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SHUT DOWN / Brighton Festival

For UDP sockets, incoming datagrams are accepted and queued. In no case will an ICMP error packet be generated. The shutdown function does not close the socket. Any resources attached to the socket will not be freed until closesocket is invoked.

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To assure that all data is sent and received on a connected socket before it is closed, an application should use shutdown to close connection before calling closesocket. One method to wait for notification that the remote end has sent all its data and initiated a graceful disconnect uses the WSAEventSelect function as follows:. Once the shutdown function is called to disable send, receive, or both, there is no method to re-enable send or receive for the existing socket connection.

An application should not rely on being able to reuse a socket after it has been shut down. In particular, a Windows Sockets provider is not required to support the use of connect on a socket that has been shut down. When the TransmitFile request completes, the socket handle can be passed to the function call previously used to establish the connection, such as AcceptEx or ConnectEx.

shutdown function

When the TransmitPackets function completes, the socket handle can be passed to the AcceptEx function. Return Value If no error occurs, shutdown returns zero.

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The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable. This error applies only to a connection-oriented socket. More than one parameter can be used at a time for this command.

  • shutdown(2) - Linux manual page.
  • Parameters.
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Just like other operating systems, Windows has the option to prohibit selected users from shutting down a computer. On a home PC, every user may have the shutdown option, but in computers on large networks such as Active Directory , an administrator can revoke the access rights of selected users to shut down a Windows computer. Nowadays there are many software utilities which can automate the task of shutting down a Windows computer, enabling automatic computer control. The Windows Shutdown website lists various software utilities to automate the task of shutting down.


In macOS the computer can be shut down by choosing "Shut Down…" from the Apple Menu or by pressing the power key to bring up the power management dialog box and selecting button "Shut down". An administrator may also use the Unix shutdown command as well.

  1. Other info.
  2. Shutdown (computing) - Wikipedia.
  3. Attune™ Shutdown Solution (1X)!
  4. Leur chemin ne mène plus à Rome vol. 1 (French Edition).
  5. Shutdown Festival?
  6. shutdown-agents - | ClojureDocs - Community-Powered Clojure Documentation and Examples.
  7. In Unix and Linux , the shutdown command can be used to turn off or reboot a computer. Only the superuser can shut the system down.

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    One commonly issued form of this command is shutdown -h now , which will shut down a system immediately. Another one is shutdown -r now to reboot. Another form allows the user to specify an exact time or a delay before shutdown: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    Archived from the original on 2 September Retrieved 11 April