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Florence Morse Kingsley

Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Titus by Florence Morse Kingsley. In six weeks, the demand was so great for this book that they reprinted , additional copies! You and your family will fall in love with the Savior as you read this masterpiece.

Hardcover , pages. Published January by Lamplighter Publishing first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Titus , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Nov 25, JonathanT rated it it was ok. Well this one was I'm honestly not sure how to review it. It almost makes me feel like a bad Christian to give a book about Jesus two stars? XP I will say that while the plot line was okay, the writing was very subpar. The narrative jumped around in a confusing way, and the characters were kinda flat and lifeless.

There were two major plot twists, but one of them was so obvious that I'm not even sure if it was supposed to be a plot twist. XD Another thing I disliked is that the book had large segments I'm thinking like maybe half the book that are taken directly from the Bible, in objective third person narrative with none of the fictional characters from the story present.

It wasn't necessarily bad, it was just strange and it threw me off. It almost felt like So for example at one point Titus is thrown into prison. Then, directly following this, there's like 50 pages about Jesus getting arrested and tried and beaten. We don't find out what's going to happen to Titus for a looong portion of time, and by the time I got back to him, I had sort of forgotten and didn't care all that much anymore.

So this one's going to get two stars mostly because the narrative was very choppy, sporadic, and confusing. The characterization is super good and the plot flows a lot more smoothly. I'd definitely recommend it! View all 5 comments. Apr 17, Abigail Larsen rated it it was amazing.

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A surprisingly obscure Lamplighter novel, Titus: Comrade of the Cross is one of the richest, deepest, and most moving stories I've ever experienced. You'll follow Titus, a teenager with a zealous heart and an accute burden for his younger crippled brother.


Become absorbed in his struggles as he joins a large band of passionate rebels led by Barabbus, who is out to bring the Roman empire down. This gripping narrative climaxes in an unbelievable scene at the foot of the cross. Watch the life and d A surprisingly obscure Lamplighter novel, Titus: Watch the life and death of Jesus unfold through lost, needy eyes and be prepared to be blown away by the most emotional, poignant ending I've yet to read. It's a finish you won't see coming, and it's more than worth wading through the often heavy chapters. If you've read this novel I'd love to hear your reaction to it.

If you haven't traveled through this masterpiece by Ms. Kingsley, I'd encourage you to consider it. It is particularly special to time the read so that you're finishing the final chapter around Resurrection Sunday, as this books sheds light on a beautiful angle of Jesus' sacrifice for us.

Titus: A Comrade of the Cross by Florence Morse Kingsley

Jun 19, Rachel rated it really liked it Shelves: But there is more to his story than meets the eye for his childhood is filled with mystery. His brother Stephen, a cripple shares in the journey as they follow the ministry of Jesus Christ from the beginning to his death on the cross. The words of Jesus are the words He truly spoke and that have been preserved for us in His Word! This is not a fast-paced book but it is a heartwarming tale that invites the reader to get to know Jesus once again for the man He was on earth in a beloved story-like.

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A throne - and not a cross! But the victory had been won, once and forever. He saw, in the sure light of eternity, his earthly road, and it led to Calvary.

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  2. The Cross Triumphant by Florence Morse Kingsley.
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  5. It was a few places difficult to follow with the language of the book, a little slow feeling in a couple times, but on the whole an endearing tale and a beautiful portrayal of Christ's life and ministry. I found the story to be so intriguing as the plot unfolded and how the fiction was so beautifully intertwined with the truth Christ's life and crucifixion.

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    The end was special and was such a brilliant piece of writing but I can't give the ending away so you'll just have to read it yourself! I'm sure all would enjoy and be inspired by this tale of the cross. Now I hunt for books about the Lord Jesus Christ If a book is written non-fiction or fiction, I know certain licence is taken on some made up, or little mentioned Scriptural characters. Or on the different Mary's See, in Christian Biblical Fiction, that doesn't matter I've read great books where Scriptural Mary's have been mixed up and critics really put down the whole book because of it We should not be like the world.

    Do what is good, and worthy of good fruit.. Give it 5 stars. We're not of this world so we don't have to judge according to the world's judgement Now about this book I'm going to buy the next in the series Please, brothers and sisters, remember Jul 29, Hannah rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is the most tragically, joyfully beautiful book I have ever read. After my third read of Titus I could not withhold tears each time I thought of it for a week. The portrayal of Christ's transforming power in love and forgiveness has filled me with awe and kept with me in the years since I've read it.

    Lance Bombardier Lynette Pearce, gave birth to a healthy boy at Camp Bastion in September despite reportedly being unaware she was pregnant. Lt Col Lewis, said: My team were brilliant. We had half of them looking at the casualty and half with the soldier in labour.

    Marwencol: the incredible WWII art project created by a cross-dresser who was beaten up by bigots

    The field hospital in Bastion is one of the busiest trauma centres in the world and is renowned for saving grievously wounded casualties. Accessibility links Skip to article Skip to navigation. Tuesday 18 December Titus is a young boy, born to a down on his luck fisherman who has turned towards violent crime and a downtrodden mother. His main companion, his brother Stephen is crippled as a result of being beaten by their cruel father, however he remains kind and sweet.

    He warns Stephen off his hopes of healing and he is hostile and wary of the people of Jerusalem and fears that they would not benefit from the new preacher in the area. He even looks forward to fighting the Jews although he does not approve of the theft his father is involved in. Florence Morse Kingsley was an accomplished writer of spiritual fiction who managed, despite creating fictional narratives and characters, to remain dogmatically faithful to the contents and spirit of the King James Bible and therefore most contemporary protestant doctrines.

    This book is suitable for all ages and particularly suitable for devotional reading with children. Nay, my husband, do not despair, spoke the soft voice of Anna. There is yet hope; he hath only been gone since yester-eve. Yet as she spoke, the vision of her three-year old darling rose before her, and she fancied him wailing for his mother; perhaps sick and lonely in some dark den of the city; perhaps dead.

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