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The Immortals: James Gunn: Books

Immunities can be transferred with the blood, Easter told me. Who donated that pint of blood? The blood bank was in the basement. Pearce led the way down busy, noisy corridors, cluttered with patients in wheelchairs waiting for X rays and other tests, and others on gurneys being maneuvered to labs or back to their rooms. Do what he asks you. Tell him what he wants to know. You'll get taken care of.

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If not -- " Jansen smiled unpleasantly. The blood bank was clean and efficient and, for the moment, empty except for the phlebotomist. When Jansen asked for the information about Weaver's transfusion, she keyed in Weaver's name on her computer. You'll get your blood tomorrow. Who was the donor? That was the day after our television appeal. We ran low on O-neg, and our usual donor list was exhausted.

The response was limited. She frowned and turned her head away to stare out the window. We have more than twenty donors a day. And that was over a week ago. I can give you his address easy enough. He sold his blood once, but he didn't want to do it again. Does that bring anything back?

Isn't that the rich old guy up in who made such a miraculous recovery? There'll be something in it for you. The slogan of a class. You got what you came for. Pearce did not inquire into what happened at night. Before the week was over, Weaver had discharged himself from the hospital and Pearce had located a private detective. The black paint on the frosted glass of the door read: He wasn't tough -- not on the outside. The hardness was inside, and he didn't let it show. Locke was middle-aged, graying, his face firm and tanned, a big man dressed in a well-draped tropical suit in light cocoa; he looked like a successful executive.

But business wasn't that good: The office was shabby, the furniture was little better, and there was no secretary or receptionist. He was just the man Pearce wanted. He listened to Pearce and watched him with dark, steady eyes. I won't lie to you; it's a medical problem I can't explain. It's important to me that you find Cartwright. It's important to him -- it might mean his life. It might even be important to the world. The danger lies in the fact that other people are looking for him; if they spot you they might get rough.

I want you to find Cartwright before they do. One of the big firms, probably. Maybe a private outfit. I won't conceal anything, though. The man hiring them is Leroy Weaver. Have you got any pictures, descriptions, anything to help me spot this man Cartwright? He's a young man.

He sold a pint of blood on the third. He refused to have his name added to our professional donor's file. He gave his address then as the Abbot. That means he's left town, I'd say. To get out of town. He wasn't interested in selling it again; he wasn't going to be around. And anyone who would stay at a place like the Abbot wouldn't toss away a chance at some regular, effortless money. It was nothing to look at, but he seemed to draw a decision from it. He walked along the warm autumn streets, and the careless crowds, the hurrying, anonymous shoppers, passed on either side without a glance and came behind, and conviction walked with him.

He moved through the air-conditioned stores, quickly or dawdling over a display of deodorants at a counter, casually glancing behind in a way calculated to conceal his unease, seeing nothing but sure that someone was watching. The symptoms were familiar. They were those of paranoia, of people in that wistful, tormented period of middle age when potential has turned to regret and one looks for someone or something to blame besides oneself. Pearce had never expected to share them: Pearce nodded to himself and lingered. When he went to his car, he went slowly, talked to the parking lot attendant for a moment before he drove away, and drove straight home.

He never did identify the man or men who shadowed him, then or later. The feeling lasted for weeks, so that when it finally vanished he felt strangely naked and alone. When he got to his apartment, the phone was ringing. That was not surprising. A doctor's phone rings a dozen times as often as that of ordinary people. Easter was the caller. The essence of what he wanted to say was that Pearce should not be foolish; Pearce should cooperate with Mr.

You'll find it's worth your while. Will Mister Weaver think you are practicing medicine properly? That's something to consider. He turned over in his mind the subtle threat Easter had made; it could be done. The specter of malpractice was never completely absent, and a power alliance of money and respectability could come close to lifting a license, or at least of making practice too expensive. Malpractice insurance premiums were already steep -- a number of his colleagues, particularly in obstetrics, had left their professions as a result, or practiced defensive medicine in a way that sent hospitalization and Medicare costs soaring -- and a lawsuit, won or lost, might send his rates beyond his income.

