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Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being before recommending treatment. The body's natural state is one of health, and an illness or disease is an imbalance in the body's systems. Their techniques are noninvasive. Some of the world's health systems that are holistic in nature include naturopathic medicine, homeopathy , and traditional Chinese medicine.

It is more often used in Great Britain but is gaining acceptance in the United States. When an individual seeks holistic treatment for a particular illness or condition, other health problems improve without direct treatment due to improvement in the performance of the immune system, which is one of the goals of holistic medicine. In the 4th century bc, Socrates warned that treating only one part of the body would not have good results.

Hippocrates considered that many factors contribute to the health or otherwise of a human being, including weather, nutrition, emotional factors. In our time, a host of different sources of pollution can interfere with health. And of course, holistic medicine existed even before older Greece in some ancient healing traditions, such as those from India and China , which date back over 5, years.

There are a number of therapies that come under the umbrella of holistic medicine. They all use basically the same principles, promoting not only physical health, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Refined foods typically eaten in modern America contain chemical additives and preservatives, are high in fat, cholesterol , and sugars, and promote disease. Alternative nutritionists counter refined foods by recommending whole foods whenever possible and minimizing the amount of meat — especially red meat — that is consumed. If a patient is being treated with allopathic medicine, holistic therapies may at least support the body during treatment and alleviate the symptoms that often come with drug treatments and surgery.

In addition, holistic therapies focus on the underlying source of the illness, to prevent recurrence. This precaution ensures that all aspects of health are addressed. Some practitioners also specialize in more than one therapy and so may be able to offer more comprehensive assistance. The cost of treatment by a holistic therapist varies widely depending on the level of qualification and the discipline, so it is best to discuss how much treatment can be expected to cost with a practitioner before beginning a course of therapy. However, practitioners stress that it is only when all areas of a person's potential well-being are tackled that total health and happiness can be achieved.

The truth about alternative medicine

In addition, it is important that allopathic physicians and alternative physicians communicate with me another about a patient's care. If a reputable practitioner is chosen and guidelines are adhered to, the worst that typically happens is that when lifestyle is changed, and fresh nutrients are provided, the body begins to eliminate toxins that may have accumulated in the cells over a lifetime.

Often holistic therapy results in what is known in alternative medicine circles as a "healing crisis.

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The answer to most patients who are otherwise healthy patients is often just to lie quietly in a darkened room and take herbal teas. However, in the case of someone who has a serious illness, such as arthritis, colitis, diabetes, or cancer , it is strongly advised that they seek the help of a qualified practitioner.

In addition, many allopathic physicians, recognizing the role alternative medicine can play in overall health and well being, are actually referring patients to reputable practitioners, particularly chiropractors and relaxation therapists, for help with a varied range of complaints. Training varies widely with the category, and ranges from no qualifications at all — experience only — to holding a Ph. The mission of the AHMA is to support practitioners in their personal and professional development as healers, and to educate mainstream physicians about holistic medicine.

Future Medicine Publishing, Murray, Michael, and Joseph Pizzorno. Holistic medicine Website http: American Holistic Health Association Dept. A term describing an integral, inclusive approach, which regards each being, system, or object as more than the sum of its parts. Holism is often associated with medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle. The term can imply a pretechnological lifestyle which uses alternative healing practices vs. Although often described as a New Age concept, Eastern, earth-centric, and indigenous peoples have practiced holism for many centuries.

The term holism derives from the Greek holos whole , and was first used by Jan Christian Smuts in his book Holism and Evolution Smuts states, "Both matter and life consist of unit structures whose ordered grouping produced natural wholes … The rise and self-perfection of wholes in the Whole is the slow but unerring process and goal of this Holistic universe.

The notion prefigures theologian Teilhard de Chardin's theory that the human race is "evolving mentally and socially, towards a final spiritual unity.

Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud?

Holism is primarily associated with healing processes and advocates patient-centered medicine in which the physician treats the person as a whole being, rather than focusing on a set of symptoms. It promotes preventative medicine by maintaining the health of all aspects of the self — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Generally, however, holistic medicine is simply a generic phrase referring to a variety of healing practices, some beneficial and some questionable. Alternative therapies normally associated with holistic medicine include:. Aromatherapy — the use of essential oil extracts from herbs and plants to treat a wide range of conditions and disorders. Ayurvedic medicine — an ancient Indian medical practice which treats disease by providing natural therapies designed for particular metabolic types.

Craniosacral therapy — manipulates bones in the skull to treat disorders and improve overall body functioning. Herbal medicine — including Western, ayurvedic, or Chinese, employs naturally occuring herbal remedies for disorders and diseases. Homeopathy — the use of non-toxic, extremely diluted, low-cost medicines to treat chronic illness and maintain self-care. Used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, homeopathy entails a "like curing like" approach to healing. Osteopathy — treatment of bodily disorders by restoring the structural balance of the musculoskeletal system.

