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Mothers of the Prophets

History shows that she responded to her assignment cheerfully and effectively p. She also believed in plenty of schooling p. They had a large library and were knowledgeable about the scriptures p. Will absolutely adored her p. Will felt strongly that his children should not be baptized at the age of eight, but should wait until they could decide for themselves p. The enormity of the sum needed to do so seemed hopelessly out of reach With humility and deep gratitude, it was discovered that Ada had set aside a small savings account with the money left over from her grocery purchases.

Such sacrifice and foresight enabled this son, Gordon Bitner Hinckley, whom the Lord would later call as the fifteenth president of the Church, to serve a mission in the British Isles. Jul 22, Kim Dennis rated it liked it Shelves: I enjoyed learning a little more about the mothers of the prophets. I liked the fact that the Arringtons didn't say specifically that a woman DID something if they didn't actually know she did.

They said "she probably did" based on what were the customs for girls of the times. There were a couple of times I got a little lost. They started out talking about the woman herself, then went to her parents or even grandparents, and I didn't always make the transition with them. My bigge Really 3. My biggest complaint with this book, as with another book I recently finished, is that the quotes weren't cited.

At the end of each chapter was a list of sources, but I didn't know which source individual quotes came from. I expected more from Leonard Arrington -- he should have known better and he should have trained his daughter better Dec 17, Linda rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a very interesting book.

The only unfortunate thing is that it was written in the 80's and therefore only has up to President Benson. The authors agreed that each mother exhibited the qualities that social scientists have found to be correlated with raising high-achieving and successful children: Truly, these were remarkable mothers. Aug 26, Jennilynn rated it liked it. This book is the latest read for our Relief Society book club.

The beginning of the book is a little on the "textbook" side, but it picks up in the middle. It's interesting to see how the lives of the mothers shaped their son's and futute prophets lives. My copy of the book ended with Pres. Benson; I know there is an updated version that has through Pres.

I would recommend the updated because it has actual pictures--the older book just has one line drawing per chapter. An inspiring a This book is the latest read for our Relief Society book club.

Mothers of the Prophets

An inspiring and uplifting book. Mar 16, Gayle rated it it was amazing Shelves: It was well-researched and I learned so much about the strength of these women, and these families. The hardships endured, the great faith through all of it. The prophets said such lovely things about their mothers, such tender comments. May 09, Eve rated it it was amazing Shelves: I learned so much from reading this book. Not only did I find new treasures about the environments of home and community where modern-day prophets were raised to become the men they were, but I also gained a perspective of what really matters as a mother.

Many of the mothers were quite talented in handiwork or gardening or in social organizing and valiantly served God by serving in the Relief Society. They amazed me with their accomplishments, even if, like Heber J. Grant's mother, it meant maki I learned so much from reading this book. Grant's mother, it meant making due with very little as a widow by cooking and taking in boarders and yet finding a way to improve and save and entertain friends.

Out of some of the hardest circumstances, these women found a way to shine. So many of these women started out with certain hopes and dreams, and then either a spouse left on an extended mission far away leaving them to work hard and care for large families alone or the woman herself became ill or suffered an accident. Many lost children to illness or accident.

Instead of demanding that all their wishes be redeemed immediately or denying God when they weren't, these women took the opportunities that came their way and made the best of them. They just didn't let anything hold them back and that is just plain amazing to me. As a result of reading these women's stories, I feel more like looking for ways to grow and move forward, rather than giving in to self-pity when some things turn out differently than the way I would have them.

It prompts me instead to seek to build the kingdom and take my place in it to fulfill whatever role comes my way. It makes me grateful for the gifts and blessings God had given to me today and helps me recognize the fortunate circumstances that I live in now. Electricity and running, clean water are enough! Despite many hardships, disappointments and various struggles, the women who were successful mothers depended on God and did their best. I was inspired by the examples of the mothers represented, whether they lived in the 's or in the 's. I also noticed the theme that no matter what else they did, their families were of utmost importance to them.

As I finished this book, I felt like I was fortunate to have the chance to see into their lives and learn from them.

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I felt like I knew them better and was connected to them, in a circle of mothers. I hope to be like them as I grow as a woman and care for my own family and follow God's own plan for me. Jul 24, Jesse Whitehead rated it liked it. This is a book that has a great concept that fails somewhat in execution, not because of any fault of the writers but because history fails to provide the necessary information to make this book complete. Some of the mothers of the prophets of the LDS church have extensive information recorded about their childhoods and married lives.

Some of them have almost nothing. This leads to chapters like the one about Lucy Mack Smith where there is extensive information about her childhood and teenage life as well as her life raising her large family. This chapter felt like it needed to be its own book. It was begging to be less summarized. It moved forward from there in a mostly linear fashion. The information being presented is interesting during the chapters that actually have information in them the other I think should have been cut down to a page or two instead of relying on guessing but the opening sequence gets tiresome quickly.

