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You read that right. Obsession does take place in the same world that Katy and Daemon inhabit, Obsession is more mature, definitely targeted toward the older crowd. It's an adult romance, so you know what that means. Obsession will change what you think you know about the Luxens and Arums. There will be some crossover with certain characters from the Lux Series. Obsession takes place in-between Opal and the 4th Lux novel, which is called Origin. Hunter and Serena are the lead characters in Obsession.

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Teaser 1 Teaser 2 -- on blog Update Tens of thousands are here, but there are hundreds of thousands out there. They will come eventually. Things are kind of… messed up. And you knocked me out. Flushing all over again, I wanted to dart behind something, but I folded my arms. What were you doing in my room anyway?

Not that I need to explain myself, I was checking to make sure everything was secure outside. The tip of my tongue literally burned to lay into him. What are you trying to do in here? I searched desperately for my jeans, but came up empty. Hunter returned, hands on his hips. You probably knocked them on the floor.

He did undress me while I was unconsciousness for crying out loud. My entire body felt red-hot. So I can add inconsiderate to your glowing list of attributes. Put that right next to: His voice low enough to send warning shivers down my spine. The main characters are Hunter and Selena. This book is not a Lux novel, but it does take place in the same "world" as the Lux series. It is a companion novel. Characters from the Lux series will crossover into this novel.

The events in this book take place between Opal and Origin to give you an idea of timeline 5. Hunter is probably my second favorite guy I've ever written 7.

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This is a digital release only. Some lines from Obsession: Patience was a virtue I found pointless. And u actually feel kind of good under me, so take your time. View all 18 comments. Feb 11, Stacia the club rated it it was ok Shelves: I am so sorry. I am SO sorry. I am sooooo sorry. It's not often when I write a review and worry about having a difference of opinion from my friends - because if I had to worry, I'd have to do it for every single book review with the varied group of friends I have.

Thankfully, I have awesome friends who don't mind me most of the time. Because my opinion is probably going to be extremely unpopular. I honestly think Armentrout doe I am so sorry. I honestly think Armentrout doesn't translate to adult writing with the same fluidity in which she writes YA. This is the second adult book of hers Serena's one year too old for my definition of NA that I've read and had issues with.

Her brand of sexual tension in YA is a great build which keeps the reader invested. Unfortunately, the way that the sexual detail transfers over to older characters reads so much like a copy of every single bad adult contemporary romance term which has already been over-used in thousands of other books. This is a case where I wish the author take a break from reading romance in order to completely forget the "Romance " generic terms so they can start over with their own personal descriptions. The sex scenes were not only cringe-worthy, but I failed to find them arousing on any level.

Bundles of nerves were tingling. Male parts were twitching. Sensations were felt down to the core. Even worse, words were used to describe Hunter's male part as a "thick and demanding proud length that jutted between us. The obligatory "like a drug" reference was present this time it was the taste of her skin. But that's not what made me upset. I was appalled by a scene in which going to need to probably tag this as a spoiler view spoiler [the guy was feeling up Serena while she was sleeping. I put part of the scene in the spoiler tag below. There wasn't a flicker of hesitation when it came to what I did next.

I wasn't fooling myself or anyone. I wanted to touch her and so I did. I know that Lux book 4 is about to come out, but I might need to put a few weeks of distance between this book and the next, just so I can pick up the Lux book and enjoy it for what it is. View all 39 comments. Jun 12, Sophia Triad rated it really liked it Shelves: It was interesting to realise that you need always to look at situations from a different prospective and judge only after you see what every different character thinks. The good guys really weren't typical. They really weren't the good guys at all, but if I discovered anything, there was no such thing as white and black.

There was a lot of gray in the middle. The second part after these two visit Luc, I think it has a slower pace and it did not grab my attention that much. And Luc steals their thunder. How many times have I've told you that you need to chill out, take a vacay. Disney World is really fun this time of the year. Luxen are not always good, although they are light. The most important reality is that one can counterattack the other.

