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1. CPS Is Legally Obligated to Investigate Every Report

They cannot take your children away without a court order except in exigent circumstances. Child Protective Services cannot simply take your children away from your home. Exigent means that an emergency is actively taking place and action must be taken immediately. Law enforcement have their own laws and regulations regarding the removal of children. However, CPS cannot take custody of the child from the police until the court order is complete.

Without a court order, CPS cannot ask a hospital to detain a child in temporary custody. There are some really beneficial programs offered by CPS. Even if you are investigated — and even if the allegations are deemed unfounded — you may be able to get some valuable help from this agency! Among other things, CPS can provide your family with food vouchers, free diapers and even help with housing!

One of the most important things to remember is that Child Protective Services investigators are just people doing their jobs. Sometimes they miss things and sometimes they make mistakes. Sometimes, they see some truly horrific things. At the end of the day, they just want to leave their jobs and move on with their lives. I hate being broke - and I always have too much month at the end of my money.

As a journalist, I decided it was time to use my skills to investigate ways that my family and yours could thrive despite our less-than-ideal incomes CPS did everything this article said they could not. They removed the child from school without notifying the mother, nor allowed her a chance to answer the charges. She was arrested on a charge that was later dropped, but CPS had the child by then. Please stop telling people this stuff. Cps will go to a judge and lie to obtain someones kids.

They will lie in court. The judge will ignore evidence and proof of innocence. They will make up excuses to keep your kid until they have the 15 of 22 months to terminate parental rights and sell them to the highest bidder. They get cash incentives for every child they take and every child they get adopted. The safe family act that Clinton passed provides that. Abandon all hope ye who enter here. Actually the motivational funds is through title IV cps foster matching federal funds. Trumps omnibus budget included an additional one billion in funds for cps to take and foster children.

Family assistance was decreased while cps under title IV line items 52 and 53 provides over seven billion to cps access to the funds. Projected numbers are , kids will be taken and placed with cps in , outside constitional due process. Its true, they said that my daughter had tested positive for heroin and she had been clean for months.

However, when she had told her lawyer it was false and she wanted to see the test report, they showed some lame typed paper without even a logo from lab. She was forced to allow their aunt to adopt her little boys, thank God it was family. WE also fought Administrative hearing and of course lost, even though so many mistakes were made by CPS. Then wanted to drug test my 18 month old because an immature ass said I was breast feeding and using drugs. They got the the same they needed. I left town to avoid a dv situation knowing they would use it against me.. I am concerned that if they get him he will suffer severve emotional and mental abuse.

I am his constant. But do they care,???? I am in need of a good attorney. I know I have his best interest in mind just need help proving it. My MIL was a hoarder and had serious bug problems. The investigator told me she would meet us at MILs house. I had no idea you could refuse. They are allowed to read the complaint to you. This complaint was so specific we knew who it was, MILs 21 yr old daughter still living there.

I honestly think she thought they would just take them and she could go back to sleeping in after after clubbing till 4am. However CPS saw through it. Provided free pest control for MIL and finally influenced her to treat her own lice and stop the reinfesting as well as clean out one of her hoard stashes to free up a 2nd bedroom. All things we had been trying to comminicate to her ourselves without luck. CPS actually had enough athourity to get her attention and get her to listen and do it.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story! What bout if I have 9 year old and almsot 2 and slmost 1 n left wit mu 9 ur old in car to run in store grab n was in there not eben 10min but tje cops saw me in store n kods kn my van my oldest tplf them jer n my nsme but they neber asked me nothing kr asked for my id only asked me how lonf n why i said I just got in there n was on way out n there call came 10mins before.

N I said I was outskde came out n outskde before went in n I was about to leaving. N then they told me i coikd go n when called in mornkng to the main officer asked what n why they didnt ask my name but knew it n he sakd they just send a report over to social services n i said tben wat he says nothing they keep on file n if they get any more reports or have open case then could.

I did cuz my husband just summer hsd one til wss deported. But then they almost tried to miss with me 2 times before that 2 or 3 yrs ago stating i had someone in my home but they had nothing but this time they do n this county i hear bad n seen bad thinfs. But they got 3 or 4 worjers n not sure who i work with nor who they going to have work n if i should say I did it and i no it wrong never had was running in and out n that all cus they got police if was just anyone then yea i can say no didnt happen wrong person n leave it at that n say anything else i will let u mnkw.

It sounds like you could really benefit from some competent legal counsel. Best of luck to you!! That does not sound legal at all, Jess! I would definitely encourage you to speak with a lawyer.

