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ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. The fee for the March workshop includes all necessary scores, recordings, conducting notes, teaching objectives, lyric sheets, and logistical information, but is free to teachers participating with their students in the June Performance. Attendance in June is limited to teachers with participating students. Improvisation Techniques for Classroom Learning Program: Improv is more than a cultural phenomenon and form of entertainment; it is also a fun and useful tool to help students learn and implement classroom content.

This course will focus on using appropriate improvisation techniques that engage students in quick thinking, team building, executive function, cognitive awareness, and application of knowledge and skills across all subject areas, and is also appropriate for student support staff. Three hours will be in-person, with an additional two hours asynchronous online.

This hands-on workshop will provide participants with training on using a classroom weather kit to cover science content in your elementary classroom. A working lunch will be provided. All participants will leave with a binder, thumb drive, and an amazing classroom weather kit for your building. Facilitators will also provide on-going email support.

Appropriate for grades 1 - 6. This 1-day short course will introduce you to the Raspberry PI Rpi , a low-cost credit-size card computer. The Rpi plugs into a computer monitor, a mouse and a keyboard and you have a full computer capable of doing everything a desktop computer can do.

IMAGINE Your Life in Full Color

In this part 1 of the course you will learn to connect the Rpi board to peripherals, to install the operating system, to configure and troubleshoot the installation. During the first half-day you will learn the basics of the Linux operating — the heart of the Rpi — and will be exposed to an introduction to the Python computer language. In the second half of the workshop you will learn how to download and install programs and created projects with sensors and other devices. More advanced projects will be introduced in Part 2. Educators will enjoy a day of exploring and working with new technologies that can be applied to a wide variety of lesson plans and curriculum.

Participants will join a Google Classroom for the full student experience. During two weeks, a variety of assignments and tasks will be assigned incorporating different components of G Suite. This course will provide solid introduction for first-time Google Classroom users and highlight this year's major improvements and updates in Google Classroom for veteran users. Participants should expect to participate for 2. Imagine you and your students reaching heightened levels of achievement and breaking through barriers with ease.

Attend this interactive and highly experiential workshop, presented by Dr. Lisa Patierne, a nationally certified Jack Canfield Trainer in the Success Principles, that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. Discover how to increase confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize goals beyond your belief, regardless of your circumstances or ambitions. This course was designed to support the prevention end of the school safety continuum, where teachers can have daily impact.

Students today have to deal with many demands, expectations, distractions, and pressures, but at the same time they have more opportunity than any previous generation in history! If they have the right tools they can accomplish so many great things in the next year, five years, ten years, or twenty years.

There are very specific habits, patterns, and similarities in the way successful people live their lives that have catapulted them to extraordinary levels of achievement. Learning these Success Principles and bringing them back to your classroom will open up endless possibilities. You will walk out the door a happier, more confident, and a more focused person with the commitment to be an unstoppable success for yourself and your students. This blended learning course is designed to guide teachers in using a reading unit of study.

We will explore the architecture of the workshop model, levels of reading comprehension, and conferring methods and prompts. We will share best practices of organizing and facilitating an effective reading workshop within grade level contexts. Participants will create and reflect upon the implementation of a mini-lesson and a student conference using research-based practices of instruction.

Participants should bring their units of study, Lucy Calkins, or other curriculum materials they are currently using to instruct reading to the first, in-person, session. The online modules are designed around the aforementioned with reflective posts and supportive feedback from other participants. This blended learning course will meet in-person and collaborate via Schoology.

Registrants will be provided with directions for setting up a Schoology account and access to the Reading Workshop Group will be done at our first meeting. Please bring an electronic device. Incorporating the Visual Arts in the Classroom Program: English, Science, math, and other academic subjects can be made more accessible through drawing, painting, sculpting, etc. In addition, visual arts activities encourage fine motor, problem solving, communication, and expression skills. Professional Practice Course 3 Program: Professional Practice Course 3: Teachers will understand the fundamental role of transition in IEPs and how to apply their skills as a case manager to create a supportive, informative IEP.

Teachers will analyze the role of special educator as a resource and advocate for inclusive communities. As inclusion is a goal for students with disabilities, many art teachers are challenged with providing access to students of all learning styles in the classroom. This workshop will focus on providing strategies for teachers to assist students within the art classroom to engage in the artistic process, particularly learning to think and create like artists.

World Language Readers Workshop Program: Any interested World Language Teacher Dates: In the World Language Classroom, we are always looking for authentic texts and time for our students to read in the target language. There are several resources and interactive tasks world language teachers can use to get their students more engaged in reading. Readers workshop creates an environment where students have the time, resources, choice and confidence to read using their own skills and knowledge.

In this 3 hour course, participants will: This book study is designed to help you think deeply about creating and implementing a classroom rich with writing goals and supportive strategies. We will explore each of the goals outlined and the aligned writing strategies: Each week will explore new goals and strategies, dialogue our thinking with others, apply core practices from the text, and reflect upon that implementation.

The online modules are designed around writing assessment and the implementation of strategy groups or individualized instruction with reflective posts and supportive feedback from other participants. Participants should secure a copy of the Writing Strategies Book prior to the start of the course. This book study is a blended learning course, two sessions will meet in- person and three sessions will collaborate via Schoology.

