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October 2018

God is not required to pay all his bills at the end of the month.

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But he will make sure that all outstanding debts are paid, either on the cross or in hell. Those who reject Him will be punished. But those who cling to Him will be able to cry out like the psalmist in verse 27,. He could see quite well before he went in there; what did he see that changed his perspective? I would argue that he saw God! I can see the objections now: It is true that if you could see God, you would be vaporized before you realized what you saw, but the psalmist had another set of eyes.

Jennifer Eivaz - Seeing In The Spirit In Your Minds Eye Vs. Your Physical Eye

No, not eyes in the back of his head; he had spiritual eyes, and they caught a vision of God that put everything else into perspective. How did he have this vision? He had it by faith! The eyes of faith revealed that there was more to reality than physical eyes could see. The wicked looked like they were secure, but in reality, they were the most insecure.

They had the worship of the masses, but they did not have the approval of the One who really matters. All of these facts were not less real than the dust under his feet, but he needed to use his spiritual eyes to comprehend them. But his spiritual eyes had been blinded. A trip to the temple reminded him to look again, and this time with the eyes of faith. Did you even realize that you had a set of spiritual organs with which you could apprehend God? The Bible assumes that you have spiritual sensory organs.

Let me just give you some verses from the Psalms:. Think about that for a minute. The Bible assumes that you will be able to know God with the same intensity of experience as you know your friends, your children, your wife. It assumes that you can experience God with the same satisfaction as you do a meal, a flower, a sunset. The Bible says that it is apprehended by faith with spiritual senses Hebrew These all died in faith without receiving the things promised, but they saw them in the distance and welcomed them and acknowledged that they were strangers and foreigners on the earth Hebrews What can all this mean except that we have in our hearts organs by means of which we can know God as certainly as we know material things through our familiar five senses.

Do you hear that? We have them but we must use them!

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No, he was using his physical eyes, and what they saw provoked jealousy. The power of the physical overpowered his spiritual senses and blinded them. Many of us are in the same boat. We look out at the world, and we only see with our physical eyes. Our spiritual eyes are blindfolded, as it were. From lack of use, they have become insensitive to spiritual realities. Our spiritual taste buds have been fed a fast-food spiritual diet for so long that we are incapable of filling our hearts with nourishment.

Friends, we are suffering from sensory overload. And the senses being overloaded are not the physical ones, but the spiritual ones. Like delicate instruments, fine tuned to hear the voice of God, they are easily damaged by the blasting waves of the world, and unless we keep them tuned regularly, they will quickly be unable to detect anything at all. If you have placed your hope in this world for satisfaction, you are blind. They can only see the physical side of life. If that view is not clarified, the result can be raging ENVY, like the psalmist.

But it will lead to many other sins: You need the light of the Holy Spirit to restore your sight. If you sit here and claim the name of Christ, but realize that your spiritual eyes have cataracts, you need eye surgery. So, how do we, like the psalmist, keep our spiritual senses in good working order?

How do we go into the sanctuary and, by faith, catch a glimpse of the One who puts all things into perspective? I would like to dwell on a few suggestions. I want to understand Him to the extent that He reveals himself so that I can be truly satisfied. Think about the psalmist envying the wicked. He walked into the temple and understood that their lifestyle would never satisfy! I was like a dumb animal!

In that vein, the Apostle Paul prayed for the Ephesians that,. Christ prayed for His disciples and those who would believe through their testimony John Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they can see my glory … John We know that whenever it is revealed we will be like him, because we will see him just as he is. And everyone who has this hope focused on him purifies himself, just as Jesus is pure 1 John 3: It is by beholding the glory of Christ by faith that we are spiritually edified and built up in this world, for as we behold his glory, the life and power of faith grow stronger and stronger.

It is by faith that we grow to love Christ.

The New You's Spiritual Vision

So if we desire strong faith and powerful love, which give us rest, peace and satisfaction, we must seek them by diligently beholding the glory of Christ by faith. In this duty I desire to live and to die. It will become to me like something dead and putrid, impossible for me to enjoy. Oh, my friends, strengthen your spiritual eyes so that Christ and the sight of Him becomes your only hope. Think about Him, dwell on what you know about Him, read books about Him. He is the only hope any of us has. And if we do not love the sight of Him, how can we love Him? Second, the fight to see is a fight to believe.

Seeing with new eyes is not just a part of your salvation experience, but part of the daily battle that is the Christian life. He was fighting to believe what God had promised! We desperately need that faith if we are going to know God and see things from His perspective. Listen to Tozer again:. But why do the very ransomed children of God themselves know so little of that habitual, conscious communion with God which Scripture offers?

The answer is because of our chronic unbelief. Faith enables our spiritual sense to function. Where faith is defective the result will be inward insensibility and numbness toward spiritual things …. A spiritual kingdom lies all about us, enclosing us, embracing us, altogether within reach of our inner selves, waiting for us to recognize it. God Himself is here waiting our response to His presence. As we begin to focus upon God, the things of the spirit will take shape before our inner eyes.

Obedience to the word of Christ will bring an inward revelation of the Godhead John It will give acute perception enabling us to see God even as is promised to the pure in heart. A new God-consciousness will seize upon us and we shall begin to taste and hear and inwardly feel God, who is our life and our all. More and more, as our faculties grow sharper and more sure, God will become to us the great All, and His presence the glory and wonder of our lives. As you go through your day, ask Jesus to help you see things from His perspective.

