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Identify the word pairs with a common ancestor. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Build a chain of words by adding one letter at a time. Examples of hippy in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web The two-story market sells fruit, vegetables, dry goods, and meat on the first floor; the second floor has a hippy -dippy bent, with incense, henna tattoos, piercings, and woven backpacks. Houseplants are having a social media moment," 1 May Coming out the same year as Jesus Christ Superstar, this less by-the-book retelling of his life starred Victor Garber as a melancholy, hippy clown version of the lord.

First Known Use of hippy , in the meaning defined above. Learn More about hippy. Resources for hippy Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared. Dictionary Entries near hippy Hippuris hippurite Hippurites hippy hip rafter hip roll hip roof. Time Traveler for hippy The first known use of hippy was in See more words from the same year.

More from Merriam-Webster on hippy Rhyming Dictionary: Laughlin III, co-founder of the Cabale Creamery, [45] established a kind of tribal, family identity among approximately fifty people who attended a traditional, all-night Native American peyote ceremony in a rural setting. This ceremony combined a psychedelic experience with traditional Native American spiritual values; these people went on to sponsor a unique genre of musical expression and performance at the Red Dog Saloon in the isolated, old-time mining town of Virginia City , Nevada.

During the summer of , Laughlin recruited much of the original talent that led to a unique amalgam of traditional folk music and the developing psychedelic rock scene. There was no clear delineation between "performers" and "audience" in "The Red Dog Experience", during which music, psychedelic experimentation, a unique sense of personal style and Bill Ham's first primitive light shows combined to create a new sense of community. Strange " at Longshoreman's Hall. Ten thousand people attended this sold-out event, with a thousand more turned away each night.

Bob Stubbs, "Unicorn Philosophy" [53]. The Avalon Ballroom, the Fillmore Auditorium and other venues provided settings where participants could partake of the full psychedelic music experience. Bill Ham, who had pioneered the original Red Dog light shows, perfected his art of liquid light projection , which combined light shows and film projection and became synonymous with the San Francisco ballroom experience. Gleason put it, "They danced all night long, orgiastic, spontaneous and completely free form. Some of the earliest San Francisco hippies were former students at San Francisco State College [55] who became intrigued by the developing psychedelic hippie music scene.

Activity centered around the Diggers , a guerrilla street theatre group that combined spontaneous street theatre, anarchistic action, and art happenings in their agenda to create a "free city". By late , the Diggers opened free stores which simply gave away their stock, provided free food, distributed free drugs, gave away money, organized free music concerts, and performed works of political art. On October 6, , the state of California declared LSD a controlled substance, which made the drug illegal. According to Cohen, those who took LSD "were not guilty of using illegal substances We were celebrating transcendental consciousness, the beauty of the universe, the beauty of being.

The Sunset Strip curfew riots , also known as the "hippie riots", were a series of early counterculture -era clashes that took place between police and young people on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood , California , in and continuing on and off through the early s. In , annoyed residents and business owners in the district had encouraged the passage of strict Hours before the protest one of L. A's rock 'n' roll radio stations announced there would be a rally at Pandora's Box , a club at the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Crescent Heights, and cautioned people to tread carefully.

The lyrics, "If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair", inspired thousands of young people from all over the world to travel to San Francisco, sometimes wearing flowers in their hair and distributing flowers to passersby, earning them the name, " Flower Children ".

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In June , Herb Caen was approached by "a distinguished magazine" [68] to write about why hippies were attracted to San Francisco. He declined the assignment but interviewed hippies in the Haight for his own newspaper column in the San Francisco Chronicle. Caen determined that, "Except in their music, they couldn't care less about the approval of the straight world.

The Philosophy of a Subculture. Leave society as you have known it. Blow the mind of every straight person you can reach. Turn them on, if not to drugs, then to beauty, love, honesty, fun. The media was right behind them, casting a spotlight on the Haight-Ashbury district and popularizing the "hippie" label. With this increased attention, hippies found support for their ideals of love and peace but were also criticized for their anti-work, pro-drug, and permissive ethos.

At this point, The Beatles had released their groundbreaking album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band which was quickly embraced by the hippie movement with its colorful psychedelic sonic imagery. By the end of the summer, the Haight-Ashbury scene had deteriorated. The incessant media coverage led the Diggers to declare the "death" of the hippie with a parade. Haight-Ashbury could not accommodate the influx of crowds mostly naive youngsters with no place to live. Many took to living on the street, panhandling and drug-dealing.

There were problems with malnourishment, disease, and drug addiction. Crime and violence skyrocketed. None of these trends reflected what the hippies had envisioned. By , hippie-influenced fashions were beginning to take off in the mainstream, especially for youths and younger adults of the populous " Baby Boomer " generation, many of whom may have aspired to emulate the hardcore movements now living in tribalistic communes, but had no overt connections to them.

This was noticed not only in terms of clothes and also longer hair for men, but also in music, film, art, and literature, and not just in the US, but around the world. Eugene McCarthy 's brief presidential campaign successfully persuaded a significant minority of young adults to "get clean for Gene" by shaving their beards or wearing longer skirts; however the "Clean Genes" had little impact on the popular image in the media spotlight, of the hirsute hippy adorned in beads, feathers, flowers and bells.