Jan 05, Rina rated it really liked it. This book showed the vast differences that the prophets have had in their childhoods. It was interesting to find all the differences and similarities in the women who raised them. It was very uplifting to see how "normal" these women were. Not only were they extraordinary in some ways which helped their sons become the men they needed to be , but they had their weaknesses too just like the rest of us!

What was most helpful was that this book showed how they did not let their struggles run the This book showed the vast differences that the prophets have had in their childhoods. What was most helpful was that this book showed how they did not let their struggles run their lives, but dealt with them as they came and did not dwell on it.

It was extremely uplifting and encouraging. The only negative was that while talking about many of the earlier women, there were a lot of inferencing. It didn't add anything to know what "might" have happened.

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It was rather distracting. However, that only occurred with the first few women. One story struck me especially. In , Alfred was called on a mission to the West Indies. He left Melissa in Salt Lake with a three- year-old and a one-year-old for two years. When he came home, he was home for two years and they had a baby son. Then he was assigned to serve as a blacksmith and mechanic for the wagons of pioneers in Florence, Nebraska. He was there TEN years! His little family stayed in Salt Lake City. Nov 12, Christina rated it really liked it. I enjoyed reading this book, which in many ways was a good history of women's lives throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The amazing amount of hardships and difficulties these women lived through -- many lost children to death, they mostly lived in humble circumstances, and the sheer workload of a woman before indoor plumbing and other modern conveniences was impressive. It made me never want to complain about my life again.

It wasn't the most well-written of books, and it tended to ski I enjoyed reading this book, which in many ways was a good history of women's lives throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. It wasn't the most well-written of books, and it tended to skip over some details that I was interested in, but that may have also been due to lack of historical record in some cases. I found it interesting that not all of the women were as faithful as their sons would later prove to be Lorenzo Snow's mother came to mind and many of them raised their children in less-than-ideal circumstances several were single mothers after the death of their spouse; Howard W.

Hunter's mother was married to a man of another faith.

Mothers of the Prophets by Leonard J. Arrington

Mar 30, Christy rated it liked it. This waw an easy book to put down, I didn't enjoy as much as I hoped I would. I didn't like how it was written. Each woman's life was introduced with and event that happend after she was married and had young children. Then the narration of the event would stop and the story would go backward to her grandmother. Then it would catch up to the event the chapter started with and continue on.

If the authors didn't have enought information, they would say that this is how she probably lived and what This waw an easy book to put down, I didn't enjoy as much as I hoped I would. If the authors didn't have enought information, they would say that this is how she probably lived and what she probably did. I'm not sure if I liked that.

11 Powerful Truths About Our Heavenly Mother from Prophets and Apostles

On one hand it's nice to have a general idea of what life was like then but on the other hand, if they weren't sure it happened to her then don't put it in. Jan 13, Vonnie rated it it was amazing. Five stars may be over rating this book, but reading about early saints inspires me to work harder and complain less. It is for this reason, I am rating this book with 5 stars. Reading about righteous pioneers that faced the death of children, suffered poverty, were persecuted always motivates me to work harder at being a better person.

A quote by a speaker at church last Sunday mentioned that our trials today are not physical like those of early pioneers, but we have the same mandate to do our Five stars may be over rating this book, but reading about early saints inspires me to work harder and complain less. A quote by a speaker at church last Sunday mentioned that our trials today are not physical like those of early pioneers, but we have the same mandate to do our best, leave the world a better place, and stay on the path towards Eternal Life.

This book is filled with noteworthy mothers to exemplify. I usually don't like those "mothering" books because they all say the same thing. It is just a small biography on each of the mothers of the latter-day prophets. Reading about their lives and the things they went through gave me a whole new outlook on my life and the way I'm raising my own children. Most of them had very busy husbands who were rarely home, missing years and years of their children's lives, and so were left to raise the children on their own.

They were so grate I usually don't like those "mothering" books because they all say the same thing.

The Prophet's Love For His Mother ᴴᴰ

They were so grateful for everything and truly counted their blessings. I highly recommend this book to any mother. Learning from the past and others' lives is so much more effective than advice books. Mar 03, Bonnie rated it really liked it. Love the concept and the things I learned. It is so fun to see how people just doing what they do affect others.

Parents of course have a huge influence on their kids at least we hope so I guess but it's fun to read about the lives of the prophets mothers independent of their children.

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However it left me wanting to know more. So many of the prophets came from Love the concept and the things I learned. Thanks for letting me borrow it Nikie! Sep 14, Kris Irvin rated it it was ok. I don't know what I thought this was going to be, but it wasn't. I guess I thought that it would go more in depth on the lives of the mothers during their raising-children years. I would have liked to hear about how they handled so many kids, instead of just vague statements "she was busy but she handled it well" etc. So, I'm glad I didn't buy thi I don't know what I thought this was going to be, but it wasn't.

