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The Ghost Diaries spells out its beliefs regarding alien civilizations, faith in artificial intelligence, disdain for Alex Jones, and the true face of the New World Order. Review of the first movie ever directed by artificial intelligence, a horror film about a zombie uprising during the Singularity. Take a look at the gloriously macabre, meticulously crafted death photographs from the Victorian era, when the cost of photography meant families only had one portrait of a family member: Company Selling Coffins With Spotify Subscription and Music Speakers Entertainment Check out these coffins equipped with two way speakers, a digital display headstone, and a Spotify subscription.

Creepiest Print Ads From the Last Years Entertainment Dating all the way back to first decade of the 20th century, the Ghost Diaries presents a collection of the creepiest print ads ever published. Entertainment The answer may surprise you The Guide to Finding Ghosts: It is alleged that by means of the contract the worker in the capitalist mode of production, and only in this mode, becomes more productive — more productive of income and of barrenness.

The magic in the devil contract is directed not at the plantation owners but at the sociohistorical system of which they are part. In the shafts of the tin mines in the mountains around the city of Oruro, Bolivia, the miners have statues representing the spirit who owns the mines and tin. Known as the devil or as the uncle Tio , these icons may be as small as a hand or as large as a full-sized human.

They hold the power of life and death over the mines and over the miners, who conduct rites of sacrifice and gift exchange to the spirit represented by the icons — the contemporary manifestation of the precolonial power of the mountain. His body is sculptured from mineral. The hands, face, and legs are made from clay.

The teeth may be of glass or of crystal sharpened like nails, and the mouth gapes, awaiting offerings of coca and cigarettes. The hands stretch out for liquor. The spirit can also appear as an apparition: In the peasant communities of the Andean plateau, where, individually and communally, the tillers of the soil exercise a measure of real control over the means of production, the spirit owners of nature differ from those in the mines, where the capitalist mode of production reigns.

Only in the mines, honeycombed mountains of capitalist organization, does the spirit owner seem predominantly and actively evil. There, rites to the spirit owner are necessary and frequent; yet, try as they might, the miners are constantly on the verge of failure despite their ritual propitiation.

Prior to nationalization, wages were shared between the ten to fifteen members of a work gang who were tied to contracts based on the amount of metal excavated. Following nationalization the gangs were dismembered into two-person units and wages were fixed by the cubic meter dug out rather than by the amount of mineral extracted. But after the military coup and takeover of the mines in , the union lost much of its power.

Now the workers have neither the strength of their old primary work groups nor that of the monolithic union. In the autobiography of the miner Juan Rojas, it is strikingly clear that the miners are preoccupied with the life of the mine as a living entity, so to speak. They are forced by the management hierarchy to struggle with the rock face and to hate the work that destroys their lungs and shortens their lives. Yet, at the same time they care for the mine.


They may be said to be flowing like water, moving, asleep, pure, beautiful, growing like a potato, like raw sugar, sweet, screaming below the ground. The mine is enchanted, but it is the antithesis of a Christian enchantment. It is opposed to the world of Christ; it is of the antichrist. At the entrance to the mine one may pray to God and make the sign of the cross.

But inside one must never do this. One cannot even use the pick when working close to mineral because the pick has the form of the cross. Otherwise, one may lose the vein. God reigns on the surface, but the Tio is king in the mine. Rojas himself felt that his luck was out. He was refused permission by the engineer to resign as head of the gang. When his mate returned to work, he suggested to Rojas that they perform a rite to the Tio. They bought the offerings of sugar, hard corn, sweet corn, beer, white wine, red wine, pisco, and a sheep. A visiting shaman was contracted. It is one way we connect with others on both small and big levels.

When partners share their stories, it can develop and foster empathy. For twelve real-life stories from married couples and one thruple! SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization—which determines how high up your site appears on any given list of search engine results. The higher up you are on the list, the more likely your blog is to be read.