I read it after I finished the Lux series and I think it is the best way to enjoy the book. The above comments are in terms of the general story. Now, about Hunter and Selena I loved the possessiveness and protectiveness of Hunter. He tries so hard to protect her from everyone who wants to hurt her. He does not hesitate to fight Luxen, Humans - even other Arum. Of course it will take him some time to realise that he loves her and that although he is alien, he can still react as a human and have human feelings.

She is certainly cute in her attempts to show some backbone against the more dangerous and stronger predators. It may remind you Daemon and Katy's initial dynamics. Her arms went around me and she held on just as tightly as I held her. It was then when I realized I was still in my true form. She was light against my darkness. Serena hadn't backed away or hesitated.

She accepted me, all of me. Sometimes I think that this book tries too hard to have a New Adult feel and be a book for grown ups — not successfully always. View all 12 comments. Apr 24, Jennifer Kyle rated it it was amazing Shelves: Armentrout is a genius! She took what fans of the Lux Series know to be the truth from the view point of Daemon Black and his siblings and blew it to smithereens! Anyhow, she finds herself under the protection of an Arum named Hunter in his Virginian home.

These two had tons of hysterical banter and loads of chemistry. I completely inhaled this book and I still want more…Hint Hint. Luc what the hell is he? The missing link or is there another species involved here? Did you really have any doubts? View all 59 comments. Aliens everywhere, actually, which is why we have to leave. All the clues are pointing to aliens but can she really believe it? And more important will she manage to stay alive to find out the truth, uncover a conspiracy and maybe, hopefully avenge her friend's death?

Hunter , an Arum on DOD's leash, a ruthless killer and merciless alien, is used to hunting down and exterminating Luxen. When charged with keeping Serena alive, he will have to fight her battles, his own prejudices and his deepest instincts to claim what he knows it's his, Serena. Serena haven't backed away or hesitated. Funny, sexy, adorable, delicious and hilarious, this book is a non-stop adventure, a witty, adult fantasy read that will keep you glued on the pages and leave you daydreaming of men that are more dark shadows, than you could ever imagine.

This is the first book I read by Jennifer L. It will definitely not be the last. But let me state that, I am and I will always be Hunter's And he will be MINE!!! I have heard some whispers , that Arums were the bad guys, there is another male lead that is also hot, yada yada yada There is a new alpha male in town and he will kill you after messing with you and beating you within an inch of your life.

Because, bad-ass is the new Black! You can check out their awesome reviews, here: View all 74 comments. I didn't realize she'd written a tie in to the Daemon Black series. This is the same Hunter that makes an appearance b AprilA wrote: This is the same Hunter that makes an appearance briefly in Origins, isn't it! I haven't got to it yet but if Hunter Kristen Peddler of Smut wrote: I haven't got to it yet but if Hunter appears, then I am looking forward to it Some Spoilers Predictable, cheesy and rather offensive.

The story, the characters and the romance were pretty much exactly the same as all other PNR books except with aliens. I have to admit that I did find it somewhat entertaining up until the 'hero' got all rapey. She wasn't a totally bad character, it was just that she was the same old bland-typical-boring-modest-do-goody-heroine.

Basically the standard placeholder heroine. Instead of grieving for her friend, all she did was think about how hot the hero Hunter was, and how lusty he made her. She was a grown woman for fuck's sake yet she still blushed like a tween girl over every lame innuendo or cheesy look. It was sickening how he thought it was okay to feel up girls in their sleep. What's with all these authors writing rape as if it's something sexy and hot. Serena kept banging on about Hunter's looks, and Hunter kept banging on about how feisty Serena was and how she had great hair.

They had no deeper connection or further development than that. In the Lux series, the Arum are evul aliens intent on eating and killing the innocent Luxen… But in this, the Luxen or Lux or whatever came across as the bad guys and the Arum just seemed like misunderstood underdogs. Because vaginas are so lame. All in all, rubbish. It might have been okay if Hunter wasn't a rapey fuck, and if the characters had some depth.

View all 44 comments. Ok, this book officially proved that the Arum can be just as gorgeous, awesome, and selfless as the Luxen. I'm still in a state of shock after this book, wow. Even though I thought this book was really short, it still went into details about the Luxen and Arum that I didn't even read about in the Lux series, which I found super cool! View all 4 comments. Oct 15, Kristalia rated it really liked it Shelves: Im sure someone called the police by now.

