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Scientists are trying to produce life in the laboratory, but it shouldn't be difficult if the laboratory assistant is pretty and willing. Guided missiles were invented by scientists to help politicians who are always promising us the moon. Peter Medawar If a scientist were to cut his ear off, no one would take it as evidence of a heightened sensibility. An archeologist is a scientist who seeks to discover past civilizations while the present one is still around.

Jules Henri Poincare A scientist worthy of his name, about all a mathematician, experiences in his work the same impression as an artist; his pleasure is as great and of the same nature. A woman's intuition may no be scientific, but it's the best off all lie detectors. Mary Baker Eddy Jesus of Nazareth was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe. He plunged beneath the material surface of things, and found the spiritual cause. In Flagellum Calumniatum Hamburg, he says:. Johannes Antonides van der Linden in De Scriptis Medicis Amsterdam, , reprinted and makes use of an efficient classification to access physicians and their writing.

Montalto emerges from the indices among optic and cephalic specialists. Both Optica and Archipathogia are recommended for perusal by upcoming doctors. Van der Linden was a graduate of Leiden and professor at Franeker, the second oldest university of the Netherlands, after Leiden. A much corrected edition of De Scriptis Medicis known as Lindenius Renovatus , appeared with a preface by Georg Abraham Mercklin , at Nuremberg, where Mercklin practiced. Thus we may surmise that the doctors of Franeker, Amsterdam and Nuremberg knew at least the names of Archipathologia and Optica and perhaps some of the contents.

Abraham Zacuto Lusitano refers to Montalto and his writings in several books, e.

Biographical Sketch

After practicing in Coimbra he left Portugal and settled in Amsterdam. Moses Pinto Delgado, the famous poet. Konrad Schneider studied in Wittenberg and became professor at Jena University. In his Liber de Morbis Capitis Wittenberg, he refers 36 times to Montalto among other specialists of head diseases.

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The second edition lists Montalto in the authors index Curvo Semedo studied at Coimbra University and practiced medicine in Lisbon using chemical remedies. Besides his career as Familiar of the Holy Office Inquisition , he was also knight of the Order of Christ and friend of Rafael Bluteau who wrote a panegyric included in Polyanthea Medicinal.

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Fonseca Henriques was D. Raphael Bluteau had Optica and Archipathologia in his private library He mentions the last work of Montalto in several writings e. Thus in Portugal the dissemination of Archipathologia reached a high point during the reign of D. To conclude we may say that the present study is but a partial one because still missing an intensive research aiming to find all citations contemporaneous and later medical books. Yet, however partial these conclusions may be, they can be used in the future to more profoundly address the questions at hand.

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The books circulated among peers and knowledge had no particular frontiers. The panegyric poems and letters included in several medical works provide evidence of complicity that connected people from different places, religions and methods of practicing medicine. He realizes that man may intervene to cure but ultimately only God has the power over Life and Death. The doctor merely imitates God, inasmuch as He bestows on man His blessing and the remedial herbs to cure. Religious polemics in context: Universita degli Studi di Napoli.

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The Story of Isaac Orobio de Castro. Text, introduction and commentary. Revue des Etudes Juives , Paris: The Hispanic and Luso Brazilian Councils. Domingos Lucas Dias trad. Jacob Henrique de Castro Sarmento. Estudos em Homenagem a A. Marques de Almeida, Coord. Science, Culture, Knowledge , ed.

An Alternative Path to Modernity: The Sephardi Diaspora in Western Europe. Estudos in Memoriam de Elias Lipiner , ed. Ein Beitrag zur Medizingeschichte des Barock. The bibliography about Medicine, Portuguese Doctors and their works and contributions is vast and disperse. See the selected bibliography in the end of this article. Friedenwald, ; Ruderman, ; Ruderman, among others. Dias, , see also Frade, b. This Inquisition file includes the testimonies of several members of the family that were arrested.

This title can be roughly translated by: Duarte da Silva was an important investor in several Crown interests such as diamonds and other goods from the Portuguese domains. He was also responsible for the finances of D. Roth refers Daniel Levi de Barrios and his Relacion de los Poetas to prove that the event of conversion occurred in Venice, where Leon de Modena was rabbi. He also maintained correspondence with the Mahamad of both cities. About the venetian rabbi biography see Cohen, Information provided by Sandra Neves Silva.

The Lusitanians heroically combated the Romans and were subdued by treason. See also Friedenwald, This book was published by Silvera, See also Kaplan, I thank Herman Prins Salomon for pointing this out to me. About this treatise and the messianic ideas see Frade, a.

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However, there is some evidence of another edition Genoa, ? Petrum Gueffier also printed this work; and there is evidence of yet another edition Paris, from the printing house of St. See also Lund, There are copies in Kiel, Amsterdam and London.

This reference is an indication of Joana Mestre Costa. Enviar un comentario Se requiere entrar. Pablo Correa Narrated by: Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wishlist failed. Adding to library failed. Free with day Trial. JR MacGregor Narrated by: Visionarios Billonarios , Book 1 Length: Walter Isaacson Narrated by: Sigmund Freud y sus mujeres [Freud in love: Sigmund Freud and his women] By: Las mujeres de C.