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An open-label comparison of local anesthesia with or without sedation for minor hand surgery. Analyse von Sprache als Analyse von Kultur. Kommunikation - Korpus - Kultur. WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Analysis of sex differences in open-water ultra-distance swimming performances in the FINA World Cup races in 5 km, 10 km and 25 km from to Analytische feministische Erkenntnistheorie und implizite Einstellungen.

Handbuch zur Pflege und Behandlung der Klauen beim Rind. Geyer, H ; Sens-Kirchenbauer, D Andrej Hlinka - a psychopath? On clericalism, politics, and psychology in Slovakia. Comenius Journal of Euro-American Civilization, 2: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Meier, Isaak ; Siegwart, David Sprecher, Thomas ; et al. Sanierung und Insolvenz von Unternehmen V: Das neue Schweizer Sanierungsrecht. Welche Warnsignale sollte man kennen? Strafverteidigung — Opferrechte und Medienjustiz.

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Willi, Barbara ; Schnyder, Manuela Angiostrongylus vasorum-Infektion des Hundes. Frei, R ; O'Mahony, L Animal models of allergic disease. Akdis, C A ; Agache, I. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Der Witz der Philologie: Rhetorik - Poetik - Edition: Speck, Roberto F Glaus, T M Antibiotikatherapie bei Erkrankungen der Atemwege. Habicht, Michael E Mummies around the World: Dauner, S ; Imboden, I Anwendung von Robotern in der Neurorehabilitation.

Rhetorik - Poetik - Edition. Apparative Hightech-Verfahren bei Glaukom. Appendice documentaria su Ramberto Malatesta. Ramberto Malatesta, Monografia e catalogo della mostra su Ramberto Malatesta, principe e astrologo,. Donghi, Daniela ; Ronconi, Luca Applying dual-process theory to the explanation of cultural consumption: Letra Capital Editora, Editora Del Rey, xi-xv. Are musicians particularly sensitive to beauty and goodness? Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8 1: Ehrenzeller, Bernhard ; et al.

Donatsch, Andreas ; et al. Kunz, Ralph ; Schlag, Thomas. Arthritis of the coffin joint. Artikel "Leges Edwardi Confessoris". Artikel "Leges Henrici Primi". Allergo Journal International, 23 3: Assessing democratic urban governance: Towards a comparative framework. Assessing liberal and radical democracy and its political support: A comparative analysis at the subnational level of the swiss cantons. Attaching horseshoes glue-on shoes. Langlotz, Andreas ; Soltysik Monnet, Agnieszka. Emotion, Affect and Sentiment: The Language and Aesthetics of Feeling. Gunter Narr Verlag, Festschrift for Matthew James Driscoll on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday 15th May Televisuelle Imagination als Kulturkritik: Auf der Suche nach dem Mann - neuropsychologische Erkenntnisse.

Auf der Suche nach dem utopischen Film. Schlag, Thomas ; Suhner, Jasmine Wenn Games gegen die Regeln spielen. Wahlperiode des Deutschen Bundestages. Winter, Thomas ; Blumenthal, Julia. Schor, Gabriele ; Bronfen, Elisabeth. Werke aus der Sammlung Verbund. Die Septuaginta - Text, Wirkung, Rezeption. Kersten, Wolfgang F Zur internationalen Editionsgeschichte von Paul Klees Schriften.

The Holy Waters,: Indian Psalm-meditations

Stolz, Michael ; Chen, Yen-Chun. Walter de Gruyter, Spuren und Traditionen zur Schweiz im Ersten Weltkrieg. Schaffrick, Matthias ; Willand, Marcus. Theorien und Praktiken der Autorschaft. Autoimmune dermatoses in cats. Zwischen Serie und Werk. Autorschaftsinszenierungen als Praktiken der Subjektivierung.

La chute du Royaume d'Italie et la culture du Risorgimento. Edition Le Manuscrit, Oettinger, Norbert ; Steer, Thomas. Akten der Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom September in Erlangen. Bacterial infections in the urinary tract. Bad Religions and Good Religions: Lewis, James ; Andreassen, Bengt-Ove. Bakterielle Infektionen des zentralen Nervensystems.

Kirchen- und kommunikationsgeschichtliche Erkenntnisse und Folgerungen. Bayesian methods in epidemiology. Ahrens, Wolfgang ; Pigeot, Iris. Verlag Hans Huber, Begriff und Bild der modernen japanischen Philosophie: Eine sinnvolle Leitperspektive kirchlicher Jugendarbeit. Being socially anxious is not enough: Response expectancy mediates the effect of social anxiety on state anxiety in response to a social-evaluative threat. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 14 1: Robert Walser und seine Gedichte.

Der Komponist und sein Dichter. Hegemann, Stefan ; Monge Naldi, Arianne Hausarzt Praxis, 9 3: Benjamins Aura-Konzept und die historische Mediologie: Mediologische Perspektiven im Anschluss an Walter Benjamin. Janner, Maria Chiara Beobachtungen zur Syntax von Markennamen im Italienischen. Els noms en la vida quotidiana. Annex, Generalitat de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, Dingel, Irene ; Leppin, Volker. Vanderborght, Yannick ; Yamamori, Toru. Basic Income in Japan. Bridging occupational, organizational and public health: Weber, Rolf H Weber, Rolf H ; et al.

Big Data und Datenschutz - gegenseitige Herausforderungen. Schlag, Thomas ; Simojoki, Henrik. Mensch - Religion - Bildung: Bilder, Orte, Worte und Vorstellungen: Deformation und Gegenkonstruktionen in der Geschichte. Thali, Michael J Bildgebung und klinische Rechtsmedizin. Bildung in der Wissensgesellschaft — oder: Sind tiefe Maturaquoten sinnvoll? Stadler Elmer, Stefanie Berufsbildung oder gymnasiale Bildung? You, G ; Morris, M E. Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition. Die Anleitung des Bernhard von Clairvaux zum Vergessen.