He considered Easter, and he knew that it was better to risk the title than to give away the reality. The next week was a time of wondering and waiting, and of keeping busy -- a problem a doctor seldom faces. It was a time of uneventful routine. Then everything happened at once. As he walked from his car toward the front door of the apartment house, a hand reached out of the shadows beside an ornamental evergreen and pulled him into the darkness.

Before he could say anything or struggle, a hand was clamped tight over his mouth, and a voice whispered in his ear, "Quiet now! The private eye, remember? Slowly the hand relaxed. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Pearce made out Locke's features. His face was heavily, darkly bearded, and something had happened to his nose. Locke had been in a brawl; the nose was broken, and the face was cut and bruised. I haven't got long, and I want to give you my report. Let me take a look at that face.

You can send me a written re -- " "Nothing doing," Locke said heavily. From now on I'm going to keep my nose clean. I did all right for a few days. Then they caught up with me. Well, they're sorry, too. You wanta hear it? For a while Locke had thought he might get somewhere. He had registered at the Abbot, got friendly with the room clerk, and finally asked about his friend, Cartwright, who had flopped there a couple of weeks earlier. The clerk was willing enough to talk. Trouble was, he didn't know much, and what little he knew he wouldn't have told to a stranger.

Guests at the Abbot were likely to be persecuted by police and collection agents, and the clerk had suspicions that every questioner was from the health department.

Cartwright had paid his bill and left suddenly, no forwarding address given. They hadn't heard from him since, but people had been asking about him. The clerk leaned closer. Something he said -- don't remember what now. He canvassed the Des Moines hotels, rooming houses, motels. Finally, at a first-class hotel, he noticed the name "Marshall Carter. Carter had checked into the Des Moines hotel on the tenth. The handwritings seemed similar.

Locke caught up with Carter in St. He turned out to be a middle-aged salesman of photographic equipment who hadn't been near Kansas City in a year. End of the trail.

But if he's changed his name and doesn't go signing his new one to a lot of things that might fall into an agency's hands, nobody is going to find him. That's what you wanted, wasn't it? Got a name check on him from the bigger police departments and the FBI. No record, no fingerprints. Not under that name. But not good enough. I'm laying off, but I wanted to finish the job first. Send me a bill. Put the cash in an envelope, take it out a little at a time to avoid notice, and mail it to my office -- no checks.

I should charge you more for using me as a stakeout, but maybe you had your reasons. Watch your step, Doc! Pearce stared after him for a long, speculative moment before he turned and opened the front door. Going up in the elevator, he was thoughtful. In front of his apartment door, he fumbled the key out absently and inserted it in the lock. When the key wouldn't turn, he took it out to check on it. It took a moment for the realization to sink in that the door was already unlocked.

Pearce turned the knob and gave the door a little push. It swung inward quietly. The light from the hall streamed over his shoulder, but it only lapped a little way into the dark room. He peered into it for a moment, hunching his shoulders as if that might help. The lights went on. He looked older, haggard, tired. Weaver was sitting in Pearce's favorite chair, a dark-green leather armchair beside the fireplace.

Jansen was standing beside the wall switch. Solid citizens like us, we don't lie. But then, we are friends, aren't we? Do you have any friends -- or only hirelings? I'd like you to come back to the hospital for a checkup -- " "I'm feeling fine, I said. I've had a hard day. He let his gaze drift around the room, lingering on the polished darkness of the music center and the slightly lighter wood of the desk in the corner.

What would you like to know -- about your health?

Notes from another world

You must have taken back that pint I got. Part of it we separated. Separated the gamma globulin from it with zinc. Used it on various animals. It would be, of course. That's the immunity factor. You should see my old rat. As frisky as the youngest rat in the lab. Pearce shook his head slowly. There's at least one person who's going to live forever -- Cartwright. Unless something happens to him. That would be a tragedy, wouldn't it? In spite of all precautions, accidents happen. Can you imagine some careless kid spilling that golden blood into a filthy gutter?

Some jealous woman putting a knife in that priceless body? What more can you ask? Why should some nobody get it by accident? What good will it do him? He needs to be protected -- and used. Properly handled, he could be worth -- well, whatever men will pay for life.

