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Climate Change exhibition Meteorology. Website translation of German online bicycle store File format: Website translation of German home technology company File format: Assembly instructions for solar panels File format: Translation of birth certificate File format: Translation of requirements specification for VW File format: Translation of inline inspection system File format: Manual of industrial washing machine Engineering general. Translation of materials testing presentation File format: Translation of glossary of technical terms File format: TagEditor, Multiterm Engineering general.

Translation of robotics glossary File format: Advantages of an insulating material Materials Plastics, Ceramics, etc. Final product was a high quality translation. Translation and authentication of medical certificate Translation and authentication of medical certificate Medical general. IT manual electronic shift log for E. On IT Information Technology. Good cooperation, thanks Lutz. Translation of a research cooperation agreement Translation of a research cooperation agreement between the University of Edinburgh Centre for Speech Technology Research and Acoustics Institute at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Blue Board entries made by this user. Mayflower Language Services Pvt Ltd. Doc Srl Language Services. Tradebi - EB Traducciones Itzulpenak s. Annual report of German pharmaceutical company. Neben der Optimierung des eigenen Portfolios und der Produktionsprozesse konzentriert sich der Konzern insbesondere auf neue Produktentwicklungen. Activities are not only directed at optimizing the existing portfolio and production processes. There is also a special focus on developing new products. A central role is played by enabling technologies that have major business potential, such as biotechnology and nanotechnology.

More than 2, ideas were received in the first year alone. The current focus is on medical and security technology and the use of plants to develop and manufacture new pharmaceutical products. This long-term initiative is designed to encourage all employees worldwide to develop creative suggestions and ideas and make them available for the benefit of the Group through a specially created innovation process.

In this, special attention is paid to identifying ideas and options that go beyond the remit of the subgroups or lie at the interfaces between them. Requirement specification for brake system. Source text - English Requirement specification for brakes Introduction The increasing demands of our customers on quality and comfort also apply to a large extent to our braking system, which requires all components to be perfectly attuned to each other.

In addition to the classic safety and functional criteria, the noise and comfort behaviour oscillatory behaviour are of very high priority. In the case of a drum brake, this means that the interaction between brake shoes, braking plates and brake drum requires an analytical system development that takes into account the periphery axles, body framework etc. The oscillatory behaviour of the brake must not result in coupled vibrations with the eigenfrequency of the rear axle. Further important parameters in the development of brakes are: To ensure that the brake does not block, the clearance must be larger than 0 mm under all driving conditions.

Residual drag torques of less than 0 Nm are therefore not accepted. Brake drum A floating brake drum is to be developed, as illustrated in the current development state of part no. The resilience of the brake drum must be such that it can withstand alternating loads as caused by wheel- and brake forces when driving, which in turn correspond to the maximum rear-axle load of currently Nm.

Should balance holes or slots be required, these are to be positioned in such a way that they are not visible through open-design wheels. Brake squeaking caused by friction between the brake jaws and corresponding contact points on the braking plates shall not be accepted. Brake noises are to be rated from 1 to 10 according to the Volkswagen rating scale. In order to classify the ratings, the relevant development departments have to be consulted. The colour should is to be coordinated with the design via EKKT. A PU emblem as well as the 2k key panel are to be provided The key shaft is not part of the bid request For the mounting of the key shaft, a blind hole instead of a through hole is to be provided.

Diese setzt eine optimale Abstimmung der einzelnen Komponenten voraus. Als weitere wichtige Parameter bei der Bremsenentwicklung sind zu nennen. Bremstrommel Es ist eine nicht nabengebundene Bremstrommel zu entwickeln, wie sie der derzeitige Entwicklungsstand mit Teil-Nr. Pulsieren warm, kalt - Knurpsen bzw. Source text - English Case study: As is often the case, the marketing budget is limited, but the questions crucial to the market success are still unanswered.

It is still unclear in which final technical configuration the device is to be produced, who exactly will buy it and how the target group is best approached. A typical problem, which is often solved by testing only a few subareas and subsequently, when combining the results for the market launch, hoping for the best. This was exactly the problem our client from the consumer electronics industry was confronted with.

He had a number of unanswered questions: What is the general acceptance of the basic concept and the individual features? How does the concept differ from the "traditional" utilisation concept in the area? What are the degrees of freedom when designing the concept and what are the restrictions? What are the resultant implications for the concrete cultivation of the market?

Where is the product positioned within the existing consumer segmentation? Can product-specific target groups be identified and if yes, where is the largest potential? How can the respective target groups be reached and with which communication strategies do you really make your voice heard? The challenge lay not only in understanding the individual questions, but also in how the questions correlated to each other. This is essential to gain relevant insights into the real market launch situation and to plan and control it with these insights.

With traditional approaches, this is often a difficult endeavour with uncertain chances for success and problems in the implementation of the results. The design stage as well as the qualitative preliminary study had already given us a very good idea of the desired features and possible product benefits. Once a more in-depth evaluation had been carried out, these concepts, ideas and benefits over other products could be confirmed.

At the same time, however, a clear prioritisation towards the features could be made, thus allowing for a precise and convincing positioning. To complete the product design with an optimal pricing, the price markers of the elements and features relevant to the pricing were determined. Product positioning Initial hypothesis. The original idea was to position the product as a supplementary "second device". For this purpose, the device was supposed to be less powerful, but therefore very reasonably priced and particularly suited for specific types of application.

The study concluded that within the identified target group the concept is essentially considered to be a full-value main device. At the same time, a new, innovative device category presented itself. On the one side, because both the design and application range of the concept are ideally suited for a modern lifestyle that uses the device for everyday things as a matter of course; on the other side, because it is perceived as an "all-in-one" device that optimally combines the applications most frequently used on other devices. Translation - German Fallstudie: Welche Freiheitsgrade gibt es noch in der Konzeptgestaltung und welche Restriktionen?

