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Stevens is the science project lead overseeing the removal of the alien metal. If the metal is removed it will kill Jade. She is the only mother figure Jade has and the Doctor is well aware of that. Unfortunately, Startech, the company who has bought out the project will be moving Dr. Stevens out and replacing her with Dr. There is a catch here and I find it very compelling. Ahern uses the argument when underlying is corporate greed. A sinister plot awaits as we are introduced to a new character named Aric.

The love interest is well handled and crosses a number of thresholds whether or not the intent was there. First the concept of a human and alien falling in love which crosses the boundaries of what romance is. They have many commonalities that attract them to each other beyond physical attributes. They each have the metal imbedded in their skin, they are both survivors of the crash and each lost their parents. Above all of that they have been a constant source of experimentation. Aric is tall dark and handsome and very powerful.

Much beyond human strength, he has abilities that no human has. I realize none of this sounds very sinister, but when you mix in the earlier plot conflict then this aspect becomes much more enhanced. Because Startech no longer needs Jade if a baby is born. You see up until now, Aric and Jade have been kept apart, but now that Startech is involved they want the two to breed. They devise a plan to leave the world they have always known for the outside. I thought at times I would have liked to been in the moment of the scene over having an explanation.

Overall, I found the writing crisp and on point. The characters are well developed and believable. Dialogue is very good and well-paced. This book will meet the requirements for any sci-fi enthusiast. People who enjoy light romance will also enjoy HASH if they are looking for something different. I absolutely love the whole concept of a living metal and HASH kept me interested from beginning to end.

Apr 19, Teresa Vogt rated it it was amazing Shelves: When your life is nothing but an experiment, escaping your handlers is your only option.

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This review is from: Human Alien Species Hybrid Book 1 Imprint Trilogy Imagine you where in a car wreck with your parents at age 3, a little girl comes into contact with an alien just after, the Alien is dying and passes on a part of herself in a living metal that wraps around your spine, you wake up screaming from this nightmare for 16 yrs.

Then imagine you are a Alien child 3 yrs old that watches When your life is nothing but an experiment, escaping your handlers is your only option. Then imagine you are a Alien child 3 yrs old that watches the same wreck from a space craft as it collides with earth, and you remember the same accident from that prospective, one where you are also orphaned. Now 16 yrs later they meet, in the research lab they have both been raised and imprisoned in since, because someone greedy is looking to breed the two of you and then discard you for the living metal that is in place in your bodies.

For Him, this girl, she is part of your Mother, and contact brings memories. For Her, he is the son of the Alien that passed on the living metal that grips your spine. They have been tested, experimented on, and imprisoned, now they are faced with the choice of breed a hybrid child, or face a surgery that will kill you so that scientist can get that metal. Running is the only option, staying together while your memories continue to unlock each others past, and lay out the future. April Reign has woven a wonderful tale of finding yourself and escape, the two teens one Alien and one Human with Alien technology are searching for a home and it isn't on Earth.

Earth stopped being home when it started considering them experiments, and research.

HASH: Human Alien Species Hybrid by April M. Reign

Can they escape and find a future together? Do they have a choice? When the only Dr to show them kindness is killed by an ambitious new scientist that has purchased the 'project' that is the teens lives, trusting her is the last thing they will do. Survival is a must, answers will come, the question is at what price? Both orphaned at the same time they have only themselves and the memories of the metal to lead them, they question is to where?

Nov 12, Al rated it it was amazing. I thought I would download this for my Kindle and see what it was like. To say that I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. The book is a first person account from a girl named Jade who has spent sixteen years in a Scientific Institution following an accident when she was three years old. The accident claimed the lives of her parents and Jade ended having an implant in her, which caused an invisible to materialise to her. Although this invisible friend is more than that. The friend I thought I would download this for my Kindle and see what it was like.

The friend has a name - Emerald - due to the colour of her eyes, although Jade and everyone at the institution call her Em. Jade is the only person able to see Em due to the implant. During the book, Jade is introduced to a nineteen year old boy called Aric who also seems to have the same kind of implant, and he can converse with Em.

When Jade and Aric touch, secrets are unlocked, and Em is then able to access computers and read emails.