Grenzen des Netzwerks Biomarkers in outpatient heart failure management; Are they correlated to and do they influence clinical judgment? Netherlands Heart Journal, 22 3: Biomaterial properties of orthodontic miniscrew implants. Kloukos, Dimitrios ; Eliades, Theodore Bisphenol A and Orthodontic Materials.

Eliades, Theodore ; Eliades, George. Plastics in Dentistry and Estrogenicity: A Guide to Safe Practice. Braun Binder, Nadja Blickpunkt Deutschland — — das Jahr der Selbstanzeigen? Bliss and War on the Island: Blisters, crusts and lines — an infant with a hereditary skin disorder. Blotting and sequencing techniques. Bodies on a Mission: A historical Approach through Textual Analysis.

Commun icat ing Bodies: Body as a Medium in Religious Systems. Im Kampf um die Zukunft, nicht um Europa. Eine Soziologie der kritischen Urteilskraft. Lexikon der soziologischen Werke. Emon, Religious pluralism and Islamic law. Oxford University Press, , pp. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 25 2: Boosting - an unusual yet attractive optimiser. Methods of information in medicine, 53 6: Braucht die Schweiz ein Recht auf Vergessen im Internet? Epiney, Astrid ; Diezig, Stefan. Bryony Randall, Jane Goldman eds.

Bull, Hans Peter, Netzpolitik: Freiheit und Rechtsschutz im Internet Baden-Baden Mader, Luzius ; Kabyshev, Sergey. Regulatory Reforms - Implementation and Compliance. Durch die eigenen Fehler wird man klug, durch die Fehler anderer wird man clever. Cable regulation in the internet era. Economic regulation and its reform: University of Chicago Press, Rubini Messerli, Luisa Canine and feline viral dermatoses. Jahrbuch zum Strassenverkehrsrecht Capability of movement features extracted from GPS trajectories for the classification of fine-grained behaviors. Capacity building as a key mechanism for organizational health development.

Zweifel, Claudio ; Stephan, Roger Meat inspection and control in the slaughterhouse. Schwarzwald, C C Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography. Cargo cult science, armchair empiricism and the idea of violent conflict. Cela ne se voit pas. Cenozoic assembly of the Greater Cape flora. Bolthauser, E ; Poretti, A Cerebellum — small brain but large confusion: Paediatric Neurological disorders with cerebellar involvement. Editions John Libbey Eurotext, Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in a preterm infant: Change and status quo in decisions with defaults: The effect of incidental emotions depends on the type of default.

Judgment and Decision Making, 9 3: Changes in breaststroke swimming performances in national and international athletes competing between and -a comparison with freestyle swimming performances. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cardiology Research and Practice, Hofmann, Jennifer ; Ruch, Willibald Cheerfulness, Seriousness, and Humor. Encyclopedia of humor studies.

Chesel, Gabriel, Saluz e Zodrell: Fundaziun Calender Per mintga gi. Storesletten, Kjetil ; Zilibotti, Fabrizio Annual Review of Economics, 6 1: Chiral analysis of methadone and its main metabolite EDDP in hair: Incorporation depending on hair colour and metabolizer status. Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 26 2: Citizenship in the fragmented metropolis: City Futures , Paris, 17 June - 20 June , Climate change mitigation in developing countries: CoCo-Bonds als Finanzierungs- und Regulierungsinstrument.

Gestaltung, unternehmerischer Einsatz und Marktregulierung. Cognitive development in ageing. Pachana, Nancy A ; Laidlaw, Ken. The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology. Collerico, superbo, nel tempo istesso modesto, benigno. Luigi Rossini incisore Colonial Military Participation in Europe Africa.

Colours of a horse. Follonier, Cindy ; Lopes, Massimo Combined bidimensional electrophoresis and electron microscopy to study specific plasmid DNA replication intermediates in human cells. Humana Press Springer , Combined bypass technique for contemporary revascularization of unilateral MCA and bilateral frontal territories in moyamoya vasculopathy. Sturm, Philipp ; Schmal, Peter Cachola. Communications and Mobility in the Roman Empire.

Bruun, Christer ; Edmondson, Jonathan. Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy. Oxford University Press, Compact analog temporal edge detector circuit with programmable adaptive threshold for neuromorphic vision sensors. Regular Papers, 61 Canel, M J ; Voltmer, K. Comparison of remote sensing and plant trait-based modelling to predict ecosystem services in subalpine grasslands.

Bussani, Mauro ; et al. Jucker, Andreas H ; Taavitsainen, Irma Complimenting in the history of American English: A metacommunicative expression analysis. Encyclopaedia of Computational Neuroscience. Conceptualising "Contested Development" — from grand narratives to the nitty-gritty of the everyday. Contested Development in Nepal: Living History as Experience: Performative Practices within Cultures of History, 3—5 July Connective tissue adaptations in the fingers of performance sport climbers.

Perspectivas europeas y del exilio, Actas del Coloquio Internacional Luis Cernuda, celebrado en la Universidad de Extremadura el 29 y 30 de abril de Mendez, Fernando ; Germann, Micha Mappig referendums on the reallocation of sovereign authority over time and space. Morphologie flexionnelle et dialectologie romane. Hennon, Sylvie ; Kaufmann, Otto. Op den Kamp, Claudy Copyright and Film Historiography: The Case of the Orphan Film.

David, Matthew ; Halbert, Debora. Aus der Au, Christina Corporate Identity - Kirche als Marke. Schlag, Thomas ; Kunz, Ralph. Corpus callosum alterations in pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy: Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56 Cross-cultural differences in processing of architectural ranking: Cognitive Neuroscience, 5 1: Speech Prosody, Dublin, 20 May - 23 May Crystallography in Switzerland and elsewhere from to and beyond.