I am officially switching sides! Overall, I freaking loved it: D Despite it's faults, i still loved it. I had so much fun reading it and i was so captivated by it that i couldn't wait to see how the story ends! And also, read it between them just so you understand both sides, both Lux and Arum, and story of Obsession is closely connected to it. But, if you have never read any of the Lux books, you can read it and it will still be fun! I know, i know, Arum race is eviiiiiiiil. Or so we have been led to believe by Luxen race And this book proves it. You will now think which race is good and which is evil.

Because the characters reminded me too much of Daemon and Katy from Lux But i also think characters lacked more depth then they were given. Lux race, a race of Light, and Arum race, a race of shadows. And they are in never ending war. Destroying the planets in process, they settle on Earth When Mel, Serena's best friend, finds out that her boyfriend is an alien, she tries to convince Serena to believe her.

Serena is sure that Mel is wrong because she can't believe in it Hunter is one of the Arum, the alien race which lives to kill Lux race. Hunter is the agent of Department of Defense, for the sole purpose of killing and getting rid of Luxen race who go stray. So when he is told that he needs to be a bodyguard to a human Serena is a human, who due to unfortunate events, ends up being with alien.

Her best friend is murdered and government wants her safe To do so, they assigned Hunter to protect her. Serena was interesting, but to tell you the truth, i didn't really like her much. I don't hate her either, but i have to say i loved when she argued and pissed off Hunter, because it was too much fun!

Her best friend died, and all she does is lust over a man I expected she is going to be extremely depressed or something, because it would be normal reaction Death of someone close is not something you can just ignore, even if it was a man in question. She is basically the older version of her. Hunter is a ruthless assassin, and he is one of the strongest of his kind. He is there to eliminate any threats and he is happy to do that And then, he gets the duty of "baby sitting" one of the humans, and he doesn't know whether it should amuse him, or bother him.

Which leads to akward situations where he accidentally feeds on her. Not in the vampire kind of way, but his race feeds on energy of both Humans and Luxen. My ladies and gentlemen , Hunter is the ultimate anti hero ever written. He is extremely arrogant, self confident and cocky, straight forward and completely frustrating at times! But he is also cold, controlling Not to mention, he is definitely not a romantic type view spoiler [ being all rapey and stuff hide spoiler ]. Damn, Serena was a really, really good-looking woman, but when she smiled? Hell, she was hands down beautiful.

But Hunter is also protective of Serena, which is the only good thing i loved about him. Except for being hot alien, who knows how to cook and who can craft stuff. And, as the time passes, he changes for better Hunter is a meaner, scarier and definitely older version of Daemon. It's hard for me to like him or hate him, because i do hate and like him in the same time, if it makes any sense. I just wish it was a series like Lux, because i wouldn't reading adult series about Arum: D And if you are fan of Lux, definitely check it out.

And if you want interesting romance with really bad boy type, this is for you.

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Oct 05, Mada marked it as to-read Shelves: Have you seen this gorgeous cover? I'm so stalking this hot Arum. I can't wait that long. Oct 13, Vishous rated it it was amazing Shelves: I know it says it can be read as a stand alone and it can, but if you are deep in LUX and decided not to read OPAL because of the cliff I really think you are all smart enough to grasp who will be in the picture for couple of seconds.

View all 61 comments. Nov 03, Booknut rated it really liked it Shelves: Humans were so fragile. Like not taking the shit back kind of right. I knew I needed to stay away from her, but I didn't want to. I also knew I wouldn't. The world is on the verge of destruction, alien and human forces colliding like never before. And Hunter and Serena are caught in th 'No one could move that fast. And Hunter and Serena are caught in the middle.

How far would you go to get revenge?

obsession - Wiktionary

How far would you go to save the people you love? How far is too far? An amazing spin-off from the world of Arum and Luxen, 'Obsession' will have you begging for more. A tale as old as time. Did I just find out Jennifer's creating another teen heartthrob?! Obviously Jennifer realised that what with Aiden and Daemon Us fangirls needed another guy to pour our hopes and dreams into. So she made a hot Arum, thinking: And hopefully we're not in for more heartbreak!!