So, I'm glad I didn't buy this book. It was worth a read, and I did like hearing about the lives of the women, but it wasn't anything earth-shattering. Dec 06, Emily rated it it was amazing Shelves: One of my favorite books ever! It was very inspiring. I loved reading about the humble beginnings, many hardships, and faith testing experiences these women faced throughout their lives. I even shed tears as I read of their deaths and the sadness their children experienced afterwards. In particular, the death Spencer W. Kimball's mother when he was 11 years old and how devastated he was to lose her.

I loved the life sketches of each woman but I was most touched by the lives of Lucy Mack Smith, M One of my favorite books ever! I think I will read this several more times over the years, it was that good. Sep 08, Sarah rated it really liked it. Very interesting and I definitely appreciate my cozy life more after having read this. It does sound like they were ordinary women for the most part though, so I guess there's hope for all our kids!

And for anyone in my immediate family who are the only ones who will get the inside joke I figured out who "Rrrachel Ivans" is. You know "thousands and thousands like Rachel Ivans". She's actually the mother of Heber J. Funnily enough, she did gather to Nauvoo with thousands of saints but di Very interesting and I definitely appreciate my cozy life more after having read this.

Funnily enough, she did gather to Nauvoo with thousands of saints but did not go west with them to Utah, she returned to her non-member family in New Jersey and later went west and married and had Heber. Jun 06, Margo rated it it was amazing. I read the most updated version of this book, which included Thomas S. This book was such a great insight into church history, as many of the people intermarried with families of relatives, and it is interesting to see who is related to who.

It's also interesting to see which woman you want to be the most like. The best part is none of these women had children and said, "That's it. I'm going to raise the 7th President of the Church. I highly recommend this book for all members of the church. And anyone interested in Pioneers. Apr 29, Sarah rated it it was amazing. I've read this one twice, and I keep feeling a pull back toward it.

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As I rear my little ones, I seek those examples which would help me grow as a mother. I've learned over time not to compare to others, but to learn from them. I've learned many things from the mothers of the latter-day prophets. Especially when compared to the mothers of the presidents, which I read at the same time I first read this one.

The difference in their examples was marked. These women were dedicated to the gospel and I've read this one twice, and I keep feeling a pull back toward it. These women were dedicated to the gospel and such hard workers! I gave this book five stars because I love biographies and this book is basically 16 mini-biographies. I loved learning about these mothers and all they went through. It was especially nice to read that at least one of them was "not particularly concerned about keeping a spotless house".

These women were not perfect but certainly inspiring. It was fun to learn that they had great senses of humor. It also gives insight into how our prophets grew up and how their mothers had great faith in the Lor I gave this book five stars because I love biographies and this book is basically 16 mini-biographies. It also gives insight into how our prophets grew up and how their mothers had great faith in the Lord and they listened to the promptings of the Spirit. Apr 04, Danae rated it really liked it.

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Just full of all kinds of things you didn't know about church history. I was constantly telling my husband, "did you know Not really stellar writing, but I enjoyed it. Like I needed another way to feel inferior to these women! I would recommend it, ju Just full of all kinds of things you didn't know about church history. I would recommend it, just because it is so interesting. That doctrine rests well with me. The fact that we do not pray to our Mother in Heaven in no way belittles or denigrates her.

Oaks In , Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught that we should aspire to be like our Heavenly Mother: Holland expressed his gratitude for our Mother in Heaven: Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are. These traditions will help emphasize its value and celebrate that decision whether you're a parent, Primary teacher, ward missionary, or anyone else involved.

Prepare them for baptism. This should start months before the baptism will take place. Make opportunities to discuss the meaning of baptism and what covenants your child will make, take them to the baptisms of friends and ward members, or ask the missionaries to come over. Here are a few more ways to help them prepare for their big day: The truth is that all family histories are fascinating, and all of us can write them well. It just takes careful research, imagination, and a willingness to add your own voice. Find stories in the facts.

Kaitlyn Rowbotham - "Latter-day prophets are: But do you know the middle names of any of these brethren? Take our quiz to test your knowledge! Lead image and all images in quiz from Wikimedia Commons Monson, Ensign , May , Thought Look to the lighthouse of the Lord. It beckons through the storms of life. This way to home. Packer, Ensign , May , The priesthood is something you cannot see nor hear nor touch, but it is a real authority and a real power.

Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism These are many reoccurring elements in the conversion stories of some of the very first members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Learn more about their incredible stories in the accounts below.

The following are excerpts from the Church's new groundbreaking history , Saints: The Standard of Truth. Read it for free through the Gospel Library app and at saints. Be sure to also check out the Saints podcast here. Solomon Chamberlin Solomon Chamberlin, a preacher on his way to Canada, Nelson spoke Saturday evening to nearly 50, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about the necessity of religion.

The Sunday after the church was organized, Oliver preached to the Whitmer family and their friends in Fayette. Many of them had supported the Book of Mormon translation but had not yet joined the church. After Oliver finished speaking, six people asked him to baptize them in a nearby lake. Ward Ward has many different meanings in the dictionary, but for a Latter-day Saint, the word is used to describe a congregation that meets together every Sunday for their meetings.