Wie positioniert sich das Produkt in der bestehenden Consumer Segmentierung? Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen Produktgestaltung Ausgangssituation. Package leaflet for infusion solution. Geben Sie es nicht an Dritte weiter. Selten kann normales Immunglobulin vom Menschen eine anaphylaktische allergische Reaktion mit Blutdruckabfall hervorrufen, dies sogar bei Patienten, die die Behandlung bisher gut vertragen haben. Alle anderen Patienten sollten nach der Verabreichung mindestens 20 Minuten unter Beobachtung bleiben. Die erforderliche Behandlung richtet sich nach Art und Schwere der Nebenwirkung.

You may need to read it again. Do not pass it on to others. The package insert includes information about: What side effects are possible? Replacement therapy in antibody deficiency syndrome, e. Immunomodulation, a mechanism of action that results in a change of the body's immune response, e. Patients must be closely monitored and carefully observed for any symptoms throughout the infusion period. Certain adverse reactions may occur more frequently: True hypersensitivity reactions are rare. They can occur in the very seldom cases of IgA deficiency with anti-IgA antibodies.

Rarely, human normal immunoglobulin can induce a fall in blood pressure with anaphylactic allergic reaction, even in patients who had tolerated previous treatment with human normal immunoglobulin. Potential complications can often be avoided by ensuring: In particular, patients naive to human normal immunoglobulin, patients switched from an alternative IVIg product or when there has been a long interval since the previous infusion should be monitored during the first infusion and for the first hour after the first infusion, in order to detect potential adverse signs.

All other patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes after administration. There is clinical evidence of an association between IVIg administration and thromboembolic events such as myocardial infarction, stroke, pulmonary embolism and deep vein thromboses which is assumed to be related to a relative increase in blood viscosity through the high influx of immunoglobulin in at-risk patients.

Caution should be exercised in prescribing and infusing IVIg in obese patients and in patients with pre-existing risk factors for thrombotic events such as advanced age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and a history of vascular disease or thrombotic episodes, patients with acquired or inherited thrombophilic disorders, patients with prolonged periods of immobilisation, severely hypovolemic patients, patients with diseases which increase blood viscosity.

Cases of acute renal failure have been reported in patients receiving IVIg therapy. In most cases, risk factors have been identified, such as pre-existing renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, hypovolemia, overweight, concomitant nephrotoxic medicinal products or age over In case of renal impairment, IVIg discontinuation should be considered. While these reports of renal dysfunction and acute renal failure have been associated with the use of many of the licensed IVIg products, those containing sucrose as a stabiliser accounted for a disproportionate share of the total number.

In patients at risk, the use of IVIg products that do not contain sucrose may be considered. In patients at risk for acute renal failure or thromboembolic adverse reactions, IVIg products should be administered at the minimum rate of infusion and dose practicable. In all patients, IVIg administration requires: In case of adverse reaction, either the rate of administration must be reduced or the infusion stopped. The treatment required depends on the nature and severity of the side effect. In case of shock, standard medical treatment for shock should be implemented.

Provisions concerning the approval of battery electric vehicles EU. Antrag auf Genehmigung 4. Ein Fahrzeug kann mit einem, mehreren oder keinem Batteriesatz ausgestattet sein; 2. Jede Genehmigung umfasst die Zuteilung einer Genehmigungsnummer. Dieselbe Vertragspartei darf diese Nummer keinem anderen Fahrzeugtyp mehr zuteilen.

Das Genehmigungszeichen muss deutlich lesbar und dauerhaft sein. Anforderungen an die Bauweise des Fahrzeuges 5. Aufschriften am Fahrzeug Schutzabdeckungen aktiver Teile nach Absatz 5. Der Isolationswiderstand wird gemessen, nachdem das Fahrzeug acht Stunden lang unter folgenden Bedingungen konditioniert worden ist: Anschluss des Fahrzeuges an das Stromnetz: Anforderungen an die Betriebssicherheit 5. Fahren und Anhalten 5. Die Einrichtung darf nur eine bestimmte Stellung haben.

Bestimmung der Wasserstoffemissionen 5. Der Hersteller muss in der Betriebsanleitung angeben, dass das Fahrzeug diesen Vorschriften entspricht. Jedes nach dieser Regelung genehmigte Fahrzeug muss so gebaut sein, dass es dem genehmigten Typ insofern entspricht, als die Vorschriften des Absatzes 5 eingehalten sind. Die Einhaltung der Vorschriften des Absatzes 7. Der Inhaber der Genehmigung muss vor allem: Nummer der Erweiterung der Genehmigung: Fabrik- oder Handelsmarke des Fahrzeuges: Name und Anschrift des Herstellers: Gegebenenfalls Name und Anschrift des Vertreters des Herstellers: Datum des Gutachtens des Technischen Dienstes: Nummer des Gutachtens des Technischen Dienstes: Stelle, an der das Genehmigungszeichen angebracht ist: Aus den ersten beiden Ziffern der Genehmigungsnummer geht hervor, dass die Genehmigung nach den Vorschriften der Regelung Nr.

Muster B siehe Absatz 4. Aus den ersten beiden Ziffern der Genehmigungsnummern geht hervor, dass bei der Erteilung der jeweiligen Genehmigungen die beiden Regelungen Nr. Dieser Schutz kann erreicht werden: Metall, falls nichts anderes festgelegt ist. Die Messung erfolgt in zwei Stufen: Schematische Darstellung aller elektrischen Funktionen im Leistungs-Stromkreis: Fabrik- und Handelsmarke der Batterie: Angabe aller Typen der verwendeten elektrochemischen Zellen: Zahl der Batteriezellen 4. Kurzbeschreibung des Wartungsverfahrens falls vorhanden: Marke des Aggregates der elektronischen Umformer: Typ des Aggregates der elektronischen Umformer: Beschreibung der Bedienteile und der Sicherheit [2] 5.