A sign of this was the visibility that the hippie subculture gained in various mainstream and underground media.

The hippy is back: not so cool if you remember it the first time round

Hippie exploitation films are s exploitation films about the hippie counterculture [78] with stereotypical situations associated with the movement such as cannabis and LSD use, sex and wild psychedelic parties. Other more serious and more critically acclaimed films about the hippie counterculture also appeared such as Easy Rider and Alice's Restaurant. List of films related to the hippie subculture.

Documentaries and television programs have also been produced until today as well as fiction and nonfiction books. The popular Broadway musical Hair was presented in People commonly label other cultural movements of that period as hippie, however there are differences. For example, hippies were often not directly engaged in politics, as contrasted with "Yippies" Youth International Party , an activist organization.

The Yippies came to national attention during their celebration of the spring equinox, when some 3, of them took over Grand Central Terminal in New York—eventually resulting in 61 arrests. The Yippies, especially their leaders Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin , became notorious for their theatrics, such as trying to levitate the Pentagon at the October war protest, and such slogans as "Rise up and abandon the creeping meatball!

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In Cambridge, hippies congregated each Sunday for a large "be-in" at Cambridge Park with swarms of drummers and those beginning the Women's Movement. In the US the Hippie movement started to be seen as part of the " New Left " which was associated with anti-war college campus protest movements. In April , the building of People's Park in Berkeley, California received international attention.

The University of California, Berkeley had demolished all the buildings on a 2. After a long delay, during which the site became a dangerous eyesore, thousands of ordinary Berkeley citizens, merchants, students, and hippies took matters into their own hands, planting trees, shrubs, flowers and grass to convert the land into a park. A major confrontation ensued on May 15, , when Governor Ronald Reagan ordered the park destroyed, which led to a two-week occupation of the city of Berkeley by the California National Guard.

Wavy Gravy 's Hog Farm provided security and attended to practical needs, and the hippie ideals of love and human fellowship seemed to have gained real-world expression. Similar rock festivals occurred in other parts of the country, which played a significant role in spreading hippie ideals throughout America. The Hells Angels provided security that proved far less benevolent than the security provided at the Woodstock event: By the s, the s zeitgeist that had spawned hippie culture seemed to be on the wane. Nevertheless, the turbulent political atmosphere that featured the bombing of Cambodia and shootings by National Guardsmen at Jackson State University and Kent State University still brought people together.

Much of hippie style had been integrated into mainstream American society by the early s. The anti-war movement reached its peak at the May Day Protests as over 12, protesters were arrested in Washington DC. President Nixon himself actually ventured out of the White House and chatted with a group of the 'hippie' protesters.

The draft was ended soon thereafter, in During the mid s, with the end of the draft and the Vietnam War , a renewal of patriotic sentiment associated with the approach of the United States Bicentennial and the emergence of punk in London, Manchester, New York and Los Angeles, the mainstream media lost interest in the hippie counterculture. At the same time there was a revival of the Mod subculture , skinheads, teddy boys and the emergence of new youth cultures, like the goths an arty offshoot of punk and football casuals.

Acid rock gave way to prog rock , heavy metal , disco , and punk rock. Starting in the late s, hippies began to come under attack by skinheads. The countercultural movement was also under covert assault by J. Hippie ideals had a marked influence on anarcho-punk and some post-punk youth subcultures, especially during the Second Summer of Love. Hippie communes, where members tried to live the ideals of the hippie movement, continued to flourish. On the west coast, Oregon had quite a few.

Some are still around. While many hippies made a long-term commitment to the lifestyle, some people argue that hippies "sold out" during the s and became part of the materialist, consumer culture. Many embrace the hippie values of peace, love, and community, and hippies may still be found in bohemian enclaves around the world. The bohemian predecessor of the hippie culture in San Francisco was the " Beat Generation " style of coffee houses and bars, whose clientele appreciated literature, a game of chess, music in the forms of jazz and folk style , modern dance, and traditional crafts and arts like pottery and painting.

The beatnik thing was black, cynical, and cold. One expression of hippie independence from societal norms was found in their standard of dress and grooming, which made hippies instantly recognizable to one another, and served as a visual symbol of their respect for individual rights. Through their appearance, hippies declared their willingness to question authority, and distanced themselves from the "straight" and " square " i. At the same time, many thoughtful hippies distanced themselves from the very idea that the way a person dresses could be a reliable signal of who he or she was—especially after outright criminals such as Charles Manson began to adopt superficial hippie characteristics, and also after plainclothes policemen started to "dress like hippies" to divide and conquer legitimate members of the counterculture.

Frank Zappa , known for lampooning hippie ethos, particularly with songs like " Who Needs the Peace Corps? Leading proponents of the s Psychedelic Art movement were San Francisco poster artists such as: Posters for concerts in the Fillmore West , a concert auditorium in San Francisco, popular with Hippie audiences, were among the most notable of the time.