Registrants will be provided with directions for setting up a Schoology account and access to the Writing Strategies Group will be done at our first meeting. Have you ever considered pursuing Board Certification? This awareness session is designed as an overview of the National Board Certification NBC process for teachers, union leaders or administrators. We will outline the new National Board Certification 3.

Create an intellectually challenging environmentTimelines, fees and a discussion of certification areas will also be presented. Check your district's contract language to see if there are additional compensations. There will be four K sessions throughout the day that will provided exciting and interesting ideas to bring back to your school or district.

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We have the opportunity to help all of our students to become college and career ready and get them ready for 21st Century careers. I'm sure you will find the ideas and support that you need at this conference to continue to transform your own classroom, school, district, or community. This is strictly registration for CTLE. To register for the conference go to http: These standards place a heavy emphasis on inquiry or science practices. These workshops will carry CTLE credit.

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The event will feature a Keynote speaker, coffee and bagels in the morning, and a working lunch during the "Phenomena Slam" event. Participants will receive an email regarding workshop choices as the date approaches. Open to all teachers K This fully online course will use Schoology. Expect to spend approximately 2. March 19 Tues Times: Looking to share ideas of how each school does Accelerated Math for middle school: We are looking to review the essentials needed for a academically sound Acceleration program using the Next Generation Standards, and share a timeline and materials. Also, looking to continue through the school year if enough interest.

Twelve step programs

Keys to Engaging Writing Workshops Program: Sure, writing is rewarding when it goes well. But when it doesn't: Join Christopher Lehman, Founding Director of The Educator Collaborative, in studying several keys to keeping your writing workshop humming. From ways to build our own confidence, to engaging students—even the hard to reach ones—this session will focus on the science and art of leading writing lessons that push writers and keep your community humming. Author of several best-selling books for educators, including Falling in Love with Close Reading, Energize Research Reading and Writing, and A Quick Guide to Reviving Disengaged Writers, Chris will support you with practical, inspiring, and fun strategies to support all of your writers.

Community Issues in Education Series: Cultural Diversity Benefits and Biases Program: Any interested educator or community member Dates: Join us for discussions centered on pressing soescietal issues that affect our students and schools. In this series, we will increase awareness of a variety of timely issues that impact the entire school community. We will discuss implications and share relevant strategies to support our students, educators and communities in order to unite all stakeholders in creating stronger support systems.

There is no fee to attend. Community members, as well as educators are encouraged to attend. However, registration is required for documentation of participation and recommended for community members, so that ample space is available. Our students come to us with a maze of challenges over which we have little control. However, we can offer all students support in developing basic wellness vocabulary and skills within any classroom environment. This course is open to K teachers of any content areas or specialties. This hour course will be run as a hybrid in-person and online course.

There will be a combination of in-person summer meetings and online coursework. Participants will have the opportunity to: Bluebee Pals are a Bluetooth-enabled interactive, stuffed animal that sings, reads books, and even answers phone calls!

Any child will enjoy this interactive learning tool that facilitates listening comprehension. This is a vital foundational skill for future reading comprehension and literacy in general. Bluebee Pals can help you teach listening skills in a fun and engaging way. Children with special needs can particularly benefit from this interactive tool.

Keeper of the Scale: Volume 1 (Diet Buddies)

Bluebee Pals are often used to support students with autism spectrum disorder. However, many other needs and related goals can be targeted as well. Participants in this session will have access a set of Bluebee Pals that will be loaned out for classroom use. Restorative Justice Book Study Program: This book study will explore the roots of restorative justice practices in helping victims and communities heal, while holding offenders responsible for their actions. We will review and practice Circle Process throughout our discussions to gain facility and comfort with using this restorative tradition.

Finally, we will examine the role of restorative practices in education in order to: Classroom Visual Arts Teachers Dates: Make art even more accessible and exciting with Makey Makey! Make Makey is a simple invention kit that can turn everyday objects into touchpads that perform a response when activated. Makey Makey provides an opportunity to enhance innovation, encourage creativity and coding, and put a twist on your current projects and curriculum. Participants will have the opportunity to experiment with Makey Makeys in a variety of media drawing, painting, sculpture, history , and develop their own lessons for integration.

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Queensbury Middle School, room Dates: Join us for discussions centered on pressing societal issues that affect our students and schools. Sydney Clifford, Equinox Inc. This one-day workshop is a continuation of Raspberry PI Rpi Part 1 short course, which is a pre-requisite for the Part 2.

In this part of the course you will extend your knowledge of Python, learn how to create more advanced electronics projects, learn how to install and use web-based tools, entertainment software, and much more. It will be delivered in a fully online format, and participants can expect to spend 2. CS Fundamentals courses each begin with a grade-appropriate entry point and structured ramp-up of concepts designed for students new to computer science. The progression of Courses A-F builds upon each other to ensure continuing students stay interested and learn new things.

This allows for the same course at any grade level to be used for all students, regardless of experience level. If you resonated with 30 Traits of an Empath blog post, you will love this book: How can you be strong on the inside, soft on the outside, and clear about who you are?

Horses are teaching people how to do this. Much love, Debbie Share this: Building Social Intelligence, Visionary Leadership and Authentic Community through the Way of the Horse and her website requested not to copy the work, so here is the link: Feeling others emotions and taking them on as your own: Post was not sent - check your email addresses!

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