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This is where she finds a sinister plan, and there is only one thing they can do - escape the institution they have both lived in for the last sixteen years. This first book in the trilogy introduces us to Jade, Em and Aric and explains the origins of the implants and what they mean to the three of them. Dealing with the death of a friend shows that protagonists are not closed off so as not to feel emotion.

Song for Alien Species

The descriptions of their surroundings allows you to see what the facility looks like in your mind. The explosive climax of the book is well written and leaves you breathless. I wanted to pick up the next book immediately to see what happens The book is aimed at young adults, and is a very easy read.

It's well written and worth reading more than once. Out of five, this is a definite FIVE stars.

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Sep 05, Rita Ames rated it really liked it. What a perfect start to a series! Sci-fi is not usually my first choice when looking for a book but something about this one appealed to me and as my Goodreads challenge is to read books this year I was looking for some variety. I chose correctly with this one.

It has just the right amount of technological intrique to keep you wanting more. The heroine 'Jade' is well written and watching her emerge from her safety zone as her situation becomes dangerous is gripping. Although I think the Author What a perfect start to a series! Although I think the Author is unfair to only give us two kisses with Aric. Looking forward to getting to second base in the next book, with the story and also Aric!!

Well done and recommended even to non sci-fi buffs Sep 12, EFinn1 rated it it was amazing. Jade, an orphan survivor of a car crash, has been locked away in a science facility for most of her life, her only companion is Em, an image only she can see. She was locked away because her crash was connected to that of an alien ship carrying another family and she is now the possessor of an entity from that alien ship.

Em is the consciousness of that entity. Unknown to Jade is that there was another survivor of the alien ship - Aric. When Jade, Aric and Em meet as part of a cruel experiment in Jade, an orphan survivor of a car crash, has been locked away in a science facility for most of her life, her only companion is Em, an image only she can see. When Jade, Aric and Em meet as part of a cruel experiment in the name of science, new worlds open up for all of them and there may just be a chance to escape, maybe.

This book was well written- the ending will leave you wanting more of Jade, Aric and Em.. Dec 08, Shoshanah Lila rated it liked it. Grammar not including character dialogue is not awful like others I have read so that's a plus. I went on to read the rest of the trilogy over the next few days.

Book 2 had a slight surprise which I will not spill here, and number 3 was again predictable but likeable all the same. Jun 12, Kathy Harrington rated it really liked it Shelves: I really liked this. You were given enough background story the beginning so you weren't lost. Can you imagine all those years locked up for your 'safety'? Now you find out that's not really the plan, it never was. So who can you trust? Where can you run? Will it ever be safe again? Sep 03, Nadine rated it it was amazing. Can't wait for book 2. Sep 25, Victoria rated it it was amazing.

Is a great book to read. Feb 13, Tamara rated it it was ok Shelves: Maybe I had too high expectations, but I was rather disappointed by the story. It was nicely written but I think the story had more potential than it used. Unfortunately, only an ok read. Jul 13, Paula Hardin rated it it was amazing. I bought the book late last night, and finished it today. It was a great read, full of action, and you connect to the characters. At the end, you'll be waiting for the next story in this series. Jul 22, Nichole rated it really liked it.

I love the premise and the characters. The story is fast paced and I couldn't put it down. I can't wait for the next book! Amy rated it really liked it Sep 29, Rei Tan rated it liked it Jan 10, Linda rated it really liked it Sep 26, Leslie Anne rated it really liked it Oct 18, Kathy Rachel rated it did not like it Sep 18, Macleisha rated it it was ok Oct 10, Tim Crockett rated it did not like it Nov 02, Ashley rated it it was ok Jul 25, Kimberly rated it really liked it Dec 05, Mary Toppen rated it it was amazing Aug 29, Charesea rated it did not like it Apr 09, Cara Nicole Vogel rated it liked it Jul 17, Christina rated it liked it May 29, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Reign was born and raised in Southern California by her happily married parents. She is the oldest of three daughters and considers both of her sisters to be her best friends. Growing up, she was involved in many sports: Many weekends at the beach with her family included her father packing up the long boards and teaching all three daughters how April M. Many weekends at the beach with her family included her father packing up the long boards and teaching all three daughters how to ride a wave. The activity that stands out the most for her is the thirteen years that she spent studying karate with her family.

