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O'Brian's portrayal of each of these is faultless and the sense of period throughout is acute. His power of characterisation is above all masterly. This brilliant historical novel marked the debut of a writer who grew into one of our greatest novelists ever, the author of what Alan Judd, writing in the Sunday Times, has described as 'the most significant extended story since Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time'.

The second novel in a brilliant new Napoleonic series from acclaimed historian Adrian Goldsworthy. Faced with appalling weather, and pursued by an overwhelming French army led by Napoleon himself, the very survival of Britain's army is at stake. But while the th Foot fights a desperate rearguard action, for the newly promoted Hamish Williams, the retreat turns into an unexpectedly personal drama. Separated from the rest of the army in the initial chaos, he chances upon another fugitive, Jane MacAndrews, the daughter of his commanding officer, and the woman he is desperately and hopelessly in love with.

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As the pair battle the elements and the pursuing French, picking up a rag-tag band of fellow stragglers along the way - as well as an abandoned newborn - the strict boundaries of their social relationship are tested to the limit, with surprising results. But Williams soon finds he must do more than simply evade capture and deliver Jane safe and sound to her father.

A specially tasked unit of French cavalry is threatening to turn the retreat into a massacre, and Williams and his little band are the only thing standing between them and their goal. Sharpe's Havoc Paperback Bernard Cornwell. Richard Sharpe and the campaign in northern Portugal, spring A small British army is stranded when the French invade northern Portugal.

Sharpe is cut off and his attempts to fight his way back to the British lines fail until he is joined by the future Duke of Wellington. They immediately mount a counter-attack and Sharpe, having been the hunted, becomes the hunter once more. Amidst the wreckage of a defeated army, in the storm lashed hills of the Portuguese frontier, Sharpe takes his revenge. Sharpe's Devil Paperback Bernard Cornwell. Richard Sharpe, asked to help an old friend, meets, at last, the greatest enemy. Five years after the Battle of Waterloo, Sharpe,s peaceful retirement in Normandy is shattered.

An old friend, Don Blas Vivar, is missing in Chile, reported dead at rebel hands - a report his wife refuses to believe. She appeals to Sharpe to find out the truth.

Sharpe, along with Patrick Harper, find themselves bound for Chile via St. Helena, where they have a fateful meeting with the fallen Emperor Napoleon. Convinced that they are on their way to collect a corpse, neither man can imagine that dangers that await them in Chile Thrown in prison for a crime he has not committed, Edmond Dantes is confined to the grim fortress of If. There he learns of a great hoard of treasure hidden on the Isle of Monte Cristo and becomes determined not only to escape but to unearth the treasure and use it to plot the destruction of the three men responsible for his incarceration.

A huge popular success when it was first serialized in the s, Dumas was inspired by a real-life case of wrongful imprisonment when writing his epic tale of suffering and retribution. Sharpe's Rifles Paperback Bernard Cornwell. Britains's forces are retreating towards Corunna during a bitter winter, with Napoleon's victorious armies in pursuit. Lieutenant Richard Sharpe and a detachment of Riflemen are cut off from the rest of the army and surrounded.

Their only hope of escape is to accept the help of the Spanish, but this assistance comes at a price: There is little Sharpe would enjoy more. Sharpe's Revenge Paperback Bernard Cornwell. Richard Sharpe triumphs in the last battle of the war, only to find himself in worse peril when charged to recover Napoleon,s treasure. There are rumours that Napoleon is dead, or has run away, but Sharpe has one last battle to fight before he can lay down his sword.

It is the battle for Toulouse. Little does he know it will be one of the bloodiest conflicts of the war. But Sharpe,s war is not only the battle. Accused of stealing Napoleon,s treasure, Sharpe must discover the unknown enemy who has tried to frame him - and his revenge is ingenious and devastating. Victory Paperback Julian Stockwin.

Commander Thomas Kydd is eager to play his part in thwarting Bonaparte's plans for the invasion of England. Joining Admiral Nelson's command, Kydd and his ship soon find themselves at the heart of the action that leads up to the greatest sea battle in history: Kydd's journey takes him from false sightings of the enemy and dramatic chases across the Atlantic, to the bloody annihilation of the enemy during the actual battle, and the heroic aftermath.

True Soldier Gentlemen

Sharpe's Regiment Paperback Bernard Cornwell. Richard Sharpe returns to England to save the regiment. Major Sharpe,s men are in mortal danger - not from the French, but from the bureaucrats of Whitehall. Unless reinforcements can be brought from England, the regiment will be disbanded. Determined not to see his regiment die, Sharpe returns to England and uncovers a nest of high-ranking traitors, any of whom could utterly destroy his career with a word. Sharpe is forced into the most desperate gamble of his life - and not even the influence of the Prince Regent may be enough to save him.