I'd pay a million a year -- more if I had to. Other men would pay the same. We'd save the best men in the world, those who have demonstrated their ability by becoming wealthy. Scientists, too -- we'd select some of those. People who haven't gone into business -- leaders, statesmen Why, he wouldn't have to ask for a thing! No one would dare say no to him for fear he might kill himself. He'd be the hen that lays the golden eggs. Some immunity to death -- some means of keeping the circulatory system young, resistant, rejuvenated.

Take care of your arteries, and they will keep your cells immortal. Tell me where Cartwright is before all that is lost forever. If he'd known, he'd never have sold his blood. Don't you remember going to the Abbot Hotel on the evening of the ninth, of asking for Cartwright, of talking to him? The clerk identified your picture. And that night Cartwright left. He had thought of cholera and bubonic plague as he crossed it. He remembered Cartwright, too -- that fabulous creature, looking seedy and quite ordinary, who had listened, though, and believed and taken the money and gone You would have picked up on it right off, maybe as soon as I woke up, and you would have realized what it meant.

If I did all that you say, do you think it would have been easy for me? To you he's money. What do you think he would have been to me? That fantastic laboratory, walking around! What wouldn't I have given to study him! To find out how his body worked, to try to synthesize the substance. You have your drives, Weaver, but I have mine. There's nothing sacred about what you do. You're just craftsmen, mechanics -- you do a job -- you get paid for it.

There's no reason to get religious about it. If you don't feel religious about what you do, you shouldn't be doing it. You feel religious about making money.

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That's what's sacred to you. Well, life is sacred to me. That's what I deal in, all day long, every day. Death is an old enemy. I'll fight him until the end. He stood close to Weaver, staring fiercely into the man's eyes. What you're planning is impossible. What if we all could be rejuvenated? Do you have the slightest idea what would happen? Have you considered what it might do to civilization? Well, it would bring your society tumbling down around your pillars of gold.

Civilization would shake itself to pieces like an unbalanced flywheel. Our culture is constructed on the assumption that we spend two decades growing and learning, a few more producing wealth and progeny, and a final decade or two decaying before we die. See what research and medicine have done in the past century. They've added a few years -- just a few -- to the average lifespan, and our society is groaning at the readjustment.

Think what forty years more would do! Think what would happen if we never died! All Cartwright's children will inherit the mutation. It must be dominant. And they will survive, because this has the greatest survival factor ever created. Because you would kill him. You think you wouldn't, but you'd kill him as certainly as you're a member of the human race. You'd bleed him to death, or you'd kill him just because you couldn't stand having something immortal around.

You or some other warped specimen of humanity. You'd kill him, or he'd get killed in the riots of those who were denied life. One way or another he'd be tossed to the wolves of death. What people can't have they destroy. I'll let you find out for yourself. You won't believe that. But I don't know. I didn't want to know. I'll confess to this much: I told him the truth about himself, and I gave him some money, and I told him to leave town, to change his name, hide -- anything, but not be found; to be fertile, to populate the earth You've got him hidden away for yourself.

You wouldn't give him a thousand dollars for nothing. You're small, Pearce, and you're cheap, and I'm going to break you. You don't dare use violence, because I just might know where Cartwright is hiding. Then you'd lose everything. And you won't try anything else because if you do I'll release the article I've written about Cartwright -- I'll send you a copy -- and then the fat would really be in the fire. If everybody knew about Cartwright, you wouldn't have a chance to control it, even if you could find him. You're big and powerful, but there are people in this world and groups and nations that could swallow you and never notice.

Then there would be thousands of people looking for Cartwright, not just one. I'll be seeing you again. The writing style, story, and characters are a bit like Meyer and Marr's popular books, but written with a new twist and voice. And after reading the book, you too will probably want your own Damen, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice.

She got Ever completely perfect. And by perfect, I mean delightfully flawed and deep. Definitely a book that fans of Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Marr should add to their collections. Definitely engaging and will catch your attention the minute you open to the first page! I am a fan of the Twlight series and I recommend this book to those who like the series as well.