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If you contact your local United Way or Salvation Army, they might be able to help you find some free legal assistance in your area. I am so sorry that your family experienced that! I think you would have to contact your social worker for that information. If you file a federal complaint, you can duces tecum the sworn warrant.

If the cps lied…. I live in Tennessee and yesterday CPS went to my childrens school and recorded them as well as taking pictures. I was dumbfounded because I have never sone anything and because we moved from Louisiana to Tennessee and I did not have the kids in school in Louisiana CPS was calles there and it transferred here to tennessee.

I was in a domestic violence situation in louisiana so I was trying to make a new start. She said ahw has to sew the house and evwrything next week. They may be able to help you. I refused medical transport from an urgent care, for my infant who was breathing fast but otherwise had no symptoms of illness. My previous son had a similar situation and was found to be fine. For peace of mind I went to the urgent care to have his lungs listened to, temperature and pulse ox used. They had the wrong size, but he still had decent scores.

The nurse admitted he looked fine, but called CPS on me and also told them that I had a homebirth. It was obvious prejudice and my doctor has cleared him but now I have a case. She also slightly altered the pulse ox scores for dramatics. How do I end this nightmare. Oh my goodness, Felicia! That sounds like a total nightmare. When we had our CPS issue, we used a free 30 minute consultation with a lawyer to get free legal advice on the matter.

Maybe that could help? Where would I get more information about the hospital keeping a child? Our 4 year old is currently being kept at a hospital because its the weekend and the social worker did not communicate with another they do not have an order to hold her we were sent to a hospital out of our town She was medically discharged but they are not releasing her because they said they never heard back.

She was taken to this hospital on Monday, and was discharged on Saturday. They should of had some sort of communication between the weeks time frame. Oh my goodness, Christina! Usually, you can see one with a free 30 minute consultation and get some advice. You may also be able to contact your local United Way service to find pro bono lawyers in your area who may be able to help you for free. I got five kids four years ago I s remember my three youngest were with me and other two were visiting Grandma well I took my youngest three out for ice cream came home went into my kitchen.

Eczema she made me go to the er and from the hospital took my three youngest than went out to Grandma house took other two and the next day I was arrested all because of rash on my son if I knew my rights than I would of known it was illegal for that worker to walk in my house with out my consent and there was no warrent I prob could of sued cps. That is horrible and absolutely breaks my heart.

You can still sue, Mary. You have three years from the close of a case to do it, and you can sue pro se on your own, no lawyer. There are people in that group who will walk you through this entire process. A few are lawyers, most are victims of CPS corruption, myself included. Best of luck to you. I have ben dealing with them for three months now imop.

I had dropped off some supplies for a science project and some food for her lunch, and not even 2 hours later my husband got a call that she has been removed and had bruises and cuts all over her stomach. She had a friend help her so she could have a possibility to live with her maternal grandmother or her birth mother. She had been planning this with her grandmother because the grandmother hates me. We made arrangements for his daughter to stay with some friends because a judge already deemed her maternal birth family as unfit to have her. My husband and I have been battling her mental issues, attitude, and sheer disrespect for the past 4 years so we are washing our hands of it.

I am currently hiring an attorney that gets a kick out of fighting DHS and winning. Is it legal, or will I get into trouble for removing the rest of the stuff and donating it to a needy family? If I was a CPS worker and a parent did these things in these tips, I would think they had somthing to hide and I would fight harder to make sure the child was safe. I had nothing to hide, and the CPS workers were so nice and understanding. The case was closed quickly with zero issues. I completely understand that, Kate. I need help I live in Greenville mississippi. They removed my son without a warrant and lied under oath as to why they did they have taken my rights.

I call and call and no one ever calls back my dad and aunt get the same results they have been vindictive with a couple if messages sent through my Facebook account when j was pleading for my child the worker responded with a gift video thats was very cruel and very unprofessional. Please in begging my sons dad committed suicide a year before the day they took him and he was doing alright he is 14 but after they took him he us withdrawn and failing at school and he was a gifted student always an honor roll student.

I need a lawyer i am just learning my rights and i want to get my son and i want them held accountable for the lies and mental distress on my son n myself. My name is Nicole Ferguson I live in Mississippi. Here are a list of pro bono services from the Mississippi Bar website. Hopefully one of them will be able to help you! Nicole my name is Jerry I am in Mississippi. If you think CPS is reaching beyond reasonable limits, I would really recommend consulting with a lawyer.

Even just getting advice in a free 30 minute consultation can be very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and tell your story. So my brother called Cps on me… Well when he made that call he brought up a friends name whom has an open case… Can Cps go after that person even tho the call was not about them?? Cps has a open referral on me and my babies father because I told his worker he needed to move out of my home because he damaged my car, I was very upset and a little dramatic I can say.

He had an open case not because of him but because his other babies mom lost custody of their two children and he fought for them , so he got services that he needed. But he was not helping me financially mind you we still shared two year old. I took him in when this all happen hoping I can help. We were split up at the time but decided to work it out for our family.

Now this nightmare happen and I have a open referral now with DV they told me to go file for full custody to protect my daughter? I did go but never served him and was just confused why would I file if we co-parent just fine? Can they take my daughter if I refuse to file again? He did no harm to my child or infront of her he broke off sunroof visor. What can I do to get then off my back already he moved out already right when it happen and we have no contact.

  1. What You Should Know if CPS Targets You or Your Family;
  2. Do NOT make these 5 mistakes with CPS!.
  3. The Retirement Home Experience?
  4. HELP! CPS wants me to sign a Child Safety and Evaluation Plan. | Family Law Attorney in Deer Park!
  5. Our Place in the Plan of God.
  6. Can they force me to do it? You definitely need to speak with a lawyer about this. Many lawyers, especially ones for DV-related issues, will give you a free 30 minute consultation to give you some advice. You may also qualify for free legal services. I am so sorry! That is absolutely heartbreaking. I would definitely see if you can speak to an attorney about this.

    Most attorneys will let you have a 30 minute free consultation and a lot of states have pro bono legal agencies that provide free assistance. There are over 10, members. Some are attorneys, most are victims of CPS corruption, like myself. The people in that group will walk you through this entire process, step by step. Best regards to everyone. Thank you for your feedback. We had a very positive experience with CPS but I understand that not everyone is as fortunate as we were.

    I just want to clarify one point: The lawyer confirmed that the form was not an admission of guilt whatsoever. I have a big problem and still trying to find someone to help me get my kids back …. You definitely, absolutely need to speak to a competent lawyer about this.

    I hope that helps! I have a case open for one of my children is in a group home, and I can not get him back, I was contacted by mail from adoption agency, telling me to call before my court. Do I contact them. That sounds fishy to me. I would like to add a few things for issues in Washington state. Dependency cases are essentially law suits against you.

    ALL attorneys involved are obligated to act in the best interest of the minor s. If someone on assistance and they qualify for an attorney, this is to advise you of your rights. Wrongfully accused people should not be afraid to go to trial. Comment was too long. Send a email to [redacted for privacy]. We have 5 kids taken 6 and under. Can use all the help we can get in Albuquerque, NM. I have a 10 page document we wrote with allegations and corruption.

    Have 3rd custody hearing today at 1pm Mountain time. Can use some insight and help with lawsuit. We have tons of evidence and info and it would be much appreciated. I really wish I could help. Many lawyers will provide a free 30 minute consultation and there are others who offer their services on a pro bono free basis. Here are some pro bono legal resources in Albuquerque NM:.

    Hi am Kelley cps was called on us the cps lady call my husband phone then Tex him telling him that she what to see the kids but when we ask want was it about she told us to come to her office with y kids and I have I would recommend contacting a lawyer for a free 30 minute consultation or seeing if you can get pro bono free legal assistance.

    HELP! CPS wants me to sign a Child Safety and Evaluation Plan.

    Most states have a free legal help line that you can reach out to. I would definitely contact a lawyer for help as soon as possible. Yesterday, CPS came to my door. When he read the allegations, I knew my ex boyfriend had called. We had broken up for good after a story 5 year relationship. I explained this to him. I was horrified to think that anyone would do this to me.

    I cooperated and started to cry in shock. After talking with me for a few minutes, he explained he did not see anything to substantiate the accusations. He did offer me a swab drug test but i declined. I am a nurse on a substance abuse floor and i advice my clients of the same. He did not even look around or open the fridge. He knew that this was just done to hurt me and my reputation. Even though this will be unfounded and unsubstantiated, will this stay on my record?

    I want to foster kids next year… Thank you. My drug addict daughter got angry because I kicked her out. Called pcs reported me for drug use. I take anti anxiety meds for eight years, tested neg for those but positive for methamphetamine. I know there are several medications that can cause a false positive for methamphetamine, including bupropion Wellbutrin and a few other anxiety medications. The United Way has great resource lists that may be able to connect you to an affordable or free attorney. Most states have a free Legal Aid service or at least a law advice hotline.

    At the very least, many attorneys offer free 30 minute consultations so you could at least get some advice. That is horrible, Jessica! I completely agree that the system is broken and support groups are very needed. Thank you for making a difference, Ulanda! What can you do if cps out your name to the parents? As in I called cps, and they told the parent it was me. CPS is not legally allowed to tell the parents who made the call. Sometimes, the nature of the accusations makes it fairly obvious who called.