Seriously, though, if we are I will go outside and build a bivouac and never come out and just stay inside it watching Friends re-runs and shoving down dark chocolate brownies. That is a promise. View all 11 comments. Jun 01, Catarina rated it really liked it Shelves: The main male is an Arum. So, this book takes place in the world of the Lux Series, where aliens are very real… and very sexy.

Serena sees her best friend getting killed, because she saw too much: Displeased is a very soft word for what he felt about having to babysitting her when he could be doing so many better things. If you want to know more you really have to go read the book, now. What can I say? Serena is a pretty good heroine, Hunter is sexy as sin and for some blissful moments we get to see our favorite little luxen, Daemon, who else?

The book has a great story and raises a lot of questions to the people who follow the Lux Series: Who are the bad guys after all? Well, another extremely good reading. You may go read it, for real now. View all 36 comments. Jacqueline's Reads Great review: D Jul 23, D" Thank you ; Jul 23, May 09, It's just me Shelly B rated it really liked it Shelves: So going into this book I wasn't quite sure how I would feel because I wasn't crazy about the Arum's from the Luxen series to begin with but I thought, "why not give it a try.

I'm in love with an Arum I seriously like them just as much as the Luxen now. How did this occur I'll tell you how. One word and one word only made this happen He tells it like it is I guess I should say something about Serena, so far I've only talked about Hunter. I liked Serena she was feisty and stood up for herself instead of cowing to his surly moods. But honestly Hunter made this book for me. If you haven't finished Opal I would probably wait and read this one after because there is a small scene that has a little bit to do with that book.

Bye everyone, go read these books people View all 58 comments. I wish I could have finished this one: Well they don't all work out for us: Rach no they don't: Jul 18, The Lux books teach us that the Arums are basically the exact opposite of the Luxen. Arums are dark, evil, and devoid of emotion where the Luxen are light, good, and more than capable of caring for each other and the human population.

This book takes all of your preconceived notions and throws them out the window! Serena Cross's life explodes when she witnesses her best friend being murdered by an alien. Her best friend learned some very incriminating information about a senator and his family and passed some of this information along to Serena before she was killed. The Department of Defense is trying to determine what Serena knows but they will have to make sure that she is protected from the aliens who killed her friend in order to get that information and decide what to do with her.

Hunter is an Arum that is given the task of protecting Serena. He normally could care less about the DOD and any humans, but Serena is different. He seems drawn to her and the sexual tension between the two is out of this world HOT! Hunter I freaking loved Hunter! This is how I feel about Hunter Serena Serena was an awesome heroine! She is smart, witty, has a backbone, and where Hunter is dominant, Serena is rebellious: She is the perfect match for a guy like Hunter.

Jennifer Armentrout is very talented at creating humourous banter between her main characters and this book is no different!

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The book is a lot steamier and doesn't gloss over the sexy scenes. Overall, I enjoyed this book just as much as I enjoyed the Lux novels. You make me care about things I never cared about before. You make me think. You make me warm. D Aug 02, D" Thank you so much, Destini!

"Obsession" - Aventura

Aug 02, May 31, Karen rated it it was amazing. Another alien masterpiece by Jennifer Armentrout!!!! Now before you start this book, it would be very helpful if you read her Luxen series first. This book is a take off on that series, showing us readers the other side of the coin, from the eyes of the enemy. And what a delicious glimpse it is into the mind and the life of the Arum. She wakes up shortly after, overhearing a conversation between him and his brother.


She is intrigued by their strange conversation, and is then quickly shocked by the altercation she witnesses between the two. She hears and sees some things that will soon seal her fate and lead to her untimely death. However, before this all plays out, she manages to share her unfortunate sighting with her best friend Serena.

What she saw was impossible, right? Well apparently not… and soon Serena finds herself in danger as well, and on the run, with no one to trust. He has been assigned to watch over Serena, and to find out just how much she knows. He is not happy about this assignment, but is accepts it reluctantly. However once he seeks her out, he will soon find he must fight his own instincts to keep her safe.

