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The same thing has happened again on Friday, not to me but my online friend, only this time he killed the NPC and got a higher level bounty and notariety.

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We were in a wing and I had scanned said ship, WANTED, he came in, saw wanted as well so fired on the NPC and got a c Bounty but it was an Eagle or something, very flimsy, so it was destroyed in a matter of seconds, for this my friend got a much larger bounty and 1 notariety point. I'll ask him if he can supply the netlog, he is up on these things. His bounty has now been cleared using the ingame mechanics.

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But this has happened to both of us now about times so it needs sorting. On another matter we don't like the grating noise you now hear when using healing beams. I have seen this issue a few times. But only when flying in a wing with two overlapping massacre missions. Me and may wingman both scanned a ship that was a mission target for both of our shared missions. The very moment my wingmate opened fire, the status flipped to unknown for a second, and then immediately switched back to mission target.

Freezing-Point Depression to Determine an Unknown Compound

If you are unhappy enough to hit the target in that flipping moment, you'll receive a fine. I hope this educated guessing analysis helps. I kill ship and receive a murder bounty.

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Steps to Reproduce As described before. Steps to Reproduce I do not know. Any individual or individuals who see Arthur commit a crime, from disturbing the peace to cold blooded murder, will become witnesses.

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You can see these witnesses marked on the mini-map with an eye symbol. Use a mask around them and stop and intimidate them into not talking if there is only one of them. If you do not use a mask, witnesses will immediately recognize you as Arthur Morgan. You will know if they have recognized you are not, as it will either say 'Unknown Suspect' or 'Arthur Morgan' underneath the Wanted sign in the top right.

If the eye on the mini-map is white, they know some kind of commotion has occurred, but they don't know by whom or what.

Bounty Wanted Changed To Unknown

These witnesses didn't get a good look at you either, and so as long as you have not committed a crime in that same area before wearing the same clothes and you are wearing a mask, simply escape the scene and you will not get a bounty. These witnesses have seen the crime and know exactly who you are.

These witnesses you definitely want to stop and intimidate them into not talking. However, if there are multiple dark red eye witnesses, you are best to just flee the scene and accept your bounty. Isabela November 26, Jenny November 24, Lennard November 24, Atsushi November 23, Margit November 23, Positive feedback Thank you for being positive!

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Bounty Wanted Changed To Unknown

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