Cuando es peor el remedio que la enfermedad: Lissidini, Alicia ; et al. Idee per un Commonwealth. Globus et locus, Doepke, Matthias ; Zilibotti, Fabrizio Culture, entrepreneurship, and growth. Aghion, Philippe ; Durlauf, Steven N. Handbook of Economic Growth. Operations on the Body of Film. Tell Me What You See. Cystic malformations of the posterior fossa. Paediatric Neurological Disorders with Cerebellar involvement.

Kollias, Spyros S Aminoff, Michael ; Daroff, Robert B. Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Das "dort" und die "anderen". Das Bild im Plural. Handbuch der Bildtheologie, Bd. Ettlin, Dominik A ; Lukic, Nenad Das Kommode und das Kommende: Zum Witz der Paronomasie. Ein kleiner Beitrag zu Grundherrschaft im Sieber-Ruckstuhl, N S Messner, Philipp ; Kling, Gudrun Das Schweizer Initiativrecht ist eine Fehlkonstruktion.

NZZ am Sonntag, 9, 2 March , p. Das Tier in mir. Der Umgang mit Gewalt- und Bedrohungssituationen aus neuro-psychologischer Sicht. Kook, P H Das gastrointestinale Labor - Auffrischung zu Routineparametern in der Praxis. Das gastrointestinale Labor - Updates zur Pankreatitisdiagnostik. Imboden, I ; Sens-Kirchenbauer, D Das ist luftig und lustig zur gleichen Zeit: Banz, Esther ; Peter, Urs. Geschichten von Menschen und Filmen im Kreis 5.

Maag Merki, Katharina Das quasi-experimentelle Design in der Educational Governance-Forschung? Educational Governance als Forschungsperspektive. Martin, Kevin A C Current Biology, 24 1: Castagnola, Raffaella ; Orvieto, Paolo De Robertis lettore e interprete del Quattrocento. Molinari, Carla ; Tanturli, Giuliano. Ricordo di Domenico De Robertis, Atti delle giornate in memoria. Editions du Patrimoine, La dosis hace el veneno: Espinosa, N ; Wirth, S Miller, Mark ; Thompson, Stephen.

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Schwingungsmuster vom kleinsten Knochen des Menschen. Polytec InFocus, 1: Priebe, Kathlen ; Dyer, Anne. Metaphern, Geschichten und Symbole in der Traumatherapie. Wissen, Einstellungen und Erfahrungen in der Schweiz. Demenzerkrankungen haben viele Gesichter. Der Informierte Arzt, Ariely, Gal ; Davidov, Eldad Depressionen erkennen und behandeln. Hausarzt Praxis, 9 Hoechstrichterliche Rechtsprechung im Strafrecht, Der Ablauf einer Epikutantestung. Muri Koller, Gabriela Der Alltag als inszenierte Choreografie? Hengartner, Thomas ; Schindler, Anna. Der Andere als Ende der Metaphysik.

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  • Dalferth, Ingolf Ulrich ; Hunziker, Andreas. Gott denken - ohne Metaphysik? Zu einer aktuellen Kontroverse in Theologie und Philosophie. Steineck, Raji C Begriff und Bild der modernen japanischen Philosophie. Schmidt, B R Der Chytridpilz und die Terraristik. Baschera, Luca ; Kunz, Ralph Der Gottesdienst der Kirche im Widerspiel von formativem und expressivem liturgischem Handeln. Form und Wirkung des Gottesdienstes. Baer, Josette ; Rother, Wolfgang. Philosophische, juristische und kulturwissenschaftliche Studien. Petrausch, Ulf ; Pestalozzi, Bernhard C Der Krebs auf dem Bremspedal des Immunsystems.

    Swiss Medical Forum, 14 3: Der Kunst-Aktivismus und seine Kritik. Die Gruppe Vojna — eine Beispiel. Die Perspektive der Kunstsoziologie. Akteure, Management und Vermittlung. Der Mann als biologische Tatsache? Der Mann im Schatten der Leinwand. Cebulj, Christian ; Schlag, Thomas Berchtold, Simone M Der Walserdialekt in Lech: Der Widerschein vergessener Wonnen.

    Medien, Strukturen und Inhalte im Wandel. Eigler, Ulrich ; Ritter-Schmalz, Cornelia Der beste Freund des Freien oder ein Feind im eigenen Haus? Sklaven in der antiken Lese- und Lebenswelt. Dialog Schule — Wissenschaft. Klassische Sprachen und Literaturen. Stohler, Ursula ; Hnik, Ondrej Der faktographische Literaturunterricht an tschechischen Schulen und seine Kritik Der mit Bestimmtheit geht. Neue Perspektiven der Handke-Forschung. Derek Parfits "on what matters": Dermatology of breeds Retrievers, Shar-pei, Chow-chow.

    Modischer Chic im sozialistischen Jugoslawien. Die Ordnung pluraler Kulturen. Keller, Urs ; Riener, Robert Determinanten gesellschaftlicher Partizipation im Zeitverlauf. Determination of EtG in body hair samples for monitoring of teetotalism: A suitable alternative to scalp hair locks? Deutsche Wahrnehmungen feindlicher Kolonialtruppen.

    Soldat Ram Singh und der Kaiser: Development cooperation in the field of vocational education and training — The dual system as a global role model? Maurer, Markus ; Gonon, Philipp. The challenges of policy transfer in vocational skills development — National qualifications frameworks and the dual model of vocational training in international cooperation.

    Reusch, Claudia E Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy. Diagnosis and prediction of neuroendocrine liver metastases: JMIR research protocols, 3 2: Feline Soft Tissue and General Surgery. Marending Soltermann, Monika Diagnostik in der Endodontologie: Wo ist die Evidenz? Allemann, Urs ; Groddeck, Wolfram Die Dunkle Branche des Schneckenflugs. Degner, Uta ; Mengaldo, Elisabetta. Der Dichter und sein Schatten. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Die Einbeziehung von Familien in die Ausstiegsarbeit.

