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Now, through VortoVia, Nicole consults to businesses, non-profits, and individuals who want to make a lasting difference and speaks to groups on driving impact. Diploma in Writing and Publishing. Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

There’s a Gift in Every Problem: Finding the Good in the Bad

Diploma in Environmental Studies. Criminal and Social Justice Program. Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies. Associate of Arts Degree. Course Schedule and Options.

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Two-year Arts Diploma Programs. Finding the Good - Conference.

Diabetes is also the perfect way to practice vigilance without its all too common companion, anxiety. The constant demands of managing the disease can lead one to a near constant state of panic unless you learn skills to overcome it. Not many people realize this, but apart from trying to avoid long term complications, people with type 1 diabetes must constantly work to avoid acute conditions that can cause death—too much insulin can cause a low blood sugar that can kill you and too little insulin causes high blood sugar, which can also kill you.

Yes, we all know that in theory, we could get hit by a truck tomorrow.

Where To Go To Find Good Men: Matthew Hussey, GetTheGuy

But now I really know. And I use that knowledge to make decisions about where to spend my energy. For example, I always wanted to be a writer but I never did one damn serious thing about it until diabetes lit a fire under me. Now my writing is my second career.

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Photo by Cornelia Kopp. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment.

Finding the Good, in the Bad

Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. Before using the site, please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. Though I run this site, it is not mine. It's not about me.

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But oh, how I wanted a slice. And at first, my blood sugar improved. Gee , I thought, this sounds familiar. A blood test confirmed it.

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