Reiki — the channeling of universal energy to aid in the healing process.

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  • Holistic Medicine |

As we enter the 21st century an increasing number of physicians are advocating a holistic approach to health care, emphasizing prevention as well as treatment. The Journal for Holistic Living Nov. The Burton Goldberg Group. Future Medicine Publishing, Inc. Health for the Whole Person. The Whole Person Health Book. Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. Everyday Cooking with Dr. Harper Collins Publishers, The words "holism" and "holistic" are derived from the Greek word holos , meaning "whole. Holism is based on an understanding that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Practitioners of holistic medicine focus on the whole person, not just a specific disease, and believe that mind, body, and spirit are inseparable. They also believe that good health is not merely the absence of disease, that the body has an innate power to heal itself, and that lifestyle factors contribute to health and illness. Stressing personal responsibility for health, a holistic approach may include conventional medicine and various nontraditional methods of diagnosis and therapy, e.

9 Facts About Alternative Medicine Doctors Desperately Want You to Know

Patients are encouraged to establish self-regulated regimes to control such illness-related factors as poor diet, smoking, alcohol intake, and stress. Surgery and prescription drugs are generally avoided. See also alternative medicine. The term is applied to a range of orthodox and complementary methods of treatment. See also complementary medicine. In ecology , the term is applied to studies which aim to understand ecosystems as a whole i. In ecology , the term is applied to studies that aim to understand ecosystems as a whole i.

In ecology the term is applied to studies which aim to understand ecosystems as a whole i. Print this article Print all entries for this topic Cite this article.

  1. Lo scandalo di una notte (Italian Edition).
  2. What Is a Holistic Health Practitioner?!
  3. Dogal de Hojas (Spanish Edition)!
  4. Holistic Medicine.
  5. Kandy,, The Failed City;
  6. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed. Holistic Medicine Definition Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. Learn more about citation styles Citation styles Encyclopedia.

    Confused About Alternative Medicine? New Website Sorts Hope From Hype

    Modern Language Association http: Holistic medicine Definition Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. Holistic A term describing an integral, inclusive approach, which regards each being, system, or object as more than the sum of its parts.

    Mary Jo Kreitzer see also: The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright The Columbia University Press. The second, manipulative and body-based practices, include chiropractic and massage, and the third, whole medical systems, include Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine www. As a massage therapist, you would work with soft-tissue manipulations to maintain client health and to treat sports injuries, stress and other issues.

    According to the U. Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS , you may focus on one or more types of massage techniques; these include acupressure, deep-tissue massage and neuromuscular massage www. If you pursue a career in acupuncture, according to a December CareerBuilder. While under a doctor's supervision, you would insert and remove needles, interview and provide information and monitor and assess client health.

    If you are interested in complementary medicine, you could become an osteopathic doctor or D. According to the BLS, in addition to performing traditional medicine, an osteopath also focuses on preventative and holistic medicine. According to a December Monster.

    The requirements will depend upon the type of practitioner you become. A December search for massage therapists at CareerBuilder. Other criteria include prior experience working in a school or rehabilitation program.

    Holistic Health Practitioner: Career and Salary Facts

    According to a December CareerBuilder. If you are interested in being an osteopathic physician, then according to a December search at Monster. In addition to completing at least one year of residency in your chosen specialty, other requirements include an unrestricted license, U. Your salary will depend upon a variety of factors.

    Holistic Medicine

    These include experience and the type of practice you choose to enter. Another factor would be whether you choose to go into private practice or work in a clinic or other service provider. Another area of medicine that you might be interested in working in is physical therapy. As a physical therapist, you would typically treat patients who are recovering from injuries or coping with mobility-related medical conditions. Physical therapists help alleviate pain using techniques such as ultrasound, and they teach patients exercises to help them increase their strength and flexibility.

    For this job, you need a doctoral degree. If you are looking for a lower-level position in the medical field, you could consider becoming a medical assistant. They support the work of doctors by performing clerical duties and providing basic patient care, like taking vital signs and assisting with examinations. Another holistic health-related option is a job as a dietitian. Dietitians design meal plans for clients who want to use nutrition to improve their health or deal with a particular disease. The minimum educational requirement for this job is a bachelor's degree.

    To continue researching, browse degree options below for course curriculum, prerequisites and financial aid information. Or, learn more about the subject by reading the related articles below:. Kaplan University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Ashford University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Colorado State University Global responds quickly to information requests through this website.

    Strayer University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Regent University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Southern New Hampshire University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Lincoln Tech responds quickly to information requests through this website. American National University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Northcentral University responds quickly to information requests through this website.

    Grand Canyon University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Home Articles Videos Academic Scholarships. Career and Salary Facts Find out about the types of jobs you could pursue as a holistic health practitioner. What Is a Holistic Health Practitioner?