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While not shown, sex is implied through the boys' jeering and the sounds coming from the shed. A white rat is tied to a balloon by the tail and sent flying. A man comes home drunk and bloodied after a fight.

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This same man later slaps his wife in the face. A boy and girl of about 12 take a bath together. With the girl, there is full frontal nudity and exposed buttocks, and with the boy, there are exposed buttocks. Three boys encourage another to try and have sex with a girl on a couch. Her shirt is open and her bra is visible.


The boy lies on top of her, clothed, while the boys make strong sexual insinuations. A young girl of about 8 is shown taking a bath in a washtub, naked from the waist up. The father in the film is often shown drunk. Characters smoke cigarettes, including a young boy of about A boy is sent to get his father a beer. He sneaks a sip of the beer, takes a second sip, then spits it out.

Ratcatcher () - Rotten Tomatoes

Parents need to know that Ratcatcher , a bleak yet somehow beautiful coming-of-age story about a boy growing up amidst the squalor and nastiness of a Glasgow housing project is not for kids. Early in the film, a boy watches another boy he's playing with drown in a canal, and struggles with the guilt while yearning for an escape from his surroundings.

There is frequent profanity including "f--k" and "s--t" , scenes where boys take turns having sex with a girl, fighting with some blood, and an instance of animal cruelty. Against the historical backdrop of Glasgow, Scotland -- where a months-long garbage worker strike has led to inevitable piles of garbage and vermin infestations -- James William Eadie is a boy of around 12 living in a housing project where families are waiting to be moved to less deplorable housing.

In a nearby canal, a neighbor boy named Ryan drowns while roughhousing with James. James lives with the guilt of this event while trying to survive the harsh and desperate realities of his day-to-day life.

He finds brief moments of happiness through riding the bus to the end of the line, where he finds a house under construction in a field, and through spending time with a slightly older girl the juvenile delinquents in the neighborhood use for sex. As James and his family wait to be transferred, and as the garbage strike drags on, James struggles to find any sense of hope in all of this despair.

The subject matter is bleak -- the drowning death of a boy, a garbage worker strike, a housing project slowly being vacated -- and there are no heroes. Even James's Da Tommy Flanagan who is heralded for saving a boy from a near-drowning death is a drunkard who hits his wife. But all of this ugliness makes the small moments of joy for these characters often found in escape fantasies all the more memorable. The terrible and often disgusting realities of a garbage strike and a housing project lacking in acceptable living conditions is presented so convincingly you feel like you can almost smell the garbage piling up.

The acting is flawless, as is the direction. While the sex and violence makes this not for kids, Ratcatcher is a timeless film, and definitely one of the best films of the s.

Ratcatcher appears in 78 issues View all. Story Arc Otis Flannegan worked for the Gotham Sanitation Department as a rat catcher until he got involved in a street fight. New 52 In the New 52 universe, Ratcatcher is seen alive and well. Powers and Abilities Ratcatcher has the ability to control and communicate with rats.

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Arkham Asylum Although Ratcatcher isn't in the game, his equipment appears in the ventilation system of the Botanical gardens. Tweet Remove Format Clean. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. Go to Link Unlink Change. Disable this feature for this session. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended.

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