    Die Enden der Romane. Christian Krachts narrative Strategie zwischen lebensreformerischen Utopien und medialer Selbstinszenierung. Emmerich, Markus ; Maag Merki, Katharina Die Entwicklung von Schule. Theorie — Forschung — Praxis. Erziehungs- und Bildungssoziologie, Makrosoziologische Analysen: Funktionen, Strukturen und Institutionen. Die Erfindung der Sonnencreme.

    Juristinnen in der Schweiz: Die Gattung 'Zukunftsbild' Literarisierung und Politisierung von Zukunftswissen. Berg, Gunhild ; Retting, Nicole. Die Gegenwart der Vergangenheit und Zukunft Christi. Geburtstag von Herbert Wille. Verlag der Liechtensteinischen Akademischen Gesellschaft, Zangger, Andreas P Die Geschichte hinter dem schnellen Geld. Die Gesundheit von Jugendlichen. Die Kultur der Gegennarrative: Weingart, Peter ; Schulz, Patricia. Wissen - Nachricht - Sensation. Psychotherapie im Alter, Die Milizorganisation der Gemeindeexekutiven im Kanton Aargau: Schucany, Caty ; Winet, Ines.

    Die Papiere, raus mit den Papieren [Le carte, fuori le carte]. Die Seele - ein iPad? Unterkofler, Ursula ; Oestreicher, Elke. Lischka, Juliane A Die Prognosekraft der Wirtschaftsberichterstattung.

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    Wirz, Markus ; Dietz, Volker Gestalt und Gestaltungen eines Gestalters: Ein bunter Strauss zum Handbuch Ethik und Recht der Forschung am Menschen. Die Schweiz im Grossen Krieg: Bernauer, Thomas ; Walter, Stefanie Die Schweiz im globalen Kontext. Welche Politiker und Parteien geben auf Twitter den Takt an? Eine Analyse des bisher umfangreichsten Datensatzes zum Schweizer Politnetzwerk auf dem Mikrobloggingdienst. Tages-Anzeiger, 14 October , p. Die Stadt im Interview.

    Brockmann, Judith ; Pilniok, Arne. Studieneingangsphase in der Rechtswissenschaft. Tanner, Jakob ; Dreifuss, Ruth Die Zeit der grossen Neugierde: Steiner, Juri ; Zweifel, Stefan. Die dunkle Seite des Textes. Grundler, Elke ; Spiegel, Carmen. Die einfache Gesellschaft und der Stimmenkauf: Growth Publisher Law, Die fotografische Kartierung des urbanen Raums. Greif, Stefan ; Ewert, Michael. Georg Forster als interkultureller Autor. Kassel University Press GmbH, Die japanischen Medien und die Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima. Chiavacci, David ; Wieczorec, Iris. Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.

    Die neuesten Entwicklungen im liechtensteinischen Gesundheitsrecht. Was darf uns unsere Gesundheit kosten? Die philologische Aura der Schrift. Das Beispiel Ludwig Traubes. Die rechte Hand Gottes und die linke Hand des Papstes. Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch. Die schwere Arbeit an den leichten Momenten: Die sozialen Aufgaben von Tempeln und ihren Geistlichen in Japan.

    Japanese devotional and pilgrimage images: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Die wirtschaftlichen Vorteile des Vollgeldes. Sethe, Rolf ; Isler, Peter R. Verantwortlichkeit im Unternehmensrecht VII. Haas, Ulrich ; Blank, Michael Amtsblatt des Saarlandes, 2: September im interkulturellen Vergleich. Differences in medication adherence between living and deceased donor kidney transplant patients. International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine, 5 1: Different initial manifestations of the same, rare disease in two newborn infants.

    Digging for Names in the Mountains: Vetulani, Z ; Mariani, J. Digital terrain modeling and glacier topographic characterization. Global Land Ice Measurements from Space. Keller, Stefan A ; Sarasin, Philipp De Gruyter Saur, Dignity Only for Humans? The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity. Cambridge University Press, Art e Dossier, Direkte Demokratie nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon?

    Hafner, Felix ; et al. Commentationes Historiae Iuris Helveticae, Band Diseases of the hoof wall. Disentangling sources of rhythmic variability between dialects. Speech Prosody, Dublin, 20 May - Disorders in catabolism of biogenic amines. Hoffmann, F G ; Blau, Nenad. Scaglia, F ; Blau, N Disorders of Folate Metabolism and Transport. Blau, Nenad ; Dionisi-Vici, Carlo Disorders of Glutathione and y-Glutamyl Cycle. Disorders of Ketone Body Metabolism. Blau, Nenad ; van Spronsen, Francjan J Disorders of Phenylalanine and Tetrahydrobiopterin Metabolism.

    American Political Science Association. Annual Meeting, Washington, 28 August - 31 August , Diuretika bei akuter Herzinsuffizienz - ein zweischneidiges Schwert. Pinazza, N ; Bayman, L. Directory of World Cinema: Refugees, Humanitarian Aid Workers and Gender. Rellstab, Daniel H ; Schlote, Christiane. Representations of War, Migration, and Refugeehood: New York and Abingdon: NZZ, , 30 October , p. Uchtenhagen, Ambros ; Egli, N Drug substitution programs and offending. Bruinsma, G ; Weisburd, D.

    Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. Du bon usage de l'histoire en philologie: Music and Culture in the Age oft he Council of Basel. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Schwab, Sandra Presses Universitaires de Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rufer, M ; Walitza, S Health-enhancing physical activity in Europe and in Switzerland: Letters, hints and news spots and addresses but not set pieces and lengthy and thorough discussions. If each were accompanied by a microfiche with large to small pages, 29x reduced, it would be another matter.