To maximize SEO, focus each blog entry on a single keyword or phrase. Use the keyword often and strategically: Images grab attention and help break up otherwise long, dry blocks of text. Key to populating your blog with images is making sure you have permission to use them. Source free images in the Creative Commons and available for commercial use from sites like canva.

Pay for higher-quality stock photos from sites like istock. Better yet, hire your professional photographer friend to shoot some images for you and support local small business in the process! Without going into too much detail, let me just reiterate: Once upon a time, I thought it was enough to credit the source s of the images on my blog.

Ghost Fetishes: Story 16

Begin each entry with an unusual fact, a quote, an anecdote, a question, or a joke. Try mixing it up with op-eds, reviews, lists, announcements, educational pieces, tutorials, interviews, guest posts, and giveaways. No blog functions in isolation. Post it on Facebook with a call to action.

Send a digest in your next e-newsletter. Are you still typing double spaces after periods? This trend died with the typewriter. These are articles like a , an , the ; prepositions think in , out , on ; conjunctions and , but and be verbs is , was. Back to those be verbs i. All writing sounds better in the active voice. That means substituting action verbs for be verbs. An em-dash is two hyphens together with no space on either side, such as: The names of books, TV shows, and movies are always italicized. Song names can be indicated by double quotes.

And when in doubt, hire an editor. Another term for an ethical will is a legacy letter.

Ghost Fetishes Series by Arla Coopa

Unlike last wills and testaments, ethical wills are not legally binding. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, ethicals wills are a way of passings beliefs, values, blessings, and moral direction from one generation to the next. But they can be used by any person of any faith or no faith at all! Ethical wills can be as long as a book or as short as a couple paragraphs. They might look like letters, poems, songs, or have multimedia elements. A legacy letter can be written at any stage of life by anyone who wants to ensure that their values live on. So, you want to write your memoirs. If you struggle to put your thoughts to the page, try telling your stories instead.

Just like you do every week at bridge club or pilates. You can record yourself actually telling them to someone, or you can pretend like the recorder is your friend and speak to it. The easiest and cheapest recording technology comes built into your phone.

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  • The Colton Heir (Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense) (The Coltons of Wyoming, Book 5)!

You can use any voice recording app —just make sure you have enough free storage space. Or you intend to turn the audio recordings into their own oral history archive? I recommend anything in the Yamaha family. I can be interviewing someone in the noisiest coffeeshop ever, and when the beans suddenly start whirring and grinding, you can still hear the subject clearly: The last contractor I hired transcribed at a rate of 8: That is, 8 hours for every 1 hour of audio. You might be tempted understandably to try a transcription software.

Dragon Naturally Speaking is still the best on the market, but it sucks. Instead, hire a professional human transcriptionist search for someone who can transcribe at a rate of at least 2: Half the joy is in re-listening to your recordings … and laughing or weeping all over again. You might also try upgrading to Scrivener. Google docs can make it easy to share files with your editor or other contributing writers, and saves your precious work to the cloud for free! Check your local community college for affordable and informational Adobe suite classes.

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A retired Presbyterian pastor, he couldn't understand why I'd left the church, although when I admitted I'd been raised Catholic, he said, "Well, that was your first mistake. Why the year-old man ever hired me to write his life story I do not know, since from the beginning he'd seemed so unimpressed with me. At our first meeting, he begrudgingly told me that he'd once been operated on by a Catholic, which hadn't prevented the surgeon from doing his job--so maybe, just maybe, a spiritual-but-not-religious ghostwriter could do justice to the tale of a man of the cloth.

Ten hours of interviews and 50, words later, the reverend and I had an understanding. God had saved him from Vietnam, when as a combat chaplain all he could carry on the battlefield was a slingshot I love having heated debates about which parts were amazing and which parts sucked.

But I have never understood the hate for George Lucas.