Beschreibung und Merkmale der Ladezeiten [2] 5. Technische Daten des Netzstromes: Schematische Darstellung des Funktionsbereiches: Aufzeichnung der Temperatur 4. Aufzeichnung des Druckes 4. Vorbereitung des Fahrzeugs, ii. Entladen der Antriebsbatterie, iii. Entladen der Antriebsbatterie, v. Wenn dies nicht nachgewiesen werden kann, wird das nachstehende Verfahren angewandt. Das Fahrzeug wird an das Stromnetz angeschlossen. Diese Werte werden bei der Berechnung der Wasserstoffemissionen Absatz 6 verwendet. Die abgelaufenen Zeiten werden aufgezeichnet. Die Verfahrensschritte nach Absatz 5.

Dazu wird die nachstehende Formel verwendet: Wenn das Volumen des Fahrzeugs nicht bestimmt wird, wird ein Volumen von 1,42 m3 abgezogen. Die anzuwendenden Kalibrierverfahren sind in dieser Anlage beschrieben. Vor ihrer erstmaligen Nutzung ist das Innenvolumen der Kammer wie folgt zu bestimmen: Das Innenvolumen der Kammer wird aus diesen Werten berechnet. Das Nettoinnenvolumen wird bestimmt, indem 1,42 m3 von dem Innenvolumen der Kammer abgezogen werden. Die Kammer ist nach den Vorschriften des Absatzes 2. Der Mischventilator wird eingeschaltet, falls dies nicht schon geschehen ist.

Dann wird die Kammer gasdicht verschlossen, und die Wasserstoff-Hintergrundkonzentration, die Temperatur und der Luftdruck werden gemessen. Nach dieser Zeit wird derselbe Analysator zur Messung der Wasserstoffkonzentration in der Kammer verwendet. Die Temperatur und der Luftdruck werden ebenfalls gemessen. Supplement 1 to the original version of the Regulation — Date of entry into force: Application for approval 4. Specifications and tests 6. Modifications and extension of the type approval for vehicle type 7.

Conformity of production 8. Penalties for non-conformity of production 9. Production definitely discontinued Names and addresses of technical services responsible for conducting approval tests and of administrative departments ANNEXES Annex 1 — Communication Annex 2 — Arrangements of approval marks Annex 3 — Protection against direct contacts of parts under voltage Annex 4 — Measurement of the insulation resistance using the traction battery Annex 5 — Symbol for the indication of a voltage Annex 6 — Essential characteristics of the vehicle Annex 7 — Determination of hydrogen emissions during the charge procedures of the traction battery 1.

A vehicle may have one or several, or no battery pack. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to specific requirements for the construction and functional safety of battery electric road vehicles shall be submitted by vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative. It shall be accompanied by the undermentioned documents in triplicate and following particulars: Detailed description of the battery electric road vehicle type as regards to the shape of the bodywork, the electric drive train motors and controllers , traction battery type, capacity, battery management.

A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be submitted to the technical service responsible for conducting the approval tests. The competent authority shall verify the existence of satisfactory arrangements for ensuring effective control of the conformity of production before type approval is granted. If the vehicle submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraph 5 below and Annexes 3, 4, 5 and 7 to this Regulation, approval of this vehicle type shall be granted.

An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits at present 00 for the Regulation in its original form shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number to another vehicle type. Notice of approval or of refusal or of extension or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation, by means of a form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under this Regulation an international approval mark consisting of: A circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval [1]. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approval number to the right of the circle described in paragraph 4.

If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more other Regulations annexed to this Agreement in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and shall be indelible. The approval mark shall be placed on or close to the vehicle data plate affixed by the manufacturer.

Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of the arrangements of the approval mark. Vehicle construction requirements 5. Installation of the traction battery in the vehicle shall not allow any potential dangerous accumulation of gas pockets. Battery compartments containing battery modules which may produce hazardous gases shall be safely ventilated. The traction battery and the power train shall be protected by properly rated fuses or circuit breakers. The manufacturer shall supply data to the laboratory which allows verification that their calibration ensures opening, if necessary; 5.

Protection against electric shock 5. Protection against direct contact with live parts of the power train: If the working voltage of the electric circuit is lower than 60 volts DC or 25 volts AC, no requirements are necessary; 5. Direct contact with live parts of the electrical power train whose maximum voltage is at least 60 volts DC or 25 volts AC shall be prevented either by insulation or by the use of covers, protection grills, perforated metal sheets, etc. These protections shall be reliably secured and shall be mechanically resistant. They shall not be able to be opened, disassembled or removed without the use of tools.

In passenger and load compartments live parts in any case shall be protected by enclosures having a protection degree of at least IPXXD. In the engine compartment the access to live parts shall only be possible with voluntary action. After opening the cover, the access to the parts of the coupling system shall be protected with IPXXB protection.

Vehicle markings Protection covers of live parts described in paragraph 5.

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Protection against indirect contacts with exposed conductive parts of the power train. The design, installation, and manufacture of electric material shall be such that insulation failures are avoided; 5. Protection against indirect contacts shall be ensured by using insulation and additionally, the exposed conductive parts of the on-board equipment shall be galvanically connected together. This potential equalisation is obtained by connecting the exposed conductive parts together either by a protective conductor, e.

Two exposed conductive parts welded together are considered as having no discontinuity points. If there is some discontinuity, this point shall be by-passed by potential equalisation. The insulation resistance measurement is performed after maintaining the vehicle for a conditioning time of 8 hours with the following conditions: Resistance of the protective conductor: This test shall be performed by a current of at least 0,2 A. Connection of the vehicle to the mains network: In no case the vehicle shall be capable to move by its own means when it is galvanically connected to an energy supply network or to an off-board charger; 5.

The components used when charging the battery from an external source shall allow the charging current to be cut in case of disconnection without physical damage; 5. The coupling system parts likely to be live shall be protected against any direct contact in all operating conditions; 5.