    But that is one of those topics only very rarely discussed in them. If all of them were preserved and accessible on fiche, disks and online, then they could be gradually supplemented and corrected by others than their original small circles. In some ways they offer more than one to one letter-writing does and in other respects they give even less of a chance, because of their limited number of pages. I wish more anarchists and libertarians would consider the existence and usually short life span of small freedom periodicals, in print on paper, as more of a problem than as a solution to their communication difficulties.

    Stamp and money collectors treat their collection items more thoroughly and systematically than anarchists and libertarians treat their own writings and ideas and they are, as a rule, not even aware and ashamed of this. Freedom ideas are our greatest assets — and yet how shabbily do we treat them! Is Bankruptcy Law Bankrupt? Compare PP 19 C. Why duplicate any information beyond that requirement? Whoever wants to be enlightened ONLY through his favourite medium may not deserve any further enlightenment efforts by others.

    Mainly a reproduction of clippings and of various whistle-blowing efforts, all subjects, not particularly libertarian or anarchistic. Do your own thing on alternative media, which are already free and much more affordable and lasting. On them you can accumulate as much wisdom that finally the mass media will have to come to you — or you can shoot down their spokesmen quite effectively, one by one, with the best assortment of arguments and facts so far found. How can one talk about them and study them and write books about them and run scientific institutes, concerned with them — while completely ignoring the micrographic media?

    This is done, all the time, almost everywhere, by many people and associations. Microfiche use, theoretically, could become as widespread as the use of cameras and tape recorders and PCs. And not only libraries have a good motive to save shelving space with microfilms. Few private homes have sufficient space for large private libraries.

    And they are so hard and costly to move — and to bring into order again after each move. Nor are they portable in any significant selections. So, go fiching — for liberty! But do no longer consider print on paper as a miracle weapon for achieving sufficient enlightenment. Neuauflage nicht beabsichtigt, nach einem Verlagsstempel auf diesem Brief.

    Back in PP I made a mistake and thus only 2 of these 4 sheets fitted in. Hobbes and the Politicized Family. But the main cause would still be the issue monopoly and legal tender for its paper. Without that monopoly and fiat value the paper money of the government would depreciate but stable value reckoning and a monetary economy could go on undisturbed, even though government notes would become more and more valueless and more and more widely refused altogether.

    On a genetically engineered vaccine against melanoma. All their offers should amount to no more than more free choices for self-responsible individuals. See its contents list on sheet Has anyone his current address? I hate to lose contact with those few who have so far bothered to equip themselves with a microfiche reading machine. Naturally, this still does not mean that they are going to use it or order from LMP.

    Zube, part of 11 pp, 29x, in PP The Thorn in all our Flesh, 2pp, in PP Memory Holes should be more accessible. Without contents list, classification and page numbering. Mencken, Notes on a Libertarian, 10pp: Who will fiche or digitize them and make them cheaply accessible. So much of the intellectual heritage of a great mind should not remain more or less buried for most people in a library, here the New York Public Libray. Mencken, Individualist, , , pp, 24x, in PP Mencken, Inspiration for Individualists, 3pp: The Denationalization of Money, 29x, in PP Der freie Markt muss nicht nur ausserhalb von Betrieben Gewerbe- und Handelsfreiheit und ausserhalb von nationalen Grenzen Freihandel sondern auch innerhalb von Betrieben eingefuehrt werden, z.

    Jeder Produktionsteilnehmer waere nur nach seinen Arbeits- und Kapitalbeitraegen zu beteiligen. Nur Freiwillige koennen sich vertragsmaessig so etwas zugestehen, so lange sie es sich daraufhin leisten koennen. Siehe die Geschichte der meisten utopischen Kolonien. Leider haben fuer lange Zeit die Anhaenger der freien Marktwirtschaft nicht genuegend dargelegt dass und wie gut ein freier Markt das Recht auf den vollen Arbeitsertrag verwirklichen kann. Er ergaenzte dieses Recht oder forderte fuer seine Realisierung das Recht des Einzelnen und von Freiwilligengruppen sich selbst Arbeit zu beschaffen, ohne sie anderen wegzunehmen, und dazu alle notwendigen organisatorischen, finanziellen und monetaeren Schritte zu unternehmen und dabei ganz unabhaengig zu sein von Verfassungen, Gesetzen, der Verwaltung und Rechtsprechung.

    Vergleiche hierzu insbesondere sein Buch: Muss Arbeitsbeschaffung Geld kosten? In allen seinen Geldfreiheitsschriften beschreibt er wie die Geldfreiheit das Absatzproblem fuer Gueter und Dienstleistungen beseitigen wuerde. Tanner, , , pp, in PP The translator believed labour to be entitled to the whole produce of industry. Rightly it is entitled only to the whole product of ITS industry. And that ought to be measured by free market pricing and corresponding private and cooperative contracts, increasing and extending production and innovation incentives for the individual, rather than diminishing them and not at all via socialistic or cooperative dogmas or utopian prescriptions — except among voluntary victims.

    The dogmas were so strongly FELT, not thought through and criticized and amended, that all too many socialists arrived not at voluntary and cooperative socialism, that has much in common and might even be considered as identical with the best of free enterprise capitalism and self-management practices, organizations and methods and property incentives, but, instead, at nationalization, bureaucratization, the command economy and Welfare Statism.

    The book contains many hints of interest to monetary freedom advocates. Auflage, Wien, , S. Foley, EJ, , 17pp, in PP 1, Roger MacBride, Chief Editor: The government is certainly under- performing and wasting many of OUR remaining public assets. Piecemeal privatization does not help much and rather puts more money into the hands of bureaucrats and politicians than our own. The government is our greatest debtor — and one that does not pay us, in balance, but rather taxes us, on and on, more and more, while holding on and continuing to mismanage huge public assets.

