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L'ombra della Luna

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La misteriosa Urara, che intuisce i numeri di telefono delle persone al primo sguardo, ne sembra convinta. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Moonlight Shadow , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow ft. Maggie Reilly

Jun 03, Nurul Nadzirin rated it it was amazing Shelves: Yoshimoto's writing is so spot on in describing the feeling of longing and grief. There are details in mourning and during loneliness that we feel strongly but rarely solidify with words, and Yoshimoto does this effortlessly. As if I was relieving my own experience with each paragraph, in the short time that I read this, I became the narrator and I was the one who lost my lover and has a lifetime ahead of me, a lifetime without him.

The morning after I finished, I woke up with a heartache and sm Yoshimoto's writing is so spot on in describing the feeling of longing and grief.

Moonlight Shadow

The morning after I finished, I woke up with a heartache and smiled in between pain and gratitude to have known the life of Satsuki. I love this story and the characters with all my heart. Dec 29, Hoda Marmar rated it it was amazing Shelves: This novella speaks of the healing power of saying a proper goodbye. I believe it to be an essential life skill that we were not taught. Saying goodbye, moving on, accepting that things end through death or other , and welcoming other people or places or dreams etc It may take us years to do it and sometimes we might be unable of letting go.

To me, this was greater than words could describe. I felt relief once the main characters were able to bid their deceased lovers goodbye This novella speaks of the healing power of saying a proper goodbye.

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I felt relief once the main characters were able to bid their deceased lovers goodbye. Feb 03, Melissa rated it liked it Shelves: A free novella that was included with my version of Kitchen. It was a nice short story, but overall I preferred the more fleshed out Kitchen. But if your copy contains both, read this one too, both cover themes of love and loss.

Mar 15, Apoorvaa Singh rated it it was amazing. This story tore me to pieces. I read these lines through a constant film of tears and I will cry unabashedly every single time I re read them One caravan has stopped, another starts up. There are people I have yet to meet, others I'll never see again. Sep 09, Amal Soyed rated it liked it Shelves: This is way much better that Kitchen.

Jul 28, Hikari rated it it was amazing Shelves: It just makes me feel better" - Hiiragi This novel should be separated from Kitchen because that way makes me feel that the novel is not important. I liked it more than Kitchen.

Moonlight Shadow by Banana Yoshimoto

A masterpiece illustrating how we feel when we lose a special person. Hiiragi's story touched me the most. Jul 22, Josephine Quealy rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a heartfelt and warm novella about love and grief. It's my favourite thing of Banana Yoshimoto's. By 'thing' I mean writing: I have no idea about her personal possessions. I re-read it every couple of years when it happens that I may be feeling a little adrift.

It isn't just about the loss of a romantic love but of the ties that bind us joyfully to other people and to life.

  1. Moonlight Shadow (Italian translation).
  2. Be Still and Know!
  3. The Pinterest Diet: How to Pin Your Way Thin.

An elegant hymn to hope. Jul 05, Nicole-Anne Keyton rated it it was amazing. But to keep nursing the memory of a love so great you can't believe you'll ever love again is a useless drain on a woman's energies. We become so devoted to our human attachments that we lose sight of ourselves, of our progress, and that is what I challenge myself with every day. This story shows us how to care about others as well as our own well-being. May 23, Kylie rated it really liked it.

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Oh my goodness, I cried more than I care to admit. Apr 17, SilverF rated it it was amazing Shelves: Satsuki is struggling to live after she lost her boyfriend Hitoshi in a tragic car accident. She is not able to sleep, so she goes out jogging every dawn, there she meets a strange woman, named Urara who will show her a strange phenomenon that happens every once in a hundred years on the bridge where Hitoshi died.

She, alongside with Hitoshi's brother will need to find a reason to keep on living after the dead of a loved one. Dolce, delicato, commovente, merito anche della stupenda voce narrante di Marianna Jensen. Anche questo racconto, come tanti altri libri della Yoshimoto, ha come tema la perdita di una persona amata e la raggiunta consapevolezza di dover riprendere in mano la propria vita. Grazie di avermi salutato agitando la mano. Grazie di avermi salu Dolce, delicato, commovente, merito anche della stupenda voce narrante di Marianna Jensen.

Grazie di avermi salutato agitando la mano molte, molte volte. Nov 24, Feseven rated it really liked it Shelves: Satsuki e Hitoshi sono fidanzati da quattro anni, durante il periodo del liceo. Ammetto di averlo preso sottogamba quest'estate ma poterlo rileggere me l'ha fatto rivalutare. Lo consiglio a chi vuole avvicinarsi allo stile della Yoshimoto senza perdere troppo tempo!