All exposed conductive parts shall be electrically linked through a conducting wire plugged to earth when charging. Functional safety requirements 5. The power on procedure shall be applied via a key switch. It shall not be possible to remove this key in any position that energises the drive train or makes active driving possible.

Running and stopping conditions: At least a momentary indication must be given to the driver either: When the state of charge of the battery reaches the minimum state of charge value defined by the manufacturer, the user shall be warned to perceive this situation quickly enough to be able to drive the vehicle, on its own power, at least out of the traffic zone. Unintentional acceleration, deceleration and reversal of the drive train shall be prevented.

In particular, a failure e. When leaving the vehicle, the driver shall be informed by an obvious signal e. Reversing shall be possible only after operation of a specific control. This action shall require either: Above this speed all actions on this device shall be ignored. The device shall have only one stable position. The state of the drive direction control unit shall be readily identified to the driver.

Emergency power reduction 5. If the vehicle is equipped with a device to limit the performance in an emergency e. Determination of hydrogen emissions 5. This test must be carried out on all battery electric road vehicles referred to in paragraph 1 of this Regulation. Road vehicles equipped with non-aqueous electrolyte batteries or sealed "gas recombinant" batteries are excluded. The test must be conducted following the method described in Annex 7 to the present Regulation.

The hydrogen sampling and analysis must be the ones prescribed. Other analysis methods can be approved if it is proven that they give equivalent results.

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During a charge carried out by an on-board charger presenting a failure conditions given in Annex 7 , hydrogen emissions must be below 42 g. Furthermore the on-board charger must limit this possible failure to 30 minutes. All the operations linked to the battery charging are controlled automatically, included the stop for charging.

It shall not be possible to take a manual control of the charging phases. Normal operations of connection and disconnection to the mains or power cuts must not affect the control system of the charging phases. Important charging failures must be permanently signalled to the driver. An important failure is a failure that can lead to a disfunctioning of the on-board charger during charging later on.

The manufacturer has to indicate in the owner's manual, the conformity of the vehicle to these requirements. The approval granted to a vehicle type relative to hydrogen emissions can be extended to different vehicle types belonging to the same family, in accordance with the definition of the family given in Annex 7, Appendix 2. Every modification of the vehicle type shall be notified to the administrative department which approved the vehicle type.

The department may then either: Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alteration shall be communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4. The competent authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a series number for such an extension and inform thereof the other Parties to the Agreement applying the Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation. Every vehicle approved under this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements set out in paragraph 5 above.

In order to verify that the requirements of paragraph 7. The holder of the approval shall, in particular: All the necessary steps shall be taken to reestablish conformity of the corresponding production. The competent authority which has granted type approval may at any time verify the conformity control methods applied in each production unit.

At every inspection, the test records and production records shall be presented to the visiting inspector. The inspector may take samples at random to be tested in the manufacturer's laboratory. The minimum number of samples may be determined according to the results of the manufacturer's own checks. When the quality level appears unsatisfactory or when it seems necessary to verify the validity of the tests carried out in application of paragraph 7. The competent authority may carry out any test prescribed in this Regulation. The normal frequency of inspections by the competent authority shall be one per year.

If unsatisfactory results are recorded during one of these visits, the competent authority shall ensure that all necessary steps are taken to reestablish the conformity of production as rapidly as possible. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type, pursuant to this Regulation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 7 are not complied with, or if the vehicle or its components fail to pass the tests provided for in paragraph 7.

If a Contracting Party to the Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation, by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation. Upon receiving the relevant communication, that authority shall inform thereof the other Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

Trade name or mark of the vehicle: Vehicle submitted for approval on: Technical service responsible for conducting approval tests: Date of report issued by that service: Number of report issued by that service: Location of the approval mark: Reason s for extension of approval if applicable 2: The documents filed with the request for approval or extension may be obtained on request. The first two digits of the approval number indicate that the approval was granted in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No in its original form.

Model B see paragraph 4. The first two digits of the approval numbers indicate that, at the dates when respective approvals were granted, both Regulations Nos and 42 were in their original form. Enclosure A part providing protection of equipment against certain external influences and, in any direction, protection against direct contact IEV This definition taken from the existing international electrotechnical vocabulary IEV needs the following explanations under the scope of this standard: Direct contact Contact of persons or livestock with live parts IEV This IEV definition is given for information.

In this standard "Direct contact" is replaced by "Access to hazardous parts". IP code A coding system to indicate the degrees of protection provided by an enclosure against access to hazardous parts, ingress of solid foreign objects, ingress of water and to give additional information in connection with such protection. Hazardous part A part that is hazardous to approach or touch.

Hazardous live part A live part which, under certain conditions of external influences, can give an electric shock see IEC , at present Document 64 CO Hazardous mechanical part A moving part, other than a smooth rotating shaft, that is hazardous to touch. Protection provided by an enclosure against access to hazardous parts. The protection of persons against: This protection may be provided: Adequate clearance for protection against access to hazardous parts A distance to prevent contact or approach of an access probe to a hazardous part. Access probe A test probe simulating in a conventional manner a part of a person or a tool, or the like, held by a person to verify adequate clearance from hazardous parts.

Object probe A test probe simulating a solid foreign object to verify the possibility of ingress into an enclosure. Opening A gap or aperture in an enclosure which exists or may be formed by the application of a test probe at the specified force. Access probes Access probes to verify the protection of persons against access to hazardous parts are given in table l.

Test conditions The access probe is pushed against any openings of the enclosure with the force specified in table 1. If it partly or fully penetrates, it is placed in every possible position, but in no case shall the stop face fully penetrate through the opening. Internal barriers are considered part of the enclosure as defined in paragraph 1.

For tests on low-voltage equipment, a low-voltage supply of not less than 40 V and not more than 50 V in series with a suitable lamp should be connected between the probe and the hazardous parts inside the enclosure. Hazardous live parts covered only with varnish or paint, or protected by oxidation or by a similar process, are covered by a metal foil electrically connected to those parts which are normally live in operation. The signal-circuit method should also be applied to the hazardous moving parts of high-voltage equipment.

