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What causes chemo-induced cardiomyopathy?

Listening to the body: Bee Lo at TEDxUWLaCrosse

Other issues that can predispose patients to this rare condition include mediastinal the area of the chest that separates the lungs radiation, advanced age, younger age, female gender, preexisting heart dis- ease and hypertension. The risks can be reduced, however, by close cardiac surveillance during treatment, decreasing the dose of Anthracyclines to the lowest possible levels and using cardio-protective drugs.

Today, Vanterpool is doing and feeling well and is back to enjoying going to the movies, spending time with her son, walking and running errands in her neighborhood. She sees her oncologist every six months and Dr. Aggarwal — who says Vanterpool can keep her LVAD for the rest of her life or choose to be put on a heart transplant list — every three months.

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  • When your body talks, do you listen? Deepening Body Awareness.

In some patients with good medical therapy, explains the doctor, heart function can improve over time or remain stable, without further deterioration. Aggarwal, adding that seeking treatment for her shortness of breath so quickly probably saved her life. Now that I can decipher my body's signals, my throat constriction acts as a friendly reminder not to over commit. To tune in to your body, consider these three questions: In what circumstance do you experience the most difficulty communicating? What physical signals from your body tell you that it's challenging?

3 Ways Your Body Talks To You

What do you do with that information? Our body's physiological signals e. Rather than listening to these internal signals, we often use our own time-tested numbing strategies that work -- temporarily, anyway. This is how we ignore the messages coming from our bodies, rather than taking the time to address the root cause.

Do any of these common strategies sound familiar? I need a chocolate chip cookie and a double latte so I can get back to work. I don't want to deal with it today. Every muscle in my body feels tense. A few glasses of wine will take the edge off and get me through the night. The Denial Strategy -- My virtual world is much easier to deal with. My real life gives me a headache -- literally.

If I call my brother, he'll probably ask if he can borrow money again. Let me see what's happening online. Whether you use sugar and caffeine, numb out with alcohol or simply avoid the conversation all together, these strategies all have something in common. They work -- for a few minutes -- to change how you feel. And if you're really good at it, they work for months and even years. Call them what you will, the truth is they're all Band-Aids. They are temporary strategies that don't solve the underlying problem that our bodies are trying to alert us to.


Once you are able to recognize and decipher your body's signals for the warnings that they are, you are better prepared to engage in effective communication. What is worse is the realization by the general public that their medical problems are rarely solved, that their illnesses seem to be progressing and that they run an increased likelihood of developing a chronic disease.

When Your Body Talks, Do You Listen? Deepening Body Awareness

People are just not getting well and they are very frustrated and unhappy about this. People blame the medical system, and specifically medical doctors, but the fault may be due to a problem which is bigger than just any one doctor or even the system alone. Why are they creating such a problem? What can be done about them? SRDs care caused by stress, but not just any stress.

When Your Body Talks, Listen. | Endurance Evolution

They are caused by specific, important unresolved conflicts. Conflicts which the body, or better still the mind of the body or body-mind, feel are important and must be resolved. The body-mind often tries to communicate that these conflicts are important and that they must be resolved. It may get our attention in many ways including through dreams, accidents, and a progressive series of individual small physical, mental or emotional complaints, usually referred to as symptoms by the medical profession.

It is important to be able to identify and resolve the causes of the SRD's to return to a state of well-being. The body-mind wants us to listen to it.