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You are a liar if you say your plastic Wully coat does the job better. Canada Goose coats are warm, yes. However, Primaloft was developed for the US army. I think it speaks volumes that the US army would choose Primaloft over down. I have first hand experience in Canadian winter weather with the Wully and with the Goose. I wore the Goose for 6 years and it did me well, but right off the bat, you can feel the difference that science makes. You fail to see the bright side of a coat lasting for thousands of years: A Goose coat does not last nearly as long, and you wont get nearly as much use out of it.

Perhaps I am the one who loses along with the intelligent animals by having such unfortunately great empathy and emotional depth. By the way, Canada Goose straight up says that they cannot trace where their fur comes from, they just buy it from whoever is trapping and murdering at the time. Most of us are able to shut off our empathy by means of hypnosis through advertisements, drugs, and constant psychological stimulation in our society today. Some just more than others.

Anyone who compares using animals for clothing to killing humans loses all credibility with me immediately. Hello, may I ask why you feel this way about comparing animals and humans? Humans homo sapians are in fact animals and belong to the animal kingdom Animalia. We are just very intelligent animals. Anyone who supports animal abuse and cruelty to profit from their suffering…..

I have done my research. Name me two non-petroleum alternatives to animal products we can wear comfortably in the freezing cold. These materials have to be ones that are available to buy in stores. There are many plant based materials being researched and developed for cruelty free clothing. One cruelty does not cancel out another, animals are killed for food which is regrettable but necessary, these animals are horribly killed to decorate a coat, in other words for vanity, Im amazed you need this explaining to you….

It would just be marketing, not the real story. We need undercover investigative journalists to bring the truth about Canada Goose to the world. Do you think Canada Goose is running concentration camps for coyotes and dreaming up the most brutal but cost-effective ways to kill them?

Canada Goose will do whatever it takes to make the most profits from exploiting animal suffering. Meanwhile see our other comment about the mistake of thinking the pursuit of profit is inherently evil. Funny, The Lies About Fur has turned their reply option off. You are kidding, right? Do you know what your MEC jacket is made of? It is made of petroleum by products, a totally non-renewable resource that is terrible for the planet and its inhabitants.

Every time you wash your fleece is pollutes the water with particles of plastic, which are now in the ground, water, and animals. And when you get rid of it, it sits in a landfill for years. There is a big difference between animal product like milk, wool, or antlers and killing an animal. There is no explanation for the Fur trade other than vanity. There is fake fur and other materials that are just as good. No one needs fur. We kill animals on a farm because we need FOOD. Killing for fur is killing for the sake of killing and so its not excusable in any way.

If you are insistent on REAL fur you simply enjoy the blood of animals. I think anyone who wants fur should be forced to murder it themselves, then see if your vanity can stay alive. I not changing this comment either may anyone who insists on REAL fur burn in the fiery pits of hell along with those coats of yours. Hopefully you can find the time to read some of the posts on our blog, since explaining why we should wear fur is our primary mission.

What a pathetic argument. We need food, yes, and we also need protection from the elements winter coats. There is only one type of person who thinks it is ok to kill animals for meat but not for fur: No one is going to ask you to change your comment because it looks good for anti-fur people to sound like idiots in the comments section. Because if it gets too cold or you get too hungry you just may turn on your dog. That goes for the hypocrite who wrote this article. I cringe to think that people like you still exist in what is supposed to be a progressive society.

AnimalLover; As a citizen of society that has survived close to 6 thousand years our mandate was decreed by God the fella who also talked about the flames of hell in Revelation For Adam also and for his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them.

Why Doesn't My Goose

Now the hopeful part is that in Revelation Chapter Now if the 8 M deer hides were brain tanned and used for clothing, the kill from an average deer hunt in America that would alleviate lots of Field Critter Kill from some of your anti animal fabric alternatives. The animals and birds poisoned and mangled by mono-cropping far outweigh those harvested for meat and hides. Roadkill of deer averages 1. The civilized theme is to practice Good Stewardship, do you agree?

It is also expedient to take opportunity of any Value Added Products, do you agree? This article is terrible — and quite misleading. Of the five reasons given, only one defends the practice of killing coyotes for fur. Apparently, they are a problem for ranchers, and carry away household pets in cities. The species is very versatile, especially in their ability to exploit human modified environments. It seems unethical to justify mass killing of coyotes for the dubious reason of population control, when humans are the ones causing the population increase. The remainder of the article is similarly garbage.

