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Like Liked by 1 person. I love the way Rendell was able to give the reader a portrait of a person like that. Glad you enjoyed this one, Cleo. See how educational your blog is? I suspect but this is only my theory that she decided to separate her psychological books, and this definitely falls into that category, by writing under Barbara Vine to distinguish from the Wexford books which although enjoyable were more police procedural. Quite a few of her early books are stand-alones and she has some short stories which I really enjoyed considering I often avoid these as being unsatisfying.

  1. Five Centuries of Women Singers (Music Reference Collection,).
  2. The Face of Trespass – Ruth Rendell?
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I will definitely look for this one. She does dark exceptionally well, particularly in her stand-alone novels. I never knew she wrote books like this under her Rendell name. Oh that sounds a little bit dangerous — I recommend her early stand-alones before she began writing these under the Vine name. Have you read The Tree of Hands? Great review Cleo as always! You are commenting using your WordPress.

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The Wicked Girls is much better…. Leave a Reply, I love hearing what you have to say Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Feb 07, Kathleen O'Nan rated it really liked it. The kind of obsessive, self-fooling love that Graham has for a rich debutante who happens to be married already is an example of why Kiss wrote "Love Sucks"! A well-written look at obsession and loneliness.

Jan 11, Ken Saunders rated it really liked it. This strange character study, of another wonderfully realized Rendell hermit, explodes into excruciating suspense from a wildly unconventional source. I would have liked another scene with the killer at the quickly executed conclusion- but still a satisfying thriller. Aug 26, Alice Mc rated it it was ok. Well I suppose this was ok, but not amazing, or even that good. The storyline was actually fairly interesting and had good potential with quirky, distinctive characters and settings I liked the extreme contrast of Drusilla's extravagant lifestyle and Gray's hovel.

BUT it moved painfully slowly, and you could see what was going to happen a mile away apart from maybe from the very last bit. I wanted to give Gray a good shake and tell him to pull it together. If you're looking for a fast paced, Well I suppose this was ok, but not amazing, or even that good. If you're looking for a fast paced, action passed thriller this definitely isn't it. If you're looking for a chilling psychological thriller then it's probably not the one either.


Aug 15, Kim rated it did not like it. So what could have been a good short story was made instead into a terrible novel with a good ending. Hope you have heaps of patience if you decide to give this a shot. Aug 14, Ernie rated it it was amazing. Was really good, loved the ending, I know it was writtwn years ago before the invention of a mobile phone, but would he have come all the way back from France for 1 day?

Found that bit unbelievable, but despite that great story.


Yet another great one from Ms. Rendell - It is not one of her best but that only means it is better than a lot of novels out there.

Activists and a journalist face prison terms for trespassing pipeline grounds in Louisiana

The characterisation, the set up and the conclusion truly entertained me. Nov 04, Sue rated it really liked it. A well-crafted thriller with a strong moral compass. Nov 12, Caroline Bennett rated it liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. If you've just finished reading this on paper I'm imagining you probably skipped forward to check the dog was okay. I listened to the whole unabridged thing on book tapes in my car and couldn't do that. Oh, the painful, agonising, suspense! Several times I pressed stop on the cassette because I couldn't bear it.

You can see where it's going, what he's forgotten, what she's like and what she's going to do. I must admit though, all that pain shows that Ruth Rendell really could envelop you in a st If you've just finished reading this on paper I'm imagining you probably skipped forward to check the dog was okay. I must admit though, all that pain shows that Ruth Rendell really could envelop you in a story. Hell, I think she half suffocated me with this one. I wouldn't rush out for that sort of experience again but it shows a skill to make me care that much. I thought the bit with the father-in-law was very well done, but couldn't help being relieved the story was over.

Dec 30, Stephen Lawton rated it really liked it. I'm not exactly sure what it is I liked about this small, densely packed novella.

I find Rendell's emphasis on description has me skipping paragraphs at a time to find the next piece of action. Sure they're well crafted and 'literary' paragraphs but I've always found that style of writing a bit pretentious preferring the minimalist writing if the "Scandi noir" writers. But Rendell's does also craft a good plot and structures them well. Will be interesting to read more of her later works to see h I'm not exactly sure what it is I liked about this small, densely packed novella. Will be interesting to read more of her later works to see how she develops over time.

Nov 26, Lynn Weber rated it liked it Shelves: Well written and relatively "novely" for a mystery. But the fact that it was written in the s shows, in the sense that you can see the denouement coming a mile away. It reminds me Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy in that way; when it was first written, the plot must have been shocking or felt fresh, but now many novels have been written with that plot line.

THE FACE OF TRESPASS by Ruth Rendell | Kirkus Reviews

Luckily, Ruth Rendell is worth reading for her writing alone. Oct 29, Tone added it Shelves: Ruth Rendel is one of my favourite crime fiction writers, and even if I have liked some books better than others, I have always been able to finish them. However, I suppose there's a first time for everything, and I gave up on this one when i was almost halfway through. Nothing had happened and I could neither identify with or feel any sympathy for the characters. I may start again at some point, but for now I have lost my patience. Feb 23, Gail rated it liked it.

A typical and typically fascinating Rendell suspense novel-this one about a lonely writer unable to write and fixating on a past affair which had tried to lure him into a moral area where he refused to travel. He is trying to cope with his current responsibilities, but his obsession render him incompetent and bad luck doesn't help. Jan 19, Jennifer B. I must admit that I didn't like this book at first. The main character is just so hopeless, so much his own worst enemy.

However, towards a third of the way through it starts to take off. It is a nice little twister, and a nice reminder of how difficult it was to get ahold of people before Smartphones. I was tempted at times to set this one aside, but ended up listening to the whole work. Perhaps Rendell is an acquired taste, or maybe a better narration might help - but I could never really get all the way into the story. Some nice language and turns of phrase, and fair imagery - just no "grab" from the plot. Apr 06, Michelle Eames rated it really liked it. Again the build up and almost feverish way the main character concentrates on tiny details is compelling.

I did find I had to skip some pages to check on the dog. Mar 08, Amelia rated it liked it Recommended to Amelia by: An early Rendell that one could hardly describe as a rip-roaring read but entertaining nevertheless. It is testament to her talent that Rendell can keep the reader engaged through a tale that documents, essentially, one man's life in a hovel and his trip to and from France to visit his sick mother Aug 22, Eileen Sickler rated it really liked it Shelves: I listen to most books and so appreciate a good reader.

I wasn't quite sure about this one but it didn't take long to enjoy his voice.