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While the notion of Germans and Germany is older, it is only since that there has been a nation-state of Germany. Later political disagreements and the partition of Germany — has further made it difficult to use proper terminology. Starting with Charlemagne , the territory of modern Germany was within the realm of the Holy Roman Empire.

It was a union of relatively independent rulers who each ruled their own territories. In 19th and 20th century historiography, the Holy Roman Empire was often referred to as Deutsches Reich , creating a link to the later nation state of Roman authors mentioned a number of tribes they called Germani —the tribes did not themselves use the term.

After these tribes were identified by linguists as belonging to a group of Germanic language speakers which include modern languages like German, English and Dutch. Germani for the people and Germania for the area where they lived became the common Latin words for Germans and Germany.

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Germans call themselves Deutsche living in Deutschland. The term was first used to designate the popular language as opposed to the language used by the religious and secular rulers who used Latin. These English terms were obsolete by the 19th century. This feudal state became a union of relatively independent rulers who developed their own territories.

Modernisation took place on the territorial level such as Austria, Prussia, Saxony or Bremen , not on the level of the Empire. Some of the German countries were then collected into the Confederation of the Rhine , which remained a military alliance under the "protection" of Napoleon, rather than consolidating into an actual confederation. After the fall of Napoleon in , these states created a German Confederation with the Emperor of Austria as president. Some member states, such as Prussia and Austria, included only a part of their territories within the confederation, while other member states brought territories to the alliance that included people, like the Poles and the Czechs, who did not speak German as their native tongue.

In addition, there were also substantial German speaking populations that remained outside the confederation. In this era of emerging national movements, "Germany" was used only as a reference to a particular geographical area. It became a federal state with its constitution of 1 July The remaining South German countries, with the exception of Austria and Liechtenstein, joined the country in The first nation state named "Germany" began in ; before that Germany referred to a geographical entity comprising many states, much as "the Balkans" is used today, or the term "America" was used by the founders of "the United States of America.

In German constitutional history, the expressions Reich reign, realm, empire and Bund federation, confederation are somewhat interchangeable. Sometimes they even co-existed in the same constitution: When in —71 the North German Confederation was transformed into the German Empire, the preamble said that the participating monarchs are creating einen ewigen Bund an eternal confederation which will have the name Deutsches Reich. Due to the history of Germany, the principle of federalism is strong. Only the state of Hitler — and the state of the communists East Germany, — were centralist states.

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As a result, the words Reich and Bund were used more frequently than in other countries, in order to distinguish between imperial or federal institutions and those at a subnational level. For example, a modern federal German minister is called Bundesminister , in contrast to a Landesminister who holds office in a state such as Rhineland-Palatinate or Lower Saxony. As a result of the Hitler regime, and maybe also of Imperial Germany up to , many Germans — especially those on the political left — have negative feelings about the word Reich.


Bund is another word also used in contexts other than politics. In other German speaking countries, the words Reich Austria before and Bund Austria since , Switzerland are used too. An organ named Bundesrat exists in all three of them: In the 19th century before , Germans, for example in the Frankfurt Parliament of —49, argued about what should become of Austria. It was realised only in when Germany annexed Austria Anschluss. However, these expressions became neither common nor popular.

In National Socialist propaganda Austria was also called Ostmark. After the Anschluss the previous territory of Germany was called Altreich old Reich. This expression was commonly used in official papers and also on maps, while in other contexts Deutschland was more frequently used. Those Germans living within its boundaries were called Reichsdeutsche , those outside were called Volksdeutsche ethnic Germans. The latter expression referred mainly to the German minorities in Eastern Europe. Germans living abroad for example in America were and are called Auslandsdeutsche.

After the forced abdication of the Emperor in , and the republic was declared, Germany was informally called the Deutsche Republik.

Gottfried Lindauer (1839–1926). Pilsen Painter of the New Zealand Māori

The official name of the state remained the same. The term Weimar Republic , after the city where the National Assembly gathered, came up in the s, but was not commonly used until the s. It became necessary to find an appropriate term for the Germany between and After Adolf Hitler took power in , the official name of the state was still the same. For a couple of years Hitler used the expression Drittes Reich Third Reich , which was introduced by writers in the last years of the republic. In fact this was only a propaganda term and did not constitute a new state.

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Later Hitler renounced the term Drittes Reich officially in June , but it already had become popular among supporters and opponents and is still used in historiography sometimes in quotation marks. The reign of Hitler is most commonly called in English Nazi Germany. Nazi is a colloquial short for Nationalsozialist , a person who supports national socialism. Berlin was a case of its own, as it was situated on the territory of the Soviet zone but divided into four sectors. The western sectors were later called West Berlin, the other one East Berlin.

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The communists tended to consider the Soviet sector of Berlin as a part of GDR; West Berlin was, according to them, an independent political unit. After , Deutsches Reich was still used for a couple of years in , for instance, when the Social Democrats gathered in Nuremberg they called their rally Reichsparteitag. In many contexts, the German people still called their country Germany , even after two German states were created in Germany as a whole was called Deutschland als Ganzes or Gesamtdeutschland , referring to Germany in the international borders of before Hitler started to annex other countries.

This resulted in all German or pan germanique —a chauvinist concept aspirations. Until , a number of expressions competed in the Federal Republic to designate the other German state the communist German Democratic Republic. This state was not considered to be a successor of the Reich, but, nevertheless, to represent all good Germans. The GDR still supported the idea of a German nation and the need for reunification.

After the GDR called itself a "socialist state of German nation". In the German Democratic Republic ceased to exist. East Berlin joined through merger with West Berlin ; technically this was the sixth new federal state since West Berlin, although considered a de facto federal state, had the legal status of a military occupation zone. The terms "Westdeutschland" and "Ostdeutschland" are still used for the western and the eastern parts of the German territory, respectively.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Part of a series on the. Reunification New federal states. Germanujo also Germanio Friulian: Yr Almaen with preceding definite article. Unification of Germany and Reich. Germany portal European Union portal. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl, Reinbek bei Hamburg , p. The Roman Empire and its Germanic Peoples.