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The Brooke-Rose Omnibus (2e)

The Angel of History. So I Am Glad.

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Please declare if you have any plants or parts of plants with you such as love loyalty lust intellect belief of any kind or even simple enthusiasm for which you must pay duty to the Customs and Excise until you come to a standstill. View all 23 comments. Jan 06, Jonathan Norton rated it really liked it. The 4 crucial novels whereby CB-R established herself as one of the great British experimentalists of the 60s, alongside B. Johnson and Ann Quin.

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Actually she had started a career at the end of the 50s as a fairly conventional novelist in the same mode as Muriel Spark, but those 4 earlier novels have never been reprinted although Spark was a great fan of them. It is set in Africa in The 4 crucial novels whereby CB-R established herself as one of the great British experimentalists of the 60s, alongside B. It is set in Africa in the aftermath of some unspecified great disaster that swept away the privileged 1st and 2nd worlds so now the refugee survivors of those countries are living in shanty towns in the now-prosperous 3rd world, where the "colourless" are the second-class citizens now.

There is an obvious element of commentary on apartheid and decolonisation, the challenge of civil rights in the US, but there is no didacticism or allegorising. The topical themes are just part of the kaleidoscopic backdrop in a story that is more about fragmentary, disordered consciousness and confusion. There are clearly delineated characters, but they only come in to focus toward the end. We start with the chaotic thought-world of a psychologist who has suffered a sudden medical crisis. As consciousness gets back to a recognisable normality we can identify the blurry semi-fantastic creatures of the first half as phantoms of colleagues and family members.

Our hero was at the centre of a mesh of preofessional jealousies, disappointments, and secret liaisons. His children are typical semi-rebellious mids teens and the dialogue of the later chapters shows the whole narrative was a minor incident viewed from an oblique angle and expanded out to reveal all the deep psychology under the everyday.

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  • The Christine Brooke-Rose Omnibus: Four Novels: Out, Such, Between, Thru by Christine Brooke-Rose.
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  • The Brooke-Rose Omnibus.

The central characters work as professional interpreters, constantly on the move between conferences, including academic ones where modish theories of structuralism and semiotics are in the air. The heroine is revealed in flashbacks to have spent her life on borderlines: This parallels some details of CBR's wartime experience, and her comment that she learned to see the war from the German side.

Of course Bletchley Park wasn't declassified until the 70s so when this novel was first published this aspect of the author's relation to her character would have been a private joke. It was her last book for about a decade and the entire tone of it seems to be marking the end of an era, in this case the whole world of 60s student radicalism and the revolutionary new theories bursting out of the campuses and becoming the new academic consensus in lit studies.

The setting is a nameless US campus where a subversive new syllabus is now boring normality, in amongst the flea-picking rigours of the new depth-analysis in linguistics. Creative writing is also a course option and we get student texts in amongst the "idyll-within-the-idyll" that the class construct with their tutor, about her having a fantasy affair.

Carcanet Press - The Brooke-Rose Omnibus

Everyone is jaded and tired of upheaval, political and intellectual, and yesterday's new ideas and freedoms are now dull and yellowing. But this is not a banal essay about the "postmodern condition", the postmodernists are just another lot of vapouring ninnies to be put aside, and "Theory" is perceived already as what it is and will become: The novel is a simple act of creation that doesn't need to be explained or justified on anyone else's terms.

It's the work of an artists reflecting on the possibilities available to her, informed by the experience of all the work that went before, her own and the texts she studied. An author who ended up writing "Life, End Of" 30 years later, where the same voice can be heard again. Sep 20, David added it. As these four novels progress, the reader is increasingly embedded in an investigation of semiotics and literary theory, a playful echolabia land in which allusion is illusory and verse visa.

Other than the strangeness, these four books are not related. Well, they are a bit, but more like compass points of a remote and isolated geography than any kind of coherant sequence.

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So I went from not knowing anything about CB-R to reading four of her increasingly obtuse novels, consecutively, over the summer. The effect has been like having my brain sucked down a wormhole. Each book was further deconstructed.

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In Africa, after a cataclysm, colourless whites? But memory has been affected too, and the unemployment situation is out of control. The narrator of the first book-- Out-- is, to say the least, unreliable, and unhealthy to some strange degree. From his pov the book stutters and repeats and loops back on itself. Such cranked it up a notch though I managed to come to a conclusion not too far removed from a few I've since read online.

A mechanical parent, with five planet-babies, dissolves into a patient recovering from an accident, coma-memories twisted by injuries and perhaps a stream of drugs. There is still conjecture here. The third book, Between, is a cacaphony of language and voices, as an interpreter travels Europe.

Sensations and sounds bombard her and us with no filters. Thru breaks down whatever's left. Paragraphs and sentences are no longer trusted. Narrative fractures, characters rebel In some ways, reading these books was like a literary colonoscopy. Fall is here and I'm cleansed, ready for any sort of book next, maybe Finnegans Wake, finally, or something from that fine Dick and Jane series. I withold a star for several times making me feel stupid. Out of the four, I read Thru.

The reading itself required quite a bit of work and play, but it changed the experience of the text itself. I'm still quite interested in Brooke-Rose's project and hope to read the remaining novels in the future. Nov 16, Shannon Finck rated it it was amazing. I found "Such" and "Thru" to be the most interesting of the four, but there are some truly striking moments in each work.

Well worth the work it takes to read. Aug 21, Virginia rated it it was amazing. Oct 04, Richard rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is an engrossing thicket of reading most rewarding when plowing through it.

Peter Sloane rated it it was amazing Jun 30, Amanda rated it really liked it Jun 10, Verbivoracious Press rated it it was amazing Dec 19, Simon rated it it was amazing Jul 11, Post Ironic rated it really liked it May 31, Christopher Daniel rated it it was amazing Apr 15, Sofia rated it it was amazing Aug 28, Nick rated it it was amazing Apr 19, Alex Vann rated it liked it Jan 25, Jerome rated it really liked it Oct 06, Jun 14, Tom rated it really liked it.

Finished Out; will probably be back for the rest! Lilith rated it it was ok Jan 22,