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Johann Sebastian Bach: Sarabande from French Suite No. 1 in D minor, BWV 812

IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country. Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 3. Work Title French Suite No. Retrieved from " http: Suites ; For keyboard ; Scores featuring keyboard soloists ; For 1 player ; For 3 guitars arr ; Scores featuring the guitar ; For 3 players ; For organ arr ; Scores featuring the organ ; For guitar arr.

However, I can make no sense whatsoever of the measure 21 F4 in the tenor voice. Bach has it wrong. Did I just say that? It should be a D4 rather than an F4.

French Suite No.1 in D minor, BWV 812 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)

Listen again to this passage and pay attention to the effect of the F. The primary reason has to do with chord structure. The chord implied here is a first inversion D minor chord, a tonic triad in the key of D minor, the immediate resolution of a V42 chord that preceded it. In first semester music theory, we learn that the strongest and much preferred chord structure for first inversion triads is to avoid doubling the bass. So why has Bach doubled the bass here? F in tenor doubles the F in the bass.

However, such weaker doublings should only be used when voice-leading considerations dictate that they be used, and Bach follows this approach consistently in his music.

About Luke Dahn

This means that Bach has gone out of his way to achieve a chord structure that is weaker than it could be. And the fact that the D actually does appear on beats 2 and 3 of the measure adds to the confusion. Perhaps Bach has inserted the F to create some kind of motivic gesture F-D-D that features prominently earlier in the piece. But this descending third gesture is found nowhere else in the piece. Or perhaps Bach is intentionally delaying the arrival of the D to beat two to match similar delayed arrivals in the G—F—E—D descending line beginning in m.

The F is delayed to the second part of beat 1 in m.

BPM for French Suite No. 1 In D Minor, BWV Sarabande (Johann Sebastian Bach) - GetSongBPM

Relatedly, perhaps Bach is intent on never keeping three separate voices on the same note through an entire measure. See measures 1, 5, 6, 9, and 13 — even when two accompanimental voices are stationary, the third is moving. He easily could have created movement in ways that do not result in obviously weakened chord structures. The Six French Suites.

French Suite, for keyboard No. 1 in D minor, BWV 812 (BC L19)

Italian Concert; French Suites Nos. The French Suites Nos.

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