It suggests PETA in incredible because it opposes use of all animals. You know an article is weakly argued when it has to rely on such diversionary tactics. The only thing weakly argued is your comment. It IS incredible that PETA opposes all use of animals, animal research has saved lives and they want to ban it, amongst other things. And your argument about human modifying the landscape, yes, it is true. But what are you suggesting?

We cull humans so the coyotes can take over? Have you heard about wool? Hmmm yes, maybe I have heard about it.

2. Coyote Mums Not “Desperate”

So while you might be ok with wearing wool which is a fantastic fibre and can definitely protect you in mild winters animal rights activists are not ok with it. So you support animal suffering as long as you benefit from it Alexandra? Do you work for Canada Goose or the fur industry? Is this question well conceived? The alternative — supporting animal suffering when there are no benefits — is unacceptable to anyone in modern, civilised society. So of course there must be benefits. How about mink that are anally electrocuted to kill them…..

Acceptable in The Truth About Fur eyes? Your alternative explanation is a pathetic excuse. There is no need in modern society to cause intention animal suffering for fur. The only reason you do it….. Some short answers for you … 1 Yes, we consider the minimal suffering caused by modern foothold traps to be acceptable given the benefits they provide. As far as we know, gassing is the procedure used on every mink farm in North America.

People need to eat, and food costs money. I live in Quebec at you can wear syntetic jackets by companies such aa North face. So thats a bad excuse. You probably oppose to seal fur, at least the meat is eaten. But maybe you have a point. Too many cayote, too many seals as the eco balance is wrong.

Killing animals for fur finding fake excuses to justify is terrible. You are not a good person. You are promoting the killing so your opinion is not welcome. Perhaps you should migrate south with your guns. They write all the time about seal skin on this blog, maybe you should bother to read it before you presume they oppose it.

They definitely do not oppose it. I prefer natural, sustainable products over petrochemicals. One night in March the first disappeared, and then a month or so later the other disappeared. There will never be enough of a just to support this horrifying idustry. First how dare you! Having a dog that is part of the coyote family. They are all have a ancestry connection. Second there is no humane way of killing a being.

And over populating, please the human population is becoming over populated. Do you see people being eliminated. They are not being over populated! There are many people that keep warm without having the need to wear fur! Stop trying to find excuses to make yourself feel better. You always know you are dealing with a psychopath when they start comparing the fur trade to rape.

You are screwed up, lady. I am a contributor to this blog and I enjoy refuting the pathetic arguments from the animal rights activists. Instead of concerning yourself with my social life, maybe you would like to add something of value to the conversation? Or is that too much to ask? Or is that concept a little to advanced for you in light of your barbaric and antiquated views?

The concept is not too advanced for us, we simply choose to believe that humans deserve to be treated better than animals. Some commenters might be non-vegans who opposite fur industry as well. So glad that so many people speak out against this! Most people that buy those products, buying them either out of ignorance or because it looks nice. You would be lying if you would deny that the vast majority of fur buyers buy and wear it because of fashion reasons.

As for the CG topic: I gladly support local businesses and producers and gladly pay more, especially when I receive a good quality product.

But if I buy one of those, my money would still flow into the cruelty. Not much better than the battery cages for the chickens. Talking about fur farms; a little experience from my childhood: When I grew up, there was a mink farm not too far where we used to live. But there was always that disgusting musky smell.

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Asked my brothers where that smell came from and they responded that it came from the minks. The farm looked basically like any generic fur farm. Then the owner showed up. He was so angry that he released his dog! Released a dog onto a group of children! How brave is that? We hardly made it out of it, since we were close by.

Luckily, that farm among many others in germany shut down later on. The whole fur industry is a dirty business and there are far more negative reasons than good ones. In those countries there are no laws and animal welfare. Which means the animals suffer even more and often get skinned alive. Sure, fur looks nice, but is it really worth the suffering and death of an animal?

Especially when it gets killed just for the fur alone? You think it is weird that a farm smelled bad? ALL farms with animals semml bad. You are upset that a farmer used a dog to scare off trespassers? Keep in mind that fur farmers take trespassing very seriously, as many trespassers are there to release their animals.

