in about an hour. Its short and to the point however the ritualistic requirements for the practices in the book is not really my cup of tea. The wisdom each scroll c A friend gave me this book and I finished it in about an hour. The wisdom each scroll contains is nothing new but perhaps we all need to sometimes be reminded that we are smart, capable and worthy of the things we desire in our lives and that bad times will always pass.

Sep 12, Julie Eddy rated it it was amazing. The story is simple, yet fascinating. Mandino uses a wonderful tale to catch your attention, to teach and, in the end, to blow your mind. I will admit, I'm not the best at self-promoting. I didn't read this to find any "tips. What I found were truths that will help one through life. No surprises in revealing the 10 ways to change your life, but the surprise is revealed in the story.

I encourage readers to take the journey to finding out exactly WHO is the greatest salesman in the world??? Aug 07, Stu Morgan rated it it was amazing. Want to improve something, anything in your life? That usually involves changing habits. This short classic parable has helped inspire many people with a heart warming story and ten scrolls, each with a short but very important lesson. In Mandino's story, the inheritors of the scrolls are told they must read each scroll morning, noon, and night for thirty days before moving to the next scroll.

By doing so, the principals in each scroll become a habit. The message is powerful. Want to make a chan Want to improve something, anything in your life? Want to make a change, sustained repetition is the answer. Unemployed and soul searching? Want to get in shape? Having a hard time getting organized? Just want to be inspired? Read the or so sparse pages through quickly or listen to the audio book while on a long trip alone, turn off the cell phone. You may be inspired to read each scroll thrice daily for thirty days - it will make a great positive change in your life.

Containing the basic principles of life, simple but powerful, this short book can change a person's life if he applies these principles properly. I admired each word of the book, as I admire the author's biography and how he led his life through pain and misery to joy and success. Jul 26, Sam Funderburk rated it it was amazing Shelves: An incredible story that contains anecdotes for success in it's pages.

The author set the tone beginning with a storyline that sets up his opportunity to put forth 10 daily habits to encompass in your daily work. Then he closes the storyline with a beautiful ending tying it all together. He stated this book as being one of his insp An incredible story that contains anecdotes for success in it's pages.

He stated this book as being one of his inspirations for his career and success. I am normally not influenced by statements of the famous, but after reading the synopsis I was intrigued. I'm glad I was. Thank you Matthew and I wish you continued success in career, but more importantly life. Aug 11, Tihomir rated it it was amazing Shelves: It was one of the greatest book that ever read. I'm very excited about the story. The book wasn't only related to the sells.

It also contains a lot of wisdom how to improve your life and how to become more excellent in everything you do. I will read that book every year! Jul 27, Apokripos rated it liked it Recommends it for: To those who really want a positive change in their life. How his journey can also be yours. What they contain are enduring principles on how to improve your life, how the world works and how you can overcome obstacles real or imagined. Each scroll is designed as a meditation—daily affirmation—and to take full advantage, readers should take one chapter at a time and read it daily for a month before moving on to the next.

The instructions are to read Scroll I Chapter 8 three times a day for thirty days straight. His primary message was to "do it now". In the marking of Scroll IX, "I will act now" is written 18 times. While his messages did have Christian undertones by referring to Paul as the greatest salesman in the world , it was still a message of repetitive actions to build good habits.

Actor Matthew McConaughey cited this book as having changed his life. You cannot eat from sunrise to sunset or drink or play or make love. Work is not your enemy but your friend. If all manners of labor were forbidden to thee you would fall to your knees and beg an early death. The book is widely derided by many as "Christian propaganda," as Hafid is widely considered a stand-in for Jesus Christ, or possibly Paul.

This is a sequel to Mandino's bestselling book, published in and set forty years later than the first part; the main character Hafid is in a sad state, mourning the loss of his wife, Lisha. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.