She played the accordion for twelve years and even played for Jerry Lewis kids fundraisers. During those years, she learned how to read and write music. They each have the metal imbedded in their skin, they are both survivors of the crash and each lost their parents. Above all of that they have been a constant source of experimentation. Aric is tall dark and handsome and very powerful. Much beyond human strength, he has abilities that no human has. I realize none of this sounds very sinister, but when you mix in the earlier plot conflict then this aspect becomes much more enhanced.

Because Startech no longer needs Jade if a baby is born. You see up until now, Aric and Jade have been kept apart, but now that Startech is involved they want the two to breed. They devise a plan to leave the world they have always known for the outside. I thought at times I would have liked to been in the moment of the scene over having an explanation. Overall, I found the writing crisp and on point.

The characters are well developed and believable. Dialogue is very good and well-paced. This book will meet the requirements for any sci-fi enthusiast. People who enjoy light romance will also enjoy HASH if they are looking for something different. I absolutely love the whole concept of a living metal and HASH kept me interested from beginning to end. Imagine you where in a car wreck with your parents at age 3, a little girl comes into contact with an alien just after, the Alien is dying and passes on a part of herself in a living metal that wraps around your spine, you wake up screaming from this nightmare for 16 yrs.

Then imagine you are a Alien child 3 yrs old that watches the same wreck from a space craft as it collides with earth, and you remember the same accident from that prospective, one where you are also orphaned.

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Now 16 yrs later they meet, in the research lab they have both been raised and imprisoned in since, because someone greedy is looking to breed the two of you and then discard you for the living metal that is in place in your bodies. For Him, this girl, she is part of your Mother, and contact brings memories. For Her, he is the son of the Alien that passed on the living metal that grips your spine. They have been tested, experimented on, and imprisoned, now they are faced with the choice of breed a hybrid child, or face a surgery that will kill you so that scientist can get that metal.

Running is the only option, staying together while your memories continue to unlock each others past, and lay out the future. April Reign has woven a wonderful tale of finding yourself and escape, the two teens one Alien and one Human with Alien technology are searching for a home and it isn't on Earth. Earth stopped being home when it started considering them experiments, and research.

Can they escape and find a future together? Do they have a choice? When the only Dr to show them kindness is killed by an ambitious new scientist that has purchased the 'project' that is the teens lives, trusting her is the last thing they will do. Survival is a must, answers will come, the question is at what price?

Both orphaned at the same time they have only themselves and the memories of the metal to lead them, they question is to where? I liked the idea of the girl being kept in a secured facility due to her contact with an alien that left her with a metal implant. I mean I could totally see the government doing something like that. So for originality, I'd give this novella an easy 5. Since it's written in the first person POV of Jade, the imprisoned girl, we only know what she does, and sees, and since she only meets Aric later in the story for only a few brief moments before the big final, we don't get to learn much about him.

Yet, that's understandable, but I wished we could have learned to know Jade a bit more. Em, the imprint and a character we think for the longest time is a figment of Jade's imagination is probably the one that felt the most alive. She was fun, teasing, and likeable. I don't know if we can call what Jade and Aric have love or mutual attraction, but it didn't feel natural. The few times they met, they didn't even talk.

Or at least, we're told they didn't because these parts were skimmed by the author. Over all, there's not much happening in this novella, but I didn't expect it either since it's so short. The rest are chapters from the sequel. I have started to read them but haven't finished yet. Will I continue and buy the sequels, honestly, I'm not sure yet.

HASH is a quick read that would probably best suit a young audience. April Reign has shown, once again, that she is comfortable writing in any genre. HASH is a great start to her first sci-fi venture and her characters are fully original. There's always an air of mystery to her stories and this one is no different. Something is happening with her main character, Jade, and you have to keep reading to find out exactly what that is. It's compelling enough to keep you reading and just as the revelations come to light, the action increases.

Then it all really hits the fan! The first part left enough mystery in a new direction to make me definitely want to come back for the 2nd installment. A great read by an equally great writer! See all 48 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.

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