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1. Find the Right Forums

Find the community where your service specializes in. If you offer services in a smaller metro area, you might not benefit from hits coming from halfway around the world. Get yourself involved with local escort communities through message boards that allow you to post your website, promotions and contact information.

Be involved in the conversation, especially if you find a message board with users based in your area. Post articles that could interest potential clients. Your customers want to build a personal connection to your talent. Trust is very important in building a connection with escort services. Unlike in other industries where personality comes second to the company brand, adult escort websites rely on their talent for identity.

Starting an Escort Business from Home

Pages that list likes, dislikes, favorite art, books, and movies will forge a connection that many people look for when hiring an escort. Use examples from galleries on other sites like Angels of London and their gallery page linking to bios for every escort.

2. Build Your Personalities

Have someone on staff or hire an outside consultant to help them build their own pages and profiles. Social media is how most companies connect with their customer base and your adult escort website should be no different. Post pictures and videos to help your escorts stand out. Be aware of terms of usage and stay within the boundaries to stay connected. With video now accounting for almost three-quarters of all internet traffic, your adult escort website should be taking this trend into account. Include in each video what your escorts specialize to pique interest from clients. Escort videos can give your clients an idea of what to expect through a more robust view of who they are hiring.

Seeing them move can excite potential customers and turn visitors into clients at a higher rate than still galleries. Instagram now allows second videos, but for social media, most people only watch the first few seconds.

Make sure the first few seconds of your videos are energetic enough to keep viewers glued to their screen. Every adult escort website should know the most important search terms for their site and include them in the metadata. But are you working on building your local SEO footprint?

Local Search Engine Optimization takes into account what users are searching for to find your site. This is especially important in the escort business because local train stops, landmarks, and neighborhood names usually accompany searches. Go onto search engines and use the terms most important to your business. These are your main competitors in the SEO game. Often, performance marketing involves paying for a specific action, such as a click or conversion.

However, it can also include paying for impressions , meaning you pay for someone to see your ad as opposed to them taking any further action, like clicking through to your site or making a purchase. From there, the goal would be to use these impressions as efficiently as possible, based on your desired outcome. We do this by identifying key performance indicators KPIs. These are measurable values, such as order volume or cost per order, that immediately demonstrate how effectively a company is achieving its desired outcome.

Our CPO is the cost divided by number of orders: Segmentation is the process of dividing your audience based on various attributes such as age, gender, or location. However, we can also create segments based on the specific ad someone viewed, or the device they used to view it.

To be effective, optimization requires timely reporting and adjustments. In the example above, the best-performing segment is A, because it has the lowest cost per order. If possible, we would put all our budget in this segment.

5 Awesome Tips For Marketing Your Adult Escort Website

The chart below shows how the budget could have been optimized. Meaning, there is a finite amount of money we could spend in each segment. There are many third-party platforms, such as the Adobe Marketing Cloud, that leverage algorithms to assist with this process. Facebook also introduced its own optimization tool, automated rules, within its Ad Manager platform.

Today, many digital marketing campaigns are evaluated on performance marketing tactics rather than just reach and frequency. Along with Facebook, campaigns can be run on Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and more, managed through their native platforms or through third-party vendors like Marin and Kenshoo.

Starting an Escort Business from Home – A Complete Guide

GA's Objective-First Framework, used to define and document digital marketing campaign strategy. This framework is a lean marketing plan used to define and document campaign strategy. Students first start with an objective and the associated KPIs. They then move on to launching campaigns and measuring the outcomes.

After reviewing their KPIs, students make adjustments — optimizations — and further refine their strategy. This is an ongoing process, and there will always be new approaches to explore. However, it should still be evaluated based on your existing goals and KPIs.