It is a very quick read, with all the interesting twist and turns. It really keeps your attention though out the story, because the puzzle gets pieced together bit by bit, but you don't know exactly what happened until the end. The only thing that disappoints me is that the second book won't be published for a while. I would definitely recommend this to my friends. Evermore has a familiar theme that attracts readers, but inside this book you'll find that the author has added some unique details that sets it apart.

Evermore has good and evil, likable characters, vivid descriptions and a good story. The fact that Ever had psychic powers was truly interesting. They flowed neatly through the book and I felt Ever's pain. I couldn't put it down. Evermore has a familiar theme that attracts readers, but inside this book you'll find that the author has added some unique details that sets it apart and will surprise you. People will be asking if you have been living under a rock if you don't give Evermore a try, and that is just not acceptable.

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A Novel The Immortals. Shadowland The Immortals, Book 3. Blue Moon The Immortals, Book 2. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Valkyrie Books Bundle. The trouble with wings. Dare You to Lie. When her FBI agent father is framed for murder, Kylene is forced to move back to the town that turned its back on her and the boy who betrayed her. The Angel Trials Dark World: The Angel Trials Book 1. Then a demon attacked her, a sexy wolf shifter saved her, and now she's the key to saving the world.

How do you live with yourself when you decide who dies? Find out why readers are calling this series "addicting. Telepath Hive Mind Book 1. In the year , Amber is being tested to decide her future status and career. She's prepared for anything, except to be told that she's a telepath. A Love Story in Verse. Product details Age Range: The Immortals Book 5 Paperback: Martin's Griffin; Reprint edition March 27, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video.

The Raven Series 3: The Complete Series Dark World. The Princess Must Die. Destined to be torn apart. Can their love survive the coming storm? Cara just met the man of her dreams. Too bad he's immortal and she already signed her life away. The Chinese-inspired magic system of the book was very interesting. Unlike in a lot of other works, here the most powerful people are those who specialize in only one or two elements.

Having potential for all five is seen as the worst situation to begin from. The world is very reminiscent of wuxia martial arts movies. They spend years in seclusion meditating or studying in order to advance ranks. Shann goes on several quests to find magical items. I really liked the idea of Shann as the antagonist fighting her destiny. She remembers bits and pieces from the Book of Immortals, and uses this to her advantage.

As she makes gains, her actions get more and more questionable. Will avoiding being the villain make her one after all? Review copy from Netgalley With that being said, I really wanted to like it. I wanted to be able to give it a great review and help out an indie author.

Unfortunately, I can not do that.

Wild Magic

I can only give it a mediocre review. There was very little about this story that I enjoyed. For some reason, I think it may have to do with the story being written in first person present tense, it was grating on me so much that I could only read one chapter, sometimes less, I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. For some reason, I think it may have to do with the story being written in first person present tense, it was grating on me so much that I could only read one chapter, sometimes less, before I put the book down to take a break.

Another problem that often occurs within fantasy and science fiction novels seemed to be the downfall of this novel as well. When an entire world is being created the author must be careful how he or she describes it in order to avoid tedious amounts of exposition. I did like the idea of this story, what it was supposed to be about. The plot of the story, the premise, are all wonderful ideas. They are unique and have the potential to produce a great story.

I know that if the author revised this story, polished it up a bit, it would be great. Disciple by Kassandra Lynn Celine dies in a plane crash and ends up being the lead character in the book she was reading. She ends up in a new realm where she needs to prolong her life. But the Devil is trying to suck the life out of mortals. She learns she is the daughter of the two opposite races and must secretly join an immortal school She meets Erik who is trying to persuade her into using her Devil side to avoid her doomed outcome.

Since she read the book, she knows her da Book of Immortals: Since she read the book, she knows her days are numbered, and if she needs to come up with a plan or her life will be ending soon. If she doesn't make the right choice it won't end up nice for herself or the realm. An original fantasy with a different plot. The idea of waking into a book is unique and interesting. I liked the characters, the magic, the action and adventure. There were secrets revealed, surprises a bit of romance making this an enjoyable read. I suggest Book of Immortals: Disciple to those who like fantasy.

