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Until such a time as it becomes necessary, we must refrain from presenting ourselves in a similar fashion as these groups do. Our cause, and our movement should reflect only the highest ambition and standards that we seek to uphold. Violent anti-government videos and the dissemination of hate filled rhetoric will be categorically used against us in the long run.

It is the spark that will ignite the forest fire. A fire, that we, at the present time, do not have the popular support or the ability to extinguish in the face of controversies surrounding anarchistic groups such as these.

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It is my fondest hope that Patriots throughout the United States take a stand against the oppressive ideologies, objectionable rhetoric, and blatant disregard against humanity and our Constitutional rights by these fringe groups that dwell within our rank and file. Posted by americanpatriot53 at 4: Wednesday, 21 April 4: That expression has connotations of an encounter between law enforcement and a violent criminal, rather than an eminently avoidable death that apparently occurred through miscommunication or, possibly, the panic-stricken reaction of deputies to the presence of an armed citizen.

My heart goes out to the woman who is now a widow, and to her family who is going through what no one should have to go through. Police are supposed to serve. Yes, this is from But this shows, especially in how many times it has been attacked and removed from….

It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation…. This is a description and explanation of how disinformation shills operate, frustrate, name call, create Strawman arguments, and do whatever they can to prevent the spread of the truth that will certainly frustrate those who seek the truth to be suppressed.

This is the place to learn of the Suppressed Truth Round Up. There is in my opinion an all out assault on the minds of our children by individuals who like to…. This man understands that we have been overthrown and over run by Communists and Corporate Fascism. This was all well…. Youtube Safety Mode Censorship: In this video you will have to take your time and watch it all. It exposes the use of Rand…. Stills New World Order: The Ancient Plan of….

Lacovara-Stewart On October 30, A well organized Militia, which can not be without being first and foremost armed being necessary for the security of… Support us by sharing and "liking' our posts. Lacovara-Stewart On June 5, S until late under Soviet control could have at their command a leader, who held a social position which appeared to be very lowly. He could be, for example, a busboy in a restaurant, but in reality a colonel or a general in the Soviet Secret Service, the KGB.

Under him could be a number of cells and a person active in one cell would almost never have knowledge of individuals who are active in another cell. The value of this is that while any one cell can be infiltrated, exposed or destroyed, such action will have no effect on the other cells; in fact, the members of the other cells will be supporting that cell which is under attack and ordinarily would lend very strong support to it in many ways. This is at least part of the reason, no doubt, that whenever in the past Communists were attacked in this country, support for them sprang up in many unexpected places.

The efficient and effective operation of a cell system after the Communist model, is of course, dependent upon central direction, which means impressive organization, funding from the top, and outside support, all of which the Communists had. Obviously, American patriots have none of these things at the top or anywhere else, and so an effective cell organization based upon the Soviet system of operation is impossible. Two things become clear from the above discussion.

First, that the pyramid type of organization can be penetrated quite easily and it thus is not a sound method of organization in situations where the government has the resources and desire to penetrate the structure; which is the situation in this country. Secondly, that the normal qualifications for the cell structure based upon the Red model does not exist in the U. This understood, the question arises "What method is left for those resisting state tyranny? Amoss who proposed the "Phantom Cell" mode of organization.

Which he described as Leaderless Resistance. A system of organization that is based upon the cell organization, but does not have any central control or direction, that is in fact almost identical to the methods used by the Committees of Correspondence during the American Revolution.

Utilizing the Leaderless Resistance concept, all individuals and groups operate independently of each other, and never report to a central headquarters or single leader for direction or instruction, as would those who belong to a typical pyramid organization. At first glance, such a type of organization seems unrealistic, primarily because there appears to be no organization. The natural question thus arises as to how are the "Phantom cells" and individuals to cooperate with each other when there is no intercommunication or central direction?

The answer to this question is that participants in a program of Leaderless Resistance through phantom cell or individual action must know exactly what they are doing, and how to do it. It becomes the responsibility of the individual to acquire the necessary skills and information as to what is to be done. This is by no means as impractical as it appears, because it is certainly true that in any movement, all persons involved have the same general outlook, are acquainted with the same philosophy, and generally react to given situations in similar ways.

The pervious history of the committees of correspondence during the American Revolution show this to be true. Since the entire purpose of Leaderless Resistance is to defeat state tyranny at least insofar as this essay is concerned , all members of phantom cells or individuals will tend to react to objective events in the same way through usual tactics of resistance. Organs of information distribution such as newspapers, leaflets, computers, etc.

