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Sign in with Facebook Other Sign in options. In the beginning, there was noise.

Mickey Hart and George Smoot Talk Rhythms Of The Universe

Noise begat rhythm, and rhythm begat everything else. We are descendants of the Big Bang, the original downbeat.

We are multi-dimensional rhythmic machines, vibrations in the collective cycles and patterns of the universe. The first sound in the universe was pure noise: Its reverberations, still ongoing, are the source of the cosmic rhythm - a dance of particles and atoms spinning out galaxies, stars, and planetary systems - finding its own groove, gradually bringing out order. That order is a harmony, incredibly involved and interdependent, like a heavenly clockwork.

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We've always looked up to the sky and wondered what lies beyond. Our ancestors dedicated their holiest sites to understanding the sky and its cycles. The planets orbit the sun at their own frequencies.

Rhythms of the Universe

Pythagoras was the first to interpret this as sound - the music of the spheres. Our understanding of the solar system has matured since the time of Pythagoras, yet his Rhythm is an expression of motion with numbers - it is the language of numbers. It is possible to study natural sciences thanks to this orderly flow in existence and the prevalent laws. Rhythms that appear through existential motions in the universe are like the harmonious sounds made by hitting musical instruments at certain intervals.

The Rhythm in the Universe

Electrons revolve around the nucleus, the moon around the world, and the world around the sun. As planets have been moving like whirling dervishes around the sun for millions of years, the Milky Way and billions of galaxies in the universe constantly keep turning in space, whose boundaries we are unable to define, in a realm of ether. Thanks to this rhythmic order, the orbits of planets and their positions at a given date, the times for lunar and solar eclipses, and changes with the length of days and nights, can be predicted years in advance, or calculated for historical times.

Mickey Hart Rhythms of the Universe at SETICon

The repetitive nature of these movements and continuity of the present order, for millions of years, show that everything depends on a certain plan and law, and that nothing acts on its own. There is no place for coincidence when things happen within a frame of laws, where order and rhythm exist.

The continuity of existence depends on the repetition of existing motions within a certain period - namely, on rhythmical motion. The cessation of motion in the cosmos would mean the non-existence of rhythm. It is not possible to talk about rhythm without motion and activity.

Rhythms of the Universe - Celebrating Einstein | Montana State University

This movement in existence must have a meaning and purpose. It is exceedingly difficult to explain, with physical laws, why existence came to be and the purpose in this motion. In addition, why this motion began and how long it will last, cannot solely be explained with physical laws. However, there is great meaning in this harmonious turning; an unbroken bond in existence, and a unity.

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Everything uses a silent language to give a meaningful message to insightful hearts. Then, how is this message supposed to be read and understood? As we understand from holy scriptures, existence is made subservient to humanity. Existence stands as a means for human comprehension of the meaning within. A person who can view existence with eyes of wisdom and manages to hear creation's silent melody becomes enraptured with this rhythm and feels like a whirling dervish awed by the Divine. There exists a balance in nature and a meaningful bond between beings.

As everything runs in harmony, beings both help and compensate for one another. The sun, the earth's source of energy and light, and essential for the continuity of life, is made dependent on a certain order with its rhythmical motion; the world and other planets move in accordance with this main rhythm. Day and night happen by the earth's spinning around its axis, which is another rhythmical and constant occurrence. An absence of rhythm causes uncertainty and the situation is defined as chaos.

If the future is completely uncertain, it gives way to utter chaos and life on earth cannot continue. The holistic and integrated nature of beings is reflected in human biology, as it is in all living beings. Humans can always perceive, in daily life, that the motions in the universe are in a rhythmical order. As a person comes to this world connected with these rhythms; one can feel their effect in every stage of life and in one's own body. The circular motion that occurs with the periodical repetition of minutes, hours, days, seasons, and years influences us. The inner rhythm we call our "biorhythm" is adjusted in accordance with the order outside, and there is a hour periodical rhythm in daily life.

Every individual has an innately given, peculiar, and distinctive bio rhythm special to the person's biological and spiritual structure. As in human beings, a periodical rhythm is observable in many living things' metabolism, heartbeat, and bodily functions, like respiration and sleep; this is known as the circadian rhythm. If the rhythms of living beings are upset, their biological balance is also upset, a situation which can sometimes cause death. There is no place for coincidence in the universe; everything runs in a regular order established by the One of infinite wisdom.