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Unless there is a sequel, this book makes absolutely no since. I would not recommend this book to anyone. It's a total waste of time. May 23, Edith rated it it was ok Shelves: So far it's alright. It has numerous grammatical and typographical errors that are sort of annoying to me but otherwise enjoying the book. It's not a pulitzer prize winning book but a nice mindless read.

It's set in a place I'd love to live someday. The other irritant was the female character's names. I don't mind colors being used but it got really old by the time Magenta came into the story. Nov 27, Joya rated it it was ok. This book was terrible! There was no romance, no comedy, no future style hunting or whatever. And I don't understand why the mystery of the suit was such a mystery when she basically told everyone it was specifically tailored.

Also what fashion person wears the same damn suit all the time. Jun 03, Cindy rated it it was ok Shelves: The story was semi-entertaining.

The Bitch-Proof Suit by De-ann Black

Blue kept going on about Morgan and I couldn't find anything likable about him. He seemed too cave-manish. Blue sounded perfect and she could do no wrong. I still don't understand and don't care why Blue and Morgan broke up. Sears disappeared off the face of the Earth in the epilogue. Verde turns from a bitch to Blue's best friend in a chapter. Not something I'd reread. Mar 20, Kerry rated it it was amazing.

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I read this while lying nxt to the pool thought it was fun quirky and entertaining I felt myself giggle a few times. I like how the friendship between emer verde and blue developed but I was rooting on blue to choose the other guy not the one she ended up with mainly coz the other guy seemed more my type. I won't state names and risk ruining it for others.

May 29, Ann Balambao rated it it was amazing. I bought this book because of the title. And it does not disappoint. It was laugh out loud funny and I look forward to reading more of this author's writing. I reviewed it in my blog at http: I read this again and enjoyed it just as much and caught a few things I must have missed in first reading. I am also pleased a sequel is due out in December I really look forward to reading that one too. Aug 02, Brittany rated it liked it.

I wanted to know the secret to the suit The book is a slightly above-average chick lit. Fairly amusing and good plot. I didn't know who she would end up with until the end of the book. Biggest complaint is that the narrator is supposed to be an American but it was obviously written by a Brit.


There was some slang I'd never heard of. It's a very slim plot - hurtles along and then boom! The most interesting parts, were the bits about her job and her interaction with the other female characters. And it's also made me want to go and get a custom suit made Mar 31, Bobbye Hudspeth rated it really liked it Shelves: A really good read. Thankfully, I don't think it's a series, so I was able to thoroughly enjoy the characters without feeling like I was getting too attached and would have to keep them around.

Takes place in the fashion world Jun 02, L. This actually was a fun read right up until the end. I felt the ending was all about the author got tired of the story and just hurried up and ended it, which was a shame as up to that point, she had me in the palm of her hand. It wasn't disappointing otherwise Oct 25, Marissa rated it liked it. Cute story of a fashion trend spotter who relocates to Ireland She has a previous love, an eye for detail, a power hungry boss, and new romance on the horizon.

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It's light and I hate this word but it exists for a reason By a woman for women about careers, love, adventure, and hope. It's nothing earth shatteringly moving but it was a light hearted and easy story to enjoy. Mar 21, Allison rated it did not like it Shelves: I don't even want to waste my time reviewing the awfulness of this book It just makes me appreciate every decently-written novel I've ever read before.

May 05, Tobie rated it liked it. I liked this book, however, I felt like there were some things missing. I thought the friendship between Blue and Vee Vee seemed to simple. They hated each other in the beginning and then instantly became bff's? I kept expecting Vee Vee to stab Blue in the back and I think that would have added some excitement. Good book and quick read. It kept me interested so I liked it. Jun 26, Mandy rated it it was ok Shelves: Really, I would have given it a 2.

A good summer read, although at times the character's were a tad annoying. It wrapped up very quickly and in a somewhat unbelievable way. I enjoyed the humor, though, and it was just what I needed to clear my head and have a fun ready after finishing The Weight of Water. Apr 30, Amy rated it it was ok Shelves: Who could resist chick-lit with this title?

This book is very similar to cotton candy Sugary fluff without any nutrient what so ever! I loved this book! It held my interest all the way through and I could totally see this being made into a movie. What a great chick flick!

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I loved the whole book, until the ending. It ended too quickly. When her and Morgan were on the bridge in the rain, I thought she was going to ask him the question of " what would you do if I woke up with a zit in the morning" and he would have come back with a snotty answer. She would have politely ended their relationship and then went to the airport to meet Sears. Then they would have went to NY and she would have become a fashion hit with her suits!

Also, it would have been nice to have more of a wrap-up with the other characters. Like what happened with Emer and the policeman? And V with Murphy? Just ended to soon as if the author was tired of writing.

The Bitch-Proof Suit

But in the end, it was a great book filled with great humor. One person found this helpful. I liked the book, it took me a minute to read it since it started kind of slow, and I was having a rough time really connecting with the story, but once I was in, I was able to read it without any trouble. What I liked about the book is the friendship between the female characters that developed as the story went on. What I couldn't quite connect with was the love interest. I didn't understand the main characters attraction beyond physical to the two men to which she was linked.

I think there was something missing that made me pull for either or, just based on their merits, their characters. I understood intellectually why she made the choice she made in the end, but I didn't feel it. I think in a romantic comedy, you should feel that romantic tension. I didn't feel that. But it was definitely laugh out loud funny for me in some places.

I give it a solid three and a half stars. This book was fabulous! I couldn't put it down and finished it in a little over a day! I got this book because of the catchy title, the description, and the price on Kindle you can't beat. The main characters are great and the author De-ann Black gives great descriptions of the characters appearances as well as all the beautiful clothes they wear!

If your a fashion lover such as myself I definitely think you will enjoy this book! It is a great read while your sitting outside cathcing the sun or out by the pool as it is funny, romantic, sweet, adventurous and sassy! I really would love to travel to Dublin now after the way the Miss. Black described it in The Bitch Proof Suit! I appreciate Amazon allowing samples of books before purchasing. The sample chapters grabbed my attention and left me wanting to know more about this bitch-proof suit. Every woman can appreciate the need for a bitch-proof suit.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The characters were realistic and believable and even though I don't work in the fashion world, I could totally relate to them. The plot is not contrived or predictable and held my attention. I felt the end kind of left me hanging, wanting to know more about the characters and where life would take them next. Goes to the Movies Blake Snyder.

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