Internal moving parts may be operated slowly, where this is possible. Acceptance conditions The protection is satisfactory if adequate clearance is kept between the access probe and hazardous parts. Starting from the straight position, both joints of the test finger shall be successively bent through an angle of up to 90o with respect to the axis of the adjoining section of the finger and shall be placed in every possible position.

In case of the tests for the additional letter D, the access probe may penetrate to its full length, but the stop face shall not fully penetrate through the opening. See Annex A for further clarification. Conditions for verification of adequate clearance are identical with those given in paragraph 2. The access probe shall not touch hazardous live parts.

If adequate clearance is verified by a signal circuit between the probe and hazardous parts, the lamp shall not light. Measurement shall be made in two steps: Manufacturer's name and address: If applicable, name and address of manufacturer's representative: Schematic diagram of all electrical functions included in power circuit: Trade name and mark of the battery: Indication of all types of electrochemical couples used: Number of battery cells 4.

Number of battery modules Gas combination rate in per cent 4. Description of cooling system if any: Brief description of maintenance procedure if any: End of discharge voltage value: Brief description of each electronic converter and auxiliary equipment: Make of electronic converter assembly: Type of electronic converter assembly: Make of each auxiliary equipment: Type of each auxiliary equipment: Make and type of different charger parts [2] 5. Drawing description of the charger [2] Output nominal power kW [2] Maximum voltage of charge V [2] 5.

Maximum intensity of charge A [2] Make and type of control unit if any [2] 5. Diagram of operating, controls and safety [2] 5. Description and characteristics of charge periods [2] 5. Diagram showing the functional range: The test consists in the following steps: The vehicle must be in good mechanical condition and have been driven at least km during seven days before the test.

The vehicle must be equipped with the traction battery subject to the test of hydrogen emissions, over this period. If the battery is used at a temperature above the ambient temperature, the operator must follow the manufacturer's procedure in order to keep the traction battery temperature in normal functioning range. The manufacturer's representative must be able to certify that the temperature conditioning system of the traction battery is neither damaged nor presenting a capacity defect. Chassis dynamometer The chassis dynamometer must meet the requirements of the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No Hydrogen emission measurement enclosure The hydrogen emission measurement enclosure must be a gas-tight measuring chamber able to contain the vehicle under test.

The vehicle must be accessible from all sides and the enclosure when sealed must be gas-tight in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Annex. The inner surface of the enclosure must be impermeable and non-reactive to hydrogen. To accommodate the volume changes due to enclosure hydrogen emissions, either a variable-volume or another test equipment may be used. The variable-volume enclosure expands and contracts in response to the hydrogen emissions in the enclosure.

Two potential means of accommodating the internal volume changes are movable panels, or a bellows design, in which impermeable bags inside the enclosure expand and contract in response to internal pressure changes by exchanging air from outside the enclosure. Any design for volume accommodation must maintain the integrity of the enclosure as specified in Appendix 1 to this Annex. The enclosure must be capable of latching to a fixed volume. A variable volume enclosure must be capable of accommodating a change from its "nominal volume" see Annex 7, Appendix 1, paragraph 2. The atmosphere within the chamber is monitored using a hydrogen analyser electrochemical detector type or a chromatograph with thermal conductivity detection.

Sample gas must be drawn from the mid-point of one side-wall or roof of the chamber and any bypass flow must be returned to the enclosure, preferably to a point immediately downstream of the mixing fan. The hydrogen analyser must have a response time to 90 per cent of final reading of less than 10 seconds.

The operational ranges of the analyser must be chosen to give best resolution over the measurement, calibration and leak checking procedures. Hydrogen analyser data recording system The hydrogen analyser must be fitted with a device to record electrical signal output, at a frequency of at least once per minute. The recording system must have operating characteristics at least equivalent to the signal being recorded and must provide a permanent record of results.

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The recording must show a clear indication of the beginning and end of the normal charge test and charging failure operation. The temperature in the chamber is recorded at two points by temperature sensors, which are connected so as to show a mean value. The temperatures of the battery modules are recorded by means of the sensors. Temperatures must, throughout the hydrogen emission measurements, be recorded at a frequency of at least once per minute. Voltage and current intensity recording 4.

The on-board charger voltage and current intensity battery must, throughout the hydrogen emission measurements, be recorded at a frequency of at least once per minute. It must be possible to reach a homogeneous temperature and hydrogen concentration in the chamber during measurements. The vehicle in the enclosure must not be subjected to a direct stream of air from the fans or blowers.

The following pure gases must be available for calibration and operation: Calibration and span gases must contain mixtures of hydrogen H2 and purified synthetic air.

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The concentrations specified in Appendix 1 may also be obtained by a gas divider using synthetic air as the dilution gas. If the vehicle has to be moved between two steps, it shall be pushed to the following test area. Vehicle preparation The ageing of traction battery must be checked, proving that the vehicle has performed at least km during seven days before the test.

During this period, the vehicle must be equipped with the traction battery submitted to the hydrogen emission test. If this cannot be demonstrated then the following procedure will be applied. Initial charge of the battery The charge is carried out: The procedure excludes all types of external chargers. The end of traction battery charge criteria corresponds to an automatic stop given by the on-board charger. This procedure includes all types of special charges that could be automatically or manually initiated like, for instance, the equalisation charges or the servicing charges.

Procedure from paragraphs 5. Stopping the discharge occurs: Soak Within fifteen minutes of completing the battery discharge operation specified in paragraph 5. The vehicle is parked for a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 36 hours, between the end of the traction battery discharge and the start of the hydrogen emission test during a normal charge. Hydrogen emission test during a normal charge 5. Before the completion of the soak period, the measuring chamber must be purged for several minutes until a stable hydrogen background is obtained.

