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Poetry is not a pretty way of saying something straight, but the straightest way of saying something complex. It is in fact vital to love and distrust language. It is absolutely vital to tell truths that catch something of the complex polyphonic music of what happens. Someone has got to do it.

It is poetry's unique task to say exactly what it means by singing it and dancing it, by carving some crystalline pattern on the thin, cold surface of language, thereby keeping language audible and usable.

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That is its straightness. That is its legislation.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

What matters is the price of bread, the cost of shoes. Of course that matters.

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That, too, is life. And yet paradoxically, as it will seem to the correspondent, one major central European poet said in Correspondents with several pairs of good shoes might raise their eyes at that, but bookshops all over now reasonably well-shod central Europe can bear witness to it. Not to mention those raw towns and ranches of isolation we all inhabit.

The Unfinished Novel and Other stories. From the Place in the Valley Deep in the Forest. Download Image Download Image. Sherri Winston Write Review Rated 0. More books by Sherri Winston. Find a book you'll love, get our newsletter name email. YES I have read and consent to Hachette Australia using my personal information or data as set out in its Privacy Policy and I understand I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time.

She's also trying to break out of her perpetual shyness enough to own her beautiful voice. In a fit of frustration and later regret, Cadence films herself disguised singing on Youtube. Of course, now her church choir is trying to find the little girl with the big voice, and Cadence doesn't know if she will be able to own up to it.

Some of the best singers and def your faves started singing in church, and Cadence is no different. Cadence was very shy but prideful, and I actually like that combination. She was also an avid reader, always mentioning classic books, and wanted to be a writer. I couldn't stand Faith. Little girl be happy for your friend! Zara wasn't memorable but at least she was sweet. Cadence's dad was well-meaning but overbearing. Still, he was okay in my book. I didn't care about his little romance though. I kept reading Sofine as So-Fine. Learning to be strong didn't mean changing everything" pg This book was a little dry.

Too much poetry and way too much irrelevant junk. It was really hard for me to push through and finish it. I don't like giving stars, but this one is about a 2. Still, I'm sure it will make some kid's day. Ten-year-old Cadence Jolly spends much of her time hiding in her small town of Harmony, Pennsylvania. She's a bit reserved and has chosen to hide her beautiful voice from the world. In fact, her father even calls her Mouse because of her shyness.

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  5. The Sweetest Sound?
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  7. The Sweetest Sound by Steven Gosling - Hello Poetry?
  8. After her mother abandoned her to follow a musical career, Cadence keeps hoping that she'll return or at the very least, stay in touch. But her mother is something of a traveler, and she's never one place for very long. When Cadence's church gets a new Ten-year-old Cadence Jolly spends much of her time hiding in her small town of Harmony, Pennsylvania.

    When Cadence's church gets a new choir director, Mr. Bassie, all the women, including her beloved Aunt Fannie, set their caps on catching this single man and making him theirs. Things get complicated when one of Cadence's friends wants to take credit for her singing after she's been secretly taped. This little story has plenty of surprises in it, and the author does a great job of describing church society and many of the members of a church like Cadence's.

    I especially liked the personal struggles Cadence faces and how supportive her teacher Miss Clayton is as well as how Cadence finds solace in reading and writing. The inclusion of references to popular culture, including singers such as Mariah Carey and books such as Holes, even including some of her thoughts about them: I'm guessing many readers will be able to relate to her wish that her life and problems were in a book in which an author could fix everything up so neatly.

    This one is a great read aloud, sure to amuse as well as provide some inspiration for young readers.

    The sweetest sound of all

    Clearly, Cadence finds her voice and the ability to stand up for herself even while letting her musical voice soar. Mar 04, Jessie rated it really liked it Shelves: Cadence is introverted and defends that as Perfectly Fine, as she ought and very shy in a way that is holding her back , and a major arc of the book is her overcoming her shyness to do what she loves and use the gifts she has. A lot of different relationships here needed resolutions, and I was glad that they all got them!

    I didn't expect the kind Cadence is introverted and defends that as Perfectly Fine, as she ought and very shy in a way that is holding her back , and a major arc of the book is her overcoming her shyness to do what she loves and use the gifts she has. I didn't expect the kind of resolution we got between Cadence and Aunt Fannie, and that was a delight.

    I wish we'd gotten more of Zara in important parts of the story.

    The Sweetest Sound: A Collection of Poems - Nedra V. Ware - Google Книги

    It's clear that she's a really important friend to Cadence, and I'm glad there was that steady relationship, but it felt like she was gone so that she got out of the way of the tension between Cadence and Faith. There's a lot of religion in the book, and all of it felt realistic to me. The voices of the other people at church rang true, and the things Cadence was praying and thinking about faith and God felt real, as well. I think a lot of the boys and men individually are well-portrayed, though.

    I really liked Cadence's relationships with her dad and brother, and I was a fan of Jones, as well. Jun 10, Becky rated it liked it Shelves: Ten year old Cadence has a beautiful singing voice. The trouble is, she is struggling to find her voice so to speak. She is shy, and because of this, some folks call her mouse. Cadence struggles to figure out why her mother left them a few years ago to pursue her own dream to become a singer.

    Cadence says her mother "always wanted her to be a singer. But I don't think she believed it would happen. I was always too shy. Was that why she left us? The whole town has practically a Ten year old Cadence has a beautiful singing voice. The whole town has practically adopted Cadence. She is tired of folks feeling sorry for her and babying her. Here is just an example. When Cadence is eating with her dad in a diner, one of her dad's friends comments, "She's still quiet as a mouse, eh, Jeremiah?

    Hey there Miss Mouse! Why couldn't my mother have seen and adventure girl when she looked at me? Then maybe my nickname would be Pippi Longstocking-Songbird. Anything except Mouse Cadence hatches a plan to try and make her voice heard, but her plan backfires in a big way. Will she be forever doomed to stay a mouse? Mar 02, Sandy Brehl rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a delight to read, with a charming central character, Cadence Mouse , who is surrounded by loving smothering adults. Her natural love of and talent for music is a seldom-explored theme, especially as relates to Gospel music and the cultural patterns of a small southern church-centered community.

    So many elements are natural winners- the adorable pup, a missing-in-action mom, a sidebar struggle between older brother and dad, shifting peer drama and worries. Cadence is, by nature and pat This is a delight to read, with a charming central character, Cadence Mouse , who is surrounded by loving smothering adults. Cadence is, by nature and pattern, a quiet person, one who struggles with taking center stage.

    Few stories for this age feature such an issue, and this novel carries it off with authenticity and a satisfactory resolution.