    How can we put up with it? How can we stop it? In such a merger, if well planned and run, governments could come to disappear — for all but voluntary statists. Seminararbeit, 29x, in PP With a recommendation by Ulrich von Beckerath. As far as the possession of gold and gold clauses are involved, the French seem to have preserved their rights, officially or unofficially, better than most other poeple.

    Alas, they, too, are still very far from being monetarily fully emancipated, even if at first only in their minds. Recommended by Ulrich von Beckerath. Pease but shedding not enough light on the subject, either, 1p, in PP To that extent he was still a statist and self-destructive. What happened to its collection? On paper this would be too expensive. At least it is now putting all its output on the Internet. I would like to have the time and energy for this.

    These are still all too limited. Full texts of all relevant articles are still not accessible, nor are full bibliographies compiled or indexes, complete files of ideas, definitions and refutations. One would then rather concentrate on as much innovative thinking as possible, for which there are as yet no references. Moreover, should one hide behind authority figures? Or should one merely strive for the appearance of a well researched scientific paper? Many academics like to play that game. I was never very much impressed by it. Rather than having a single article somehow cross referenced, I would like to see many steps taken towards having e.

    Free choice of contracts, here, too. But they should be held to their responsibilities for their children, unless they contract other arrangements for them — within THEIR voluntary communities! Full exterritorial autonomy for their experiments and freedom of action. That would also solve the minority problems, which have already led there and elsewhere to many armed clashes. And the realization of this and all other tolerant ideals is simple: Permit individual secession and re-association.

    See the On Panarchy series. A whole country, i. That means, fully free enterprise in everything — at the own expense and risk but only for those who want it, and to the extent that they want it. We do not prescribe a uniform scientific, technological, cultural or religious constitution, law, policy, administration or jurisdiction upon all, no matter how progressive it might objectively be.

    Why continue to insist on such a traditional idiocy in politics and economics? Not even any degree of freedom should be imposed upon dissenters — as far as their own relationships are concerned. Even in the West abuses are still blamed on supposedly too much liberty. That will occur much more so, for some time to come, in the East. Even among self-professed libertarians and anarchists some degrees of enlightenment are very hard to spread. Let each dance to the music he hears, with his chosen partners. However, I do welcome any freedom programmes for other countries, however belatedly they are supplied, but especially those which do not insist on the continuance of any territorial frontiers.

    For freedom lovers their decisive borders should be their own skins and those of others. If you want to add comments, to my listing or on LMP fiche, please do so. The Libertarian Debate, leaflet for 6 seminars, year? See Slogans for Liberty, entry: Only genuine individual rights are associated with the authority to enforce them. Am I just raving on about my hobby-horse: Advice on reading machines: Some introductory notes, PP German introduction, PP I would love to film dozens of pages of such hints.

    Any major city, in the somewhat developed world, if one rung up all its migrographic agencies, could probably offer half a dozen such sources. Remains to be integrated with 2 other such files and expanded, perhaps into a book. Also in PP — I have not got a single sale through that international corporation as yet, or through any other that I was in touch with as far as I can remember.

    If I could outdo large corporations in this respect, many other individuals and small cooperative and partnership groups could, too, in many if not all respects. Zube, enquiring in vain on its and his fate, May 14, Has anyone information on either? It was an attempt to confederate the mini-states and individual secessionists and more attempts like this should be made. Why millions of Americans are on the verge of bankruptcy despite a booming economy, 6pp, Dec. Alas, he discusses only the difficulties of territorial statism, not the solution of exterritorial autonomy for all parties.

    But this aspect of terrorism is almost never discussed by the anti-terrorists or the terrorists and those who sympathize with them. What fraction is reached by midnight broadcasts or small newsletters? Broadcasts are even more temporary media than newspapers and weekly magazines are. How much more fruitful could a central or networked information service be, which supplied only wanted and specific information, on microfiche, on disks, on line, on telephone, on audio or video tape, on fax, on photocopies, in computer print-outs, as cheaply as the medium would allow? Do we have a real market for ideas, arguments, facts and talents until such an information centre or network is established?

    Unfortunately, the quality of some of the photocopies that he used here leaves much to be desired. I have not yet seen a sample under the new editorship, J. Lexikon in der Westentasche, kurze Notiz ueber eine zwanzigbaendige Encyclopaedie, auf Mikrofiche reduziert wurde. Man muss nicht nur eine gute Idee lesen sondern auch willig sein, sie auf seinem Gebiet anzuwenden!

    Jahrgang, Heft 2, Maerz-Dezember , S. Plan fuer die Wiederherstellung des internationalen Handels, Annalen der Gemeinwirtschaft, 9. Progress of the Movement, 68pp, 36x, in PP Edgard Milhaud, S. See also under Defence. Alas, not an ideal militia, either. Only extensive study of the Swiss militia system that I have so far come across. John Stuart Mill, M. Pellegrino Rossi, Paris, , pp, in PP From Merit to Need. Is Justice Prior to Property? Reason, Relativism, and Liberty.

    Miller interviewed by Deborah Coddington, 3pp. What I could get, I fiched. Alas, only on geographical secessionism. Only a few can be interested in this form. Potentially all can be interested in non-geographical secessionism, even if their attitude is merely: This way we get rid of the bastards, without further trouble and without getting our hands dirty!

    They will, from then on, have enough trouble with attempts to realize their utopias among themselves, to remain any threat or trouble us. It might even lead to more civil wars and oppression. The best memorial for all the great freedom people would be to finally put out all their freedom writings, permanently and cheaply, at least on microfiche. But I see no one else but me move into that direction. Who holds them now? Donations of paper literature from the West are woefully inadequate, from stocks that are already insufficient for the West.

