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Essays on the Great Depression

Stock market crashes, bread lines, bank runs, and wild currency speculation were worldwide phenomena--all occurring with war looming in the background. This period has provided economists with a marvelous laboratory for studying the links between economic policies and institutions and economic performance.

Here, Ben Bernanke has gathered together his essays on why the Great Depression was so devastating. This broad view shows us that while the Great Depression was an unparalleled disaster, some economies pulled up faster than others, and some made an opportunity out of it. By comparing and contrasting the economic strategies and statistics of the world's nations as they struggled to survive economically, the fundamental lessons of macroeconomics stand out in bold relief against a background of immense human suffering.

The essays in this volume present a uniquely coherent view of the economic causes and worldwide propagation of the depression. Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide.

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Essays on the Great Depression - Ben Bernanke - Google Книги

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The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33

Essays on the Great Depression. Essays on the Great Depression Ben S. Bernanke Book Published by: Due to ego, men who had already lost their jobs felt ashamed even to walk in the cities, and, therefore, they were forced to stay in their homes. If at all the wives and the children were working, they felt that their status was challenged.

Even in this situation, the two categories aforementioned were forced to go looking for jobs. As a matter of fact, it was hard to get jobs locally because every part of the country had been affected. Many people were seen on the roads looking for jobs. Many people could not afford luxurious goods like cars, and thus, very few cars were seen on the roads.

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A lot of the cars were on sale since maintenance costs were unaffordable. The majority of teenagers were affected as they were the people who were seen on the roads walking up and down looking to get some job Martin Older men, women, and families at large were on the rails too. They would be seen boarding trains just to cross and see whether they could get some occupation.

Those who could not get the job would end up living in shanty towns which were outside the town. The houses in such places were made of affordable cheap materials like newspapers, wood, mud, cardboard, and iron sheets. Farmers who could no longer afford their previous lives would be found in western California.

Essay: The Great Depression

This is because of the agricultural opportunity rumors that came from that area. It is true that there were periods of agricultural opportunities. The farmers were nicknamed as Okies and Arkies. The citizens always blamed the governing President, though he always talked about optimism. Some of the shanty towns which were far from big cities were named after him — for instance, Hoovervilles. Interestingly, newspapers used to cover people sleeping in the streets were called Hoover Blankets. What is more, even bad looking broken cars were referred to as Hoover Wagons Martin The Great Depression had a huge impact in that it caused human suffering.

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It took a very short time, and the levels of living went down drastically. People started borrowing from each other just to survive. Unemployment increased since industries could not take employees anymore. They could not afford to pay the people what they deserved. Research shows that at least a fourth of the labor force in all the industrialized countries could not work anymore Martin The industries could not satisfy them in terms of wages.

This was noticed in , and the total recovery was only realized by the end of that decade. End of international gold standard. The Great Depression is seen as a cause of international gold standard. There was no money to invest anymore, and it was evident that the interest rates went down too. There was also the introduction of floating rates, and people stopped using the fixed exchange rates. On the other hand, there was an expansion of the welfare state and labor unions in Union membership went to an extent of doubling between that year and This was a result of extreme unemployment and the National Labor Relations Act which was passed in All this led to collective bargaining.

The US took an extra mile of coming up with unemployment compensation. This was incorporated in the Social Security Act the same year. Its aim was to cater for the hardships that the citizens were going through in The rate at which the government regulated the economy increased substantially. The focus was mostly on the financial markets.

Different bodies to carry out this function were established. These included the Securities and Exchange Commission which was established in The main role of these institutions was to control and regulate stock issues in the stock market, especially with regard to the new products. The Banking Act went ahead to come up with deposit insurance, whose role was to work with the banks by prohibiting them from underwriting.

Deposit insurance was not so popular in the world up to the Second World War. This time it was able to work effectively, hence achieving its mission and objectives. Growth of macroeconomic strategies.

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  7. The aim of the latter was to fight the economic upturns and downturns. As a matter of fact, different strategies were established to fight the Great Depression. An increased focus on how the government spend, tax cuts, and expansion of the monetary fund were some of the ways to fight the the phenomenon under consideration.

    The government was also trying to work to its best so as to fight unemployment. The banks were also working against recessions. Homelessness, discrimination and racism. Many people had lost their jobs and it became even hard to get rent for their houses. They had to move to shanty areas which also were not very affordable. Others could not afford anything to cover their heads. This led to building the Hoovervilles. Since so many people were unemployed, there was a huge competition in the job market.

    Very few could get jobs, and those who did were not paid according to what they delivered. Under the circumstances, discrimination grew and African Americans could rarely get a job. Racism was an issue at that time. Americans were more aggressive as they noticed that there were shrinking opportunities to get a position. This is because of the discrimination and racism that were going on.

    Again, the whites were claiming the jobs which were paying poorly, hence occupying the opportunities that these minorities had before Hoovervilles.

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