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Prophecies of Jesus' birth

Lesson Prophets Foretold the Birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas)

The third edition, revised and expanded, of Prophecies: Ancient Biblical prophecies that foretold the future is available through Amazon. Isaiah foreshadowed the virgin birth of Jesus Bible prophecy: Between BC Prophecy fulfilled: About 5 BC In Isaiah 7: Isaiah says this in the context of it being a sign from God. He also says that the child would be referred to as "Immanuel," which means, "God with us.

Because he is the Son of God, Jesus literally can be referred to as "God with us. They say that the Hebrew word "almah," which is the word that Christian Bibles often translate as "virgin," actually means "young maiden" or "young woman. One example can be found in Genesis Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem Bible prophecy: Sometime between BC Prophecy fulfilled: About 5 BC In Micah 5: It eliminates all other cities and towns throughout the world as a place in which the Messiah could be born.

It narrows the possibilities to one tiny village just south of Jerusalem. And that person is Jesus Christ. In recent years, however, some non-believers have attempted to discredit Matthew's interpretation of Micah 5: This claim has been widely circulated on the Internet by a college professor who describes himself as a former Christian minister. The first problem with this claim appears in Micah 5: In that verse, the prophet establishes that he is speaking of Bethlehem the town, not Bethlehem the person, by setting up a context in which he contrasts the great city of Jerusalem with the humble town of Bethlehem.

A second problem with the claim is that there is also evidence outside of the Bible that shows that Micah 5: Here is an excerpt from the Jerusalem Talmud, which is a collection of Judaism-related writings completed about years ago: From the royal city of Bethlehem in Judah. They will strike Israel's ruler on the cheek with a rod. As early as BC Prophecy fulfilled: About 5 BC In Genesis This blessing was also a prophecy. Jacob told his son Judah that his descendants would be rulers and that one of his descendants will be an ultimate ruler.

According to the NIV translation: Jesus was born about years after Jacob died. Whom did Nephi see in a vision? Help the children understand that the Nephites had the brass plates, which contained many of the ancient prophecies. But they also had their own prophets who foretold the birth of Jesus Christ. Whom did Alma prophesy would be the mother of the Son of God?

Birth Of Red Cow Fulfills APOCALYPSE Prophecy

What signs did Samuel the Lamanite prophesy would come at the birth of Jesus? When Nephi prayed in behalf of the righteous people, what comfort was he given?

The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem

How do we know a new star appeared in Israel also? You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge. Display the chart located at the end of the lesson, which shows the ancient prophets Isaiah, Micah, Nephi, Alma, and Samuel the Lamanite. The children could take turns reading the prophecies that foretold the birth of Jesus Christ. The children could write these references on a note card to take home, or you could prepare a handout with the references for each child.

Have the children listen for these words as you read or retell the Christmas story from Luke 1: Help the children understand and memorize the ninth article of faith.

During the discussion point out that we are living in a time when prophecies and revelations are being fulfilled, and invite the children to name some of these prophecies. Share your feelings about being part of a church with continuing revelation and being a witness to the fulfillment of prophecies in your own lifetime.

Bible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus' birth

What gift can we give Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ at this special season of the year? Challenge the children to give the gift of love to others. You may want to tell the following story as an example of how one young boy gave his father a gift of love. These simple words made Rob fully realize something for the first time: The family was poor. With growing excitement he decided on a better gift. He would get up early and milk the cows before his father got up.

The task went more easily than he had ever known it to go before.

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Milking for once was not a chore. It was something else—a gift to his father, who loved him. His task finished, Rob returned to his bed just moments before his father called him. He knew his father would go to the barn ahead of him to get started and in only a few minutes would discover the two big cans standing in the milk-house, filled. Breathlessly, Rob waited for his return. After you have listened to the music, you might have the children compare the words of the song with the prophecies of Isaiah.

55 Old Testament prophecies about Jesus