No one need issue an order to anyone. Those idealist truly committed to the cause of freedom will act when they feel the time is ripe, or will take their cue from others who precede them. While it is true that much could be said against this type of structure as a method of resistance, it must be kept in mind that Leaderless Resistance is a child of necessity. The alternatives to it have been show to be unworkable or impractical. Leaderless Resistance has worked before in the American Revolution, and if the truly committed put it to use for themselves, it will work now.

It goes almost without saying that Leaderless Resistance leads to very small or even one man cells of resistance. Those who join organizations to play "let's pretend" or who are "groupies" will quickly be weeded out. While for those who are serious about their opposition to federal despotism, this is exactly what is desired. From the point of view of tyrants and would be potentates in the federal bureaucracy and police agencies, nothing is more desirable than that those who oppose them be UNIFIED in their command structure, and that every person who opposes them belong to a pyramid type group.

Such groups and organizations are an easy kill. Especially in light of the fact that the Justice sic Department promised in that there would never be another group that opposed them that they did not have at least one informer in. These federal "friends of government" are intelligence agents. They gather information that can be used at the whim of a federal D.

Resistance movement

The line of battle has been drawn. Patriots are required therefore, to make a conscious decision to either aid the government in its illegal spying, by continuing with old methods of organization and resistance, or to make the enemies job more difficult by implementing effective countermeasures. Now there will, no doubt, be mentally handicapped people out there who, while standing at a podium with an American flag draped in the background, and a lone eagle soaring in the sky above, will state emphatically in their best sounding red, white, and blue voice.

So what if the government is spying? We are not violating any laws.

American Resistance Movement | Resurrect The Republic

Such crippled thinking by any serious person is the best example that there is a need for special education classes. The person making such a statement is totally out of contact with political reality in this country, and unfit for leadership of any thing more than a dog sleigh in the Alaskan wilderness. The old Born on the fourth of July mentality that has influenced so much of the American patriot's thinking in the past will not save him from the government in the future.

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Reeducation for non- thinkers of this type will take place in the federal prison system where there are no flags or eagles, but abundance of men who were not violating any law. Most groups who unify their disparate associates into a single structure have short political lives.

Therefore, those movement leaders constantly calling for unity of organization rather than the desirable unity of purpose, usually fall into one of three categories. They may not be sound political tacticians, but rather, just committed men who feel unity would help their cause, while not realizing that the government would greatly benefit from such efforts. The Federal objective, to imprison or destroy all who oppose them, is made easier in pyramid organizations. Or perhaps, they do not fully understand the struggle they are involved in and that the government they oppose has declared a state of war against those fighting for faith, folk, freedom and constitutional liberty.

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  6. Those in power will use any means to rid themselves of opposition. The third class calling for unity and let us hope this is the minority of the three, are men more desirous of the supposed power that a large organization would bestow, than of actually achieving their stated purpose. Conversely, the last thing Federal snoops would have, if they had any choice in the matter, is a thousand different small phantom cells opposing them.

    The Truth About America’s “Resistance” Movement

    It is easy to see why. Such a situation is an intelligence nightmare for a government intent upon knowing everything they possibly can about those who oppose them. The Federals, able to amass overwhelming strength of numbers, manpower, resources, intelligence gathering, and capability at any given time, need only a focal point to direct their anger. A single penetration of a pyramid type of organization can lead to the destruction of the whole.

    Whereas, Leaderless Resistance presents no single opportunity for the Federals to destroy a significant portion of the Resistance. With the announcement by the Department of Justice sic that FBI agents formerly assigned to watching Soviet spies in the US domestic counter intelligence are now to be used to combat crime, the federal government is preparing the way for a major assault upon those persons opposed to their policies. Many anti- government groups dedicated to the preservation of the America of our forefathers can expect shortly to feel the brunt of a new federal assault upon liberty.

    It is clear, therefore, that it is time to rethink traditional strategy and tactics when it comes to opposing a modern police state. America is quickly moving into a long dark night of police state tyranny, where the rights now accepted by most as being inalienable will disappear. Let the coming night be filled with a thousand points of resistance. Like the fog which forms when conditions are right and disappears when they are not, so must the resistance to tyranny be. If every person has the right to defend—even by force—his person, his liberty, and his property, then it follows that a group of men have the right to organize and support a common force to protect these rights constantly.

    Frederick Bastiat Paris, In Closing Remember, Don't battle the government with guns. Beat them in court, and in your state legislature! Organize and come together as one people to ensure that our constitution is restored and our borders are secured. Hide your unregistered weapons and ammo so that if martial law is enforced, they can not be confiscated. Remember that many active U.