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Your openness, your willingness to change your way of thinking is like fertile soil, rich and ready for new seeds to take root, spout and grow. It is for you, I write these words, and offer them as portals into Presence within you now. Could it be that you are reading this article because it is God who is knocking on the door of your consciousness? I love the way Rumi, the Sufi poet put it: I've been knocking from the inside.

You will decide how to regard any of this. You will also decide whether to regard your next thought of God, whether is is God or just some genetic impulse that science has not thoroughly explained. I would kindly suggest, however, remain open to the possibility that the fact you're reading this, as well as every thought of God you have that follows, might just be God awakening in you. Emerson said, "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, know that we carry it within us or we find it not.

If you make it your practice to give a little attention to every thought of God you have, you will soon start believing each thought of God is God. This is how believing works. Believing, at least in the way Jesus expressed it, has little to do with content and everything to do with conduct. So make these suggestions your spiritual practice. This is how faith grows and believing, or trusting works.

So, as you make your new way of thinking -- ie. If you want to explore this reality in greater depth, I encourage you to read my award-winning book, The Enoch Factor: The Sacred Art of Knowing God. In it, I explore this in great detail. If you make this your new way of thinking, you will begin believing, and so behaving, that the God who is in you is the same God in others as well. Can you imagine the difference it would make in your life, in your relationships, in this world, if you could see God, not just in yourself, but in everyone and everything else? Rather than labeling me some "liberal Christian," or "progressive Christian," and then dismissing, or worse, despising me Rather than me labeling you some "narrow-minded fundamentalist," or "dispensational, pre-millienial Christian," who is only interested in escaping the world with the Rapture , can you wonder with me what difference it would most certainly make if people made it their spiritual practice to see God in each other Some of you will recognize these words are from Psalm Maybe one of yours, too.

The one word in Hebrew is translated with the two words in English: Besides, you cannot find what is not lost. Knowing God takes nothing more than real repentance -- which, Biblically means "to change how you think. This kind of "repentance" is needed at every revival meeting. And, it's long-term spiritual effects never lasted long enough before another revival was needed to reconnect those who never seemed capable of living with a continual sense of the Presence of God.

The Sydney Morning Herald

In the end, my friend, the question, "How do I find God? God is in you already. If Jesus' life and death and teachings make anything clear it is this: Vesta has officially released an update that is meant to mitigate the vulnerability. These packages are available via package manager updates or fresh installs.

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Though this update is meant to mitigate against new attacks, it will not help your system if it has already been compromised. It is advised that you create a new instance of Vesta, rather than updating old systems. These packages have not been tested by DigitalOcean to ensure the vulnerability is officially patched. Furthermore, we have not seen enough details of either the exploit or the patch to have a high degree of confidence in its ability to mitigate the vulnerability. This means that, even post patch, your Droplet could still be vulnerable. Please read on for additional information about ways to potentially reduce your risk of exploitation.

If you create a new instance of Vesta, we recommend that you change the default port away from which is currently blocked by DigitalOcean. We have prepared a tutorial to assist users with installing VestaCP and migrating their data. Our Support Team is working as quickly and efficiently as possible to respond to each ticket in a timely manner. As additional updates are available, we'll modify this post. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve outstanding issues. Block public inbound connections to port Follow our Community article , which includes mitigation steps, to spin up a new Droplet.

Though Vesta has updated their package, there is still a chance the system is vulnerable there is always a chance that any system is vulnerable. In light of this vulnerability, we recommend taking the following general security precautions to avoid takeovers of your Droplet s. Compromised Droplets are typically used for cryptocurrency mining or Denial of Service DoS attacks, both of which will impact your ability to use your Droplet. I have check and gone through all the necessary steps and can rest assured it is not compromise There is no such file gcc.

For the moment i have stop the vesta service until it is patch and secure but i could not do so as there is no internet to from the droplet. I've checked and my droplets were not compromised. I've patched Vesta, and changed it's port, please check my Ticket Hi, I am facing the same issue. Don't know how to solve this and also would like to know is this issue with this particular port and how much time it will take to solve this issue.

Add comments here to get more clarity or context around a question. I run a web host that uses VestaCP as a backbone API for managing resources only, but everything has been patched and wanted to share a script to update your VestaCP port from to It will create the firewall rule on VestaCP also.