    So one week ago today my 15 yr old told her counselor that she thought that my ex husband, her father, may have abused her. Apparently, she called CPS. No one has contacted me. Here I am worried sick waiting for someone to show up at my house. What do I do? That is so stressful. In my experience, CPS has an intake line that will screen all complaints. Complaints are either screened in and investigated or screened out and ignored. If he is no longer in the home, the complaint may have been screened out or CPS may have shown up at his residence instead.

    CPS has to follow-up on screened-in complaints within three days at least in my site. Many offer free consultations and may be able to help you resolve your concerns over the phone. I can understand that. A lawyer would be able to give you better advice. Most states offer a free legal helpline that may be able to help.

    My mom called cps on me and I signed a Safty Plan. Cps removed my child and placed her with my mother. Now I find out there is no court order. Can I go pick up my daughter? I am not a lawyer, so I would highly recommend that you contact a lawyer and ask about this. Most states offer a free legal helpline. Some lawyers offer free 30 minute consultations, also, which can help answer your questions. When we had our CPS issue, I visited a lawyer for a free minute consultation and all my questions were answered. Hi Nicole I have a question I work and provide for my daughter my cps came in for education reason the worker walked in the house without permission first off the told my family she had the right to even for education purpose now they took custody of my daughter and gave her to my uncle is cos allowed without court order.

    I would definitely recommend speaking to a lawyer because that seems very shady. Most states have a free legal helpline that may be able to assist you and connect you with other free legal resources in your area. Do you think that, in light of the public outcry over the separation of immigrant children from parents at the border, CPS agencies will rethink their policy of removing children from their homes in many cases before there is even evidence to prove that abuse or neglect has occurred? While they may believe that they should err on the side of caution, children who are separated from parents may be more harmed by the actions of CPS than by the alleged problems they are investigating.

    Just wondering how CPS workers are reacting to the border crisis. I completely agree that children may be more harmed by separation than by the alleged problem. I hope to God not. The border crisis is very different because they were not citizens. They literally will try to keep the child with their family, primarily their parents at all costs. The entire system is flawed.

    I have always wondered about that. In some areas, CPS seems to take children to readily… and in other areas, they seem to wait until it is far too late. I definitely agree that the entire system is flawed. Can a judge still approve a court order to take your kids even after an investigation was taken into action an the parent was clean and everything was good so the police and the social services closed the case cause no evidence of abuse or neglect was found?

    But yet the judge still approved the petition even after that. Can they do that? And can i sue them and the peraon who keeps making these reports against me nand having police and social services keep coming to my house but yet they keep closing the cases cause they dont find no evidence of abuse or neglect, so can i sue that person also for having my kids taking away from me and causing all of this drama to happen to me and my kids? It sounds to me like you would have grounds for a lawsuit! You would need to talk to an attorney to be sure.

    Most states offer a free law help line and the state bar should maintain a record of pro bono legal organizations. At the very least, many lawyers offer a free 30 minute consultation. Do you live in a small town? I live in a big city and that would never happen…. Even cases where children have been very badly abused and neglected many times their hands are tied and they have to leave the child with the abuser. They never go that far to take the kids without something substantial.

    People called CPS on my mother when I was young but nothing happened because they had no proof. Even though they saw all of the injuries and bruises, burns, etc. Straight-up evidence of neglect. This is sadly why many kids die at the hands of their abusers. The point is, if someone actually somehow convinced CPS that you were abusing or neglecting your children you have to come up with just as strong evidence that the allegations are false, why that person would make false allegations, and proof that your home is a safe and loving environment for your children. It really depends on where you live.

    The area you live in definitely makes a big difference in how these reports are handled. It really depends, Aziz. I am not a lawyer so I cannot advise you on the particulars. There are many resources available now to get your child clothes and food etc. They will do everything they can to make sure you can keep your child. I am sorry that you have seem so many cases of systemic failures on the part of CPS. The reference to the winter coat was a personal one.

    He was wrapped in a blanket in 60 degree weather but I had accidentally left his coat at home. The doctor made all sorts of crazy allegations and called a social worker into the room to teach me how to feed and diaper my child even though these were never issues. He also called CPS. Nothing came of it, because the caseworker found the allegations as ridiculous as I did. I agree that a lack of winter coat could constitute neglect in certain extreme cases. However, in my experience, most CPS calls are flippant and ridiculous. I also agree that resources are everywhere.