The enclosure mixing fan s must also be turned on at this time. The hydrogen analyser must be zeroed and spanned immediately prior to the test. At the end of the soak, the test vehicle, with the engine shut off and the test vehicle windows and luggage compartment opened must be moved into the measuring chamber. The vehicle shall be connected to the mains.

The battery is charged according to normal charge procedure as specified in paragraph 5. The enclosure doors are closed and sealed gas-tight within two minutes from electrical interlock of the normal charge step. The start of a normal charge for hydrogen emission test period begins when the chamber is sealed.

The hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are measured to give the initial readings CH2i, Ti and Pi for the normal charge test. These figures are used in the hydrogen emission calculation paragraph 6. The ambient enclosure temperature T must not be less than K and no more than K during the normal charge period. Procedure of normal charge The normal charge is carried out with the on-board charger and consists of the following steps: Over-charging intensity is specified by manufacturer and corresponds to the one used during equalisation charging.

The end of traction battery charge criteria corresponds to an automatic stop given by the on-board charger to a charging time of t1 t2. This charging time will be limited to t1 5 h, even if a clear indication is given to the driver by the standard instrumentation that the battery is not yet fully charged. The hydrogen analyser must be zeroed and spanned immediately before the end of the test. The end of the emission sampling period occurs t1 t2 or t1 5 h after the beginning of the initial sampling, as specified in paragraph 5.

The different times elapsed are recorded. The hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are measured to give the final readings CH2f, Tf and Pf for the normal charge test, used for the calculation in paragraph 6. Hydrogen emission test with the on-board charger failure 5. Within seven days maximum after having completed the prior test, the procedure starts with the discharge of the traction battery of the vehicle according to paragraph 5.

The steps of the procedure in paragraph 5. The battery is charged according to failure charge procedure as specified in paragraph 5. The enclosure doors are closed and sealed gas-tight within two minutes from electrical interlock of the failure charge step. The start of a failure charge for hydrogen emission test period begins when the chamber is sealed. The hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are measured to give the initial readings CH2i, Ti and Pi for the failure charge test.

The ambient enclosure temperature T must not be less than K and no more than K during the charging failure period. Procedure of charging failure The charging failure is carried out with the on-board charger and consists of the following steps: During this phase, the on-board charger is blocked at maximum current. The times elapsed are recorded. The hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are measured to give the final readings CH2f, Tf and Pf for the charging failure test, used for the calculation in paragraph 6.

Hydrogen emissions from each of these phases are calculated using the initial and final hydrogen concentrations, temperatures and pressures in the enclosure, together with the net enclosure volume. The formula below is used: Results of test The hydrogen mass emissions for the vehicle are: The calibration methods to be used are described in this appendix. Initial determination of enclosure internal volume 2. Before its initial use, the internal volume of the chamber must be determined as follows.

The internal dimensions of the chamber are carefully measured, taking into account any irregularities such as bracing struts. The internal volume of the chamber is determined from these measurements. The enclosure must be latched to a fixed volume when the enclosure is held at an ambient temperature of K. The net internal volume is determined by subtracting 1,42 m3 from the internal volume of the chamber. Alternatively the volume of the test vehicle with the luggage compartment and windows open may be used instead of the 1,42 m3.

The chamber must be checked as in paragraph 2. Determination of chamber background emissions This operation determines that the chamber does not contain any materials that emit significant amounts of hydrogen. The check must be carried out at the enclosure's introduction to service, after any operations in the enclosure which may affect background emissions and at a frequency of at least once per year.

Variable-volume enclosure may be operated in either latched or unlatched volume configuration, as described in paragraph 2. The enclosure may be sealed and the mixing fan operated for a period of up to 12 hours before the four-hour background-sampling period begins. The analyser if required must be calibrated, then zeroed and spanned. The enclosure must be purged until a stable hydrogen reading is obtained, and the mixing fan turned on if not already on. The chamber is then sealed and the background hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are measured.

These are the initial readings CH2i, Ti and Pi used in the enclosure background calculation. The enclosure is allowed to stand undisturbed with the mixing fan on for a period of four hours. At the end of this time the same analyser is used to measure the hydrogen concentration in the chamber. The temperature and the barometric pressure are also measured. These are the final readings CH2f, Tf and Pf. The change in mass of hydrogen in the enclosure must be calculated over the time of the test in accordance with paragraph 2.

Calibration and hydrogen retention test of the chamber The calibration and hydrogen retention test in the chamber provides a check on the calculated volume paragraph 2. The enclosure leak rate must be determined at the enclosure's introduction to service, after any operations in the enclosure which may affect the integrity of the enclosure, and at least monthly thereafter.

If six consecutive monthly retention checks are successfully completed without corrective action, the enclosure leak rate may be determined quarterly thereafter as long as no corrective action is required. The enclosure must be purged until a stable hydrogen concentration is reached. The mixing fan is turned on, if not already switched on. The hydrogen analyser is zeroed, calibrated if required, and spanned. The enclosure must be latched to the nominal volume position.

The ambient temperature control system is then turned on if not already on and adjusted for an initial temperature of K. These are the initial readings CH2i, Ti and Pi used in the enclosure calibration. The enclosure must be unlatched from the nominal volume. A quantity of approximately g of hydrogen is injected into the enclosure. The contents of the chamber must be allowed to mix for five minutes and then the hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are measured.

These are the final readings CH2f, Tf and Pf for the calibration of the enclosure as well as the initial readings CH2i, Ti and Pi for the retention check.

On the basis of the readings taken in paragraphs 2. The contents of the chamber must be allowed to mix for a minimum of 10 hours. At the completion of the period, the final hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are measured and recorded. These are the final readings CH2f, Tf and Pf for the hydrogen retention check. Using the formula in paragraph 2. This mass may not differ by more than 5 per cent from the hydrogen mass given by paragraph 2. Calculation The calculation of net hydrogen mass change within the enclosure is used to determine the chamber's hydrocarbon background and leak rate.