Feel free to download and see what the file actually does, and if you want to upload a file and run local here is the script in the file. I do understand, this is after the system if patched to just change the default port so you can get back in while DO networks still block VestaCP did do a patch that is working but they may expand on it if they need to and just keep a eye out and update again if any VestaCP packages are available for update. They switched to a key system, you can see the patch on GitHub https: Script breakdown to make it more simple and a can run in terminal. I should note this is tested and based on Ubuntu.

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I can confirm that this changes your default Vesta port. The only drawback is DO takes too long to enable network connectivity. I find some of the comments here appalling. I had problems with the network on my servers almost a day and then I found out the result was that a bunch of other people on the network had chosen to install this vestacp thing that was vulnerable and caused their servers to attack the network. Digital ocean shut them down as they should have, only for them to come here and talk trash and act like digital ocean is responsible for their own stupid choices.

Yes, I use VestaCP as a API only and did find that what DO did was required, none of my systems where affected or had problems only because no direct sharing of addresses. Sorry if I'm being rude, but I doubt you understand the situtation here. The fact that you said "This Vesta CP thing" is troublesome. As someone who works at a very large MSP, a few things here bother me. Droplets that have VestaCP had their networking disabled. Regardless if their Vesta CP instance was compromised or not.

There are a number of people here who had already hardened their instance by changing the Vesta CP port, added firewall rules or both. Zero proof has been proved that a droplet was compomised. I can understand the panic and doing the shutdowns, but if we can show that the was no compromise, our droplets should have connectivity re-established.

So far, that hasn't happened. It has not thing to with hating and everything to do with protocol and correct handling. Even now, there is a patch to correct the issue, but without network connectivity, it can't be applied. To clarify any misunderstanding, the droplets that were disabled were found to have VestaCP listening on port and there was not a software patch available at this time. If an instance had been hardened in the way you've mentioned, it would not have been included in our process.

Any droplet running VestaCP that was included in our process and was not compromised would have been compromised within a few hours at most, and this was proven to us throughout the day as we observed the patterns prior to taking this action. One datacenter was blocked. We had vestacp in every data center. You disabled one server in a NYC datacenter that was no compromised nor would it have been. There have been many reports of servers running vesta on other ports then being compromised. Again you are taking action and harming businesses on a hunch instead of removing compromised servers.

I have 3 droplets running vesta. Has to rebuild it. Luckily DO disabled the port to prevent my other droplets from being infected. I updated my vesta and changed the port on my other 2 servers. Can access no problem. Hello good day to all, really it is a very serious problem that is happening right now, many fallen sites, and many people losing traffic. If you have any questions with the steps above, let me know, I will be very happy to help you I'm getting "no route to host message" this must be because I'm offline and this server only can be accessed from whitin DO virtual terminal, what do you suggest?

Hello and good day!

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I think the best thing is to create another droplet in DO, request that they activate the network in your current droplet, and then recover and copy all the files to your new droplet. My Server ports were closed, but i was able to login and use SSH. So i updated vesta cp and changed ports. Also activated firewall from digital ocean account. Checked for Cron jobs didn't find anything.

Updated, changed port, added http authentification on top, changed passwords, checked for files, crons, processes,etc, added firewall to droplet, I already had fail2ban set to ban ips for 1 year on 3 bad login attempts. The server is running smoothly. Hope no one at DO decides to take it down for no good reason. This is simply unacceptable. I understand you have to make sure everyone's Droplets are safe however I had changed the default port and made sure users require a login via. I'll be losing money and having to pay refunds to over 10, people due to this.

I am putting my droplet back online right now and if you take it down you will be getting an email to your legal department. If your Droplet was ifdowned, this was because our security team determined the Droplet is running vestacp and is vulnerable to compromise or has been already compromised and sending out DDOSes — two things we explicitly checked for is if users are running this on a different port and if they've implemented http authentication. I recommend following up in the ticket we opened on your account so that we can help resolve this issue and get you back up and running.

Ok, I can just use console to modify the droplet correct? If so I'll double check that the htaccess is working.

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  3. The Next 25 Years: The New Supreme Court and What it Means for Americans.
  4. How do I determine the impact of VestaCP vulnerability from April 8th, ? | DigitalOcean.
  5. Yep, you can use the console to access the Droplet right now. That said, this is a very complex vulnerability and the issue isn't fully fixed by the vestacp team. Your best bet is going to be to stop vestacp temporarily until a patch is available, and manually remove any trojans that were installed. It's hard to say on alternatives. That, however, is me personally. I also use VestaCP though, and I love it. I recommend it all the time. Perhaps one answer is simply to see how they respond and patch it, and work with them rather than move to a new system. Please can you check again?