He is an Arum after all, a killer. And his cravings are testing the limits of his self-control. He is instantly struck with her appearance and vulnerability, and finds himself drawn to her. But his cravings go beyond sex. He has a hunger to feed from her as well, and if he indulges this need, he will kill her himself.

This he cannot allow to happen. But his frustration proves to be intense, way beyond what he was prepared to deal with. A feeling totally new to him. She is a human after all. Arum are only about self-preservation and pleasure. But fuck him, he was falling for her… And if I was honest, I was fucking terrified of the idea. Serena Cross at the age of 23 had already lived through some pretty rough times.

Her mother had been murdered during a botched robbery attempt when she was a freshman in college, and her father was never a part of her life. She found herself young and alone at a very young age. For this reason, she had relied heavily on the love and support of her best friend Mel. So when Mel is also taken from her life, she is forced to stand alone and fight for her life. So when Hunter shows up to offer up protection, Serena is not very accepting of his help, in fact she is completely freaked out by him.

Yes, he appears and acts human…and a freaking hot one at that, and he did save her life, but his cold demeanor and prickly personality have her questioning his loyalty. Not to mention his intense need to feed from her. At least I knew that the male species were asses no matter what planet they hailed from. The chemistry between these two is white hot and the fast building sexual tension is completely addictive, as is the verbal banter between them.

I absolutely LOVE this couple!!!! I was literally glued to the book!!!! I never wanted to put it down…damn real life, always getting in the way!!!! Hunter is soooooo fucking HOT, and sweet with Serena. And Serena was tough, not your typical weepy pitiful heroine. She was tougher than nails…. She knew she made some bad choices and she admitted it… I respected her for that.

Overall, I liked her…a lot!!!! And she overcame some serious shit in this book, and stood tall and claimed her man!!!

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I mean her alien!!! Luxen were formidable opponents. I was fighting differently that I ever had before. I was fighting for Serena. She meant everything to me. Knowing that, fully understanding what that meant, I was on a motherfucking warpath. And yes… this book definitely had me feeling guilty for pulling for the Arum against the Luxen!!!!! Human or not, it rocked me to my very core. But remember, read the Luxen series first!!!!! I slipped into my human form, cradling her against me. The words, they came out easier than I ever thought they would.

Hunter [image error] Serena Cross [image error] View all 45 comments. Jun 01, Mona rated it it was amazing Recommended to Mona by: Buddy Read with my darling Pavlina!! This book has pretty much left me speechless and not knowing where to start. The characters are to die for, the plot really draws you in f Buddy Read with my darling Pavlina!!

She was such a good match for Hunter. She never took shit from him without giving it back in double. D "Please don't-" "Please don't what? Christ, woman I didn't sign up for this. To take Hunter a "I don't care about humans, I only want to get into your pants and get on with my day" and thrust him in a situation where he could say 'fuck it' and not change, or sacrifice his entire existence for the woman he loves, was a WOW for me.

Seeing him open up and surprised by his feelings for the cute and feisty Serena was so loving and endearing to read about. View all 47 comments. May 08, Jamie rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed this one.. He was hot and alpha protective over Serena.

Took him a while to come around and I enjoyed their back and forth bantering. I wouldnt say I enjoyed this one as I really enjoyed this one.. I wouldnt say I enjoyed this one as much as I enjoy the Lux books but it was good: View all 5 comments. Jun 04, Jana rated it it was amazing Shelves: I know my review would never do this book justice but hey at least I tried, right?

I was dying for this book ever since she gave us some teasers last May and NOW I actually can't believe I've finally read it! Hunter is definitely the baddest hot male character Jen has ever written. He's also my favourite which says a LOT. Sorry Daemon and Cam but H I know my review would never do this book justice but hey at least I tried, right? Sorry Daemon and Cam but Hunter is definitely kicking both your asses. Hunter is not your typical hero. First, I doubt you'd even like him at the beginning. He's an ARUM - besides being one of the 'bad guys', he's also cold, an alpha male, has an ego the size of the planet and with such arrogance that will put Daemon to shame.

But as you read on, you just can't help but really fall in love with him. Like Serena says "You're more than a weapon, Hunter. If you love how feisty Alex and Katy are, then you'd adore Serena!! Serena made me laugh as much as Hunter did, and I love how big her heart is and how feisty she is with Hunter.