    Those who could not even afford the often VERY cheap used reading machines, could build one of their own, as e. He printed a plan for his construction and I fiched another such blueprint as well. Will I ever get this message across — and would ISIL get it across to its members or will they all remain paper addicts? By properly expropriating the bureaucracy, there could be 17 million Millionaires in Australia alone. Governments prevent us from becoming rich, in many ways. Once enough citizens are made to realize this, they will soon be on the way towards self-liberation.

    Shewing that it is not lawful for any power on earth to compel in matters of religion, , 33pp, 24x, in PP I would rather film the whole text, if I had it, together with the Latin original. MILTON, JOHN, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, proving that it is lawful, and hath been held so through all ages, for any, who have the power, to call to account a tyrant, or wicked king, and after due convictions, to depose, and put him to death; if the ordinary magistrate have neglected, or denied to do it.

    And that they who of late so much blame deposing, are the men that did it themselves, 2nd. Ocean Freedom, New Country Movement. See especially under Monetary Despotism vs. They just make matters worse but are not the only or even major factor. In this sphere they do this although they can no longer simply assume, after numerous monetary freedom writings have been published in recent years, that monetary despotism has no effect upon employment.

    But there is no single official study of this relationship in Australia. See also Casley et al , Chaitlin, Avram et al. Looks like an anarchist publishing effort by high school kids. A voluntaristic and exterritorialistic autonomy programme for all minority groups and communities could sufficiently unite or federate them for effective publicity and other actions. So far, their territorialist ambitions are still part of the problem rather than the solution.

    Moreover, they remain quite uninformed about this defect in their thinking and unwilling to learn about it. They are still only at the stage where religious dissenters and nonconformists were, when they merely demanded separate territories for themselves, instead of religious tolerance or religious liberty.

    Beckerath pointed out this phenomenon with an analogy: It is as if people would first have to grow new brain cells for new ideas. That seems to take forever with some. Later, complete, in PP John Zube to S. But now my computers were down for a while and so I engaged in the laborious chore of hand corrections to make the text more legible where needed. I have a few original copies in duplicate and could photocopy others for you — in exchange for copies missing in my set.

    I would in all cases be satisfied with good photocopies. Zube Solneman , but has not made much progress yet, as far as I know. The Presidential Politics of John F. Sound Money and Sound Banking: With 4pp of notes by John Zube. It came out in 2 thick volumes! Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk and the Discriminating Reader, , 2pp: Ebeling, in PP To that extent Mises was still hundreds of years behind in evaluating gold standard options.

    Gold or silver for clearing or accounting only, instead of redemption, is an ancient option and practice. Contributions to the Politics and History of our Time, N. Some libertarians proposed, after the death of Mises, that he should be elected president and decide and act on the basis of all of his writings. If only those fans of his had at least gone ahead and compiled all this writings and fully indexed them as the Mises Encyclopaedia for Liberty.

    At least they themselves could have learned much more from such an effort. Some other libertarian writers deserve such treatment, too, and at last all writings by all of them should become collected, available and indexed, abstracted reviews and combined in general and special bibliographies. No one who does not work towards such an aim, at least to some extent, does truly LOVE liberty ideas, arguments, facts, proposals and options. To the shame of the libertarian and anarchist movements, they have not yet put their kinds of wisdom together and made them easily and cheaply accessible.

    Mises pushed his own while replying only to a few of the others. Most of them accept unquestioningly monetary despotism. But would there be ANY trade cycles under full economic freedom? Psychology, Self, and Society. I hate these general titles because, all too often, they indicate only or mainly academically styled waffle. So I did not attempt a transcription. It takes all kinds to make a world. Tucker, 1 by T. Robertson, 1 anonymous, all separately listed. Die meisten Stuehle und Toilettensitze sind immer noch unzweckmaessig geformt.

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    They supply special sticky sheets for arranging the master fiche yourself. I rather get the fiche produced automatically and refilmed if necessary, through an automated and efficient micrographic agency. But if you want fancy page arrangements and want to use many different formats on the same fiche, this may be the way to go, for you. It is also a way to update fiche masters without refilming the lot. All are separately listed in this LMP listing. Also pp, in PP Once again, through my flawed cataloguing and memory, I managed to reproduce a title twice. I guess that does not happen often to a conventional publisher.

    However, my loss in time and money is relatively small. I have not checked yet which of the two editions is the better one. The one-fiche edition is for both of us certainly the cheaper one. Until about PP I did not strive as much for high density of pages on a fiche. My lists are also incomplete and late and sometimes I forget what I have already done, some time ago. Theorie du Progres, , pp, 36x, PP Salis Schwabe, avec une preface to M. Huston McCulloch, with a 2pp preface by Murray N. Rothbard, 17pp, 24x, in PP Lee Warner, pp, 29x, in PP Neither capitalist nor socialist.

    Zube, part of 10 pp, 29x, in PP Revisionism on the French Revolution, at the end of the book by Ulrich von Beckerath. Listing of terms that it should deal with: Compare the index to PP in An individual can only provide a pilot scheme. There are still many titles I have only heard of and never as yet seen. So how could I review them for such a handbook? And the material collected and filmed by me is already too large to be comprehensively indexed and abstracted and reviewed in a handbook, by myself alone. There are periods in the breakdown of empires and satellites and during civil wars and revolutions, where the existing monetary despotism could simply be ignored by people sufficiently informed on the monetary freedom options and technologies.

    Most of the required knowledge does already exist — but is still all too wide dispersed, to make a successful monetary freedom revolution not only possible but likely. Alternatives to Government Fiat Money, Feb. I have not bothered to put together another issue because there were so few subscribers. The one or two who have paid in advance can claim their value in my microfiche. Otherwise, all such material will be offered only on fiche. I had hoped to draw up to subscribers for such a newsletter and wanted then to pass the editing and publishing to someone else.