Initial and final readings of hydrogen concentration, temperature and barometric pressure are used in the following formula to calculate the mass change. Each of the normally used operating ranges is calibrated by the following procedure. Establish the calibration curve by at least five calibration points spaced as evenly as possible over the operating range.

The nominal concentration of the calibration gas with the highest concentrations to be at least 80 per cent of the full scale. Calculate the calibration curve by the method of least squares. If the resulting polynomial degree is greater than 3, then the number of calibration points must be at least the number of the polynomial degree plus 2.

The calibration curve must not differ by more than 2 per cent from the nominal value of each calibration gas. Using the coefficients of the polynomial derived from paragraph 3. This is to be carried out for each analyser range calibrated. This table shall also contain other relevant data such as: Date of calibration Span and zero potentiometer readings where applicable Nominal scale Reference data of each calibration gas used The real and indicated value of each calibration gas used together with the percentage differences Calibration pressure of analyser 3. In some cases there may be interaction of parameters.

These effects must also be taken into consideration to ensure that only vehicles with similar hydrogen emission characteristics are included within the family. To this end, those vehicle types whose parameters described below are identical are considered to belong to the same hydrogen emissions.

Crisis in the European automotive industry EU. Infolge der Wirtschaftskrise ist die Branche jetzt aber unter besonders starken Druck geraten. Ihre Exportleistung zeigt, dass sie die Produkte anbietet, die der kontinuierlich wachsende Weltmarkt verlangt. Die besondere Situation der Automobilbranche Europa verdankt einen erheblichen Teil seines Wohlstands der Automobilindustrie. Nahezu jeder dritte auf der Welt hergestellte Pkw stammt aus Europa. Der Automobilbau ist mit vielen anderen Branchen eng verflochten.

Die Automobilindustrie ist sehr international orientiert. Der innergemeinschaftliche Handel mit Kfz-Komponenten erreicht deshalb ein erhebliches Volumen. Manche Unternehmen bekommen keine Kredite mehr zu akzeptablen Bedingungen. Die Automobilindustrie stand schon vor der Krise in einem scharfen Wettbewerb. Auch die Zulieferbranche hat sich erkennbar konsolidiert. Auf einem informellen Treffen vom Besonders wichtig ist dies im Automobilsektor, wo die private Nachfrage weitgehend kreditfinanziert wird.

Der im Dezember angenommene und am Euro in Vorbereitung sind. Entsprechend den Vorarbeiten im Rahmen des 7. C 16 vom C 10 vom Translation - English The European automotive industry is one of Europe's flagship industries. Biological system as complex as human brain is a product of millions of years of evolutionary process. For this reason, it is well be true that it posses biologically encoded learning mechanisms that actually triggered by new knowledge rather than purely data centric way.

What are the advantages and challenges of knowledge-based learning? This is the science of knowledge representation, and creating models ontologies of how concepts are related to each other. Once this majestic fountain of knowledge can be understood and used by a computer, then you have two fundamental cognitive skills embedded in that computer: Knowledge-based learning is quite a new concept and not much done in this area so far, but it is coming.

One of the main challenge is manually-building a knowledge base. They are very rigid and cannot be generalized easily. Advantage would be they could produce highly accurate results in very specialized domain. What do you think about deep learning? Some people think it is a silver bullet… MS: Deep learning has made of course a good progress in terms of enabling us to produce highly accurate models, especially in computer vision.

But, understanding how they produce such a highly accurate model that violates complexity measures, such as Vapnik—Chervonenkis dimension , may lead to an advancement in theoretical understand of what is learning really is, if it is studied in the context of biological brain together. I think it has stimulate a lot of research and it is a very good thing. We should be very sceptical about creating an attachment to a single technique emotionally.

Notice that, now deep learning loses its original meaning, and used as an umbrella term for modern machine learning research. Deep learning is not immature. The problem is that some people using language as their data set do not understand the nature of this data set. Very simple analogy is stock market data easier to grasp. We all know stock market price data is incomplete to describe the entire process. Natural language is very similar. If you take millions of pages of text as your data to train a neural network, you are not doing anything different that taking millions of price data of stock market.

Neither will result in a complete solution. Therefore, a deep learning approach has to address all levels during training. I have not yet seen this level of approach so far, but I am sure it will come soon. Riza, you think, websites will turn soon into talk sites. Search engine is a single step process of retrieving information. Chatbot is a multi-step process of retrieving information. Multiple steps, very similar to what we do during a conversation, is obviously much more powerful technique.

However, it has many challenges. In a multi-step approach, chatbot must be able to ask questions relevant to the topic of conversation, hence a short-term memory model is needed, and high level of pronoun tracking. Then, based on the given answers step-by-step, chatbot should converge to an answer. Once this level of interaction is mastered by chatbots, search engines will lose their role significantly. Most long-tail queries going into Google will start to find better responses in multi-step chatbots.

Yes, that was referring to some chatbot platforms which require to script every single conversation one-by-one in a hard coded manner. Devoid of any NLP detection capability, devoid of any flexible dialogue flow, devoid of any knowledge model, these chatbots do not deserve to call themselves an AI product. It looks easy to create a chatbot without any AI background. Some of them will find commercial success, such as in simple banking transactions. Riza, could you tell us your exClone project shortly and the idea behind of it?

The 3rd dimension is our proprietary approach. We are not done yet with our journey, but we have some promising light at the end of the tunnel. Do you think that IBM Watson is really a success story? We rejected their commercial terms, otherwise exClone would be in the farm. There is really nothing to talk about Watson any more, and I quit following them for sometime. Do you think that AI will threaten human jobs, or quite the opposite so that it will create more jobs than it destroys?

I think we first need to define what do we mean by AI. The better question might be, whether exponential increase in automation of many jobs and processes would lead to less or more jobs. I think this is a policy question to our governments and policy makers, how to keep humans busy.

