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Blessed Dominic – An Apostle of England

He was orphaned at the tender age of eight and an uncle and aunt raised him in the town of Merlano. Young Dominic was not sent to school but instead was taught to shepherd sheep. But the child always found time to pray as he tended the sheep and he also diligently taught himself to read and write. When Napoleon closed all the religious houses in Italy, Dominic became acquainted with several Passionists living in exile near his town.

During this time, Dominic experienced a divine message to join the Passionists and one day go to England. Dominic had promised God that if he were not drafted, he would become a Passionist. But just before the arranged marriage was to take place, he slipped away and instead entered the nearby Passionist monastery at Vetralla. Dominic studied eagerly, for he had a brilliant mind.

He was ordained in Rome on 1 March For the next nineteen years he shared the life and ministries of the Passionists in Italy but his heart was in England.

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In this capacity, he was able to plant the seed to send missionaries to England. By the time of the General Chapter, changes in the Congregation were afoot. He sent him with three companions to Belgium to make a foundation in that country with the hope that from Belgium the mission to England could be realised.

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Dominic established the first Passionist monastery outside of Italy in , at Ere in Belgium. Finally, the time came to establish the first Passionist residence in England.

Writings of Dominic Barberi and Ignatius Spencer

One of his first ministries was the celebration of the Holy Week services. While in Italy and later in Belgium, Barberi had always kept up a keen interest in the Oxford Movement. Barberi decided to respond to this letter in the mistaken belief that it represented the views of the entire faculty of Oxford University. Dalgairns was an undergraduate when he wrote the letter. The letter, through the help of Ignatius Spencer, eventually ended up in the hands of Dalgairns, who was residing with John Henry Newman at Littlemore.

Barberi repudiated the Anglican claim that the 39 Articles could be interpreted in a Catholic light. In October of that same year Barberi visited Littlemore, where Newman made his confession to him. Dominic felt immensely blessed to have received the famous Anglican into the Catholic Church. All that I have suffered since I left Italy has been well compensated by this event. I hope the effects of such a conversion may be great. English vocations were few but Dominic was deeply consoled by the arrival of Father George Spencer who received the habit on 5 January Opposition to Barberi was also present in Stone, where on his journeys to the Mass centre, local youths would throw stones at him, though two youths took to the decision to become Catholics when they were greatly edified to see Barberi kiss each stone that hit him and place it in his pocket.

During many of these frequent attacks, Barberi barely escaped death. Local Protestant ministers often held anti-Catholic lectures and sermons to ward the people away from Barberi and the Catholics. Wilson records how one of these ministers followed Barberi along a street shouting out various arguments against transubstantiation , Barberi was silent, but as the man was about to turn off, Barberi retorted: It is not his body!

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I prefer to believe Jesus Christ. Converts increased at Stone, so much so that a new church had to be built.

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It was at Aston, however, that on 10 June the first Corpus Christi procession was held in the British Isles, an event which attracted thousands of Catholics and Protestants alike. They frequently took place in the industrial cities of northern England, such as Manchester , Liverpool and Birmingham. While in Italy and later in Belgium, Barberi had always kept up a keen interest in the Oxford Movement.

Barberi decided to respond to this letter in the mistaken belief that it represented the views of the entire faculty of Oxford University. Dalgairns was an undergraduate when he wrote the letter.

Father Dominic Barberi, Apostle of England

Barberi's "Letter to University Professors at Oxford" [9] describes his long hopes for the conversion of England and his belief that the men of Oxford would be instrumental in such a conversion. The letter, through the help of Ignatius Spencer , eventually ended up in the hands of Dalgairns, who was residing with John Henry Newman at Littlemore.

Barberi repudiated the Anglican claim that the 39 Articles could be interpreted in a Catholic light. In October of that same year Barberi visited Littlemore, where Newman made his confession to him. Two of Newman's companions at Littlemore were also received, and Barberi celebrated Mass for them the following morning. Subsequently, Newman and Barberi always took note of each other's careers. The community at Aston had gained 15 religious members. In a new foundation was made at Woodchester in Gloucestershire and in the Passionists arrived in London.

In the last years of his life, Barberi engaged in negotiations for the foundation of St Anne's Retreat, Sutton, where today he lies buried. One story told of Barberi during this time exemplifies a sense of humour. While he was visiting a convent of nuns who were instructing many converts, some of them male, Dominic was informed that some of the sisters were worried about teaching men.

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Dominic retorted, "Have no fear, Sisters. You are all too old and too ugly. Such work inevitably took its toll upon Father Dominic's health and from he insisted that his life had nearly run its course. He had preached numerous retreats, both alone and with Father Ignatius, both in England and Ireland. On 27 August , Dominic was travelling from Paddington, London to Woodchester , when at Pangbourne he suffered a heart attack. Because in London "the cholera was then prevalent", there were no hotels that would take him in, and so it was decided to bring back at Reading [15] in the Railway Tavern , later the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, now demolished.

The up-train arrived more than hour later, while "he remained in great agony but in peace and with 'Thy will be done' ever on his lips" [15]. During the Mass celebrated at the "Blessed Dominic shrine Church of St Anne and Blessed Dominic" two months before the 50th anniversary of the beatification, Archbishop Bernard Longley explained why he believed "Blessed Dominic" was an ideal patron for the Year of Faith, which ran until November 24 [17]. Barberi was also been claimed patron of the Year of Faith for the Archdiocese of Birmingham [17].

Barberi is best remembered for his part in Newman's conversion, but is also commemorated for his work in the efforts to return England to the Catholic faith in the 19th century. In his years in England Dominic established three churches and several chapels, preached innumerable missions and received hundreds of converts, not only Newman, but others such as Spencer and Dalgairns.

Among Barberi's works are courses of philosophy and moral theology; a volume on the Passion of Our Lord; a work for nuns on the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, "Divina Paraninfa"; a refutation of de Lamennais; three series of sermons; and various controversial and ascetic works. One of Blessed Dominic's most famed works was his 'Lamentation of England', [20] in which he used the words of the Prophet Jeremiah to express the lamentations of English Catholics.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Apologia Pro Vita Sua. Dominic Barber, an Apostle of England. Archived from the original on Feb 23, Retrieved Aug 25, Archived from the original on Aug 26, About five miles from Reading, Dominic got desperately sick. He was taken off the train to be attended by a doctor, but there was not a room for him at the small station of Pangbourne. Father Louis put him back on the train for Reading. He died there from a heart attack at 3: Archived from the original on Aug 27,