    An Obituary, or, No. Also in PP They keep them more or less buried. Coalition for Cooperative Community Economics — Resources, 3pp, n. PP — But so far not even one in a million of these victims shows a serious interest in monetary despotism as the main cause and in monetary freedom as the main cure. The Pocket Money Book. A Monetary Chronology of the U.

    Compare Quantity Theory of Money. Gibbins, , pp, in PP Shea , , ,. Naturally, you own yourself. That is a monopoly, too. And you have a moral monopoly on your own property and earnings. I only saw some of them once, in London For a fraction of the costs of one meeting, they could get all of their papers permanently available on microfiche. Two Concepts of Rights. Census Reports and from his own writings, 4th ed. Covert Surrender Process now under way! I-IV, March 88 — April 93, ed.

    By Ed Stamm, et al, editorship frequently rotating, with some correspondence, pp, in PP Politics and Objective Values. A Guideline for Constitution-Making, 2pp: XVI, pp, 29x, in PP A Popular Paradox, ed. The Limits of Mechanistic Economics. Haldeman-Julius in Philadelphia and other Places. The early years of an author, editor and publisher who has done much to spread sound ideas on controversial topics, , 66pp, series B, in PP On video-phone connection to brokers. Reform Is on the Way. After many years of book searching in bookshops, I did finally manage to get a copy of it.

    I would like to reproduce this book, too, if I could get the reproduction permission. Alas, according to some correspondence with its publisher, even they seem to be in some doubt about whether some of their titles are o. Some were asserted to be in print still, although they were not listed in their literature list. Moreover, as usual, they are not prepared to bring out their o. Why Cobden was so successful should be worthy of further study. All rights reserved to the author.

    They should rather fight for a permanent status of exterritorial autonomy. Mental Health Law and Autonomy. How many diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, fleas etc.? Yet many doctors would still absolutely deny that e. The Development of a Political Myth: Solon, Founding Father of Athenian Democracy. Der Kommunistische Anarchismus, 15 S. The Truth, 1p, in PP Libertarian Revisionist History, 1p, in PP Proudhon, Leben und Werke, , , pp, indexiert, mit 5 S. Nachwort von Kurt Zube, 24x, in PP Die Anarchisten der Welt riefen zum Kongress nach Koeln.

    Die anarchistische Internationale als Retterin der Ausgebeuteten. Der Organisation fehlen die Mitglieder und ein neuer Bakunin. They are still somewhat imperfect, but then my first ones were far from perfect, too, at least with regard to the reduction rate and the number of pages they contained. Direct all your enquiries and orders to him, not to me.

    I have only samples of his output on hand so far. Santschi, Modern Divining Rods, 69pp, sideways! Why should I bother to list other libertarians, who so far produced even less on fiche and mostly of less quality, too? When they have a number of quality fiche to offer, I will gladly list them, too. An effort like the production of a single fiche hardly deserves much praise.

    And those who produced a dozen should not expect to conquer the world with them — unless there are hundreds to thousands like them, and they do run at least a common listing. Quota to End all Quotas? I hold that all back issues of this journal ought to be made cheaply accessible on microfiche.

    I hold quite a few issues but not the complete set. All book reviews of all libertarian books should be made easily accessible. I would also love to see, for each important book, not only a compilation of its published reviews but also of most of the other discussions of it, reproduced at least on microfiche.

    Draft Killed but Militarism Lives on, 4pp, Verfilmt mit Genehmigung des Verfassers, in PP Privatisierung in Amerika, II: Let at least those who want to run their own lives independently opt out from this reduced bureaucracy as well. Are there libertarian bulletin boards open to submissions on floppies, by mail, from LMP, containing some of its writings and its literature lists? It ought to be advanced, from cultural to political, economic and social autonomy, on an exterritorial and voluntary basis. Otherwise it is just another form of more or less democratic or republican imperialism or federalism.


    As practised now, it amounts rather to compulsory than voluntary integration, since its voluntary segregationism is confined to a narrow view of culture, which excludes e. More on this was fiched. Perhaps some of those he contacted, and those contacted by Victor Koman, for his MAPA project, could still become micrographically activated? I have so far no information on the number and the responses of the MAPA project.

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    A mere dozen micrographically active people can already do so much for themselves and for others. The output of hundreds could be listed together and accessed in parts but could no longer be fully read by anyone, during current lifespans. Thus, if you can interest and motivate into micrographic publishing action a mere dozen people, please do so. The Munis essay gave the main title. Social Determinism and Objective Values.

    A Melbourne anarchist Ian Syms? Has any research been done on this and published? Does it differ for each individual? Have we become the puppets of rock musicians? What about folk, country, jazz, etc.? According to a recent radio report, public classical music playing at Bankstown Railway Station Sydney has reduced vandalism, hooliganism and mugging there.

    I would like to hear more about such experiments. The Fellowship of Reconciliation, N. Do they know, by now? Obviously, most of these essays were written by communists and State socialists rather than libertarians or anarchists. But they contain some libertarian voices. The essays are separately listed by author. II, 31pp, reading list, in PP Alas, they are still rare. The atom bomb is not powerful but merely destructive. Or was he thinking not of spiritual fission but fusion?

    I find Leonard E. I have the unfinished manuscript of his magnum opus — but have not yet got around to transcribe it. If he had computerized himself, he would probably, by now, have finished it. Some people are glacially slow in adopting micrographics. Some are even slow in adopting PCs. Never mind how bright they are otherwise. Otherwise, as in most peace congresses: Free Trade and Development. Skip to content M. The Necessity for Reflection, 1p: Defender of Capitalism, 4pp: The State of the Debate, , 2pp: A Warning, 1p, 36x, in PP The Burden of Proof, 4pp: Defence; ; 13; Curse: Proudhon, 1p, 24x, in PP Protectionism, , 3pp, in PP