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Teach Yourself: Psychology in a Week

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Psychology In A Week: Teach Yourself

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Teach Yourself | Teach Yourself

Psychology In A Week: Teach Yourself by Nicky Hayes. Buy the eBook Price: Unavailable in Russia This item can't be purchased in Russia. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

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  1. Psychology for the Curious: Teach Yourself - Nicky Hayes - Lyd-CD () » Bokkilden?
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  4. Teach Yourself: Psychology in a Week by Nicky Hayes!

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We appreciate your feedback. Sense, stories and social learning The malleability of memory Confabulation Narratives and scripts Chapter 3: Self-esteem The problem of normality Chapter 4: The unconscious mind The psychoanalytic approach How the unconscious mind works Defence mechanisms What the unconscious isn't Chapter 5: Learning, expertise and creativity Levels of learning Predispositions in learning Practice and creativity Experts and novices Chapter 6: Coping with stress The fight or flight reaction Long-term success Physical coping Psychological coping Chapter 7: Community and conflict Sociability and adaptability Social identification Social motivation Chapter 8: Second of all, the book doesn't cover most of the important topics in Psychology.

I'll give one example. How can an introduction to Psychology dismiss talking about Sigmund Freud's major contributions to the fi I'm kinda disappointed by this book because of several things. How can an introduction to Psychology dismiss talking about Sigmund Freud's major contributions to the field of child psychology?! Another example is that the author doesn't give sufficient information about important concepts, such us in the topic of associative learning.

He doesn't really spend time in explaining the differences between negative reinforcement and punishment, for instance. This doesn't make the book a good candidate for those who do not have background information in Psychology. Third of all, I believe the book represents the author subjective view in many topics, and I personally do not categorize the book as informative. In some parts, it seems to me as a self-help book.

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However, there are few good things about the book, especially at the end, where the author reveals the positive results of studying the mind of old people in respects to memory and intelligence. As I've mentioned, the writing seems subjective, it's written in a positive tone!

Apr 30, Ranyabelmaachi rated it really liked it. Nicky Hayes talks about seven major topics in psychology. Psychology has several connections in real life like groupthink, it has also taught the readers about areas of psychology, and how different topic like Emotion and states of mind, have subtopic as dreaming. There are many interesting things that readers can learn when reading Psychology. A few things that were learned throughout the novel were Groupthink and areas of psychology. Groupthink occurs when a group of people is very comfortable together and when one gives an idea and a person in the group is contradictory to that idea they will still do it.

In Psychology there are six different areas. Psychology is very vague and psychologists need to divide all of these sections. Two psychologies are cognitive and developmental psychology. Cognitive is the mental process of the brain and how it takes in information and understands thing it is called perception. To conclude a few thing the readers can learn while reading this book is about groupthink and areas of psychology. A topic Psychology by DR.

Nicky Hayes talked about was the emotions and states of mind and it talked about several subtopics. The subtopics in the chapter emotions and states of mind are dreaming and stress. Psychologists say that dreams come from our unconscious minds and most of the times are our deepest secrets.

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During the dreams we use symbols to represent those secrets. For instance if you dream several times of falling off a cliff and you end up in a puddle of spiders, this means that you might have a fear of height and spiders. An example of stress would be being anxious about having enough money to pay the bill, or passing for a test in English class.

To conclude the subtopics in emotions and states of mind are dreaming and stress. Some connections with real life are the way we think with our emotions and groupthink. Psychology says that when we are happy and one bad thing happens we will only think of the negative emotions that the reader has. For instance if a normal day is occurring and mostly good things occur and a negative thing happens to someone most people tend to look at the negative effects. To connect it to real life once, a person is going to an extraordinary trip, however there is a small problem with their luggage.

The person will say that the trip will be a disaster and that every thing is horrible.