Sharpe's Eagle Paperback Bernard Cornwell. Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign, July In Portugal, Richard Sharpe is ordered to accompany a newly arrived, inexperienced regiment. But Sharpe, a veteran, quickly clashes with the incompetent colonel after they start to lose men. Sharpe's promotion to captain aggrevates the colonel further, and so earns him a dangerous enemy.

Dr Adrian Goldsworthy - Fiction page.

As Sharpe leads his men in to battle at Talavera, he knows he must fight for the honour of the regiment and his future career. Surprise Paperback Patrick O'Brian. This is the third book in the series. Surprise follows the variable fortunes of Captain Jack Aubrey's career in Nelson's navy as he attempts to hold his ground against admirals, colleagues and the enemy, accepting a mission to convey a British ambassador to the East Indies.

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The voyage takes him and his friend Stephen Maturin to the strange sights and smells of the Indian sub-continent, and through the archipelago of spice islands where the French have a near-overwhelming superiority. Rarely has a novel managed to convey more vividly the fragility of a sailing ship in a wild sea. Rarely has a historical novelist combined action and lyricism of style in the way that O' Brian does. His superb sense of place, brilliant characterisation, and a vigour and joy of writing lift O'Brian above any but the most exalted of comparisons.

With the Peace of Armiens in ruins, he must leave the safety of Falmouth. What lies ahead is the grim reality of war at close quarters - where Bolitho who will be called upon to anticipate the overall intention of the French fleet. But the battle has also become a personal vendetta between himself and the French admiral who formerly sailed the Argonaute. Bolitho and his men are driven to a final rendezvous where no quarter is asked or given. Another exciting Bolitho adventure!

  1. Early Childhood Assessment.
  2. True Soldier Gentlemen (Napoleonic War, book 1) by Adrian Goldsworthy;
  3. Napoleonic?
  4. Napoleonic.
  6. This fourteenth Bolitho novel has the epic scenes of action, the powerful characterization and the authentic period detail that have made Alexander Kent a bestseller wherever sea stories are read. After eight years of war between Britain and France there is at last a rumour of peace. But the old enemies are well aware that any settlement will be only a breathing space in which to recover from their terrible losses. To obtain the best terms the French muster a show of strength from Biscay to the Channel ports.

    At the British Admiralty there are some who see a daring opportunity to even the score at any negotiation table -- and who better to undertake it than the young Rear Admiral Bolitho! In June Bolitho's small squadron is still repairing the scars of battle earned at Copenhagen - and as he receives his orders from London Bolitho is, for the first time in his life, torn between the demands of duty and his real desire to marry.

    When the squadron sails it is joined by an additional ship, a frigate with many memories from the past. But where Bolitho's flag leads so his captains must follow, if necessary to the brink of disaster -- for theirs is a tradition of victory. The Passion Paperback Jeanette Winterson. Henri had a passion for Napoleon and Napoleon had a passion for chicken. From Boulogne to Moscow Henri butchered for his Emperor and never killed a single man. Meanwhile, in Venice, the city of chance and disguises, Villanelle was born with the webbed feet of her boatman father - but in the casinos she gambled her heart and lost.

    Much had to do with the remarkable ability of the Duke of Wellington, and his rise will be part of this story. Alongside went the maturing of the army itself, as it learned how to wage war on a big scale. It was not a smooth, seamless process. For several years it was more than likely that the British would fail in Portugal and Spain. True Soldier Gentlemen and its sequels aim to bring to life the world of the redcoat, and tell the story of how Wellington's army rose to be such a formidable machine. It is a tribute to the men of that army - and the women who accompanied them to war or waited behind.

    Few of those in England at the time had any idea, or indeed interest, in the savagery of the Peninsula War, which was fought out of their sight. These are military adventures with a hint of Thackeray and a hefty dash of Austen, and alongside our heroes in the th regiment is Wickham, the rascal from Pride and Prejudice , whose further career will be revealed in the series!

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    Plans may change, but at the moment the idea is for a series of twelve novels, culminating in Waterloo. Why start writing novels? The Regiment Sources Titles from songs Napoleonic fiction - books full jacket. True Soldier Gentlemen Published by: Beat the Drums Slowly Published by: Send me safely back again Published by: All in Scarlet Uniform Published by: