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My own personal experiences and survival and the realization to move others, is what interested me. My personal story of my own adversities, life, wisdom, and the fact that I not only survived, but I thrived. Thus I bring all of those dimensions to my clients, their needs, wishes, goals.

My lifestyle, despite every circumstance, led to my passion in health advocacy. Due to my own experiences My previous mentions of having been in the worst and best circumstances , some in which healthy options did not exist, led me to create something good out of bad or nothing. But you CAN control how you respond. Jails, prisons, institutions, income levels, adversities promote preservatives and even carcinogens…. Fried, smoked, plastic-packaged foods contain high concentrations of carcinogens.

Consumed too much, young systems are too overwhelmed to fight off the resulting cancer. Project Cancer Gift Lift provides gift bags filled with botanical shampoo, cleansers, hoodies, food market gift cards for FRESH produce to juvenile cancer survivors and their caretakers.

Like the porcelain doll that has been put through the fire and the phoenix that rose from it, nothing can break me and everything can only continue to teach and renew me. I desire to advocate and ingrain that a healthy diet is not a trend, but a permanent way of life. I love that health foods are now much more accessible and readily available at mainstream markets, rather than just niche boutique markets such as Whole Foods.

I would change the fact that most vegan options, namely in L. All answers are unedited and come right from the lovely fingertips of her subjects: It was that choice and the determination to never give in, that put me on the path to a changed life. As a terminally ill person, I had a small window of opportunity to seize before the clock ran out.

New test results verified I was diagnosed a cancer free miracle! That was 25 years ago. Your website says that you had a business that gave you access to confidential court document records; what kind of business was it? What are your feelings about this procedure? People are uneducated and kept intimidated by the medical cartel who controls people out of fear and ignorance of the beautiful healing power each of our bodies posses.

Why do you think so many pharmaceutical drugs are approved and later taken off the market? Because the FDA is in bed with big pharma. Do the research and you will see the executives of Big Pharma as directors and inspectors of the FDA. In my experience through litigation funding, court documents tell the story.

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What kind of research did you do? What evidence did you discover in the research?

Richard Smoley: The Shamanic Vision

What qualifies someone to be a shaman? What have you done to market your book? What is the best advice you can give to a new vegetarian? You were a vegetarian chef. What is the secret to tasty vegetarian cookery? What is your strangest work story? Why did you decide to go vegan? What is the biggest mistake you see new vegans make? How do you feel about meat substitutes? What do you think is the most misunderstood thing about yoga? What kind of day job do you have and how does yoga help you deal with it? What is the most advanced yoga pose that you can do?

What have you done to promote your books? What are some of the benefits of taking it? How did you become involved with selling the product? Who commissioned the research?

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What sets your product apart from other natural products? Has the labeling been approved by the FDA? Terry Raven is a health advocate and motivational speaker; here is a link to her website: What kind of professional background do you have? I progressed to providing clients with motivational and life coaching sessions. What made you interested in motivational speaking?

My initial question to each audience and clients is: What sets you apart from other motivational speakers? I use what has transpired to inspire. What made you interested in health advocacy? Jails, prisons, institutions, income levels, adversities promote preservatives and even carcinogens… I learned that, even these instances, I could improvise and come up with healthy alternatives.

What the mind PREsees not yet in the dictionary , it can achieve. Another inspiration was more and more, younger and younger children with cancer. Most cancers are rooted in education and nutrition or the lack thereof. Project Cancer Gift Lift. What sort of educational background do you have? I went on to university and pre-law and psychology. In my second year I left my sorority and left college. Two years later my real and most harrowing, and, upon reflection, best education began: The harshest realities, experience, and wisdom.

Education is a state of mind. The state of your mind is what propels you on the journey to your best learning. Do you think people in Los Angeles are more open to eating a healthier diet? People still respond to fads of the moment gluten-free much? What do you like about the health food industry? What would you change about it? Vegan and other health options then become a luxury that Californians have to sit out. Kari Gray is the founder of GreenSurance; here is a link to the website: Would pharmaceutical medications be covered as well? What kind of providers are you looking for?

He wants community involvement and knowledge in growing and caring for herbs. He wants communities to use more herbal remedies in their treatment of illnesses. Not only that, but also he wants those remedies to come from within the community. It is through something such as growing a community herbal garden that individuals inside a community become a true community, and not only a group of individuals in one environment. History of Don Ollsin, Master Herbalist Don Ollsin is a pioneering educator and leading practitioner in the field of herbal medicine. At this time he began to apprentice under the noted American herbal authority Dr.

John Christopher with whom he studied the science and art of herbalism. Wanting to work directly in the natural health field, he moved to Victoria, B.

Herbal Healing Journey

That same year he decided to devote all his energies to promoting the value of herbal medicine and opened Self Heal Herbs in Victoria, a retail store and information resource centre which helped to set the guidelines for quality herbal medicine and education. Don is a founder, past president and active member of the Modern and Tradtional Herbalist Guild. As a professional herbalist with a practical orientation, Don believes in seeing results. His knowledge of what works comes from his years of experience in treating the widest range of conditions among his thousands of clients.

In , Don began to offer an intensive herbal training program called the Herbal Healing Journey and also developed a home study program. He would like to see more herbal education in the public schools, in colleges and in universities. He wants to see more people learning about herbs grown in their local area and how to work with them with care and respect.

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He envisions the development of community-based herbal medicine in which the majority of the medicinal herbs used are grown and produced by the communities they serve. It is used as the textbook for the Herbal Healing Journeys. In he became a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild.

I still have it. Christopher, Master Herbalist and formative force in establishing herbalism in N.

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It was there I also began studying native teachings, wildcrafting and local herbs with Norma Meyers. James Green, author of The Male Herbal: A Home Manual was also involved with us at that time as Norma and James were friends.

We carried an extensive selection of herbs along with natural foods. I enrolled in Emerson Institute of Herbology, Toronto, Ontario to further my herbal studies through correspondence. I successfully completed the course a few years later. I began teaching classes on herbs and other healing modalities. We carried a selection of over dried herbs as well as seeing clients privately. I later sold the store and it is still in operation.

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