    I've also updated VestaCP which has the patch released 3 hours ago. Well, i tried to. Just realised networking being disabled means I cannot update it. I also removed the trojan as I had been infected. Should be all good, JosephShenton. Next time please use our support system — easier to track that way. There is no proof this is tied to all vesta installs or even vesta at this point.

    You are harming real businesses here just to save you from doing work and blocking the affected servers. Check all cron jobs on your machine for malicious activity. How can I do that with networking blocked? I have a root login disabled with ssh key access only! If that does not work, I recommend reaching out to our support team for help. We're working on a process to help get this resolved for everyone. We don't have access to the internals of your Droplet. This means, until your Droplet actually sends out a DDOS, we can't tell if it's compromised or not — only that it's vulnerable.

    Once someone gains access thru that vulnerability, it doesn't go away because we blocked the port they used to gain access. If you've been running vestacp, your Droplet could have been compromised days ago and you won't know until you check manually. Normally this would be fine and we can react as it happens. However, this was happening so much in some of our datacenter that we needed to take preventative measures. Blocking root login on SSH won't block it on the web console, as this is like attaching a mouse, keyboard, and monitor directly to the system.

    There will be many people ticketing in about this as this control panel appears to have reasonable popularity. I will definitely do my best to see to a speedy response, but want to prepare you for the reality of what our support team will be dealing with on this issue. What is your ticket number? To speed up the process for self resolution, we have now mounted the recovery ISO to each droplet that was found to be running Vesta and had networking disabled as a result.

    Powering the droplet off and back on will boot into that. Only one of my 4 droplets is down for this problem, i want restore online, how have to do? I don't have time, my customer in impatient. Understood and sorry to hear about the impact this is having on your and your customers. If you do not have time to focus on the issue yourself, you may be able to work with the support for VestaCP:.

    Otherwise if you have any Linux admin friends that you trust to assist you on this, that may help you recover more quickly as well.

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    Taking down droplets that have not been compromised but which are running VestaCP is an absurd over-reaction on DigitalOcean's part. Is DigitalOcean allowed under the Terms of Service to disable networking when a Droplet is not compromised? If you were fortunate to not be compromised prior to this reaction, and have taken steps to prevent it from happening, we can definitely get that back online for you.

    Please note that if we disabled your droplet it was vulnerable and would have been compromised within a number of hours at most, as VestaCP was actively responding to requests on port and, at the time, had not been patched. No where did you answer my question: I have already resolved the issue on my end, and since this vulnerability has been known for a couple days now, the notion that it was only hours away from being compromised is playing on ignorance. I can only assume that since you did not answer my question, what DigitalOcean did violates the Terms of Service. These actions are egregious and absurd.

    From the web console in the control panel, use these instructions: Once finished, power the droplet off and back on to boot from our recovery ISO. Ticket in and ask us to re-enable networking, because you have the recovery ISO loaded, and we will get that done as quickly as possible. This will allow you to rsync the data out.

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    Hi there, how can i enable networking for my droplet? I have no any ability to show my users any message: I also open ticket but still no answer. Done, thanks for letting me know. Hopefully I've given you what you need to be able to move forward with it. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you here. Rested up and ready for the day! It looks like we have responded to the ticket. Please let us know if you need anything further: Hello, can you please turn networking back on for my droplet. VestaCP has launched an update I want to install that should patch this vulnerability for unaffected servers like mine.

    I also put in a droplet firewall to block all non acceptable ports. I have also checked all the cron folders and crontab nothing matched the vulnerabilities and that other lib file doesn't exist. I've had a Ticket for several hours yet no response as of yet I spun up a new droplet as per instructions but had no way of accessing the backups since networking was taken down. I then shutdown my droplet to copy my backups and then I'm now trying to get my droplet back to running It is stuck in recovery mode. I also am not happy to have to pay for not only these outages but the time wasted with the extra droplet I spun up without any way to setup a new instance due to no backups I'm turning on Digital Ocean Droplet backups going forward.

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    The cinematography easily filled the gap as the actors executed their craft to perfection. The movie pulled me in and I was totally mesmerized by the story. It was so genuine that you felt as if you were there with them.

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