You need His help; you will remain blind without it. Cry out to Christ like Bartimaeus in Mark Third and finally, we need to help each other see. That I may tell of Your works! That I may tell the congregation what You have done. That I may tell others what I see! So that I can help them see. Today is our last Sunday at Community Bible Chapel. Have you ever taken an Art Appreciation class, or a Music Appreciation class?

Appreciation classes can help them learn how to savor good art. God can be the same way. Spiritual eyes are eyes that hope in Christ. The fight to see is a fight to believe. We need to help each other see. Can you see Him? Can you see Him?! Please open our eyes that we might see Your glory. May Your beauty outshine every other thing that promises satisfaction.

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May we, like the psalmist, see You by faith and thus gain an eternal perspective on reality. Then out of the abundance of that vision may we be unable to stop pointing those around us to You so that they too might see and believe. It was completed by more than twenty biblical scholars who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The translation project originally started as an attempt to provide an electronic version of a modern translation for electronic distribution over the Internet and on CD compact disk.

Anyone anywhere in the world with an Internet connection will be able to use and print out the NET Bible without cost for personal study. In addition, anyone who wants to share the Bible with others can print unlimited copies and give them away free to others. It is available on the Internet at: Main Street, Richardson, TX This is the edited manuscript prepared by Steven Sanchez on May 22, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.

The publication of this material is a grace ministry of Community Bible Chapel. When translated one of these texts told the story of the Ugaritic god Mot, or Death and described him as having: The psalmist is more than likely using an ancient to describe the appetites of these wicked rich. He compares them to the voracious false god death!

See Dahood in the AB. For translation see Cyrus H.

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Gordon, Ugaritic Literature Rome: Pontificium Institutum Bibicum, p. Banner of Truth Trust, , p. Handing Off the Baton 2 Timothy 4: Walking the Romans Road. Facing Winter Seasons 2 Timothy 4: You are here Home.

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Meditations on Psalm 73 Related Media. Psalm 73 1 May 22, Introduction 2 A few months ago I was walking across campus at Dallas Theological Seminary, and I saw a blind man making his way across a court yard. A Serious Limitation But as powerful as your eyeballs are, they have one significant limitation. Purpose of This Sermon I want to try to persuade you that as valuable as your physical eyesight is, you have a set of spiritual eyes that are even more valuable. Exegesis Psalm 73 is what students of the Bible call an individual song of thanksgiving or a wisdom Psalm.

Psalm 73 begins with a summary of his theology. Certainly God is good to Israel, and to those whose motives are pure Psalm He says, But as for me, my feet almost slipped; my feet almost slid out from under me For I envied those who are proud, as I observed the prosperity of the wicked Psalm The Wicked in All Their Glory He took those two little eyeballs of his, and he focused them on the proud and wicked around him and what he saw made him envious.

For they suffer no pain; their bodies are strong and well-fed.

The Importance of Spiritual Sight (2 Corinthians ) | Thirsty Soul

They are immune to the trouble common to men; they do not suffer as other men do Psalm Arrogance is their necklace, and violence their clothing. Their prosperity causes them to do wrong; their thoughts are sinful. They mock and say evil things; they proudly threaten violence. They speak as if they rule in heaven, and lay claim to the earth Psalm A Striking Caricature Talk about confident.

Take a good look! This is what the wicked are like, those who always have it so easy and get richer and richer Psalm A Disturbing Conclusion I say this is a cry of protest, and not a shrug of resignation because the psalmist knows in his heart that something is not right. What holds him back may surprise you. If I had publicized these thoughts, I would have betrayed your loyal followers. When I tried to make sense of this, it was troubling to me Psalm In times of famine everyone will look at his supply in cellar and granary, and feel according to the amount of that supply.

If it be large he will feel happy; if small he will feel discouraged and despondent. So also in times of pestilence. Whoever then can flee will do so and seek safety at some other place. If it is His will, no pestilence shall harm me any more than a flee, which may bite and sting me a little, but cannot take my life. But because we do not believe and have no spiritual eyes , but look upon everything with carnal eyes, we are afraid and despondent, and are given to foolish thoughts, as though we could flee many miles from the wrath of God.

Therefore be very careful to distinguish properly between true and hypocritical righteousness or holiness. Then you will be able to look at the kingdom of Christ with eyes other than those that reason uses, that is, with spiritual eyes ; and you will be able to assert with certainty that a saint is one who has been baptized and who believes in Christ.

Through such words he desires to admonish us to see with spiritual eyes and see in baptism the beautiful, rosy-red blood of Christ, which flowed and poured from his holy side. And therefore he calls those who have been baptized none other than those who have been bathed and cleansed in this same rosy-red blood of Christ.

I hid not My face from shame and spitting. What does that spitting accomplish except extolling the wisdom of the world? Thus our face toward the world, if anyone will look at it with spiritual eyes , is so spit upon, so polluted by endless disgraces, that no profession is less imposing in the world than that of those who profess the Gospel. But for one disgrace a hundred glorious rays will one day appear, because the Lord Himself is present as our Helper. He strengthens, preserves, and liberates the hearers.

We read the Scriptures and we look at the world with spiritual eyes, looking past what we see to what we learn from the Scriptures. We see last troubles to glory. We see past sin to righteousness. We see past the devil to the victory of the cross. We see past death to the resurrection and eternal life. We see past the rage of the devil and the hatred of the world to the smile of Jesus and the comfort of His promises.

How do we have these spiritual eyes? Where do we find them? These are a gift from the Holy Spirit, a part of the faith that He gives to us. May God grant it through Christ Jesus. This so encouraged me today. Thank you for writing it. It also reminded me of 1 Corinthians 4, of how Paul thinks about himself. Praise God for Jesus and how we are viewed united in Him!