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For three years Branwen endured shame and daily beatings while working in the hot kitchen. She was alone, without a friend in the world, tormented by all around her. She endured it all with pride. But the one thing she could not endure was living with the shame that she had chosen such a weak man as her own. Finally one day she found a wounded baby starling.

An idea hatched in her mind and hope was reborn. She nursed the starling back to health and slowly taught it where to go, who to find, and what to say. Finally the time arrived for the starling to fly. All night Branwen passed her power, her words and her need to the starling. With the dawn she released her friend into the air who flew away toward Wales, the Island of the Mighty.

  1. Gypsy Lane;
  2. Raven Branwen.
  3. Matholwch and Branwen.
  4. Qrow Branwen | RWBY Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia.
  5. Lear (Student Editions).
  6. Chaos Theory and Electric Bananas.

It was a long and terrifying journey but the starling reached its destination. It found Bran and spoke the words Branwen had taught it. Horrified at the news, Bran amassed the men of Wales and set out across the water to free Branwen. But once again Evnissyen intervened and catastrophe ensued. War broke out between the two peoples that destroyed them both. At the end of that day many lay dead but worse was yet to come. The Irish made the fateful decision to use the cauldron of rebirth to obtain demon warriors.

Finally Evnissyen, who finally accepted responsibility for what had arisen, sacrificed himself by going into the cauldron alive and breaking it apart from within. Toxic fumes engulfed all and by morning everyone was dead, save those sheltered in the Halls of Tara and the House of Bran. Bran sent word to the Irish that they would leave the island on the morrow to what peace and reconstruction could be had. Treachery once more reared its ugly head as the remaining Irish warriors ambushed the remaining Welsh, ultimately delivering a death blow to Bran in the form of a poisonous spear.

Bran, not wishing to endure a lingering death asked his brother to cut off his head and carry it back to Wales. Branwen then died of a broken heart. Only seven men returned to the Isle of the Mighty, accompanied by the magical, talking head of Bran. But as Goddess of Love, love infuses her story from beginning to end. Through love she seeks to unite the two lands. With love, she forgives and continues to seek peace even after her years of suffering in the kitchen. She sought this peace not only for the people but also for the land.

And yet she also knows how to set boundaries, having finally shut Matholuch out of her heart forever. And in the end it was She, Great Goddess of Love, not any of the men, who died of a broken heart at the destruction surrounding her. She made the ultimate sacrifice, dying to the old so that new life could be born again.

Branwen is associated with the starling, the raven, the cauldron and the cup. Her colors are white, silver and green. Her planet is Venus. Call on Branwen when you are challenged and lacking in empathy and She will help you feel love again. Call on Branwen for the courage to persevere during times of danger and fear. Learn from Branwen how to maintain your courage and determination during stressful situations. And finally learn how not to let duty to your relationships override your own Sovereignty. Experience the wisdom of the Celtic Goddesses!

Judith Shaw , a graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute, has been interested in myth, culture and mystical studies all her life. She continues to be inspired by the Divine Feminine in all of Her manifestations. Originally from New Orleans, Judith now makes her home in New Mexico where she paints and teaches part-time. Thank you, Judith, for your wonderful post. It was most timely for me as I had recently, as you said, let duty override my sovereignty. Your retelling of this traditional story was filled with strength and meaning. It held far more for me than so much of the religiosity that has become rampant.

I will look up your website to see more of your artwork. And all the while with my work on Branwen calling me from the background. Her story is a good one to remember often as the world and those in it can overwhelm us with their demands. Judith, what a beautiful tale. And what a beautiful image, as always. This tale could transform into so many other forms. It could be a story for young people, a novel for adults, even a movie. And I even hear the strains of a cello in a symphony or ballet about Branwen and I assure you that I am no musician.

Thank you so much for your most heart felt telling. Hello, Thanks for posting this lovely tale. I read it once in the Mabinogion, a few years ago, but your retelling far surpasses the one I read. It comes as a timely tale to me, since I have just remembered my own sovereignty and rescued myself from an abusive relationship.


Brightest blessings to you! Jean, Brightest blessings to you also and a big huge congratulations for having left an abusive relationship.

  1. Mansfield Park.
  2. Athlos :: The Cruise of the Branwen?
  3. Schmutzige Geschichten: Fantasien für erotische Momente (German Edition).

Venus is Her planet — see Venus in the sky and the bird is the starling who becomes Her messenger. So fitting for both. I need to add some of those things to the article — was up against the deadline and forgot. Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for sharing. KS, The Sisterhood sounds like an amazing group to be part of.

Branwen and themes of sovereignty seem to be a topic touching many these days. I am the slandered wife. I am so much more than that. Also have a brother. And have suffered greatly to bring harmony.

Branwen, Welsh Goddess of Love and Beauty

My middle name is actually Branwen. Any info, or a nudge in the right direction would be absolutely wonderful and very much appreciated. Thanks in advance, and thanks for the story! It is a beautiful re-telling of 4 of the stories from the Mabinogion. Branwen is part of The Island of the Mighty. I did not find any reference to Her name meaning Black Raven- only white. It is said that she was buried beside the river Alaw. Branwen with her bird in the court of Matholwch in Ireland. A scene from the Mabinogi. Her tomb has never been forgotten.

Qrow Branwen

They discovered several urns which still contained human ashes. The site of Bedd Branwen. It was dismantled by a local farmer around , however later excavations at the site led to the finding of a number of cremation vessels. According to the old Welsh stories, it is the burial place of brave Branwen, but there is no way to confirm that. Researchers still argue if her story is based on real events or is pure myth.

If the tomb does belong to her, it means that Branwen lived during the Bronze Age Period. This suggestion brings more questions about her life, mythology, and roots of the Welsh traditions. Many ancient deities have become popular in modern culture. But Branwen is not as well-known as other northern goddesses, such as Morrigan and Brighid.

She appears in some movies and books, but most people who mention her name are those related to pagan beliefs. Modern believers in her powers say that Branwen is associated with the raven, the symbol of the cauldron, and the cup. She is typically depicted in green, white, and silver, and connected with the planet Venus.

However, the possibility that Branwen could be a real person makes her even more fascinating.

The Story of Branwen, the Second Tale of the Mabinogi

A big problem about myths from the territory of the current United Kingdom and Ireland is that many stories are actually partially true, but described as legends. On the other hand, many legendary stories which are believed to be real are, in fact, fiction. A modern depiction of Branwen. It is easy to get lost in the pre-Christian tales written by monks. Nonetheless, in the case of Branwen, she seems to be so close to the Welsh culture that it would be really surprising if her story does not have some truth behind it. A painting of Snowdonia in Wales by Mansel Lewis.

Branwen Daughter of Llyr, available at: Branwen uerch Llyr translated by Lady Charlotte Guest, available at: Natalia Klimczak is an historian, journalist and writer. Well done Natalia Branwen must have been a true person or how could the story have survived. This legend vs myth issue is difficult to separate. I find skeptics abound when you mention oral tradition. Especially with Native American myth. Register to become part of our active community, get updates, receive a monthly newsletter, and enjoy the benefits and rewards of our member point system OR just post your comment below as a Guest.

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Hitler Reacts to Raven Being the Spring Maiden

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