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The trouble is that most of us are not praying as hard as we should. If you have time and money, make a trip to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzogovina. There you will see signs from God. If you take a camera along, you might be given a miraculous image on your negative. One is hard to see - you have to jiggle it to catch the sun at the right angle. The second is more obvious, but quite mysterious and it took me years I'm not very spiritual before I realized it was a glimpse of the Crucifixion.

It's an image of little heads - some with beards - looking towards - a head Christ and another head ministering angel. I finally realized the outstretched arm was on the cross. Annett said, "But the real issue is not who or what will replace Joseph Ratzinger as the latest figurehead I beg to differ with Mr. That IS the real issue: It would not surprise me that if the next Pope was a back to basics reformer the Freemasons and elements of the Jewish community would attempt to persecute the church and its followers A corrupt church they would tolerate but a spiritually strong in the Lord church they would love to kill if they couldn't corrupt it.

Another thing to remember is that the real biblical city of seven hills that really matters is Jerusalem and not Rome.

I panni sporchi della sinistra. I segreti di Napolitano e gli affari del Pd

This is the most corrupted religious organization on the face of the earth, and all goes back to with the Banco Ambrosiano affair, as a few years later found out why the Vatican was established as a separate State. It was to execute the status of Diplomatic immunity, and if you ever wondered why a religious organization has Diplomats running all over the world with suitcases that are sealed with internationally immunity to be searched? There was a time in my life that had an office dealing with clients that had big money, and one day was approached by someone I knew, and said do you have any clients with big money somewhere that is frozen?

I said yes, so he said want you to meet someone. I said was not interested, and showed him the door. I'm in the "Ratzinger was a scapegoat" camp, and a planned one at that. Nothing "just happens" when Illuminati and their money are involved. They are eagerly looking forward to the culmination of their plans to completely destroy the Catholic Church, but be advised, in spite of the appearances soon to come, it is already a fait accompli. The next pope will appear to the public as really holy. He will be privately as dissolute and corrupt as any "old Roman".

He will indeed preside over the final collapse of the institutional Catholic Church and usher in the era of the supposed Great Monarch. Peter the Roman will be the final cattle call to rope traditionalists back into the Church before handing the faithful over to the One World Religion under the Anti-Christ who will be the self-proclaimed Great Monarch they are all expecting. Also, we have to contend with St.

Annett is a boor. He's whipped out his old United Church of Canada collar to play holier than thou on his soap box pulpit again. Queen Elizabeth was his Pope.. He has a fantastic ego to believe he has an inside track to what goes on in Italian politics - much less the Vatican. Is he going to produce some more animal bones and palm them off as child sacrifice evidence from the Catacombs tour? Ratzinger's clearly been feeble for years.

Vaticano Massone by Giacomo Galeazzi & Ferruccio Pinotti on Apple Books

He wants a year or two of retirement to make his peace with God. That's all there is to it. Henry Makow received his Ph. He welcomes your comments at. Hidden History, Zionism and Anti-Semitism. But as usual, finding the truth behind the world's oldest corporation is simply to follow the money: First of all, let's put to rest, the fallacy that "looming scandals" about child rape and coverup are behind Joseph Ratzinger's resignation.

That's just the cover story. Nobody in the church hierarchy is losing sleep over their standing, canon-law endorsed policy of concealing and protecting child rapists in their ranks. Even the International Criminal Court application about such crimes has been stymied by catholic-run legislators and jurists.

That dirty connection gave the anti-Ratzinger faction in the College of Cardinals the needed leverage to dump the obstinate German from the papal throne. We had a whiff of that dump-Rat Boy agenda last year, when "Vatileaks" broke a ludicrous story of how Ratzinger's loyal butler Paolo Gabriele disclosed the pope's dirty secrets to the Italian media.

Giacomo Galeazzi

In fact, the damning documents detailing Ratzinger's secret rewarding of Vatican contracts to his friends and family members originated in the Vatican Secretary of State's office, which the fall-guy butler could not have had access to. The Secretary of State and the real power behind the papacy is Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, an old insider who also engineered the sacking of Gotti Tedeschi, head of the Vatican Bank, last May.

The last Pope who had tried such a disclosure, John Paul 1, died from poisoning in September, after less than a month in office. But even with Tedeschi silenced, the IOR house of cards kept tumbling, as the European Parliament seized from it million Euros fraudulently acquired. A major Vatican housecleaning was required; or at least, the appearance of one.

It was the pivotal Cardinal Bertone who leaked the pope's diary and other incriminating papers to a catholic-friendly journalist in Rome last year the same month that Tedeschi was sacked, to prepare the world for Ratzinger's removal. For it is Bertone who is now reaping the benefits of the papal housecleaning. He is not only a primary contender for the pope's position but a key player in the IOR. During my second speaking tour in Rome, in the spring of , I met with several senior Italian senators and officials of the parliamentary Radical Party.

They all said the same thing about why Joseph Ratzinger had been made pope, and what awaited him. To quote one of these politicians, " Nobody becomes pope without a sordid past, because only with such liabilities can he be controlled by the Curia. It's the same in any big company. Well, Ratzinger made many indiscretions as a Cardinal and made many enemies. His signing letters ordering criminal concealment was just one sin.

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He was to be the scapegoat for all of the trash that the church knew would surface" SCAPEGOAT So now, the papal scapegoat is gone, pensioned off to wherever ex-popes end up; and the time for the big face-saving lie has arrived. Putting lipstick on a decaying facade like the Church of Rome reminds me of Shirley MacLaine trying to look forty at the age of ninety.

And yet appearances are everything in show business as well as in religion. To download from the iTunes Store, get iTunes now. Massoneria e dittatura argentina. Massoneria e papa Francesco. E nei corridoi dei Sacri Palazzi si mormora che persino l'elezione del nuovo papa sia opera loro.

Basata su documenti scottanti - su tutti uno scambio epistolare inedito tra la Santa Sede e i vertici della massoneria - su interviste esclusive a personaggi chiave, come Licio Gelli, e su scrupolose ricostruzioni, un'inchiesta eclatante sugli intrecci molto stretti tra Chiesa, massoneria, politica, mafia, finanza. Un'indagine rigorosa che rende imperiosa una domanda: You can download Apple Books from the App Store. Opening the iTunes Store. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Do you already have iTunes?