Made me laugh so much! You know what's so great about all this? Besides the sexy romance which is my fav , there was this whole thing between the Luxen, Arum, the government and even humans. Those who've read the Lux series will obviously know more, but you can also read this as a stand-alone she explains everything perfectly. And I really admire how Jen wrote this whole alien war thing being not just black and white.

There's soooo many gray areas, and to be honest, there's NO good guy or bad guy. In the YA series, we get the Luxen point of view and we all deemed the Arum as the stupid ugly bad guys. But it's so far from that. I'm so thankful to JLA for writing this from the supposed enemy point of view. Arum can be just as interesting and good as the Luxen. I'm so not Team anybody. I love both the Luxens and Arums. The scenes are so beautifully written and not just there for the sake of it. Definitely not for the younger readers but I am nearly an adult so: P You're all probably so tired of me going on and on about Jen's fabulous writing, but I gotta say it again.

She's one hell of a writer. I started this in the late evening and didn't finish until the morning. My only wish is it: Can I have this on paperback please?? I am more, but not with anyone else. D And of course to my fav author ever Jennifer L. Armentrout for being so awesome to her fans and for writing the best stories ever. The story-line was so predictable,I saw the ending coming light-years away.

Its great that Hunter found his Serena and Serena found her Hunter.. But could some-one please help ME find the story-line in all this? Cause all I read was both of them going at it like bunnies. By the time we reached the book's climax and the heroine decides to view spoiler [avenge her best friend's murder.. And then very predictably gets caught.

What did you think was going to happen?!? I'm just not sure where that all went: Nov 14, littlebookbosomed bookreview rated it it was amazing Shelves: I wonder how the looks likes. To be obsessive is to be American; to be obsessive is to be modern. But obsession is not only a phenomenon of modern existence: Behind this paradox lies a fascinating history, which Lennard J. Davis tells in Obsession. Beginning with the roots of the disease in demonic possession and its secular successors, Davis traces the evolution of obsessive behavior from a social and religious fact of life into a medical and psychiatric problem.

Treating obsession apart from that history is an obstacle to our understanding it. Through his astute and learned analysis of mental states ranging from demonic possession to single-minded genius to disturbing pathology, Davis paints a fascinating picture of human complexity. In his pages, we learn of the glories and the tragedies of passionate fixation—of profound achievements in art, athletics, and love; of lives and families broken beyond repair.

Meditating on the great paradox of obsession—it generates brilliance and causes dysfunction—Davis does more than provide a fascinating cultural history of an elemental human condition. The book brilliantly ranges across disciplines to discern just how we became so obsessed with being obsessed.

In so doing, it offers a path breaking model of how to link the humanities and medicine for the benefit of patients and their care-givers. His perspective is both sympathetic and humane. His thought-provoking book greatly extends arguments about American psychiatry and should be welcomed for doing so. Olympian athletes, concert soloists, and novelists have to be obsessed, yet the admired qualities that undergird their excellence also cause suffering and can lead to psychiatric diagnosis. Davis begins with a gripping story of his own boyhood compulsions.

Taking examples from literature, history, art, and medicine, he shows how society both aggravates and aggrandizes obsessiveness, notably in sex education, science, and psychoanalysis. Francis Galton, Charles Dickens, Sigmund Freud, Marie Stopes, and others populate a "biocultural narrative" that Davis introduces to penetrate walls of isolation between historical context and the latest fads and between categorical disease and the experience of illness. Profound, brilliant, and engaging, the book deplores the separation of medicine and psychology from their historical and social contexts.

Demonstrating a narrative approach, Davis breaks the quarantine that isolates the obsessive person from obsessive society and rightly recommends a good dose of interdisciplinary medical history. The book is laced with rich examples exemplifying obsessional people and their work. Literature and Literary Criticism: General Criticism and Critical Theory.

You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores. Outside the USA, see our international sales information. University of Chicago Press: About Contact News Giving to the Press. Rum Maniacs Matthew Warner Osborn. On Hysteria Sabine Arnaud.