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It was a warm summer afternoon at a local craft show where we were displaying our own products. It wasn't long after our initial meeting that we became very close where our commonality from our shared glass crafts brought forward to become very good friends. And, it was from this friendship that we first met his wife. She was a woman who didn't hold to false pretenses, a woman who gave freely of her warmth, a woman who extended her own personality to be inviting and gracious.

Their home together was a growing reflection of what they both wanted having started with a house that needed a lot of tender loving care. A house that became a home, a lovely home where flowers adorned her garden painstakingly planted with his help.

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There was talk of what they would do next, what they would do upon her retirement which was only a few years away. There was always a strong sense of partnership and love. Life's Ups and Downs Life is never fair but for all its ups and downs, we were privileged to have shared what time we knew her if only for a few short years. And, it wasn't as if she had been ill for some time, or had any signs of ill health other than a terrible flu. If she had been ill for a long time, we may have been able to steel our minds in preparation for her passing that is if anyone can be really prepared for someone's inevitable death.

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But, this was so sudden - no warning signs of impending danger and death. We will not forget her - she is forever captured in our hearts and our fond memories.

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Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls. Beagle, The Last Unicorn.

Wisdom is a form of power. Lacking knowledge of the world and without comprehending the essence of humanity, we can never know the truth of our own being. Learning is one facet of human beings innate capacity that can provide a sense of worthiness to human life. Oui, je pense que tout va trop vite. On parle trop vite. Dunton, Living, Learning, Healing: Inspirational Stories from the Heart. It may not be all that you want but remember someone somewhere is dreaming of what you own.

I know that the fires of refinement, although hard, dark, and difficult, brought me to a better and richer place in God.

Positive Inspirational Attitude Stories

Essayistic writing is an osmotic process wherein a person intuitively absorbs information and ideas, allows inchoate thoughts to gestate in the unconscious mind, and then consciously places the emergent strands of language and logic into an orderly and expressive format. Sure it is a lot of work but there are so many amazing benefits from that experience that I believe that making sincere appreciation for everything in our life is a critical element to a SMART life. I have had the privilege in my life to be a part of several communities that provided service to others. Every single time I participate I am reminded that by giving I receive so much more than I offer.

It's so important to remember -- especially those times when I'm feeling blue -- that by helping others I am the one who is most served. Quite a few articles I wrote and researched this year proved that human perception is very individual. What we see, remember and think about is based upon our personal worldviews and biases.

Reflection Of Life - Inspirational Words of Wisdom

On the other hand we are meaning-seeking beings that will weave a story out of any experience that happens in our life based upon those perceptions. If we can accept that as true -- then why on Earth would we live with stories that did not make us happy, fulfilled and at peace? So those are a few of my reflections as draws to an end. If any of these apply to your life, you're welcome to use them as intentions for the coming year -- or write out your own truths and use them instead.

If anything, SMART Living is a reminder for us all to live as consciously as possible so that every year is a collection of days that add up to a more meaningful, peaceful and happy life. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. What are your reflections on ?

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