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That is why I found this book perfectly suited for where I am.

Two key steps for youth ministry in an age of anxiety

I was first introduced to his concept of evangelism in his Evangelism Outside the Box. I found the more compact Reimagining Evangelism to be immensely helplful, refreshing, and reassuring. How do we go about sharing the Gospel with these people? Richardson is down-to-earth, a realist, and comes across overwhelmingly humble.

Leaders' Choice, Reader Recommendations

He offers no easy formulae to solve the problems. However, he offers an easy approach to engaging others with the power of the Gospel. He is a self-proclaimed introvert, relieving the many introerts shying away from evangelism. IN his reassuring way, he promotes an approach to evangelism through spiritual conversation. The key step is in bridging already-established relationships with conversation that is deep.

Not academically deep, but that is spiritual, moving, aimed at meaning, value, and life. These are things that people want to talk about. He infuses his writing with real-life encounters and writes emphasizing the very thing he claims — our own stories have great power.

Connections: Reimagining Evangelism Session 1

He uses his story to enrich the lives of the readers as we attempt to share the Gospel story with others. I am not real familiar with Richardson, but he brought a fresh approach to storytelling evengelism and took some looks at other tried and perhaps dated methods. Evangelism is a sorely lacking need in the church, that books like this will always be relevant and in demand. However I prefer many other evangelism books over the years to this one The problem is most believ I would probably go 3.

The problem is most believers realize this need, but want someone else to do it Now is the time! Jun 29, Chris rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Christians looking to grow in their evangelism. Richardson's book is very helpful for people who want to know how to share the gospel in a postmodern context. As I was reading it I could think of many interactions in my college context where the ideas and discussions of this book would have helped me greatly.

Too bad I didn't read it earlier! Richardson explores concepts such as Spirit-led evangelism and the idea of going from a "salesperson" approach which no one, not even Christians, like to a "travel guide" approach, which is actually a Richardson's book is very helpful for people who want to know how to share the gospel in a postmodern context. Richardson explores concepts such as Spirit-led evangelism and the idea of going from a "salesperson" approach which no one, not even Christians, like to a "travel guide" approach, which is actually a very helpful image.

I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in sharing their faith, especially among Postmoderns and Millennials. Jun 08, Daniel rated it really liked it Recommends it for: I appreciated rick's candid and open approach to evangelism. He opens up the world of inviting friends onto a spiritual journey and shifts the paradigm from conversion to journey and direction. These ideas are not new to readers of out of the salt shaker or even of Mark if you look closely but he articulates these things well and remains practical enough that you feel like you could do it! I also appreciated his section on using your own gifts for evangelism.

He is a collaborator A great book! He is a collaborator, referencing brian mclaren , york moore , and others which I always appreciate.

Reimagining Evangelism Curriculum Kit

Aug 08, Jeff rated it liked it. Wanna know the point of this book and how to Evangelise?

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Coming from the background I've been steeped in it was freeing to read about it, but it didn't teach anything new necessarily! I would recommend it to those steeped in the 4 laws model, or cold-call evangelism, but others already in tune with relational evangelism, and everyone else, the point is just to be real!

Stop nicing things up! May 16, Graham rated it really liked it.

Reimagining Evangelism: Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey

A very good, concise resource for helping passionate Christians share their faith in creative ways. It provides some very helpful insights into the problems of some modes widely used in some circles, and pushes readers to expand the thinking on evangelism to include various possibilities, and "outside the box" methods for presenting Jesus in a way which is more faithful to the way the New Testament authors present him. Jul 10, Michelle Young rated it really liked it Shelves: Shatter your paradigms of how to "go to Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth" hmm, did I get that reference right?

Super helpful for shaking up your thinking about conversing with folks about faith and Jesus in a real way. Aug 16, John Williams rated it it was amazing. Apr 04, Brad Kittle rated it liked it Shelves: I got some great ideas from this book, ones I will use. Still not sure what I think about the book overall. The Holy Spirit detective agency chapter was a 5, but some of the other chapters were less than stellar. Jul 20, Danny rated it it was amazing. Dump all your old evangelism books in the garbage and just read this one. Aug 26, Brian Steele rated it it was amazing.

Richardson understands postmodern evangelism. The point is to be faithful and to reach out anyway. The ministry, which seeks to offer friendship, evangelism, and service to the traveling communities of Europe, requires that student participants become travelers themselves as they seek to enter into honest conversations with other globetrotters about living a life of Christian faith.

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Remaining willing to talk about their beliefs with grace—even when faced with rejection or just plain embarrassment—was a challenge for these two and their teammates throughout the summer. Despite negative connotations for some, dozens of students like Nathaniel and Jon are encountering a new vision of evangelism through the OCO, which is dedicated to helping Wheaton students learn through serving the communities around them.

Directed by Reverend Brian Medaglia, the OCO houses six fully Wheaton-run ministry programs and works with over 70 local partners with which Wheaton students can volunteer. Word and deed were important aspects of the ministry of Jesus, and I believe strongly that students should follow this model. Service opportunities available through the OCO are as diverse as they are numerous.

CBF encourages congregations to ‘reimagine evangelism’ – Baptist News Global

Additional ministry opportunities include everything from businesses that hire ex-offenders to community projects that utilize art-making to build unity, giving Wheaton students a number of ways to glimpse what it looks like to live out the gospel incarnationally. Outside of Black Rock City, alumni are evangelizing in cities worldwide. Kevin is certainly no stranger to the kind of evangelistic outreaches that made his father famous. Looking for a way to turn this paradigm on its head, Kevin and a handful of local pastors approached the mayor of Portland in to ask a simple question: Out of this initial conversation, a partnership grew between civic officials and church leaders that utilized the strengths of both to work toward the common good.

Civic authorities identified five key areas of need in the city: Kevin and the other pastors responded by mobilizing volunteers from their churches in those respective areas, resulting in 15, workers offering to serve their urban neighbors. The CityServe movement has since spread to dozens of other cities across the country from Anchorage, Alaska, to Houston, Texas.

Hoping to inspire other churches to unite and better love and serve their own cities, Kevin wrote a book about the CityServe story entitled Unlikely: