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So, what is so bad about having bad posture?

Accountability Questions Basic questions to ask each other in an accountability group.

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Inner Healing Prayer s for Child Development stages. What Happens in Inner Healing? Freedom from Shame - Basic Stage. Spontaneity - 3rd Stage Over-Responsible Caretaker. Real Identity - 4th Stage People Pleaser. Issues of Self Confidence - 5th. Grief and Comfort - how to pray during times of grief, loss, death and bereavement. Releasing Burdens - an example of imagination in inner healing prayer.

Traumatic Memories - the place of listening prayer in healing of memories - what we learned from TheoPhostic. Cleanse the Temple - Here is a powerful Biblical way to get rid of idolatry. Background and Theory behind Inner Healing Prayer. Traumatic Memories - listening prayer inner healing of trauma and core beliefs.

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Patrick Celtic Christianity - visual inner healing prayer fits the model. My site on prayer and breaking curses: Faith of the heart prayers ,. Head vs Heart Faith in faith of the heart prayer ,. How to do Healing Prayer ,. How to break a curse ,. What is listening prayer? How to pray for protection. What is the power of prayer? How to do healing Prayer. Healing prayer for cancer.

Prayer for Money , prayer for finances. Move Forward in Life - Take Risks! How God uses 'ungodly' men. You may quote at length for web publication with link back to the article quoted on this site. You may quote for other publication with appropriate reference to this site.

Permission granted to copy for non-commercial personal, academic, web site or ministry use with appropriate credit including web site link to www. The above articles is the output of the last three years from the earliest formulation of the prayer encounters that have become identified as Listening Prayer Therapy up to the present. Most were presented at a lectures, seminars or retreats.

Books by Paul Crawford

Almost all have been tested in group use or in individual therapy sessions. Listening Prayer Therapy presented here means the principles and procedures of Christian inner healing developed by George Hartwell M. Sometimes the term "inner healing" is used which means the experience of healing of core inner emotional issues by an encounter with God's truth and presence.

About George Hartwell Blog at www. Bonding focused couple therapy 2. Bonding, Marriage and Silent Divorce 6. Avoidant Personality and Silent Divorce 7. My Theology of Marriage and Divorce Nervous Breakdown as Positive Breakdown 2. People Pleasing Performance Orientation 4. People pleasing and love addiction 5.

People pleasing and losing out on love 6. People pleasing - sacrificing love 7.

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People Pleasing - The Program and the Pit 8. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 9. High Performance Fear Desensitization of Fear Anxiety and Depression Depression and Religion Deliverance from Homosexuality Core Issues - definition Core Issues - Part 2. Book on Listening Prayer See also: Put it on the Altar 2. Paul talked about Epaphroditus being sick almost unto death. He talked about leaving Trophemus in a place because he was too sick to travel. And Paul spoke of his own sickness, calling it a thorn in the flesh-a minister of Satan to buffet him-for which he sought the Lord three times.

When Paul was in Galatia and he wanted to go to Bythinia to preach the gospel, he said, "the Spirit forbade us. So although there were many marvelous healings in response to Paul's prayers and his faith, not everyone was healed. When he was in Ephesus they used to take his sweat bands or handkerchiefs and lay them on the sick people and they would be healed. So there were many healings, but not everyone was healed. Now why is it that some people are healed and some are not? I do not know.

There are just a lot of things that I do not understand about divine healing. And I do know that many times there are people who think that they have developed some kind of formula about how to touch a person, where to touch them, and how to read the body language. They have developed a lot of formulas and they even hold seminars on healing. It is interesting that some of the people who conducted those seminars on healing are quite sick right now. But you know, when you think you have all of the answers, then God sort of shows you that you do not have all the answers.

And you cannot put it down to a formula. Again with the gifts of the Spirit, we read that the Holy Spirit divides to each man severally as He wills. And the Holy Spirit is sovereign in the bestowal of the gifts. Thus in the gifts of healing, whether or not I am healed is a sovereign work of God's Spirit and we are helpless. If God does not do the healing we are helpless to heal ourselves.

And there is no magic formula whereby you can bring healing just to everyone. In fact, we read that when Jesus was in Nazareth He really did not do many marvelous miracles there because of the unbelief of the people. The unbelief probably kept them from coming to Jesus to receive help. But not all are healed and we need to acknowledge that. Paul received the all-sufficient grace of the Lord.

And I think that many times it takes greater faith not to be healed than it does to be healed.


To love the Lord and trust the Lord even though I have not been healed takes really greater faith than just to be healed. And it is a greater witness many times for me to just say, "Well, I have prayed. I have asked the Lord. And I know the Lord can heal me. He has not yet seen fit to heal me. He has a purpose and a plan for my sickness. And He knows what is best and I rest in that. I am not all upset. I am not all frantic because I am not healed. I have just committed it to God. Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

And that takes tremendous faith to just say, "Well, it is all in the Lord's hands and He is doing what He knows to be best. At the end of 1 Corinthians 12 , Paul does ask the question,. Have all the gifts of healing? These are rhetorical questions and obviously the answer is, "No! Not all are apostles. Not all are prophets. Not all are teachers. Not all work miracles. Not all have the gifts of healings. Not all speak with tongues and not all interpret. Now we are told however, there in the last verse of chapter 12, to "Covet earnestly the best gifts.

I would go out in the desert for prolonged periods of time, fasting and praying and waiting upon God for the gifts of healing faith. In my earlier years my ambition was to be a medical doctor. I was interested in the ills of humanity. I had a desire to help the sick. And thus when God called me into the ministry I felt perhaps I could still, through prayer, help a lot of people from their physical maladies.

And knowing that the gifts of the Spirit are divided to each man severally as He wills, I was hoping it was His will that I might have these gifts. And so I just committed it to the Lord. But about twenty-eight years ago I was conducting a home Bible study down in Laguna Beach. It was the home of some people who were affiliated with the Church of Christ and they had become quite interested in the subject of the Holy Spirit. I was living in Corona and I was commuting to Laguna Beach for these studies. A good number of people were coming out on Monday night for this home Bible study.

One evening we had a couple of ladies from Laguna Beach who had been heavily into the New Age Movement, who came to the Bible study all excited. The previous day they had gone up to Los Angeles where Kathryn Kuhlman was having her services in the Shrine Auditorium. They had seen several people healed miraculously through her ministry. And as the result of what they saw there, they turned from the New Age Movement which they were deeply involved in. They had a genuine conversion. These women were excited. They had a genuine conversion experience.

And they were just bubbling with excitement in the Lord and in the power of Jesus Christ that they had seen manifested. And they were so changed, with such a dramatic change! That night as I was driving home to Corona, though I had not spoken to the Lord about it for a long time, I said, "Lord, You know if I just had the gifts of healing, the gift of faith, I could see these kind of dramatic transformations by people seeing the genuineness of Your power in healing.

And I told Him, "I understand why You did not give it to me in the early years of my ministry. I realize that I would not have been able to handle it then. But I feel I have matured and perhaps now Not all have the gifts of healing. So I was satisfied and I accepted that. I accepted just being what God had enabled me, gifted me, and called me to do. And so for ten years I never talked to the Lord about that again. I just taught His Word. But a little over fifteen years ago I was standing here in the pulpit after an evening service in which there was a beautiful move of the Spirit of God and there were scores of people that had gone back to the prayer room to pray to be saved.

And for those who were still here in the auditorium, we were just worshipping the Lord. There was a beautiful spirit of worship that was among the people here. And as I was standing here at the pulpit, holding on to both sides and just basking in what God had done. I was praising Him for the people who had gone back to accept the Lord and just enjoying the sweet flowing and moving of the Spirit that we felt as we were just here worshipping God and giving thanks.

I said, "Lord, You have done so much here at Calvary Chapel. It is such a complete ministry. It is so exciting. There is probably only one aspect of the church of Acts, the New Testament church, that is missing and that is the gift of miracles and the gifts of healing. And although there are people who are being healed and though we have just seen a bunch of miracles, this is not quite what I read in the Book of Acts.

And maybe, Lord, now I could handle it. He said, "And yet I show you a more excellent way. A more excellent way than the gifts of healing, gifts of miracles, or whatever: Because scripture says, "though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and I have not love, it is meaningless noise. Though I have the gift of prophecy and I can understand all mysteries and I have all knowledge, and I have all faith, faith that I could remove mountains, if I don't have love, I am nothing" 1 Corinthians And so the Lord said, "I have led you in the more excellent way.

I just said, "Thank You, Lord. I will walk and show Your love. And I do not expect to.

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Why should I come down when He has led in the more excellent way? Now I still pray for the sick. And I believe in praying for the sick. I believe in laying hands on the sick in the name of Jesus. I believe in anointing with oil because it is scriptural. And thus, I do that.

And as I say, some are healed and some are not, but that I leave with God. I know that I cannot heal them. I know my own limitations. I mean I might have great compassion and great empathy for them, but I cannot heal them. I know God can. But I recognize my own limitations. And all I can do is anoint a person, lay hands on them, and ask God to heal them. But then it is in God's court. I cannot heal them. Nor can I work up faith or whatever. I mean, if God does it and it is there, praise the Lord! But again there is just an awful lot to the gifts of healing that I confess I do not understand.

Now Paul in talking about the gifts of the Spirit, said there are diversities of gifts and there are diversities of operations. And I do believe that in the gifts of healings that God can and does use medical science today. I believe that God has given to the researchers a lot of insight and knowledge of the human body and the chemical makeup of the human body.

And I believe He has helped in the designing of drugs and helped in the designing of operation procedures in bringing healing to the sick. Because I believe that God has compassion on the sick. Surely it was manifested through Jesus. And if a person cannot be healed just through prayer, then God has provided men with skills to operate and to diagnose and to give prescriptions for medicines that will help people in their sicknesses. And I believe that here also we see the gifts of healing in operation. I believe that God can use human means, natural means, and supernatural means to help those who are sick.

And thus I am not opposed, as are some, to medical doctors. I believe that God does use them. But I also believe that when a doctor sews up a gash on your arm-puts the sutures in-that as he sews it up he has done all he can do. It is God who causes that flesh to adhere together and to heal over. I mean it is still a work of God in the healing process. They do what they know to do, but the actual healing has to come from God. And thus these are the gifts of divine healing.

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: I believe that God was declaring prophetically that Jesus was going to suffer not only for our sins but for our sicknesses. He bore our sins but He also bore our sicknesses. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, but by His stripes we are healed.

Now Matthew quotes this passage in Isaiah and he quotes it in the context of the many people who were being healed by Jesus. When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: So he makes reference to this prophecy in declaring that the healings of the sick by Jesus were the fulfillment of this prophecy, in that He bore or took our infirmities, and He bore our sicknesses.

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: Isaiah said, "By His stripes you are healed. Now we know that before Jesus was taken to the cross, Pilate gave Him over to the soldiers to scourge Him. The purpose of the Roman scourging was to illicit the confessions from the criminals before they were crucified. It was a third-degree kind of a process.

They forced confessions by tying the prisoner to a post where his back was bent over and stretched and then laying on his back this cat-o-nine-tails whip. That is a leather whip embedded with little bits of lead and glass that, as it was pulled back, would pull out little chunks of flesh.

And the purpose was to make the prisoner confess to his wrong doings. At one time Paul almost received a scourging when the captain of the guard wanted to know what he had said that created the riot. He just said, "Examine him by scourging. Find out what he said that created all of the ruckus. But they scourged Jesus. Now the scourging was by design. That is easy to prove. The fact that it is there prophetically shows that it was by design.

The fact that it was prophesied, it shows it was part of God's plan. Now the question is, "would God allow His Son to suffer needlessly? They often died as a result of the scourging.

My site on prayer and breaking curses:

It made your back look like hamburger. And would God allow His Son to go through that kind of torture if there was not a special purpose in it and for it? Taking it one step further, in Matthew 26 , when Jesus took the bread and broke it, He said, "This is My body which is broken for you" Then when He took the cup He said, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood which is shed for the remission of sins. We all understand that through the blood of Jesus Christ atonement was made for our sins-the price was paid for our sins.

So when we take the cup we are conscious that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed for us, and through that we have the forgiveness of our sins. But what about the bread? What about His body broken for us? First of all, we recognize and realize that it was not a reference to broken bones, for the Bible is very specific in showing us that though they broke the bones of the other men who were crucified with Jesus, they did not break His bones. When they came to break Jesus' legs they found He was already dead and thus they did not break His legs.

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  7. But the soldier took the spear and put it through His heart and blood and water came forth. This of course, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, "a bone of Him shall not be broken" John And in order to be the perfect sacrifice, you could not offer a sacrifice to God that had any broken bones.

    So we know that when Jesus said, "This is My body broken for you" He cannot be referring to broken bones. It would seem that He is referring to the scourging. Back to the prophecy of Isaiah, "By whose stripes you are healed" Isaiah And it would seem that when He took the bread and said, "This is My body broken for you," He is making reference to the scourging.

    Now again, God would not allow His Son needless suffering-of that I am certain. There had to be a value, a spiritual value in the scourging of Jesus, otherwise God would not have ever allowed it. Could it be that the value in the scourging of Jesus is indeed healing for His people? When Paul was writing to the Corinthians concerning their abuses in many areas, one of them was in their taking of the Lord's Supper. And he wrote them to correct the abuses of the Communion service. And in writing he talked about how they were partaking in an unworthy way.

    But then he went on to say, "For this cause many are weak and sick among you and many have actually died"-because they did not discern the Lord's body 1 Corinthians