But I think the danger of AI taking over all jobs is exaggerated. One good example is that, since 60s, automated piloting systems are in place, but we still have pilots flying the planes. Automation is good but human intervention may not be easily removed from the loop. We do have good advances in algorithms and robotics , but we might be decades away to reach certain maturity in AI systems, if not at all to beat humans in general intelligence and biological dexterity.

It would be because of social issues not because of AI. Finally, a simple question about the two hottest discussion topics nowadays: Would you buy yourself a self-driving car or Bitcoin? Yes, I would use Bitcoin. Commercialization of the self-driving cars begs this question: From the legal nightmare point of view, especially here in the US, it will never happen, same as drones. I think self-driving technology is for the military. Bitcoin is an interesting war against the current monetary control of central banks. I am not sure how this will pan out. I will use whatever buys me my pipe tobacco: Thank you all for the very interesting interview!

Der bisher meist heruntergeladene Beitrag des Buchs ist Marktstudie: Welche Standards und Tools werden in Unternehmen eingesetzt? Ege mit Downloads Stand: Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Sie sind Mathematiker und Linguist. Sie glauben also nicht, dass die Maschinen uns irgendwann tadellos verstehen werden? Wir leiten das lediglich aus den Handlungen des anderen ab. Sehen Sie in Watson eine hochwertige Semantische Suchmaschine? Das Korpus besteht aus etwa Die Fehler dieser Tagger betreffen im Wesentlichen Eigennamen, die nicht als Eigennamen, sondern als Nomen annotiert werden.

Trotzdem bieten Spiele wie GO und auch Poker den wichtigen Vorteil, dass es am Ende immer klar feststeht, wer gewonnen hat. Systeme wie Siri, Alexa etc. Es gibt Verfahren, die auch mit unscharfem Wissen arbeiten, etwa in der Sensordatenfusion. Dort werden unscharfe Sensordaten sehr erfolgreich aggregiert. Wenn ich zum Beispiel sage: Eigentlich nicht wirklich hoch, allein deswegen, weil dabei das Adverb wohl verwendet und damit hier eine gewisse Unsicherheit vom Anfang an doch nicht ausgeschlossen wird.

Dem kann ich nur zustimmen, evtl. Sie hatten gesagt, dass man unterschiedliche Verfahren kombinieren sollte, um zu weiteren Fortschritten zu gelangen. Was halten Sie von Quadrupeln anstatt von Tripeln?

Glauben Sie, dass Triple Stores langfristig durch Quadrupelstores doch obsolet werden? Sprachliche Aussagen enthalten Relationen , aber unterschiedliche Anzahlen von Argumenten. Auch dies ist eine Frage der Anwendung. Er ist Autor von zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Artikeln.

Im Fokus dieses Beitrags Marktstudie: Was bedeutet eine semantische Anwendung? Wie und womit wird es erstellt? Welche Standards und Tools werden eingesetzt? Semantic Web ist keine Zukunftsmusik mehr, und dass es bereits solche Anwendungen gibt, wissen wir aus eigener Projekterfahrung. Zum einen gibt es bereits zahlreiche solcher Anwendungen; zum anderen suchen viele nach Hinweisen, Tipps und Tricks zur Entwicklung derselben. Diesem Wunsch wollen wir im Rahmen des Workshops von vornherein Rechnung tragen, um ein weiteres Buch vorzubereiten. Hierzu ist ein maximal einseitiges Abstract einzureichen, welches den Organisatoren zur Strukturierung der Vormittage dient.

Hierbei sollten noch offene Fragestellungen, Diskussionen von Erkenntnissen und Problemen im Vorforschungsstadium, Zwischenergebnissen oder noch nicht abgeschlossener Projekte im Vordergund stehen. Wie in den Vorjahren wird der Freitagvormittag als Open-Space geplant, dessen Inhalte erst im Rahmen der Vortage festgelegt und strukturiert werden. Ein Jahr danach schaffte es Deep Blue sogar, gegen ihn einen ganzen Wettkampf aus sechs Partien zu gewinnen. Dabei war Deep Blue eigentlich nicht so intelligent, wie es damals vielleicht von vielen angenommen wurde.

Diese Serie von Siegen gegen Kasparov war jedoch das erste Zeichen, dass der sog. Deep Bluess Nachfolger steht eigentlich seit fest: Ein wunderbares Vorbild aus der Natur ist bereits vorhanden und zwar das menschliche Gehirn. Hinzu kommt, dass das zu verarbeitende Datenvolumen jedes Jahr steigt und steigt. Denn elektronische Computer bzw. Sie passen nicht zu der Verarbeitungsweise des Wissens in heutigen Computern. Trotz des guten Starts gibt es daher in diesem Bereich noch sehr sehr viel zu tun Der harte Kampf um den schnellsten Supercomputer der Welt geht ununterbrochen weiter.

Der Sieger steht jedoch seit zweieinhalb Jahren trotzdem fest: Der von chinesischen Ingenieuren gebaute Supercomputer Tianhe-2 hat auch in Juni das Rennen gemacht und landete vor seinen amerikanischen und japanischen Konkurrenten wieder an der Spitze der TopListe gefolgt von Titan Cray Inc.

Die heutige Version des Webs, das Web 2. Einer der wichtigsten Verantwortlichen dieses Chaos ist die Textbezogenheit, die das Web vom Anfang an beherrscht hat. Der Mensch kann nicht alle diese Suchergebnisse auswerten. Gibt der Benutzer in die Suchmaske bspw. Manche semantische Anwendungen gibt es bereits. Sie werden in verschiedenen Branchen von der Telekommunikation, Logistik, Energie, Medizin bis hin zu Tourismus, Bibliotheks- und Verlagswesen seit Jahren auch sehr erfolgreich eingesetzt.

Oft sind sie miteinander stark vernetzt sogar befreundet. Sie glauben daran, dass Computer bald den Turing-Test bestehen und fast alles besser schaffen werden als Menschen.