Disciple is the first of the Book of the Immortals series by Kassandra Lynn. Celine died in a plane crash, and now she's the antagonist of the last book she read before she died. Except, she already knows she's going to die in the end. The antagonist loses a duel with the protagonist. Celine, now Shann, doesn't want to die like that. She wants to chart a new course for herself. So with the help of some new friends, and one old one, she tries to do the impossible to save her life.

And everything seems stacked against her. I found Disciple a little hard to understand at first, because the world is so different. But I picked up on the nuances and soon got lost in the story. There's a lot of long time lapses, so the story really takes place over a hundred years. But that's not all a bad thing, although at times it did slow the story down. I'd recommend this one for a good read, and I'll be waiting for book two! The Book of Immortals: I wasn't quiet sure what to expect with this book, and I was overall pleasantly surprised. It's rare that I find a book that I cannot figure out where it's going and get frustrated at my lack of reading speed I'm no slouch when it comes to that.

While following some similar themes that I've come to enjoy, it was wholly unexpected from beginning to end even with gli The Book of Immortals: While following some similar themes that I've come to enjoy, it was wholly unexpected from beginning to end even with glimpses into the future by the narration. Definitely worth a read if you enjoy fantasy, supernatural, love interest, almost anime style stories.

I am looking forward to payday to get the other two titles in their series to figure out how any of it is managed, and I would explain more but I don't want to have this review have any spoilers. A very interesting concept. A life she wants to get back to, but is trapped in a period where years seem like months and she ages far slower than a mere mortal. Amazing imagination went into this novel, creating a world of fus, dark evil, flying canoes and swords a A very interesting concept.

Amazing imagination went into this novel, creating a world of fus, dark evil, flying canoes and swords and so much more. All sorts of pitfalls awaiting the unwary as fierce competition rages for advancement and different sects battle for supremacy. This book was enchanting, and indeed, one of the most interesting reads I've read in a while.

Though Kassandra's writing is not exceptional, her plot more than makes up for it and draws the reader in effortlessly, keeping the reader guessing till the very end. A fairly well-written and unique story, Kassandra's book stands out with a not-so-typical heroine and an interesting love triangle in a magical world of immortals. I must say, stories with characters with special abilities interest me grea This book was enchanting, and indeed, one of the most interesting reads I've read in a while.

I must say, stories with characters with special abilities interest me greatly after all, who wouldn't like to have powers? Disciple was exactly what I had been looking for for quite some time. Coming across it was, really, a stroke of luck. Can't wait to read the rest of the series! I would recommend this book to readers who love fantasy with a touch of romance and adventure.

The levels of immortals was confusing. I would have enjoyed more of the back story and how she ended up in the book. That aside the writing was nice and it flowed nicely. The characters were good. There just seemed to be parts that weren't fully explained to me. I did however love the descriptive ability of the author.

I actually felt like I was there. That's a very good thing to be able to do. Transport the reader to the location the book takes place. I just needed more back st An alright book. I just needed more back story. More of her life before she became a character in the book and more before she was shipped off to train.

Disciple by Kassandra Lynn is an interesting and gripping beginning to the Book of Immortals series. Written in First Person, the story follows Celine in her mission to change of the fate of the character who her soul was thrust into when she perished in a plane crash. The only problem is, the character that she became is the antagonist in the book she had been reading prior to her death.

This book is unique and different from everything else that I've read. There were some good points and some b Disciple by Kassandra Lynn is an interesting and gripping beginning to the Book of Immortals series. There were some good points and some bad points like in many books but it was still an enjoyable read for me. A forgotten and seemingly unwanted child, Shann does not even know her last name when she is sent to live at a school for the immortals but first she must pass the test and find herself.

At six years old she seems toi be a bit behind iun her learnings and teachings as an immortal and has to overcome many more obstacles than others but she has secrets even she does not know about yet. As her powers grow and her conciousness is given more lead way she starts to find the secrets and must find a way A forgotten and seemingly unwanted child, Shann does not even know her last name when she is sent to live at a school for the immortals but first she must pass the test and find herself. As her powers grow and her conciousness is given more lead way she starts to find the secrets and must find a way to change her fate.