Richly saturated colors in glaring contrast, elaborately ornate lettering, strongly symmetrical composition, collage elements, rubber-like distortions, and bizarre iconography are all hallmarks of the San Francisco psychedelic poster art style. The style flourished from roughly the years to Their work was immediately influential to album cover art, and indeed all of the aforementioned artists also created album covers. Psychedelic light-shows were a new art-form developed for rock concerts.

Using oil and dye in an emulsion that was set between large convex lenses upon overhead projectors, the lightshow artists created bubbling liquid visuals that pulsed in rhythm to the music. This was mixed with slide shows and film loops to create an improvisational motion picture art form, and to give visual representation to the improvisational jams of the rock bands and create a completely "trippy" atmosphere for the audience. The Brotherhood of Light were responsible for many of the light-shows in San Francisco psychedelic rock concerts.

Out of the psychedelic counterculture there also arose a new genre of comic books: Zap Comix was among the original underground comics, and featured the work of Robert Crumb , S. Underground comix were ribald, intensely satirical, and seemed to pursue weirdness for the sake of weirdness.

hippy | Definition of hippy in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Gilbert Shelton created perhaps the most enduring of underground cartoon characters, The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers , whose drugged-out exploits held a mirror up to the hippie lifestyle of the s. As in the beat movement preceding them, and the punk movement that followed soon after, hippie symbols and iconography were purposely borrowed from either "low" or "primitive" cultures, with hippie fashion reflecting a disorderly, often vagrant style.

Much hippie clothing was self-made in defiance of corporate culture, and hippies often purchased their clothes from flea markets and second-hand shops. The bold colors, hand-made clothing and loose fitting clothes opposed the tight and uniform clothing of the s and s. It also rejected consumerism in that the hand-production of clothing called for self-efficiency and individuality.

hippie / hippy

The common stereotype on the issues of love and sex had it that the hippies were " promiscuous , having wild sex orgies , seducing innocent teenagers and every manner of sexual perversion. The clinical study Human Sexual Response was published by Masters and Johnson in , and the topic suddenly became more commonplace in America.

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Then in appeared The Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort , reflecting an even more candid perception of love-making. By this time, the recreational or 'fun' aspects of sexual behavior were being discussed more openly than ever before, and this more 'enlightened' outlook resulted not just from the publication of such new books as these, but from a more pervasive sexual revolution that had already been well underway for some time. The hippies inherited various countercultural views and practices regarding sex and love from the Beat Generation ; "their writings influenced the hippies to open up when it came to sex, and to experiment without guilt or jealousy.

This encouraged spontaneous sexual activity and experimentation. Group sex , public sex , homosexuality under the influence of drugs, all the taboos went out the window. This doesn't mean that straight sex or monogamy were unknown, quite the contrary. Nevertheless, the open relationship became an accepted part of the hippy lifestyle. This meant that you might have a primary relationship with one person, but if another attracted you, you could explore that relationship without rancor or jealousy.

Hippies embraced the old slogan of free love of the radical social reformers of other eras; it was accordingly observed that "Free love made the whole love, marriage, sex, baby package obsolete. Love was no longer limited to one person, you could love anyone you chose.

In fact love was something you shared with everyone, not just your sex partners. Love exists to be shared freely. We also discovered the more you share, the more you get! So why reserve your love for a select few? This profound truth was one of the great hippie revelations. Hippies tended to travel light, and could pick up and go wherever the action was at any time. Whether at a "love-in" on Mount Tamalpais near San Francisco, a demonstration against the Vietnam War in Berkeley, or one of Ken Kesey 's "Acid Tests", if the "vibe" wasn't right and a change of scene was desired, hippies were mobile at a moment's notice.

Planning was eschewed, as hippies were happy to put a few clothes in a backpack, stick out their thumbs and hitchhike anywhere.

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Hippies seldom worried whether they had money, hotel reservations or any of the other standard accoutrements of travel. Hippie households welcomed overnight guests on an impromptu basis, and the reciprocal nature of the lifestyle permitted greater freedom of movement. People generally cooperated to meet each other's needs in ways that became less common after the early s. A derivative of this free-flow style of travel were the hippie trucks and buses, hand-crafted mobile houses built on a truck or bus chassis to facilitate a nomadic lifestyle, as documented in the book Roll Your Own.

During the summer and fall months, entire families traveled together in their trucks and buses, parked at Renaissance Pleasure Faire sites in Southern and Northern California, worked their crafts during the week, and donned Elizabethan costume for weekend performances, and attended booths where handmade goods were sold to the public.

The sheer number of young people living at the time made for unprecedented travel opportunities to special happenings. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: In their case, growing food, preparing and consuming it jointly, and sharing common dormitory facilities were essential elements of the cenobitic structure, though they failed to…. However, by the s Haight-Ashbury had become an ugly and dangerous marketplace for drugs and vice. More recently, with the rise in real….

One critical pioneer in that movement was Augustus Owsley Stanley III, a California-based underground chemist who manufactured several million doses of the drug. Popular culture type of cenobitic organization In monasticism: External Websites Academia - Hippie. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback.

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