But anyone who lives somewhere that drops to freezing needs a winter coat. Even if it just above freezing, I still need my fur when I am standing in the dog park for an hour, or waiting for the bus. And aside from other animal skins or by-products, there are NO viable alternatives. I have seen info about a lot of jackets that come from recycled water bottles and fishing nets that are diverted from landfill, and they keep you very warm.

Nor can we argue against those that profit from using and treating animals as nothing more than commodities, instead of the Sentient beings they really are. Of course people who profit from oppression and suffering are going to defend what they do….. What a strangely ignorant article that does not take into the account the wider fur trade and the market that these particular jackets have created — cheapened versions, the feeling that it is ok to wear fur — there might be some sort of argument for a regulated trade but there majority of fur is from unregulated markets in China and Eastern Europe.

This is a very narrow minded article coming from someone who is clearly unworldly and ill-informed. Canada Goose, or any other Western brand, has done nothing to create cheaper, unregulated fur markets in China and Eastern Europe. The fur trade in these parts of the world has been around for many hundreds of years. The fact that China and Russia are the two strongest fur markets today is not because Westerners told them to wear fur.

Yes, fur trapping is extremely well regulated in North America, and that is where the coyote fur on Canada Goose parkas — and most commercially-used wild fur — is sourced. Marisa, Not everyone lives in the modern world and may have a square shape not able to fit into your vision of a round peg. Unworldly people still have a need to provide for their families sustenance. The majority of the global population do not have the employment and educational opportunities that we have in North America. Notwithstanding that many never felt comfortable in School, possibly having that square peg feeling, but they felt very comfortable in the forests and learned that trapping was an economic opportunity.

Why Shouldn't My Goose song and lyrics from KIDiddles

Beaver, seal and rabbit are also palatable meats that can sustain a body while creating income from the pelt. They survived and were introduced to the Fur Trade by caucasians from Europe. Trapping was the first Commercial Opportunity in North America. Now some of the negative commenters here own polyethylene kayaks requiring possible Arctic Oil Drilling for the required feedstock. There have been an estimated I suggest that some natives start a Heritage School building kayaks the self sustainable way, with whale bone and seal skin, that can be auctioned off to the purists with deep pockets.

Coyotes are closely related to dogs, how can you justify loving one and wearing another? Think about it for one second, what if someone came up and shot your dog. Would you fine with it, even your dog died instantly? They make synthetic fur that is every bit as warm and durable as real fur. Stop trying to justify killing animals so you steal their skin. Thank you for taking the time to express your opinion, Michelle. You ask how we can love our dog while wearing coyote fur?

Another great round that my sisters and I used to sing. Does that make it two to one? In the former, I paid more than you did; in the latter, I paid more for my goose than you did for yours. The third repetition of goose was always higher and much louder!

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How to make Goose Bologna and Jerky Recipe

Notify me of new posts via email. I think her problem is a cut on her tongue, but I am not sure.


She seemed to take an interest in chewing on lettuce last night but, only took a few tiny pieces. She's really special to me, and I'd be devastated if she died. If I don't see any improvement, I will do what I have to in order to make sure she is okay. Is your little guy drinking? My girl seems more tired than usual but not to the point of complete lethargy. She does drink a lot and gets some nutrition from her water, thanks to hand feeding formulas and bird vitamins.

She even gets probiotics. I'm just hoping it's enough to keep her alive until she wants to eat, if the problem is indeed with the tongue. But can I really be sure of the problem's cause? I'm thinking if worse comes to worse, I can tube feed her nutrition. I've never tube fed a goose but they are like most birds, not too hard to figure out. Jul 16, Post 8 of All she's pooping is water now What am I supposed to do? Jul 16, Post 9 of Just wanted to say that she is doing well.

I started to feed her some baby cereals and she soon was chomping down lettuce and greens as if it were her last meal. She is now active and happy and being just as annoying as ever. As I speak, she is trying to type with her beak. I am just so glad she is okay. Tinkertyme, I hope your baby is okay. Jul 16, Post 10 of Well I'm not sure if it is that but I suppose it could be- it makes sense with all the head shaking.

Try some cooked malt o meal, that may agree with her tongue better with it being moist. That and greens in a dish of water Maybe some canned veggies? Baby food even might be something she'd like You could even take a small amount of her normal food and make a mash out of it and try it. That is about all I can think of off the top of my head, anything to get food down her.

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