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1. Regulate Temperature with the Earth and Sun

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Strategies for sustainable architecture

Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The other half was spent in the classroom where the six points structured the entire curriculum. In that time I came to realize that these six points are the foundation for an effective response to the real urgencies of our time and for the future.

This abundance is water from the sky, the sun that brings life from the water, and the earth itself that provides massive heat and building material. The Earth and the concept of harnessing its consistent temperature is often overlooked in the building profession.

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While many best practices call for substantial insulation and numerous ventilation standards, the fact that the earth itself can provide consistent temperature regulation is often overlooked. The strategic use of thermal mass — included within the insulation envelope and accompanied with effective venting — is what can allow livable space to remain at 72 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the changing seasons with no mechanical heating or cooling.

Systems such as geothermal heat pumps seek to harness this energy, though through expensive, complicated systems. Rainwater catchment is a most common strategy for architects and builders to lower a carbon footprint. Rainwater however, with a bit of filtering, can be harvested for all purposes at the scale of a modest-sized home.

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Using a combination of gravity, a small pump, and sand or ceramic filters, Earthship residents can use this water for washing, cooking and drinking, thus removing all dependence upon common municipal water distribution systems. As we are moving into the modern age, it is becoming more and more common for electrical power and the communication capabilities that come with it to be considered a basic need.

The current state of technology however requires substantial government investment into antiquated, inefficient centralized distribution systems.

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The use of local energy sources solar, wind, hydro, etc. Moreover, when moving to a decentralized system, the strategic use of AC and DC currents emerges which can ensure the most efficient use of electrical power.

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Decentralized electrical power allows the privilege of modern living within extreme efficiency. The harvesting of gray water is not new. Many cutting-edge, modern buildings use this water to flush toilets, though only after filtering the water so it appears clear in our toilet bowls. Such filtering systems however remove valuable nutrients that can be put to good use growing food and other flora.

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Planting systems not only filter the water through natural means, they do it while also filtering the air quality of the space and providing all kinds of food from figs, to tomatoes, to basil along the way. For thousands of years humans have been putting human waste out of mind by constructing massive sewers that move all of the waste underground to a single point.

The waste is then either dumped into the sea, or passed through enormous processing facilities — then dumped into the sea. At the local level however, black water can be used as a resource. By treating the sewage locally— within the property lines of a single family plot — the black water can be used to irrigate landscaping as well as some edible crops, and then harmlessly return to the environment through transpiration. A common measure for the efficiency of construction of a piece of architecture is to quantify the distance that materials must travel to get to the building site, meaning that local and indigenous materials are preferred.

The Earthship team has identified garbage — car tires, plastic bottles and cans — not only as great materials that can be upcycled into the construction process, but as items that are unfortunately indigenous to almost all parts of the world. Using materials that would otherwise go directly to a landfill is both responsible and cost effective when the project is designed and constructed well.

Strategies for Sustainable Architecture

Earthship Biotecture has not only developed the theory behind each of these points through countless experimental constructions, they are also approaching a modular architectural solution that functions within each of these points and can be built anywhere. The Global Model creates living space for a family of five complete with Wi-Fi internet, hot water, and surround sound if one so chooses that is sustainably independent and a re-creation of the true environment of man. Through the analysis of work by Levitt By the end of the 21st Century it is thought that three-quarters of the world's population will be urban; our future is in cities.

The Green Guide to Specification has assessed the relative environmental performance of over materials and components, providing a quick and RIBA Bookshops Unrivalled range of the best architecture, design and construction books from around the world.

Six Best Practices for Sustainable Architecture

My Account Register Sign in. Basket My basket contains: Search Search Site Search Go. Contact Us Order by phone or for enquiries, call us on: Be the first to rate this product! Description Filling a gap in existing literature on sustainable design, this new guide introduces and illustrates sustainable design principles through detailed case studies of sustainable buildings in Europe, North America and Australia.

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