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Staff have a responsibility to model pro social, responsible behaviour.

Inside the Chinese boot camp treating Internet addiction

This dynamic approach enhances the safety and the security for both staff and women. I chose to do a painting of an hour glass and two trees to represent my journey with correctional services. The hour glass in this painting is a symbolization of progress over time and what can be changed with time. The trees describe my transition along my journey as well as my feelings and my thoughts on my past and present life.

The dark and dying tree represents my starting point with correctional services. I once felt like the first tree appears. Sometimes lifeless and other times I felt like I was in a dark place or just simply living upside down. Over time with my experience with correctional services, I peeled through the layers of the old me.

I figured out that there is always time to change if you want to. You can create new layers in which you feel more confident and proud to be a part of. I'm proud to say I no longer feel like the lifeless tree. I am a college graduate who is seeking even more knowledge by enrolling into another course for this upcoming fall.

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I am also mother to an awesome son. I feel now like the second tree appears. I feel like I have changed completely and beautifully blossomed into a person with all kinds of life and color within. I'm standing tall and ready to chase my dreams, and check them off my list one by one. The creator of the art piece submitted for the art contest for women in corrections is a woman offender from Nova Scotia. Women in the correctional system will have access to evidence-based gender and trauma-informed interventions, programs, and services.

This will improve individual supervision and maximize public safety.

Liquid Sand Hot Tub- Fluidized air bed

We were all brought up differently and came together, healing for a common good. This collaborative piece created by seven women from British Columbia was the third place winner of the art contest for women in corrections. Staff working directly with women require ongoing support as well as learning opportunities to build knowledge, skills, and abilities to enhance their effectiveness in their interactions with women offenders.

A gender responsive and trauma informed process is used from a woman's admission and continues throughout her time under supervision. Specifically, early identification and ongoing assessment of individual risk and needs is essential for providing appropriate interventions, programs, and services.

Every interaction is an intervention and includes formal and informal learning opportunities consistent with the guiding principles of this document. Programming and interventions for women offenders are more effective when a trauma-informed approach is applied. A comprehensive approach to the prevention and management of suicide and self-injury is essential for managing the increased risk of suicide and self-injurious behaviour among individuals in the correctional system. Early identification of risk for suicide or self-injury is important in establishing mental health treatment Footnote 18 , monitoring and support plans, as well as for placement considerations.

Staff are trained to identify symptoms and factors that may indicate an elevated risk for suicide or self-injury, and to intervene appropriately. Despite her incarceration, a mother will be able to cultivate and maintain a positive relationship with her children through regular contact over the course of her sentence, recognizing that the safety of the child is paramount. Release plans for women must be holistic in nature and engage staff and stakeholders to support successful community reintegration. The effective delivery of health care is realised in an environment that promotes wellness, prevents illness, and recognizes the unique physical and mental health needs Footnote 19 of women.

Staff working directly with Aboriginal women receive learning opportunities regarding Aboriginal culture, spirituality, and social history, thereby cultivating their cultural experience. Staff will then be able to integrate this knowledge into their assessments, supervision and case planning for Aboriginal women.

Partnerships developed along the continuum of care for women offenders contribute to overall reintegration success and public safety. Partnerships should be established, fostered, and maintained with a gendered and cultural lens to ensure the provision of appropriate interventions, programs, and services. Correctional facilities that house women are most effective when their infrastructure provides for opportunities for the women to make choices concerning their daily living needs, and prepare them for present and future responsibilities. Security-based practices that adhere to trauma-informed principles optimize the creation and maintenance of a safe and secure environment.

This piece was done by a woman who was just granted day parole.

Reintegration of the Being: Results of an Inner Search Antonio Padilla Navarro

She chose a multitude of art mediums to portray a "sinful woman"; as depicted in her piece on a woman cleansing the foot of Jesus. The red urn is the water; the scroll speaks of forgiveness and faith. As well, the Bible is open to a page on sinful women and the power of change and forgiveness. This Artist found both the ability to change and the power of forgiveness during her incarceration.

The creator of the art piece submitted for the art contest for women in corrections is a woman from Prince Edward Island. The generation and subsequent sharing of knowledge leads to effectiveness in the application of the principles outlined in this Strategy in order to improve all jurisdictions' performance. The efforts of the Sub-committee on Females as Correctional Clients in the upcoming year will be focused primarily on:.

Art pieces submitted by women from Quebec, Newfoundland and British Columbia for the art contest for women in corrections. After it rains, there is often a rainbow across the sky, just above the unit behind the fence. I stand and watch until it fades. It reminds me that there is HOPE. I made this entry to remind the women here now, and to come, that there is HOPE to reach for all the opportunities to change and grow that we are given here.

Reintegration of the Being: Results of an Inner Search Antonio Padilla Navarro

It represents myself standing in front of a fence that is between units. You can see the top of the other unit. This has been my view for a little over five months. Sometimes when it rains, a rainbow forms right above that unit and I watch until it fades away. But this doesn't just represent me. It represents all the women here and all the women to come. We all have hope. We just have to reach for the promise a rainbow represents and take advantages of the programs made available to us.

We can change and we can grow and there is always, always HOPE! We can leave here better and stronger than when we came in. That is what happened to me! Thanks to the programs offered here and the support of the guards and staff, I have met my goals.

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I had the opportunity to work in the garden program. I did not have a green thumb. But on the first day, I planted seeds. I watched those seeds grow and we planted them in the ground. We tilled and we worked the soil and we weeded and we watered. Now, months later, we have an herb garden from which the kitchen picks fresh herbs for our meals. We have a strawberry patch from which we will all have strawberry shortcake! We also have a huge vegetable garden that we all take pride in and have eaten from its bounty — with more to come!

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American Psychologist , 36, - An overview of ideas and research results in he social science literature. Reasons why ex-convicts should seek employment opportunities. Retrieved August 25, , from http: Best jobs for ex-offenders.

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A social learning theory of career-decision-making. The Counseling Psychologist, 6, 71 - Recidivism of prisoners released in Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45, 79 - Our mind, through the dominant an unceasing use of its programming, keeps us dreaming in a world of appearances. It locks our lives imprisoned and hypnotized. Our duty is to dive in, know and trascend it. Only then we will be able to regain consciousness, where the interpretations of the mind give way to the perception of the essence.

Thus we will get to experience life in contact with our true being, from a different perspective, a new focus and in fulness. This book comes to your hands as an effective and reliable option to achieve self-knowledge. It is an invitation to meditation and reflection, and if you choose so, to apply its method in your own inner search.

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