    To date, we have connected approximately one million low income Americans with the resources, benefits and programs in their local communities. We are currently serving approximately , people per month.

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    The first time cos showed up I ran them off and told them to come back with a court order, they stayed there and the police arrived. I told the police the same thing; it was Saturday. Monday came and five police cars and cps arrives and I asked if they had a court order they did not. My question is would they have taken the children without evidence just to conduct their investigation? I am a boyfriend of a girl who just got taken from her home, cause her parents are the worse.

    Is there any chance I could see her or even have her to contact me? Please let me know. You must be very worried about her. If you contact your local CPS office, they may be able to help you contact her. My girlfriend just got put in CPS and is in Protective custody. I just wanna know. Pleas and thank you. Currently trapped at a airport. That is so frustrating. I would recommend calling your local CPS office to see if they can help you contact her.

    Recently CPS was called on my wife and I. Long story short a report was filed on us from out of the blue. The information that was given on the report could have only come from the new doctor that the kids go to. Is there any thing that we could do? The case is closed and the investigation did not yield anything other than our kids are very well taken care of.

    I would assume it would be the same. Hey I have a problem. I am waiting for cps to come check my house to see if my 2 grandsons can be placed here with me. My daughter was with her boyfriend visiting friends in Texas. They lived in Colorado before this situation occurred.

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    The cops in Texas pulled the boyfriend over. Her 2 young boys were in the car. He took off and there was a police chase. Cps took my grandsons and put them in foster care. One little boy stopped eatting and the other acting out and being punished for his behaviors. Waiting now for them to check my house. Do they have the right to check all rooms in my home? Can the boys sleep together on a full size bed? This is killing me and my daughter.

    This case has never went in front of a judge. It has caused my daughter to be homeless. Please tell me what you think. Thank you so much! Oh my goodness, Cindy! I would definitely consult with a lawyer to be sure. There are two free legal assistance programs that may be able to assist you. You can call them at They answer everything about CPS investigations, service plans, kinship care, and all that.

    I would definitely contact them ASAP. Their number is I followed your instructions to the letter. I have a little boy with special needs with a wandering disorder and severe autism. They already saw my son at school, they already interviewed his private nurse and her supervisor. My son wandered away from my home despite all security mechanisms. My son wandered down street and evil neighbor called cops and Dyfs.

    Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Child Protective Services | WeHaveKids

    Please let me know what to do. Is there any way he can talk to someone else in the office? Most caseworkers have supervisors. They are most definitely allowed to tell you the allegations over the phone. This seems very suspicious to me. I would definitely contact a lawyer ASAP.

    What the 1% Don't Want You to Know

    If you let me know what state to look into, I can search for a free legal help line in your area. There are many free legal assistance lines and pro bono legal organizations that may be able to assist, but it really depends on what state you live in. They spoke to my stepson without parental consent at school once as well, which left me feeling pretty violated. But at least what he said helped clear me. Then they offended me by assuming we were on Medicaid and food stamps by asking how much money we received in food stamps every month and specifically trying to make sure both kids were covered under Medicaid.

    They automatically assume this type of stuff. And they only bothered to check out my stepson, not my bio son. All unfounded but they keep coming out and even make us take hair follicle, urine and blood drug tests. I have no faith in the competency of CPS. You may want to talk to an attorney about that. With a little legal assistance, you may be able to stop that harassment. My sister is dealing with depression, but its from school. But why cps are investigating us but not the school. Trust me this school is pure evil, they fired 2 teacher, the first one is for taking inappropriate picture from a student, the second one is for treating them badly; and a few teacher quit the like in the middle of semester seem like they dont care about their student.

    Hopefully, CPS will investigate and realize that the school is really the problem. It sounds like that school needs a lot of help! I had just sat here and wrote pretty much my Saga on how CPS treated me and my family. They should be able to give you better advice. She not only documented her case and others like it, she began research on what has become a national scandal of government sanctioned "kidnapping" and invasion into the American family.

    She shares her own experiences and that of others in "What C. Doesn't Want You To Know", which is a culmination of her research, interviews, and "ponderings". The book is also a handy manual filled with information, steps and instructions for those facing a similar tragedy and for those who may someday face a CPS disaster of their own.

    Myers lives with her husband in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Learn more about Amazon Prime. Doesn't Want You To Know" is a parent's manual for defending your rights and keeping your family intact.

    Includes information regarding your rights as a parent and as a citizen of this country, laws and cases revealing violations of those rights, and what to do before, during and after the battle to keep your family whole. Also includes inspirational stories of "abduction" survivors. Read more Read less. About the Author The author, R.

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    7. Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. This book is a must read for all parents.