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My thanks and yours should go to a Liam Quin fromoldbooks org for inspiring the design. Read more Read less. Each Member State whose currency is the euro may only issue two commemorative coins per year. Exceptionally, they are allowed to issue a third, provided that it is one issued jointly by all euro countries and that it commemorates events of Europe-wide importance. All commemorative euro coins are intended for circulation. This means that they can be used — and must be accepted — just like any other euro coin.

What makes them different is their commemorative design on the national side which commemorates a historical event or a person. Commemorative coins jointly issued by all euro countries use a common design on the national side, showing the name of the issuing country as well as the event commemorated in the respective language s.

Four commemorative coins have been issued jointly by all euro countries: Georgios Stamatopoulos, professional designer at the Bank of Greece in January , to commemorate ten years of euro banknotes and coins, the winning design, selected by the public via an online vote, was created by Mr. Helmut Andexlinger, professional designer at the Austrian Mint and in July , to celebrate thirty years of the EU flag, the winning design, selected by the public via an online vote, was created by Mr.

He was in charge of the sculptures created for the Parthenon. Two colossal gold-and-ivory statues of Zeus and Athena were his masterpieces. Both are now known only from descriptions. Polyclitus specialized in statues of athletes. His works, such as the Spearbearer, firmly established the ideal measurements and proportions of the body. The pose of this figure, with one leg drawn back and the weight of the body shifted onto the other leg, continued to be used throughout the history of art.

Relief sculpture--sculpture carved to stand out from a flat background--often decorated temples. The long horizontal bands called friezes that ran above Ionic columns often featured relief sculptures of human and animal figures. An example is the frieze that runs along the outer top of the Parthenon's cella. Between and , the influence of Athens on Greek art declined. A variety of differing styles emerged. The great sculptor Praxiteles introduced a soft, subtle style. In his Hermes and the Infant Dionysus about B. In contrast, another sculptor, Scopas, conveyed strong emotions by his use of twisting, active poses.

A third sculptor, Lysippus, introduced a new system of proportions for the human form. He made the head smaller and the limbs longer. Lysippus was the court sculptor for Alexander the Great. Painting Except for vase painting, very little painting has survived from the classical period.

Ancient Greek Art

Literary works of the time note the names of individual painters as well as their use of realism, color, shading, and perspective. Perspective is the technique of showing the illusion of distance on the flat surface of a painting. The work of a vase painter of the mid's B. The Niobid Painter did not arrange his figures in a row, as was common in red-figure vase painting.

Instead, he arranged them on different levels and in different sizes to show perspective. During this period, red-figure painting became more ornate as more color and even gilding coating with gold was used. By about B. Simpler non-figured designs took its place. Mosaics As early as the 's B. Mosaics are pictures formed by laying small colored stones, pieces of marble, or glass in cement.

The Architecture of Classical Greece

In early mosaics, black and white river pebbles were set into cement floors to depict animals, flowers, or scenes from mythology. The mosaics served as decorative floor coverings in important rooms of a house. The period between the death of Alexander the Great in B. During this time Greek culture continued to influence the many non-Greek people conquered by Alexander throughout the Middle East. Architecture Architects working in many parts of the Greek world continued to use all three orders, particularly the Corinthian.

The Corinthian order was used as the basis for a similar design used throughout the Roman Empire. Architects also began combining different styles of decoration and changing the proportions of various elements in buildings. With the rise of great cities, urban architecture flourished. And the invention of the stone arch offered new possibilities of construction.

Sculpture Hellenistic sculpture reflected the variety and diversity of Hellenistic society. Sculpture was still used for dedications and grave monuments.

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But art was also used as decoration and propaganda created to persuade others. Although the earlier classical styles were still somewhat influential, Hellenistic sculpture portrayed not only youthful adults in peak physical form but also children and the very old, often in stark realism bordering on melodrama. For instance, one sculpture portrays a boxer seated on a rock, his face and body realistically battered.

Perhaps the most original Hellenistic sculpture comes from the small kingdom of Pergamon, on the coast of modern-day Turkey. Here the great Altar of Zeus was erected between and B. It commemorates the victory of the Pergamenes against an invading tribe of Gauls a Celtic people from the area of France. A relief frieze around the altar shows a battle of gods and giants.

Ancient Greek Architecture: Dorian, Ionic & Corinthian

It suggests that the defeat of the Gauls had the scale and drama of a mythological struggle. Two of the most famous sculptures of ancient Greece date from about this period. The Venus de Milo, or the Aphrodite of Melos, was carved from marble by an unknown artist.

The statue is missing its arms. But it is an outstanding example of the idealization of the human form. The Winged Victory of Samothrace is also by an unknown artist. It depicts the Greek goddess Nike standing on the prow of a ship with her wings spread wide and her garment flowing in the wind. Painting Unlike painting from earlier periods, some original Greek paintings from the Hellenistic period have survived to modern times. They are mainly found in the tombs of Macedonians people from Macedon, a region in northern Greece.

The complicated composition and the use of colors and perspective found in these works indicate that wall paintings produced in ancient Greece at this time were of high quality. Mosaics Methods of making mosaics improved during the Hellenistic period.

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Instead of pebbles, small cubes of cut stone or glass were used and laid in more intricate patterns. A famous Hellenistic mosaic found in the Roman city of Pompeii depicts Alexander the Great leading the Macedonians against the Persians. This and other mosaics may have been copies of Hellenistic paintings. Like the paintings, they were colorful and complex works of art.