This hatred for Lucas comes mainly from his decisions post-Original Trilogy released from Beginning in the s, he made a Prequel Trilogy which told the origin story of Darth Vader, one of the greatest movie villains of all time, and he released special editions of the Original Trilogy on DVD and later Blu-Ray. Both sound great in concept, but Lucas failed greatly in execution. Lucas added CGI to the Original Trilogy in the special editions and even changed the story in some very iconic scenes.

But his worst mistake of the special editions was not allowing the original versions to be released, so if you want to watch Star Wars but not on VHS, you must watch the special editions. He has the right to do what he wants with it, including run it into the ground. And the fans have the right to criticize the work, the choices, and not watch it.

Joe Rogan on Fetishes

But all this hate for George Lucas, the person, has done nothing more than alienate the creator from the fans of his work, so much so that he sold Star Wars to Disney. Please join us for live contributor readings and free giveaways, and stay for the great food and drink. Look for us in Paggi Square park in the Mueller development, just 3 miles northeast of downtown.

While a limited number of copies will be available for purchase at the launch, you are encouraged to pre-order your copy at www. Some of the stories are great and inspiring; some are tragic and teachable; some are about ordinary people just like you. In August , I had the opportunity to interview Czech animation king and Surrealist film director Jan Svankmajer at his summer house outside Prague. Enjoy his thoughtful answers, below. What is special about children that makes them more sensitive to magic, surrealism, terror, imagination, etc.?

How do you think the intrauterine prenatal experience influences the people we become? What value is there in isolating objects from their original contexts e. Two of her points are worth exploring in more detail here: Call it quality over quantity of designer suits, jewelry, or briefcases. Not when it comes to business. The last date I went on, I knew very little about the guy in advance.

I arrived at our meeting place earlier than he, but I spotted him immediately as he approached my table. He wore fitted pants, a button-down shirt and a blazer, with an exquisite leather belt and Italian shoes. VERY put-together, and quite frankly, he kind of took my breath away. Right away, I was reassured that I was in the presence of a calm, confident, well-to-do gentleman. A dress, or dress pants and a blouse, are standard for me, as well as either elegant or funky jewelry depending on the mood of the event.

I just placed a bag order with this great Italian company on Etsy —check them out! It's better to be overdressed than underdressed. And those are networking opportunities, too! Work on the excitement by always having a non-salesy elevator pitch in your back pocket, and a desire to make a genuine connection.

Sometimes other people in your network facilitate the connection. They introduce you to their friend or a potential contact, and wait for the sparks to fly. Business is transactional a give-to-get before anything else. I recently found myself in that exact scenario, but wearing the other shoe. There was a filmmaker I wanted to meet, whose work I greatly admired but who had no real incentive to make time for me.

So I made it worth his time. I wrote my thesis on his complete filmography, had it translated into Czech his native language , and sent it to him with a request for a meeting. I offered to come to him in Prague, arrange for an interpreter, and have my questions prepared.

Ghost Fetishes Series

The value to him was also already clear: Dress to impress because it does impress. Be on your toes. Offer value to get value. Does the name Elizabeth Gilbert ring a bell? The only problem with that stipulation being that Liz no longer believed in marriage, and never wanted to marry again. Hence a book-length investigation into worldwide cultural norms around marriage, and various interpretations of the institution that challenged her and my American viewpoints.

There are lots of amazing moments in there, though none of them are particularly earth-shatteringly new. Gilbert, ideas are like sentient beings with their own whims and feelings. But if you then sit on them and prioritize everything else instead of entertaining your houseguests, eventually the ideas will leave.

What I love about this concept is the sense of urgency it gives to acting on your hopes and dreams. Definitely not a guide for the natural procrastinator. We get to consciously choose which pursuits to devote our time and energies to. Ideas are gifts and opportunities, and we can forgive ourselves for not picking up every bread crumb! Such moments are not failures! The second lesson that really hit home for me is trust. Trusting not that you will succeed, but that you might very well fail spectacularly , and asking what you would be willing to risk anyway.